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Rebirth: My Four Husbands (Taekook)

Chapter ¹

Jeon Taehyung was absorbing memories of this body while lying motionlessly on the plank bed and staring at the roof.
The name of the original owner of this body was also Taehyung, who was 15 years old. he was sold by her vicious grandmother and became the wife shared by the four brothers of the Jeon family. That night, he fled and then fell down, which unexpectedly killed him.
Actually, in his own case, he died of cancer the day he turned 25, after suffering for seven or eight years. Who would have thought that he would be reborn by God's will?
Reborn with a healthy body, Taehyung was very happy because he finally didn't need to take various kinds of medicine every day. Bearing this thought in mind, Taehyung laughed happily.
At the moment, Taehyung felt an urge to urinate, so he turned over and got up. Then, he put on his cloth shoes, opened the wooden door, and walked outside.
Jeon jungguk went out of the kitchen with a bowl of paste in his hands. Upon seeing taehyung open the door and go out, he walked unsteadily towards him.
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
Wife, you are awake. Are you hungry? Here you are. It's good for your stomach.
Taehyung didn't feel hungry at first, but his stomach sang on that occasion. he said awkwardly
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
Eh, a little bit. But I want to go to the restroom first.
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
Restroom? What is the restroom?
Jungguk was bewildered yet a little cute.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
It means outhouse. All right, I just want to pee.
Taehyung explained with a smile.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
*How could I forget I was reborn in ancient time?*
Seeing Taehyung look at him while smiling, Jungguk's handsome face turned red, and he said in his heart,
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
*Our wife was so pretty!*
He looked aside in a hurry, turned around, and put the bowl of paste on the wooden table under the roof, saying embarrassedly
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
Oh, go ahead.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
Taehyung walked towards the outhouse by the side. Thanks to the memory from the original body, Taehyung knew what the outhouse looked like and where it was.

Chapter ²

Sitting on a stool under the roof, Jungguk was in a trance while staring at the direction of the outhouse.
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
*If it weren't for my leg disease and years of consumption on medicines, the family wouldn't have been so broke…*
Taehyung squatted over the latrine. When he was about to stand up after peeing, pains in his abdomen burst - one round after the other.
Based on his twenty-five years of experience from his previous life, of course, he knew what it was.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
Why am I so unlucky that my periods is coming uninvitedly right after I just returned to life?
Taehyung felt deeply depressed. What would he do about it? At that moment, how could he get out?
Ten minutes passed, and Taehyung was contemplating what he could do.
Outside, jungguk frowned as his mind wandered.
He looked at the almost-cooled paste and wondered why the wife hadn't come out and why he(taehyung) was in the outhouse for so long.
Taehyung stood up and walked to the outhouse. He knocked on the door
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
Wife, what happened? Why is it taking you so long? Are you uncomfortable?
Taehyung listened to the fourth brother's words with embarrassment, while his legs felt numb.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
taehyung pulled his hair, trying to think of a way to explain.
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
Wife, what's wrong
jungguk felt a little rash because he was worried something would happen to their wife, who was bought for two hundred pence for the four brothers of the Jeon family to continue the family line.
Most of the money used to buy a wife was borrowed by their Third Uncle because their family was too poor to pay such an amount.
Most of the money his brother earned was spent to buy medicine for jungguk, while the rest was used to feed the whole family. Seeing them all grown up, the Third Uncle considered the possibility that no other family would let their daughters/orè marry them and suffer, so the only way was to buy a shared wife for them to bear offspring.

Chapter ³

Jeon jungguk/4th brother
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
Wife, say something! What's the matter? Why don't you come out?
jungguk didn't hear any answer, so he knocked on the wooden door of the outhouse again.
Since it was impossible to stay there until his periods left, Taehyung rubbed his numb thighs and legs as if he had to be ready for anything.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
Would you please find a female neighbor and let her come around? It's an emergency.
Upon hearing that he wanted him to leave, jungguk didn't agree, because he thought taehyung was looking for a chance to escape again.
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
No. I can't leave, or you will run away again. Wife, my brothers and I will treat you well. Please don't bear the thought of escape in mind. Get out here, please.
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
Dear Lord
Taehyung was quite muddled. How could she run away at this very moment when his periods rushed and his legs were extremely numb? Since no sanitary pad was used in this time, how could he get any clue what to use unless he asked a orè or female local?
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
Fourth Brother, don't worry. I won't run. The problem is that I must find a female, or I can't get out. Do you want me to stay in the outhouse forever?
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
But.....but, nobody will be at home if I go out. How do I explain to my brothers if you run away?
Jungguk paused and pondered, worrying Taehyung might take the chance to escape.
Taehyung, who was angrily rolling his eyes, felt furious. Run, run, where could he possibly run to by himself?
he was a complete stranger in town. In addition, the official identity document was mandatory in ancient time in order to travel throughout the country, which was so called the "certificate of identification" or "the household registration."
Since the day when he was sold to Jeon brothers by her vicious grandma, his document was added to the Jeon clan accordingly. Ah, why did I have such a miserable life?
Taehyung explained to him patiently, yet helplessly,
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
Don't worry. I won't run. My 'periods' has come, but I don't have the stuff needed. That's why I need you to find a female or óre neighbor for me. they can help me out.
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
Periods? Wife, what is periods?
Rage was burning in taehyung's heart!
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
Ah...My menstruation occurred, which happens to women or óre once every month. Do you understand?
Jeon Taehyung
Jeon Taehyung
If you do, hurry and help me find a female neighbor. I need to borrow something necessary. My legs are too numb to bear any longer!
Once hearing taehyung's furious words, Jungguk's face felt terribly embarrassed, and even his ears were red. He said after he coughed awkwardly,
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
Jeon jungguk/4th brother
Wait for a moment. I'll go right away!
Although there were no women in his family, he still knew what menstruation was, so he needed to go to the Third Uncle's home and look for the Third Aunt, who must have the stuff his wife needed.

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