NovelToon NovelToon

Timeless Bonds

The Struggling Student

Scene: College Classroom
Kim Taehyung, your performance in this class is unacceptable. If you don't submit a detailed report on General Jeon Jungkook, you'll fail this course."
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
General Jeon Jungkook? Who is that?"
"He was a revered military general from the 1920s. Do your research. This is your last chance."
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
A military general from the 1920s... How am I supposed to find enough material to write a detailed report?"
You can start in the library. There's a wealth of information available if you know where to look. And Taehyung, I suggest you take this seriously. Your academic future depends on it."
[Scene: Dorm Room]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
"Why did I get myself into this mess? I should have paid more attention in class instead of goofing off."
What’s up, Tae? You look like you've seen a ghost."
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
I might as well have. Professor Lee just gave me an ultimatum. If I don’t write a detailed report on some General Jeon Jungkook, I’m going to fail history."
Jeon Jungkook? Sounds familiar. Isn’t he that war hero everyone talks about? What’s so hard about writing a report on him?"
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
It's not that it's hard, it’s just… I don't know anything about him. And I have to turn in a comprehensive report. You know how strict Professor Lee is."
True. But hey, maybe you'll find it interesting. I heard he was quite the legend.
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
"Maybe. I just need to get this done and over with. Guess I'll be spending my weekend in the library."
Cheer up, Tae. It could be worse. At least you’re not failing math like I am."
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
"Haha, good luck with that. I'll need all the luck I can get for this history assignment."

episode 2

kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Whispering to himself
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
"Okay, where do I even start? General Jeon Jungkook... There has to be something here."
librarian ( mrs park)
librarian ( mrs park)
"Can I help you, young man?"
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Yes, I’m looking for information on General Jeon Jungkook. Professor Lee assigned me a report on him."
librarian ( mrs park)
librarian ( mrs park)
Ah, General Jeon Jungkook. A fascinating figure. Follow me, we have several books and documents that might be of use to you."
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Thank you so much."
[Mrs. Park leads Taehyung to a section filled with old books and historical records.]
librarian ( mrs park)
librarian ( mrs park)
This section contains biographies, military records, and even some personal letters. Take your time. I’m sure you’ll find what you need."
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Thank you, Mrs. Park. This is perfect."
[Scene: Library, Study Table]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Flipping through pages
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
"Hmm, let’s see... Jeon Jungkook was born in 1897... rose to prominence during the early 1920s... known for his tactical brilliance and courage on the battlefield... Died young, only 23. Wow, he really was a hero."
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
"These books are so dry, though. I need something more engaging if I’m going to get through this."

episode 3

Taehyung continues to search through the shelves, his eyes catching a particularly old, leather-bound book.]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
What’s this? 'The Life and Times of General Jeon Jungkook'... This looks promising."
Scene: Library, Reading book
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Reading aloud to himself
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
"General Jeon Jungkook was not only a brilliant strategist but also deeply respected by his men for his empathy and leadership. He led his troops through some of the fiercest battles of the era..."
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
These stories... they’re so vivid. It’s like I can see it happening. His bravery, his strategies... I can almost feel the intensity of the battles."
Taehyung loses track of time, engrossed in the book.]
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
And then in the heat of battle, Jungkook... Whoa, why are the words blurring? My head feels so... strange."
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
I feel... dizzy... I... I can’t..."
[Scene fades to black as Taehyung faints]
. . . . . . .. . .
👋 hey guys so i decided to delete my previous work because i was not consistent and i feel like the story i was writting was not showing the way i would show it so i thought to start a new
This story is something i have been inspired by to write it and i take lot of time to think about its plot and chapter and everything then i decided to publish it so yeah
It will be pretty consistent story 😃😃
Also recently i had watch a news where this one couple where husband is soldier died a heroically and his wife is standing in front if the being Proud of so i decided to make their story as inspiration to Start this story
I hope everyone will enjoy it 😌
and other thing no its is not a copyright of any other stories not even a line or something it purely my creation

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