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Cultivation Journal of the Second Young Miss

Author's note and realm explaination

Hey guys.

Thank you for checking this out. I'm sorry that the first part of this is my long message but umm somehow this is necessary for me to lay this one out. So, about this story, I've been keeping this series in my notes apps in my phone and I didn't plan to release this but hehe I'm just going to try writing this here. Bear in mind, I'm not a pro and just writing this for fun.

First and foremost, I will apologize in advance for the bad writing, vocabulary and grammar. This is because my first language is not English. But I like writing my imagination out, so if I have the chance in the future, I will upload the rest of my story here. Currently, I am writing three other stories simultaneously haha *cold sweat*.

So you know for me, I just write whatever I feel like in certain times. For example, if I have the mood, then I'll write on this story and if I am not, then I'll go on my reading and binge-watching streak (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠). For me, focusing on one thing or story, is not possible so that might play a part in the slow updates.

For additional information, I'm not Chinese, but I like reading Chinese light novels and manhuas and have certain knowledge on wuxia/xinxia buy I'm not an expert too. Therefore, some fighting scenes/ techniques/ naming is very poorly done. Most of it was purely based on 'if it doesn't sound like nonsense or too bad, I'll just use it'.

 Yup, I have zero basics on Chinese so sorry if it sounds so bad, feel free to comment on it and I'll do my best to learn and change it.

I would also like to inform all of you that I am still a student, so , I would not be updating regularly. However if I'm on a holiday, I'll try my best to update this.

Basically this realm information would not be repeated so I'll use the 1st chapter for this: (in ascending order)


-Qi refinement (1-10)

-Foundation Building (1-9 rank)

-Golden Core (void, true, golden)

-Primordial/Nascent Soul (1-9 rank)

-Essence Soul (1-9 rank)

-Void Refinements (1-9 rank)

-Spirit Severing Stage (1-9 rank)

-Unification Stage (1-9 rank)

-Tribulation Transcendence (Early-Peak)

-Mahayana Realm (1-9 rank)

-Profound Immortal (Early, middle, late, peak)

-Silver Immortal (Early, middle, late, peak)

-Golden Immortal (Early, middle, late, peak)

-True Immortal (Early-Peak)

-Immortal King (Early-Peak)

-Immortal Emperor (Early-Peak)

-Supreme Divinity (Early-Peak)

I hope this is clear. Of course the story will have the cultivation order explanation, but this is the full order you know. Some people might be curious about it.

I will certainly try my best in not making it too boring but 😭 I will repeat myself, I'm just an amateur and writing this for fun.

Again, much thanks for checking this out, lemme know and what to improve. (⁠ᗒ⁠ᗩ⁠ᗕ⁠)

One- P1

The end of July in the Valantea on Blue Planet gives a massive headache for the high school students. They are either excited for the semester break, or cramming up for the finals. Xiao Ming and her friends, however, belong to the latter.

"I can't believe that we're approaching the holiday! I have been planning our trip for weeks!" Xiao Ming looked at her bestie, Ruo Shan. "Xiao Ming ah, you really should study before planning all those." "As if I can! I've been wanting to go glamping with y'all for like, a year!" They might not understand what Xiao Ming is feeling, but as someone who cherished human friendship, Xiao Ming really liked to make plans to go with them.

"Alright I will see you tomorrow" Ruo Shan smiled as they arrived in front of her house. Xiao Ming bid farewell and continued walking with her other friends. After dropping all of them off, Xiao Ming turned off her phone. Woosh, the wind blows.

"Master, your father asked you to come back home right now" Xiao Ming pet cat, or so it seems, said. "Which house, Xiao Xue? Is it the one here or in the J country? It won't be the house on the north side, right?" Xiao Ming asked even though it's quite obvious. Whenever Xue appears, it means that there's business on the other side.

Seeing as how Xue was not saying anything, Xiao Ming looked at Xue and sigh. "Okay I'm going... Assign a clone for me on this side if I take a long time." Xue nodded and opened up a portal. Looks like she can't go glamping with her human friends, again.

With a snap of a finger, Xiao Ming changed her appearance, from that as the average looking high school female, to a silver haired earth shattering goddess and stepped into the portal.

This scenery really didn't change. Giant trees that will be fitted to be called the world tree in Valantea (human realms), is one of the normal sights in this world. Dragons, flying stingrays, Drune, qilin and Fenglian are normal, even if it's quite rare. Seemingly eastern style buildings but with high end technologies are the norms. This is what we call the other side.

It's still on the Blue Planet, however it was hidden from humans, to explain it, it was like another dimension on the Blue planet. People in Valantea might call it the elf world, other realms, however, the residents, the demigods, called it the Azure World. And Xiao Ming- no, Frien Merfairy, known as Xiao Ming in Valantea is the heiress of one of the most influential clans in the Azure World.

Merfairy is a clan consisting of two different races in Azure. The clan originated from a marriage of the Demigod Queen of all Fairies, a fairy, Frien's mother and the Demigod King of the Sea, a mermaid who is also Frien's father. It's quite a new clan. Therefore, only the direct descendant of them, like Frien, is the pillar of the name Merfairy.

This is because Merfairy has 4 forms aside from their normal human looking form. The mermaid form, a fairy form and their battle forms with one of it being a mix of a mermaid and a fairy, while the other battle form looks like their own human forms but with higher defence, magic power, etc. On their own, Fairy and Mermaid clans are not fitted to be called a great clan, at most they're only a high clan. The marriage alliance however, gives a very surprising rise of power, directly ranking them on the top three.

Therefore the mermaids and fairies are now one clan under the Merfairy. Frien was named as heiress because she is the heaven-defying genius in the main branch of the family. And yes, Azure is a world where power rules.

Frien takes out a teleportation jade out of her storage ring. Azure is big. From where Frien appears to the clan's territories will take almost two hours by flying. Frien can sense the urgency from Snow's report that's why she chose to just teleport there. Within a blink of an eye, she arrived in front of her house.

The house is very unique even to a demigod's standard. It looked like a ship with the tallest watch tower. It's quite big for a family of 7. Frien walked to the hall. There, Frien's parents and his eldest brother were having a discussion.

One -P2

"Mother, father, elder brother" Frien greeted. "Frien my baby, were u having that much fun with humans in Valantea that you forget to report to us in a month?" Frien's mother, Allen said jokingly. "Mother, you are also there..." Allen laughed. "I'm just teasing youu. Look at your father, he really missed us, I had to appease him for two days you know!" Frien blushed and cough. That appeasing method is really questionable, am I going to have another little siblings? "Father, what's the urgent matters that I had to make a trip here?" Frien asked, albeit annoyingly. "Hmph! Look at that! You should asked how am I doing, at least! Sigh..grown up daughter can't be kept at home...sighhh." Frien smile sheepishly. This father of her really is cheeky. Looks like the old man is satisfied with mother's persuasion.

Frien's eldest brother, Albert can't stand the cheekiness of the family. 'Aren't we supposed to be a dignified and proud family? What a joke if the others see us right now.' Albert thought. Little did they know that the people in Azure have long known of the Merfairy's clan peculiarities. They're the only great clan in Azure that is kind to others, something peculiar to a great clan's trait, but still maintaining a noble and graceful presence. Thus Albert decided to tell the matter to Frien. "It's like seems like the great merging will happen sooner than we calculated. Thus, father asked all of us to come back. You are the last one to have come back from Valantea"

Frien was shocked. "Didn't we have another three months? Did mother earth already finishing her evolution???" Albert shake his head. "The news came yesterday. It's seems like she can't wait. The humans have been behaving more and more daring. She can't stand it. " Frien pondered and sigh. Some humans are likeable, but not all.

The mother earth they are referring to is the spirit of Blue Planet. She was the one who separated the Azure and Valantea. "You do know the separation of Azure and Valantea is all the Mother Earth's decision to protect the humans. However, the foolish bunches really thought that they are invisible in the galaxy, they dare to pry to the realm of gods, something than only we, who have achieve a high level can do. The realm suppression of the taboo laws have also been causing pain to the Mother Earth, as she's the one who's taking their judgement on her own. She didn't have regrets on her decision and it's also nothing big as the humans only barely touch the surfaces in this subject, however, it seems like the otherworld gods are starting to aim for more planets in the wasteland galaxy, as one of them found an interesting planet in the wasteland. She said that her evolution might triggered a clashing of the two dimensions and the planet will be placed in the low realm and thus asked us demis to guide the humans to cultivate." Frien's father, Hayden said.

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