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Welcome , to the most awaited story of mine,
Presenting you:
Before going deep into the story, I'd like to say… This is a story of love and war. And many of the references are taken from real incidences.
It's not a copied story or something, I'm telling you beforehand. Cuz I have also read the story of" since 1894" in Wattpad and "my only one" on Instagram.
I can assure you that this is not any plagiarism based story or a re-written story, It's TOTALLY MY RESEARCH, MY PLOT, MY STORYLINE.
Interested can stay and support me by reading and commenting opinions and else people can get your ass's business out of the story, I don't give a fck to yoyour hate comments, because I do whatever I want.
I have this story on my mind since last November, finally I'm able to put it into form…
Thanks to @aesthetic kate❤️ I've found a real reference to the plot.
My plot works on the same baseline but, there's difference.
There would be everything, angst, love, hate, anger, misery and intimacy.
In the evocative year 2024, 15-year-old Myung Jaehyun embarks on a school excursion, delving into the forgotten chapters of World War II. Unbeknownst to him, this journey unveils a deeply personal revelation: his ancestor, the enigmatic Jeon Jungkook, played a pivotal role in the war.
As Jaehyun sifts through dusty archives, faded photographs, and textbooks, a love story emerges, hidden beneath the weight of history. Jungkook's wartime experiences reveal not only acts of valor but also an unexpected connection with Vincent, a French captain. Their story transcends borders and defies the tumultuous era.
Guided by faded ink and the echoes of a bygone era, Jaehyun's quest becomes a testament to the resilience of love in the face of adversity. From hallowed war monuments to the quaint streets of France, he unravels the intricacies of a love that withstood the ravages of history.
Driven by an insatiable curiosity, Jaehyun becomes a bridge between two worlds separated by time and circumstance. Each revelation about Jungkook's experiences during the war, discovered through textbooks and classroom materials, is a gateway to understanding the human stories obscured by the grand narrative of conflicts.
As Jaehyun's journey unfolds, he becomes a storyteller, not just of battles fought on the front lines, but of a love that dared to exist amid chaos. As Jaehyun explores his ancestor's past through old letters, photos, and textbooks, he uncovers a surprising love story. Jeon Jungkook, his ancestor, was part of World War II, and his heart connected with Vincent, a French captain. This love, discovered in the pages of history books, unfolds amidst war's chaos. Jaehyun, driven by curiosity, becomes a bridge between two worlds. As he tells their story, he not only shares wartime struggles but also a love that endured. Through faded memories, Jaehyun leaves a mark on history, showing how love can be a powerful force, connecting generations across time.
There are many charecters you might have difficulty to cope up with, so I'll be giving the charecter introduction later when the real story starts.
Hope you look forward with me with this story.
Ps: I missed you all😭

Ep 1: Prank!

It was the year, 2024.
In the bustling corridors of Seongnam Middle School, two boys were always the center of attention—Jaehyun and Ni-ki. Jaehyun, stroking his brown hair had a perpetual smirk, was the mastermind. He had a sparkle in his eyes that hinted at his next grand plan, and his quick wit made him the natural leader. Ni-ki, taller and slightly more reserved, had jet-black hair that flopped over his forehead. His quiet demeanor put up a mask to his intelligence and mischief. Niki has been loyal friend to Jaehyun and vice-versa. Together, they were an inseparable team, notorious for their mischievous antics.
It was early morning, and the school was just coming to life. Students shuffled to their classes, exchanging greetings and complaints about homework. Jaehyun and Ni-ki, however, were not in their classroom. Instead, they were crouched behind a row of lockers, whispering conspiratorially.
Myung Jaehyun
Myung Jaehyun
“Okay, Ni-ki, you’ve got the chalk dust, right?”
Jaehyun asked, peeking around the corner to ensure the coast was clear.
Ni-ki nodded, holding up a small plastic bag filled with fine white powder.
“Yep. Are you sure this is going to work?”
Myung Jaehyun
Myung Jaehyun
*he grins* “Of course! When has one of my plans ever failed?”
*he rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t suppress a grin* “Remember the time with the water balloons in the cafeteria? Ms. Ho made us clean for a week.”
Myung Jaehyun
Myung Jaehyun
“Details, details.”
Myung Jaehyun
Myung Jaehyun
*twirls his hand to shut Ni-ki's mouth*
Myung Jaehyun
Myung Jaehyun
*glares* “This time will be different. Trust me.”
"As you say my-lord." *bows dramatically*
Myung Jaehyun
Myung Jaehyun
*rolls his eyes* “Okay, let's go!!”
They snuck into their homeroom, careful not to make a sound. Ms. Jessica Ho was still in the teacher’s lounge, likely enjoying her morning coffee. Quickly and efficiently, Jaehyun rigged the door so that when it opened, a cloud of chalk dust would fall on whoever entered.
Myung Jaehyun
Myung Jaehyun
“Perfect!” *he whispered, admiring their handiwork* “Now, we just wait.”
As the bell rang, students began filing into the classroom, oblivious to the impending prank. Jaehyun and Ni-ki took their seats at the back, exchanging excited glances. The door creaked open, and in walked Ms. Ho. The bag of chalk dust swung down, but instead of bursting on Ms. Ho, it merely grazed her shoulder, spilling a small puff of dust.
Jessica Ho
Jessica Ho
*closes her eyes in anger*
The class bursted in laughter, but Ms. Ho’s eyes immediately found Jaehyun and Ni-ki. She didn’t need to ask; their guilty expressions said it all.
Jessica Ho
Jessica Ho
“Jaehyun. Ni-ki. My office. Now,” *she said, her voice calm but with an edge that promised consequences*
The boys stood and followed her, their heads held high despite the impending punishment. As they walked, Jaehyun whispered to Ni-ki.
Myung Jaehyun
Myung Jaehyun
“At least it kind of worked.”
*chuckles* “Yeah, and now we get to spend the day in the library. Who knows? Maybe we’ll find something interesting.”
And so, Jaehyun and Ni-ki’s latest adventure began, with a chalk dust mishap and a trip to Miss Ho's office. They may have been mischievous, but they were never bored, and their friendship made every punishment an opportunity for fun and learning.
Jessica Ho
Jessica Ho
*slams a file on her table* “So, who's doing is this?”
Myung Jaehyun
Myung Jaehyun
*looks at Jaehyun*
Jessica Ho
Jessica Ho
"I see, best friends."
Jessica Ho
Jessica Ho
"Fine then, you both are arranging the history and literature books in the library before lunch. And if I know you are bunking the classes again, try me."
Ms. Ho was strict but fair, and despite her stern demeanor, she had a soft spot for Jaehyun and Ni-ki.
Myung Jaehyun
Myung Jaehyun
*pats Jae's shoulder*
“It was fun man. We'll try again.”
Myung Jaehyun
Myung Jaehyun
They laughed at each other with a twinkle in their eyes and continued to walk to the library to arrange books.
The library was quiet, filled with the soft rustle of pages and the occasional murmur from other students. Jaehyun and Ni-ki were tasked with arranging books on the shelves, a punishment for their latest prank. As they worked, Jaehyun chatted animatedly about his next big idea, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
Ni-ki smiled and nodded, pretending to focus on the books in front of him. In reality, he was stealing glances at Jaehyun, his heart pounding in his chest. To everyone else, Jaehyun was his best friend, his partner in crime. But to Ni-ki, Jaehyun was so much more.
As Jaehyun reached up to place a book on a higher shelf, his shirt lifted slightly, revealing a bit of his skin. Ni-ki quickly looked away, feeling a blush creep up his neck. He busied himself with rearranging a stack of history books, hoping to hide his flustered state.
*looks down and blushes* (You are being a very unreasonable idiotic pervert right now, Ni-Ki!)
Myung Jaehyun
Myung Jaehyun
“Hey, Ni-ki, do you think we could pull off a fake treasure hunt for the whole class? It would be epic!”
Jaehyun’s voice broke through his thoughts. Ni-ki turned, his smile genuine despite the turmoil inside him.
“Yeah, that sounds awesome, Jae. We could hide clues all over the school.”
Jaehyun grinned, his enthusiasm and smile being contagious.
Myung Jaehyun
Myung Jaehyun
“I knew you’d be up for it! You always get my ideas.”
As Jaehyun continued to talk, Ni-ki couldn’t help but feel a pang of longing. He wanted to tell Jaehyun how he really felt, but the fear of ruining their friendship kept him silent. Instead, he hid his feelings behind a mask of best friend, savoring these moments of closeness even if they could never be more than friends.
Jaehyun reached for another book, and Ni-ki caught sight of his bright smile. It was a smile that lit up the room, a smile that made Ni-ki’s heartache with unspoken words. He knew he could never reveal his true feelings, not when their friendship was at stake.
As they worked side by side, Ni-ki made a silent promise to himself. He would cherish every moment they shared, support Jaehyun in every prank and adventure, and keep his feelings hidden. Because Jaehyun’s happiness meant more than anything to him, and if being his best friend was all he could be, then that was enough.
Myung Jaehyun
Myung Jaehyun
“Hey, Ni-ki”
Ni-Ki came out of his bubble of thoughts when Jae called out for him.
Myung Jaehyun
Myung Jaehyun
“Thanks for always having my back. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Ni-ki forced a smile, his heart aching with unspoken emotions.
“Anytime, Jaehyun. Anytime.”
And with that, they continued arranging books, Ni-ki’s hidden feelings safely tucked away, as he watched his best friend with a mixture of love and longing.
How's the chapter? You all not getting any main charecter introduction until 10 chapters at maximum.
Today is someone's birthday, so I dedicate this story for him.

EP 2: Different!

Jaehyun and Ni-ki finally finished arranging the books in the library. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow through the windows. They packed up their things and headed out of the school, chatting about their day.
Myung Jaehyun
Myung Jaehyun
“Want to come over to my house?” *his eyes brightened with excitement*
*nods* “Sure, I’d love to.”
Jaehyun’s family lived in a large, beautiful house not far from the school. They walked together, the cool evening air refreshing after a long day. When they arrived, the front door opened before they could even knock.
Mathilda Kaiser/ Jaehyun Mother
Mathilda Kaiser/ Jaehyun Mother
“Jae baby! Welcome home!!” *opens her arms to hug Jaehyun*
Myung Jaehyun
Myung Jaehyun
“Hi, Mom” *he said giving her a quick hug*
Myung Jaehyun
Myung Jaehyun
“Oh, by the way… This is Ni-ki.” *points to Ni-ki who's standing behind him*
Mathilda Kaiser/ Jaehyun Mother
Mathilda Kaiser/ Jaehyun Mother
*grins* “Oh, so it's him! He's so handsome wow!”
Mathilda Kaiser/ Jaehyun Mother
Mathilda Kaiser/ Jaehyun Mother
*smiles sheepishly towards Jae for a millisecond and then turns towards Ni-Ki*
Mathilda Kaiser/ Jaehyun Mother
Mathilda Kaiser/ Jaehyun Mother
“I’ve heard so much about you, Ni-ki. It’s nice to finally meet you!” *says while smiling at him*
Mathilda Kaiser/ Jaehyun Mother
Mathilda Kaiser/ Jaehyun Mother
"Oh, How stupid of me, come inside kids!” *makes a way for them to come inside*
Jaehyun’s father, Myung Woojin, appeared in the doorway behind her. He was a distinguished-looking man with dark hair and a gentle smile.
Myung Woojin/ Jaehyun Father
Myung Woojin/ Jaehyun Father
“Come on in, boys. Dinner’s almost ready.”
*pulls Jae's shirt from behind and whispers to him* “No wonder you are drop-dead gorgeous, your parents are literally looking like your cousins!”
Myung Jaehyun
Myung Jaehyun
*blushes a bit because of the compliment, 'Drop-dead gorgeous ' *
Myung Jaehyun
Myung Jaehyun
“Let's just go!”
As they walked inside, Jaehyun felt a wave of comfort wash over him. His home was spacious and elegant, filled with warm colors and cozy furniture. They made their way to the dining room, where a delicious meal awaited them.
He's a half German and half Korean.
Mathilda and Woojin had a love story that Jaehyun loved to hear. They met years ago when Mathilda Kaiser- a German noble, was traveling in Korea. She was a young artist, and Woojin was a successful businessman. They fell in love quickly, enchanted by each other’s cultures and personalities. They had built a beautiful life together, and Jaehyun was the center of their world.
Myung Woojin/ Jaehyun Father
Myung Woojin/ Jaehyun Father
“Tell us about your day, baby!”
Woojin asked his son as they sat for dinner. It was their daily routine to talk with family especially Jae.
Jaehyun narrated the events of their latest prank and the punishment that followed. Mathilda and Woojin listened, their eyes twinkling with amusement and smiles never leaving their face.
Mathilda Kaiser/ Jaehyun Mother
Mathilda Kaiser/ Jaehyun Mother
“You boys are always getting into something,” *she said as she laughed*
Myung Woojin/ Jaehyun Father
Myung Woojin/ Jaehyun Father
“But it’s good to see you learning from it.” *smiles and looks fondly at the kids*
The kids nodded and the dinner continued with many memories and laughter. After dinner, Jaehyun and Ni-ki headed to Jaehyun’s room, which was filled with all sorts of gadgets and posters. They played video games and talked about their plans for the next prank, laughing and enjoying each other’s company.
Later that night, Jaehyun and Ni-ki were sprawled out on the floor of Jaehyun’s room, surrounded by snacks and video game controllers. Jaehyun was amazed, his laughter filling the room as he recounted their latest adventures. Ni-ki, lying on his side, watched him with a mix of admiration and something deeper...
They played video games and talked about their plans for the next prank, laughing and enjoying each other’s company. As Jaehyun talked, Ni-ki reached out and gently caressed his hair, a small, affectionate gesture that Jaehyun didn’t seem to notice. To anyone else, it would look like a simple, friendly touch. But to Ni-ki, it was a way to feel closer to Jaehyun, even if just for a moment.
Jaehyun’s life was filled with warmth and love. His parents adored him, and their home was a sanctuary of comfort and security. Ni-ki couldn’t help but feel envious. His own life was so different, filled with challenges and a sense of emptiness that contrasted sharply with Jaehyun’s happiness.
Watching Jaehyun laugh and smile, Ni-ki’s heart ached. He longed for the kind of love and stability that Jaehyun took for granted. And yet, he knew that his feelings for Jaehyun went beyond friendship. Every smile, every laugh, every touch made him fall deeper, even though he knew that Jaehyun didn’t feel the same way.
It was almost 12 midnight, Jaehyun and Ni-ki went to the bed.
Jaehyun thought about how lucky he was. His parents adored him and supported him in everything he did. They gave him the freedom to explore and learn, always there to guide him when he needed it. And he had Ni-ki, his best friend, who understood him better than anyone. Just before he drifted off to sleep, Jaehyun smiled. Life was good, and he was grateful for every moment.
Myung Jaehyun
Myung Jaehyun
“Noiighht, Ni-kiii !” *dozes off*
“Sweet dreams, Love.” *whispers the word 'Love' *
As Jae drifted off to sleep, Ni-ki sighed softly, his hand resting on Jaehyun’s hair. He cherished these moments of closeness, even though they made his heart ache with unspoken feelings. For now, he would hide his longing and envy, content to be by Jaehyun’s side as his best friend. It was the only way he knew how to cope with the love he felt and the loneliness that came with it.
He envied. But he was happy with the fact that Jaehyun is happy. Ni-Ki gave out an empty smile looking at Jae's sleeping figure and broke out of his trans of thoughts when he got a phone call.
“Ugh, He doens't even let me be happy for one second.” *annoyed looking at the caller ID*
I know it takes time to get more readers but I wish many people are reading this piece!! Cuz it took me a lot of hardwork.
How's the chapter??
How's your day?
Y'all know something? I broke my back falling for y'all! Don't be so beautiful 😤 I can't break my back right now only!!

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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