NovelToon NovelToon

Re:Write the Doomsday

The Chosen One.

"I'm tired," Ino said softly. He took a step forward as he reached the doorknob from his bedroom door to open. It's a peaceful and pleasant afternoon. After the long work, he finally had the time to rest and catch his breath from his excessive workloads. He strengthened his arms as he sat on the edge of his bed for a while to clear his thoughts from his work projects. After a while, he roamed his eyes around the room as he felt nostalgia rushing through him. Then he decided to open his phone and started scrolling through various websites. Looking at the excessive information coming from his screen, it looked as if your normal newsfeed same as every day, with nothing new, boring, and consistent.

After a few more seconds, he sighed from boredom.

"I'll just read." As he looked helplessly at his phone, he opened his Wovel app and started scrolling through his saved novels.

Before Ino became obsessed with reading novels, he was a student who exceeded all the talent he had. It's like the Lord loved him dearly; people even declared him a prodigy. There are massive numbers of people who admire him, but we know that people who oppose him exist. Jealousy? We knew it was inevitable from the start; it was one of the reasons why he was tired of the spotlight. Desires, envy, and greed of others were things that he always felt from their gazes behind their admiration. He was sick of it, as if every glare gave him the ache in his stomach that he had never asked for. Ino didn't pursue university; he secluded himself from others and never trusted anyone. There were only two reasons as to why: first, money. Second, his survivability. At that time, Ino never really had anything for himself. It sounds ridiculous, but if you think about it, people were never in his shoes to understand what he was experiencing. That's why Ino engrossed himself in other things; at that time, he realized and figured out his interests. He was barely more than a boy when he first began to realize how much he could expand his interests and entertainment.

Before now, he'd felt like his life was a dreary, straight-and-narrow existence with nothing interesting or remarkable in it. He sought something more and hoped to find it by stepping into a world outside his own routine everyday life. Reading fictional books has picked up his interest at that time, as if the life he had been dreaming of could only be written on that small piece of paper. There he learned to express and entertain himself more from his stressful days, especially now at work, and it helped him a lot to find his new interest; those novels and manhwas became hobbies of his until he just knew he got captivated by them.

Ino lay down still on the bed as he positioned himself comfortably. "They finally updated it." He clicked the novel with the title written on it, 'As I follow and foresee'. It was one of his favorite novels; the novel was serialized three years ago. It was a bit new, but Ino was so invested in it, and currently it consists of at least 513 chapters.

"It's been a while." He mumbled to himself as he opened the latest chapter.

Loading........ Loading......





Loading....... Loading.....




It felt like he was experiencing constant loading issues due to a poor WiFi signal. The novel had only been updated after three months, which was unusual compared to before. Lately, it seemed like the author had been taking much longer to release new updates.

"Why does it takes so long?" He reloaded the chapter once again.


"Huh? Something must've gone wrong." He refreshed the chapter once again but only the empty space appeared on his screen.


As another blank space on the screen reappeared, he tried to reload the chapter again and again. After a few more minutes of trying, he finally gave up.

"Again?" Ino muttered, his mind drifting. "It must be an error." With a sigh of disappointment, he decided not to force it anymore. He dropped his phone beside his head on the bed, giving up on reloading the chapter. Deciding to rest, he hoped it might work later. Staring at the ceiling, drowsiness gradually overtook him. He closed his eyes and drifted into sleep. Finally, it seemed, he could rest.
























There was a loud noise that was coming from the door.







Another one.








And Again

"What was that?" Ino muttered, his tone edged with annoyance. Forcibly opening his eyes, he sat up on the edge of his bed and waited a few minutes to see if the noise would return.

After some time, another noise followed, louder than the first. Ino hesitated, debating whether to go to the door, but instead, he stood up and waited for the next sound. As he waited, there was silence. Just as he turned his back to the door, the noise returned, louder than before.


Chills ran down Ino's spine. Uneasy and cautious, his patience finally wore thin. He decided to reach for the door to find out what was going on. Crackk........ Slowly, he extended his hand towards the doorknob and pulled it swiftly.

As the door opened, his eyes widened in shock at the sight before him. Moments later, he felt a sensation on his stomach, something sticky and hot.


With a confused expression, he looked down and saw his body. Paralyzed by fear, blood began to flow from his mouth. His energy drained from his knees, his body growing weak and limp until he collapsed to the ground.

"What's happening?"

Trying to stay conscious, Ino looked up to see what was going on. Rubbing his eyes, he struggled to identify the unfamiliar face above him, using what little strength he had left.

"I didn't expect this."

The thought echoed in his mind as he slowly looked down. The realization of what had happened overwhelmed him, causing him to lose the ability to think straight.

"Why did i get stabbed suddenly.."

He questioned himself, bewildered by the strange situation. His vision blurred, and he felt his body temperature drop. With a bitter smile, he accepted his fate.





















A faint voice can be heard from everywhere.




"In.....o .........."







"Ino, wakeup already...."




As each words was spoken and reached his ears, the voice only got more louder and clearer.

"Ino... Stop dreaming, wake up...."


Ino opened his eyes, drenched in sweat. "Huh?" He looked around, disoriented, and realized it had been a nightmare. He then noticed his little brother beside him, looking irritated.

"This idiot, I've been calling you for ages. It's already 7 p.m., and you're here sleeping while having a nightmare?" Despite his brother's annoyed expression, Ino couldn't help but chuckle at the adorable, worried look on his face.

"Antares." Anta glared at Ino. He had been there since he heard Ino having a nightmare. Ino reached out and patted Anta's head. "Weirdo," Anta muttered, brushing off Ino's hand and looking away.

"Sorry, don't worry about me; I'm just tired," Ino said, giving Anta a comforting smile. "It was just a weird dream."

"Whatever, let's go down. I'll prepare dinner," Anta replied. Ino smiled and stood up, appreciating everything Anta did for him.

"Calling me brother... Are you sick? Did you eat something wrong?" Ino teased, but Anta just ignored him and headed downstairs.

They both made their way to the living room. Ino smiled as he took in their simple yet cozy home. There was a small table with a plant in the middle, two chairs, an open living room beside the dining area with two sofas, a coffee table, and a TV. They sat across from each other as Anta prepared dinner. They ate together while watching TV.

Ino and Anta lived alone in that house, as no one else had cared for them growing up. Their parents had abandoned them, leaving Ino to raise Anta by himself. Ino had questioned their parents' decision at first, but he quickly realized they would never return. From that day, he sacrificed everything to ensure his little brother could lead a normal life. He provided everything they needed, no matter what it took. Their parents had at least left them the house, with their aunt acting as their guardian and managing the paperwork. Despite everything, they hadn't been left entirely empty-handed.

As they ate, the news caught Ino's attention.

"Breaking news: This week, four murders have been reported in Dulwich, and the perpetrator remains at large. Authorities advise against roaming alone at night. The killer appears to target a few family members per household. It is crucial to keep your homes securely locked as the suspect has not been caught yet. Residents are also encouraged to return home early due to the suspect's brutal methods. The suspect is believed to be acting alone and is described as a man wearing a hooded garment with a cross and rose emblem on the back."

"Dulwich, huh? Here?" Ino pondered while continuing to eat. "So they haven't caught the killer yet?" He glanced at Anta, awaiting a response.

"I don't know. I'm not interested in the news anyway. Besides, I only watch them with you," Anta replied, focused on his food and ignoring the TV.

"Well, this is concerning since it's happening in this neighborhood. How about you stop going to schoo-" Before Ino could finish his sentence, Antares stopped eating abruptly and cut him off.

Antares placed his spoon in the bowl and turned away from Ino, breaking the tense silence. "Ino, I know you're worried about me going to school when it's dangerous because of the killer," he began. "But, we can't predict when the killer will be caught. Do you want me to stop going to school for months or even years until they're caught? You know I need to maintain my grades well... or else..." Antares trailed off, feeling guilty for exaggerating his words but also panicked about their situation.

Ino, sensing Antares' distress, finally spoke with a worried expression. "I know it's risky outside, Anta. Anything could happen. You're all I have left; remember that." He wanted to remind Antares not to be reckless, despite the tense atmosphere.

Antares felt he had overreacted, knowing that Ino was sensitive about their safety. He didn't add anything more, feeling the conversation had become too awkward. "I'll go to bed early. School tomorrow," Antares said as he left the table and headed to his room without looking back at Ino.

As he climbed the stairs, Antares felt a weight on his chest from his words to Ino. They echoed in his mind, making him feel like he had been drenched in cold water. Ino always took care of him, and Antares wanted to repay him somehow. Despite not being able to change Ino's sacrifices for him, the pressure of gratitude never left him.

Ino, worried for his little brother, sighed as he touched his head. "I just hope nothing bad happens," he muttered to himself as he cleaned the dishes and returned to his room, the heaviness of their conversation lingering in the air.

After that, a month seemed to go by without incident, as Anta's test results and birthday quickly approached.

Ino hurriedly got ready for Anta's upcoming birthday, which was just around the corner. As he finished doing his laundry outside, he cursed under his breath while checking his savings.

"Tsk, damn it. I forgot to save money," he muttered with a worried expression, feeling frustrated.

"Argh! What should I do? Should I just get him a cake?" He paced back and forth, biting his nails in anxiety until an idea struck him.

"Ahhh, I've got it!"

He quickly changed into a white polo, black trousers, and a black coat to dress up for the occasion. Ino left the house to buy everything he needed. He picked up various foods, desserts, a birthday cake, and even a new leather bag for Anta to use in the upcoming school year. Although Ino hadn't saved any money, he felt satisfied that he had bought decent gifts for Anta.

Returning home, Ino rushed upstairs to wrap the gifts and organize everything for the celebration. He wanted everything to be perfect for Anta's special day.

Ino smiled to himself as he admired the leather bag he had bought for Anta's birthday. "Well, it's been three years since I got him a new one. I hope he likes it," he mused before heading downstairs to prepare the food and cake he had bought. "Now, I just have to wait for him to come back," he thought proudly, surveying the table set with delicious food.

*knock knock*


"Hmmmm?" He glanced at the door.


*knock knock*


Ino's smile faltered as he glanced at the door, feeling a bit uneasy. "This isn't Anta; he has a key," he thought, taking a cautious step back. The knocks continued, growing louder and more insistent. Ino grabbed a knife from the table and slowly approached the door, his heart racing with apprehension.







With a swift motion, Ino flung the door open, ready to confront the unexpected visitor.



Both Ino and Anta froze in shock, staring at each other wide-eyed. Ino was still holding the knife, and Anta looked bewildered by the scene.

"You... Why are you here, Anta?" Ino asked, his expression a mix of confusion and surprise.

"What do you mean? And why are you holding a knife?" Anta replied, glancing at the knife in Ino's hand.

"W-Well, I was just being know," Ino stammered, feeling embarrassed by the misunderstanding.

Anta chuckled awkwardly. "Anyways, I lost my keys, so I knocked," he explained, offering a sheepish smile.

"It's fine. Come in; I prepared something," Ino said, feeling relieved that it was just a misunderstanding.

As they entered the house, Ino turned to Anta with a mischievous grin. "So, how did you do?" he asked, referring to Anta's test results.

Anta smirked and quickly pulled out the paper from his bag. "Perfect, as expected," he boasted, looking proud of himself.

Ino ruffled Anta's hair affectionately. "Bragging now, huh?" he teased, amused by Anta's confidence.

"Of course, it was just an easy task," Anta replied nonchalantly, but his eyes sparkled with pride.

Ino raised an eyebrow. "Wow, look at this mutt being all that. Aren't you forgetting something today?" he teased, watching Anta's puzzled expression.

Before Anta could respond, Ino dramatically revealed the birthday table filled with food and a cake in the middle. "TADAAAA! It's your birthday, kid!" he exclaimed proudly.

Anta's eyes widened in surprise. "You prepared all this?" he asked, genuinely touched by Ino's effort.

"Of course I did. It looks great, right?" Ino shrugged, trying to play it cool.

"Maybe," Anta teased, but then he went to Ino and gave him a simple hug.

Ino kneeled to adjust his height and hugged him back. "Happy birthday, kid," he whispered, feeling grateful to celebrate another year with his brother.

After blowing out the candle and making a wish, they sat down to eat. Ino and Anta reminisced about past experiences and shared stories from school. As they talked, they realized how much they relied on each other for support.

Ino occasionally glanced at Anta with adoration, recognizing the maturity they both showed in handling certain situations. Their shared expressions spoke volumes about the strength of their bond.

"Ah, look, it's already late; let's clean up," Ino remarked, glancing at the clock on the wall which showed it was already 7 PM. He got up and started clearing the dishes from the table. "After this, come up to my room; I have something for you," he added, catching Anta's curious gaze.

"Let's finish everything first," Ino insisted, motioning for Anta to help him with the cleaning.

Once they were done, Ino signaled Anta to follow him upstairs. They both sat on the bed in Ino's room.

"Here," Ino handed over the gift, prompting Anta to look at him with confusion.

"What's this?" Anta asked, tilting his head, but he accepted the gift from Ino.

"Just open it," Ino urged with a smile.

Antares unwrapped the gift to reveal a new black leather bag. He examined it and then looked back at Ino, a warm smile spreading across his face.

"Thank you, Ino," Anta said gratefully.

"I mean... Thank you for always being there for me," Anta added shyly, looking away. Ino grinned at his brother's rare display of shyness.

"Well, I'll go back to my room now, Ino," Antares said, standing up.

"Alright, go get some rest; I'm sure you're tired," Ino replied with a smile as Anta left the room.

"I'll treasure this. And I'll organize my room first. Thanks for everything today, Brother," Anta called back with a kind smile before disappearing into his own room.

Ino spent the next couple of hours tidying up his room, feeling content with the day's events despite not getting any work done.

"Haah, I should clean up too," Ino sighed to himself as he opened the door and stepped out to start cleaning.

Before he could even react, a man in a black hood dashed him with a knife.


Ino's heart was racing as he struggled to defend himself against the intruder. He tried to counter the knife that was coming at his side, but it was too fast.

In a split second, he felt a sharp pain in his ribs as the knife went deep, piercing his skin and flesh. He realized the gravity of the situation as the attacker continued to press his advantage, showing no signs of relenting.

"Are you the killer on loose?"

He asked the man to buy time, but it didn't respond,.

Ino knew that he couldn't take on the murderer in a physical fight. He had no training in martial arts. Despite knowing that he was outmatched physically, Ino's determination to protect Anta spurred him to action. He couldn't just stand by and do nothing while thinking Anta would also get caught with the danger.

"Come at me." His eyebrow furrowed as he strongly gripped his hands. He knew that provoking the assailant now was the wrong move, but he needed to do it. It was the only way he could think of.

Before Ino could even react, the murderer had already thrown a dagger and slit his throat. Ino was paralyzed in fear; the shock made him realize he was unable to mutter a single word. He was unable to speak.

"PUAHHH!" Ino's neck was a fountain of blood. The murderer didn't stop there. He dashed forward to reach Ino's leg's veins, he couldn't react in time as the assailant swiftly severed it, Ino fall in his knees, leaving him to bleed out on the ground.

He attempted to support his neck with his hands, but his strength had been sapped by the blood loss, making him slowly slump on the floor. He was incapable of even moving to find cover, much less escaping or calling for help.

Just as Ino was mustering the strength to speak, the assailant stomped off his head, cutting off his words. He then whipped out a sharp axe as if it appeared out of nowhere. Panic rose in Ino's throat as the man whispered in his ear,

"You need to die."


Ino's legs were severed in a blink of an eye. His body was hurling and trembling from the pain he has been experiencing. Mixed emotions were being followed as to why things would even happen. The shock and traumatizing scenario made Ino's state even worse. Only words were followed by the murderer.

"I'm chopping everything."

As he forcefully gripped Ino's chin, it forced him to open his mouth. He grasped his tongue and cut it off slowly, making sure he could feel every single moment he tortures him. Now Ino who was covered in his own blood, was paralyzed from the terror shock he had just received and was unable to speak. Not only his vocal were severed, but even his tongue was even cut off.

"Well, you can't speak, i don't find your tongue being usefull then."

The killer said sarcasticly as a faint voice followed from the other direction.

"" Ino attempted to raise his head as his eyes grew wide.

"N....No!! STOP!!" Ino wanted to shout this words as his mentality completely crumbled.


Ino tried to scream; his face had a horrified look. He doesn't want to even start imagining the worst things that might happen to Anta. The murderer looked back at Ino for a moment before swinging the axe on Anta's shoulder; it laughed maniacally like a psychopath, sending Antares's arm flying off.

"So you really had a little brother, huh? Ino Siente?"

Antares, who fell completely in utter shock, hadn't realized what happened. He slowly looked at his left arm, and it was... Gone.


Antares screams of agony pierced the air, a testament to the excruciating pain coursing through his body. His body crumbled to the floor, incapable of comprehending the cruel reality unfolding before him. With each passing moment, his blood continued to spill, painting a dark narrative on the ground.

Despite the torment, Ino's survival instincts kicked in, compelling him to writhe and crawl toward Antares and the assailant looming over them. Every movement was a battle against the searing pain, yet Ino's gaze remained fixed on the murderer, a look of defiance etched upon his features.

A cold determination settled in Ino's eyes. It was as though the very essence of vengeance and anger radiated from his stare, at that time there were only 3 words that kept repeating on his mind as he moved forward.














I adore how you expressed yourself!"

The assailant's sinister grin widened from ear to ear, a twisted display of sadistic pleasure. Ino's heart sank as he helplessly watched the scene unfold before him. Antares, his beloved brother, was being mercilessly stabbed into the ground.

The murderer's maniacal laughter echoed in the room, a chilling soundtrack to the brutality taking place. The assailant's mocking words cut through the situation, taunting Ino with his helplessness.

"That's right, Ino Siente... You need to feel this more,"

At that time, Ino was experiencing only one emotion at that moment. RAGE. the need to murder at that very moment.

The sound of Antares's suffering pierced through Ino's ears like shards of glass. He could do nothing but watch helplessly as his brother endured unimaginable pain, his body mangled and covered in wounds. Ino's own injuries throbbed in tandem with his emotional turmoil, adding to his sense of helplessness.

"Argh... Phwah!" Antares spat out blood. The murderer's grin only widened as he turned his attention to Ino, his gaze filled with malice. Leaning in closer, he spoke with a chilling calmness.

Then, in a surreal twist, the assailant vanished into thin air, leaving behind a haunting echo of his final words in Ino's ears. "Make the most out of it, you're a hindrance... so your little journey is over here,"

Ino's throat burned with the urge to scream, to express the sheer horror and anguish he felt, but his vocal cords had been severed, rendering him mute. He was left with only silence, a suffocating void that mirrored the emptiness in his heart.

"I just wanted to give him a life that I couldn't experience-to not lack in anything. I just wanted him to have everything I couldn't."

Ino was enraged and wanted to scream with the tragic scene of his younger brother. He was helpless, useless and unable to do anything. His only wish was to provide Antares with a decent life, devoid of the need for those so-called parents who had deserted them. All he wants was for him to get the most out of life.

After a bit Ino finally settled down a little, he attempted to look in Antares face, he couldn't help himself but to experience a range of emotions as he saw his little brother suffering. Anta was covered in his own blood laying there like a dead body. Ino was aware that their chances of survival were slim...

But still Anta was determined as he attempted to crawl toward Ino, atleast he thought he needed to be by his brother side till the end.



"No.. the wounds on your bodies..."


"please... i can't talk.."


"please don't move Anta..."


"please just stay there..."


"Why do you have to suffer!?"


"It would have been enough if i die"


"Why do you have to be involved as well?.."


Ino lay there, bleeding and trembling, unable to move. As he forced himself to keep his eyes open, he watched as his younger brother Anta crawled toward him. Anta's movements were slow and agonizing, and Ino could see the pain and terror in his eyes. Despite the horrific scene that was unfolding before him, he couldn't bring himself to look away.

Finally, Anta stopped crawling. He reached out his hand to Ino, as if seeking comfort and reassurance. Ino took his hand and held it tightly. Anta opened his mouth to speak, but only blood spewed forth. He felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach as he realized that Anta was dying.

"Don't speak anta.."


"please i beg you don't let me see you suffer..."


" Anta..."


"Anta... "


"I understand.... that you're unable to speak," Anta said in a faint tone. Ino held Anta's hand tightly, his heart aching as he watched his younger brother's strength fade. Anta's breathing was shallow now, his eyes fluttering as he struggled to stay conscious.

"I'm glad," Anta whispered, his voice barely above a whisper now. "I... appreciate you for being the greatest family I've ever had."

Ino's heart broke as he realized that they were both going to die. He held Anta's hand even tighter, as he felt his chest was getting heavier. He knew that there was nothing he could do to change their fate, but he refused to let Anta go.

"I'm.. happy... to be with you..."


"D..did you know whats my wish?"


"It was...."


Ino widened his eyes as he heard the faint voice one last time.

Anta's eyes closed for the last time, Ino felt a surge of anger and grief wash over him. He knew that he would never forget this moment, even if he managed to survive.

"A free life where i achieved my dream?" He thought.

Ino eyes starts to become cloudy as a range of thoughts was rushing inside his head.

"I'm unable to... simply continue this way."


"Is it the Devil or God Itself? "


"If there is a possibility.. "


"Kindly... "


"Please give me another opportunity... "

The man with the hood had reappeared.

"That was quite the performance, wouldn't you agree? It really tugged at the heartstrings, that bond you two shared! How touching!!..."


"Why the silence?..."

"Oh dear~ I seem to have forgotten about the throat-slitting. My apologies~"

"I have one more gift for you, Ino Siente."

After uttering these words, he extracted Ino's left eye and burst into hysterical laughter.

"Well then, I'll be taking him with me now~"

With that, he swiftly took hold of Antares' lifeless body and vanished into thin air, leaving Ino no chance to react.

As the man disappeared with Antares' lifeless body, Ino's mind raced with memories of happier times. A bitter smile crept onto his lips, a mix of sorrow and defiance.Ino knew that he was at death's door, but his spirit refused to yield. With his remaining strength, he whispered a vow into the void.

"I will find you, Anta. No matter what it takes, I'll bring you back. Even if it costs me my soul, I won't rest until we're together again."































「 You have been selected as an Apostle 」

The Remnants of Past.

..." Shit... my ears hurts.. "...

*DING DING* Ino felt as his ears were ringing. It was almost unbearable. The sound was like a loud bell clanging against inside his skull that made his head ache. Slowly, the sound started to fade away.

「 C.. , l, ? 」



「 Ch.../# 」



「 Child? 」



「 Do you hear me? 」



A voice could be heard, and Ino, still in a state of shock and confusion, hesitated briefly before responding, "Who are you?" He tried to open his eyes, hoping to discern his surroundings. Upon opening them, he found himself in a vast, seemingly endless void filled with stars and gears resembling clocks, as if transported to a mystical realm straight out of a fantasy novel.

After a long moment of silence, the voice in his mind returned. He scanned the area, attempting to pinpoint its source, but everything remained still and silent.

「 I'm $#...#※ 」

「 Humanity knows me as a higher existence, or perhaps, as God. Since you've heard my voice, it seems you can perceive me, child. As a reward, I will explain what truly transpired. 」

「 Currently, you are summoned here within one of my pocket dimensions where time holds no sway. 」

「 You must be curious about what happened to you and your little brother. Your fate was unfortunate and inevitable, yet anticipated. 」

「 The initial dream you had was in an alternate reality. In that timeline, our Antares Siente had already passed away before turning fifteen. You faced a similar destiny in another universe, child. Your little brother was a crucial variable across all timelines. But fear not, even though Antares was sacrificed, you lived prosperously in different realities. 」

「 In this present existence you've previously encountered, you, the child, and your little brother in the original timeline shared a deeply bonded relationship, given your family's abandonment. Fortunately, he reached his fifteenth birthday on that very day. 」

After some time, Ino abruptly interrupted the explanation in his mind. "What's the purpose of telling me all this?" he asked cautiously, suspicion coloring his tone. He found it somewhat absurd and difficult to believe.

"Why does his reaching fifteenth matter?" His questioning tone conveyed a desire for more information while also revealing wariness about the God's intentions. Clearly confused, Ino sought clarity and answers to make sense of the situation.

「 I cannot disclose that to you, child. However, since you meet the required criteria to become my loyal follower, I will bestow upon you my blessings as my chosen Apostle. 」

「 With these blessings, you can return to your own world to fulfill your mission, child. As my apostle, your task is to prevent the demise of ※#!;■°#※. If you succeed, I will grant you a wish. 」

Ino's brow furrowed in disbelief. "Am I supposed to believe this is some cruel joke?" he questioned, his voice tinged with anger. He shook his head, struggling to comprehend the bizarre situation.

"You want me to save a world I've never heard of, offering me 'false hope'..." His words turned into a sneer, his fists clenching with frustration. "Is this the sick game you delight in? Manipulating emotions, treating lives like pawns in your twisted game?"

Turning away, Ino cast his eyes downward, attempting to calm his turbulent thoughts.

「 Do you believe I am joking, child? I am the one who spared you, yet you react so outrageously. 」

「 You were never given a choice from the start. Once chosen as an Apostle, you are bound to serve your God until death. 」

「 Isn't that remarkable, child? That you may worship me. 」

As the voice echoed in his mind, Ino fought to steady his thoughts. Aware that the voice could read his mind, he strived to maintain a neutral expression, concealing the emotions churning within him.

「 After this explanation, I will send you back to your world. Consider this my mercy towards a human. I am a very considerate God, so I will give you a chance to settle everything, sever all remaining attachments or ties you have in your heart to that world. Child, I will return for you later, and only then will I give you your true orders. Do not disappoint me. 」

As the explanation concluded, everything seemed to snap back into place. Ino's vision started to dim and blur, leaving him feeling dizzy and disoriented from the sudden transition. His head throbbed painfully, and his surroundings appeared hazy. He groaned, attempting to gather his thoughts and make sense of what had transpired. As he scanned the area, trying to recognize his return to reality, the God's words began to echo in his mind, a reminder not to forget his duty.

As time passed, he struggled to move his limbs, feeling weak and burdened. He realized his injuries had completely healed, yet the room was still stained with his and Anta's blood. Only minutes had passed since the ordeal. Trying to recall the events, he stared blankly at the floor, overwhelmed by the shock and trauma of what he had experienced. His mind raced to process and replay everything that had occurred, leaving him feeling lost and unsettled.

"Anta," he managed to utter, his voice cracking slightly. Slowly, he reached up to touch his neck, then turned his gaze blankly towards the space where Anta's body had lain.

Ino sat on the floor, hollow and devoid of thought. His eyes were vacant, as if all meaning had drained from his life. His posture was limp, like that of a lifeless shell.

Eventually, he rose from the floor, his gaze fixed on the ground. He took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. Wiping his face, he surveyed the chaotic aftermath. His mind was a jumble, struggling to comprehend the events. He wondered if he would ever make sense of what had occurred.

Suddenly, a wave of nausea overcame him, and he rushed to the bathroom, barely reaching the toilet before vomiting.

"Ahh..." He couldn't stop himself, the memory of the brutal killing of Anta and himself still vivid in his mind. The sensation of their wounds, the disgust welling up in his stomach, forced him to retch repeatedly. "Haah..."

Leaning forward, he rested his elbows on his knees and buried his head in his hands, enduring the relentless waves of nausea. After a few minutes, the nausea subsided, and he struggled to catch his breath. Wiping his mouth, he took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure.

He couldn't believe he had survived while Anta was gone. Guilt weighed heavily on him for living on when his little brother had perished. He knew Anta would have wanted him to carry on, to find purpose, but finding the strength to do so was a daunting task.

"This is such a mess..." he muttered, turning to glance at himself in the mirror. Accidentally catching sight of his left eye, shimmering like a golden sun.

「 Ding! 」

Ino gazed at the brown-colored screen, resembling an old hologram suspended in the air, puzzled by its presence and purpose before him.

"Name: Ino Siente [Apostle of #,..※#]

Age: 21

Planet: EARTH

Status: Disgusted, Shocked.

Mission: N/A

Current Status Effect:

- Apostle's of ##...※% Blessings (Passive)

[Immune to all Negative Statuses]

- God's Revive (Passive)

[Instant Regeneration]

World Demise: 6 days, 23 hours, 12 minutes, 7 seconds"

"What in the world is this?" Ino stared at the screen, trying to make sense of everything displayed for the first time. He found the information amusing. "This is utterly ridiculous," he chuckled uncontrollably, feeling as if he had lost his mind.

"Is this your idea of showing mercy?" Ino ran his hand through his hair in disbelief. "This is crazy. It's like I'm just a puppet on a string," he muttered, looking down. "Does Earth really need a countdown just for me to fulfill some mission? It's absurd."

Unable to contain his laughter, Ino leaned forward against the mirror, shaking his head.

"Brother..." A soft, tender voice whispered behind him, abruptly halting his laughter. Ino froze, his heart pounding. He knew his little brother wouldn't return.

"Maybe... I'm losing my mind," Ino murmured quietly, heading out of the room to face the mess ahead, sighing heavily as he prepared to tackle the aftermath.

.... ...










"Ino! I told you the laundry will get wet! It's raining!!!"

"Ehhhh!!? Hold on!"

At that day the sky was very dark, I hurriedly went outside to get the laundry, The clouds seems about to fall above me. After i went inside, my little brother helped me.

"Tsk." I heard him.

"Oi, youー did you justー" I looked at him, looking like offended.

"I told you this again and again!" Anta sighed, he seems disappointed at my action, he was nagging at me again.

"It was only for a bit" I reasoned with him as i felt his sharp gaze towards me. "Nevermind."

One day Anta went home with a lot of bruises. I hurriedly went after him and asked in a mocking tone with crossed arm in the chest. "Oi kid, why do you look like that?"

My eyebrow raised as i questioned him.

He didn't looked me at the eye. "Trip"

He replied back shortly.

"Huh?" I said to make him say it louder.

"Tripped! I tripped on my own then fell downstairs."

I chuckled. "Objection your honor, the victim in front of me has been found Guilty!"

I said as i walked to him. "You're under arrest Antares Siente, you may not remain silent, and tell me the truth."

Anta reasoned back. "But that's the truth! I swear"

I leaned against his face. "Swear on macaroon?" He nods slowly.

Although i don't really believe that.

The next day i followed him at his school.

"Hey you got the money?" I saw his classmate asks him as he nods and followed him.

I even disguised myself as a bush you know.

Finally it's almost time for dismissal of their class, i found his other classmate dragging him behind the school, of course, i quickly followed. Finally they stopped, i observed them from far away, then the boy that dragged anta raised his hands, as if something was about to go down, Fu*k I knew it! This brat!

"Hey, hey Stop there brat!"

Both of them looked at me with confused expression. "Are you bullying my little brother? I knew iー"

"What the hell are you doing here Ino?" Anta didn't let me finish my words, and looked at me suspiciously.

"Uhhhh saving youー"

"Do i look like i need one?" Anta sighed. "I told you i fell downstairs."

"Huh? Then whー"

"It was embarrassing to admit it." Anta looked away.

Then... was i here for nothing?

"What are you two doing then?" I asked quick.

"Trading Cards." He said in embarrassed tone. After all a kid is still a kid.

After that accident i never questioned him about how he fell the stairs.

Later that evening, back at home, I found Anta sitting quietly in his room, sorting through his trading cards. I knocked gently and entered.

"Hey," I said softly, taking a seat beside him.

"Sorry for barging in like that earlier."

Anta shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips.

"It's okay. You were just being protective, as always."

I chuckled, ruffling his hair lightly.

"Yeah, well, you know how it is. Can't help but look out for my little bro." He nodded, his smile widening.

"Thanks, Ino."

We spent the rest of the evening talking about school, his friends, and everything else under the sun. Despite our teasing and occasional disagreements, moments like these reminded me why I was always ready to jump in and protect him, no matter what.

.... ...










And just like that, six hours had passed since the brutal murder earlier. Morning finally arrived; the sun rose, casting warmth across the room. Outside, the sound of birds chirping and the gentle breeze signaled the start of a new day, seemingly oblivious to the events of the night before. Ino had fallen asleep from exhaustion and the emotional turmoil of the earlier chaos. Despite the blessings bestowed upon him, he was still human.


"Wake up!!"


Ino slowly opened his eyes. Sunlight flooded into his room, and he glanced around, his gaze settling on the window where the morning light streamed in. He rubbed his eyes wearily, his lips curling slightly in irritation. Tears welled up, reflecting the sunlight as they rolled down his cheeks. Finally, Ino let out the emotions he had been suppressing since yesterday-the emptiness, self-blame, and the weight of failure. Silence enveloped the room as tears continued to fall.

"Anta..." he whispered. "I wish you were here to tell me it was all just a nightmare..." He bit his lip, remembering how lively the house had been just the day before, agonizing over what to give him. Ino, who had only his little brother by his side, mourned deeply. Anta was his sole remaining family, the reason Ino never gave up. Despite his own dreams, he had done everything for Anta's happiness, sacrificing everything else.

Even though Ino knew it could never be enough, he wanted to give his best. Possessions meant little to him compared to Anta's joy, which was priceless.

"You've woken me up again," Ino murmured softly to himself, composing himself after a moment and sitting upright. He stared out the window, contemplating his next steps.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to this," he said sarcastically to himself.

"I should have given you a proper burial..."

Ino sat quietly in his room, the weight of grief heavy upon him. With a determined sigh, he decided to take action. Leaving his room, he ventured out into the quiet morning streets. The bakery, with its familiar aroma of freshly baked goods, beckoned him inside.

He scanned the display, and his eyes settled on a box of macarons-Anta's favorite. Ino hesitated only briefly before purchasing them, a mix of flavors that reminded him of happier times.

"Are you alright, dear?" she asked gently.

Ino managed a small smile, nodding. "Yes, thank you."

Back home, Ino carefully arranged the macarons on a small table in the backyard, where he had already dug a shallow grave. Tears welled up once more as he knelt beside the makeshift grave.

"Anta," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

With trembling hands, he covered the grave with soil, marking the spot with a small stone. It was his secret farewell to Antares, a private ritual that only he would ever know about. As Ino stood there, the morning sun casting a gentle warmth around him.

「 DING! 」

Once again the brown-colored screen, had appeared in front of him.

Name: Ino Siente [Apostle of #,..※#]

Age: 21

Planet: EARTH

Main Mission: Locked

Current Status Effect:

- Apostle's of ##...※% Blessings (Passive)

[Immune to all Negative Statuses]

- God's Revive (Passive)

[Instant Regeneration]

World Demise: 6 days, 12 hours, 16 minutes, 34 seconds


Sub-mission: Find Orlando De Von Deus.

Time Remaining 2 Days, Penalty Upon Failure,

「 Death. 」

Orlando's Last Book


Main Mission: Locked

World Demise: 6 days, 12 hours, 16 minutes, 34 seconds


Sub-mission: Find Orlando De Von Deus.

Time Remaining: 2 Days, Penalty Upon Failure: Death.

Ino sighed. "What am I supposed to do now? No hint? Clue? Seriously?" His frustration was evident.


A new notification appeared.

「Visit these coordinates: 368 Lordship Ln, L※#d※n S*##※ 8NB, Uni*#$d K+×※dom. Upon visiting, you will find fragments and traces of Orlando. Make sure to remember everything.」

Ino quickly went to the address. Arriving at the library, he examined his surroundings, searching for clues.


「You've arrived at the destination! Find Orlando's creation and read all the contents of his book! 0/354

Time Remaining: 1 Day, 22 hours, 31 minutes, 33 seconds. Penalty Upon Failure: Death.」

Ino stared blankly at the old hologram, frustration building, though his face remained unchanged.

"System," he said. The system appeared before him.

"Is there a way to speed up reading those books?"

「The system suggests you finish at least ten books first to expand your experience!」

Ino quickly located 16 books by Orlando and started reading them one by one, each containing 400-500 pages. He persevered, finishing bit by bit.


「Your INT has increased! Would you like to learn the skill of Bookworm?

- This skill allows you to hasten memorization of a book depending on skill levels. However, it may affect your body, as it is still low. Would you like to accept the skill?」

Ino agreed, and his reading speed doubled by a lot.


「You have read at least 10 books by Orlando! Congratulations! You can now memorize the entire content of a book in 3 minutes!

- Cooldown: None

Would you like to use it now?」

"Accept." As soon as Ino learned the skill, he began searching through every book he could find, determined to complete his task. One by one, he devoured each book with newfound speed and efficiency.

「198/354」 Level up! Bookworm Lv.2

「267/354」 Level up! Bookworm Lv.3

He continued, his eyes scanning page after page at an astonishing rate. Despite the growing fatigue, he pressed on.


「314/354」 Level up! Bookworm Lv.4

Finally, he reached the last book.


"I... can't find the last book," Ino muttered, his voice tinged with frustration and desperation. He glanced at the system display, the countdown ticking away.

「Time Remaining: 1 Day, 16 hours, 12 minutes, 14 seconds. Penalty Upon Failure: Death.」

A new notification appeared.

「You've gained the right to finally view Orlando's memory fragment! Would you like to find out?」

"Accept," Ino said without hesitation. Instantly, Orlando's memories surged into him, overwhelming his senses. The sheer intensity of the transfer nearly knocked him off his feet. He staggered, struggling to process the flood of information.

Visions of Orlando's life flashed before his eyes—fragments of conversations, places, and events. Each memory was vivid and detailed, offering glimpses into Orlando's thoughts and experiences. Ino's mind raced to absorb and understand it all.

His body trembled under the strain, but he remained focused, determined to make sense of the memories. As the torrent of information began to subside, Ino found himself on his knees, panting heavily. The shock had left him physically drained, but he now held the key to finding Orlando.

"Search," Ino commanded, and the system appeared as if anticipating his request. "Orlando De Von Deus."

「Search Result 1」

Ino quickly examined the information.

「This user does not exist in your current timeline」

He sighed heavily in frustration.

「The system suggests you be teleported to Vista Myr. Would you like to continue?」

"I feel like the system is messing with me," Ino muttered, raising an eyebrow. The effort of reading all those books seemed like a major hassle just to gain a few fragments of Orlando's memory.

「The system suggests you refrain from badmouthing. They're just doing their job.」

"Trash, trash system. Traaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaash!" Ino continued to repeat, venting his frustration. "What's the point of all this? Fine, I'll just be teleported then."

The frustration gnawed at him as he reflected on the hours spent poring over Orlando's books. Each page had felt like a step closer to understanding, but now it seemed almost pointless. The system's mechanical responses only added to his irritation.

Ino knew he had no choice but to follow the system's instructions. Despite his complaints, there was a small glimmer of hope that Vista Myr would provide the answers he sought. With a deep breath, he prepared himself for the teleportation, hoping it wouldn't be another wild goose chase.

「 You've arrived at Vista Myr! 」

As soon as the system popped up, Ino opened his eyes slowly. Examining his surroundings, he found himself floating in a universe-like setting filled with books. Stars and galaxies twinkled in the distance, and countless volumes drifted around him, each one glowing softly with its own light.

Tak... Tak...

Distant footsteps echoed, catching Ino's attention. He turned towards the sound, but saw nothing.

"You're here."

The voice reverberated through the air.

"The chosen one, Ino Siente," the voice continued after a brief pause. "It seems you have successfully read my works. You've arrived earlier than I expected."


Main Mission: Locked

World Demise: 6 days, 4 hours, 12 minutes, 30 seconds


Sub-mission: Find Orlando De Von Deus.

「Completed! You've gained +10 in all your stats!」

Name: Ino Siente [Apostle of #,..※#]

Age: 21

Planet: EARTH

Mission: N/A

Current Status Effect:

- Apostle's of ##...※% Blessings (Passive)

[Immune to all Negative Statuses]

- God's Revive (Passive)

[Instant Regeneration]

Stats Points:

Intelligence: 90 +10

Strength: 8 +10

Dexterity: 5 +10

Endurance: 7 +10

Charisma: 38 +10

Luck: 14 +10

Chain Quest Activated!

New Sub-mission: Explore Vista Myr and unlock Orlando's last book.

「 You're now being transported... 」

「 You have arrived... Orlando's Memory will begin playing in 3 seconds... 」

「 3... 」

「 2... 」

「 1... 」

"Where... I'am," I felt a pounding headache, something I could never get used to.

Ino who's currently in Orlando's younger body had finally woken up.

"There! There! It's Orlando!" As I looked back where the voice came from, a group of people appeared behind me. I'm I getting chased down? Instinctively, I quickly ran away from them, feeling hunted down.

"I'am being chased?" I glanced at my watch naturally, as if I felt like I really merged with Orlando's past, I'm not sure wether I'm doing things based on my own action or his.

"It's 5pm.. Where I'am supposed to go?"  I felt my pocket vibrate. I looked at it and take out an old version of flip phone. There was a text notification.

"Orlando, please come home." - Sent by Mrs. Von.

Is this his wife?, I don't even know where he lives.

"System," I uttered but there were no response.

"System?" Again, none. I glanced at the alley wall, I found a poster of Orlando's face with the remark of being 'WANTED'.

My head was filled with the sound of bells ringing as a flood of information about Orlando poured into my mind. Orlando was a well-known author, he made many books and every one of it's popularity had sky rocketed, he was famous and well known and recently he became the prime suspect in a murder case. He was being framed for the killing of his assistant, who had been discovered dead in his office. The details were overwhelming, but one thing was clear: Orlando's life had taken a dramatic and troubling turn.

In any case.. I would be the one to clear his name if I had the right.. It seems I'll also be able to go home. If Orlando's memories are correct, I should be able to find his wife. At the same time, I felt the flip phone vibrate again.

"Dear.. please.. please come home even once.."

The messages contained those words, I should go.

Orlando's body moved on its own, instinctively heading toward his house. It felt as though I had no control over its movements. Gradually, I realized I had arrived at their home.

Now... How am I supposed to greet the wife?

Before I even knocked, the door opened itself, Realizing his wife was in front of me, we quickly made eye contact, and his wife hugged him.

"Dear... you've worried me so much.." Her voice cracked as her tears began to fall on my shoulder.

I patted her back, and my body moved on its own.

"I'm sorry.." I replied in a low tone, whispering to her.

It seems like Orlando truly cared for his wife. We went inside as she held my hand leading us into the living room.

As soon as we sat down, she spoke.

"Dear... did you really kill him?," Her hands were fidgeting, she couldn't look directly into my eyes. There were no words i could muster up, i just shook my head, signaling to her that I didn't do it.

"A..are you sure?,"  Stealing a glance at me, I nodded for her reassurance. She slowly looked at me, her confused eyes directed at my soul. She slowly reached out her hand as a sign of comfort.

"Liar." she said with a faint tone, I stared back at her, and her pupils never wavered for a second. "You're not Orlando," As soon as she spoke, she quickly broke the vase on the table and grabbed a shard in attempt to stab me.

For some reason, maybe because my stats had increased by 10, i was able to dodge her attack. She slowly rose up from the couch we were sitting on.

Looking at her poker face, i realized that her eyes looked dull and lifeless... As if her emotions were suddenly gone.. As if.. She never showed any affection.

"I killed him, you saw it." she said with a monotone tone.

"Yet you act like you don't know?," she said suspiciously, as if she knew something. I thought I had processed all of his memories. I think I missed the important parts...

"You.. you never had any time for me." Her eyes locked at me, and I could tell she was suffering a lot of pain.

"It's all those excuses of novels... novels.., again and again, repeating by itself! Do I even have a place in your heart?!" Her tears fell down, but there was no change in her expression.

I don't know what I'm supposed to feel, my chest is heavy, Even though I'm aware this is Orlando's feeling, it's very irritating for me to experience the same thing.

"It was for us! To success!" My mouth spoke on its own.

"You mean your success!" His wife added, threatening me with the base shard.

"While you were obsessed with your own success, all the vows we made during our marriage were left for nothing! Nothing! NOTHING!"

I noticed that the shard had started piercing her hands, I tried to snatch it.

"Stop this already!, If you didn't kill my assistant, then I wouldn't get accused like this!" My body got agitated as I grabbed her hand. She slapped me as she pointed her fingers towards my face... It stings...

"You.. your ego.. your selfishness.. everything.. I'm so sick and tired of it! I'll just kill myself! That way everything.. everything will be gone!" After those words left her mouth she ran in the kitchen, grabbing a knife and stabbing her neck with it. I could only witness her suicide in front of me as I became a spectator of his past memory.

I wasn't able to do anything, maybe because I've seen it with my own eyes and felt it with my own body, but It's very different. There's no words that can define that situation, only you'll know if you experience it.

「 DING! 」

「 Congratulations! You've successfully conquered the depths of Orlando's memory and deciphered the final book! 」

「 You have earned a new Title: The Life-Observer. Equipping this title will grant you an additional +5 Dexterity to your stats. 」

「 You will now be teleported back to Vysta Mir. 」

「 3... 」

「 2... 」

「 1... 」

As Ino Siente opened his eyes, the familiar surroundings of Vysta Mir came into view. Standing before him, Orlando greeted him with a warm smile. "You have seen it," Orlando remarked, his eyes reflecting a sense of shared understanding. Ino simply nodded in response, acknowledging the journey he had just undertaken.

「 Orlando's favorability towards you has risen! 」

「 You've accessed a new feature! The system is now updating. Please be patient... 」

Orlando offered his hand towards Ino and Ino reached out and clasped Orlando's hand without hesitation.

「 System update successful! 」

「 You've acquired a new ability...

☆ World String. Now you can enter any novel you've read. Congratulations! 」

「 You've Unlock the Main Mission... 」

Main Mission : Enter the First Novel and Extract The First Revelation.

Time Limit : 7 days.

Failure to accomplish : DEATH

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