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The Disowned Daughter

Ep 1

The Disowned Daughter
younger Angle (FL)
younger Angle (FL)
I'm Angle Marker....I'm the only daughter of marker family in three generation, everyone loves me and I'm the princess of my house... I have a handsome Dad a pretty pretty mom, protective and loving big brother, granny and grandpa to handle my tantrums and fulfill my demands I have the best family in the world.
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
That was all in the past now the family and it's members everything is same the same love, cherish everything the only person changed was the princess of Marker
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
I'm no longer the beloved princess of my family, someone else have taken my fate......
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
i don't know how everything went like this... just where I was gone wrong that my parents didn't trust or love me anymore..they see me as a Evil, a useless, a worthless daughter.
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
Am I really that bad
Angle Marker
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker Age - 17 (going to be 18 soon) Nature - kind, introvert, timid, cute, soft hearted, innocent likes - her family, friends, and everyone who treats her nice, likes her beautiful long hairs but have to keep her hairs short (reason will be revel in next chapter) dislike - kia, people who hurt her or didn't value her efforts.

Ep 2

Alarm sound ⏰
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
*Turns off alarm *
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
*wakes up*
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
One More Morning 😑
angle took a shower and started to get ready for her school
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
**standing in front of mirror and combing her hairs*
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
I want my long hairs like before **touches stants of her hairs**
younger Angle (FL)
younger Angle (FL)
dadda **goes running towards her Dad**
Sabestein Marker/FL
Sabestein Marker/FL's father
Yes princess **picks her up in arms**
younger Angle (FL)
younger Angle (FL)
i don't want red hairs **baby voice**
Sabestein Marker/FL
Sabestein Marker/FL's father
Why **gentle tone**
younger Angle (FL)
younger Angle (FL)
i want hairs like big bro**baby voice**
younger Angle (FL)
younger Angle (FL)
blck blck (black) **baby voice**
Sabestein Marker/FL
Sabestein Marker/FL's father
but red hairs looks more pretty on my little Angle😊
younger Angle (FL)
younger Angle (FL)
Sabestein Marker/FL
Sabestein Marker/FL's father
yess Mamma and my Angel have same hairs **smiles**
younger Angle (FL)
younger Angle (FL)
Angle is petty petty like mumma **baby voice**☺
Sabestein Marker/FL
Sabestein Marker/FL's father
yes my baby **streaches her cheeks softly**
flashback 2
young Kia
young Kia
hhhh•••😭😭😭 **crying loudly**
angle 's Dad and mom came there
Sabestein Marker/FL
Sabestein Marker/FL's father
what happened here?
Eleanor Marker/fl
Eleanor Marker/fl's Mother
kia baby why are you crying **carried kia in arms**
young Kia
young Kia
Angle said I look ugly 😢😢
Sabestein Marker/FL
Sabestein Marker/FL's father
Angle **shocked**
Eleanor Marker/fl
Eleanor Marker/fl's Mother
how can you say that
younger Angle (FL)
younger Angle (FL)
mommy i didn't said
younger Angle (FL)
younger Angle (FL)
i said angle have cute red red hairs like mommy **pouts**
young Kia
young Kia
young Kia
young Kia
I'm not mommy 's daughter... i don't have Red hairs 😭😭
Eleanor Marker/fl
Eleanor Marker/fl's Mother
aww Kia baby don't cry.... you are still my little princess
Sabestein Marker/FL
Sabestein Marker/FL's father
younger Angle (FL)
younger Angle (FL)
No... I'm little princess mommy **pouts**
younger Angle (FL)
younger Angle (FL)
dadda calls me his princess
Sabestein Marker/FL
Sabestein Marker/FL's father
Angle don't be rude to your sister **strict voice**
younger Angle (FL)
younger Angle (FL)
but I'm your princess **on the earge of crying after hearing her father being rude to her**
young Kia
young Kia
i don't have Red hairs...i don't even have long hairs....I'm not pretty 😢😢
Eleanor Marker/fl
Eleanor Marker/fl's Mother
no baby short hairs are also very pretty
young Kia
young Kia
but sister have long hairs she's mamma daughter I'm not **sad face**
Sabestein Marker/FL
Sabestein Marker/FL's father
short hairs are also beautiful... and if you want your sister can also have short hairs like yours **pats kia 's head**
young Kia
young Kia
Really **happy voice**
young Kia
young Kia
i and sister will be same same then
Eleanor Marker/fl
Eleanor Marker/fl's Mother
Yes baby
younger Angle (FL)
younger Angle (FL)
no I don't want short hairs...i don't like them **shouts and runs towards her room**
young Kia
young Kia
sister also don't like me because I have short hair **sniffing**
Sabestein Marker/FL
Sabestein Marker/FL's father
no princess angle also loves you
flashback ends
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
(as a result to a childish fight i lost the permission to have long hairs just because she doesn't like her being different)
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
maybe I was rude that time... but I was just a 4 year old kid....and I still don't think hoping to look copy of you mom is bad
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
every little girl want to look like her a child's view her mom is the prettiest...
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
but I can't hope to look like my mom or have long hairs even if I request a thousand times....

Ep 3

Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
*Came downstairs with her school bag**
Everyone was at the dinner table for Breakfast, smiling and chatting...they all seem like a perfect happy family until some entered
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
*cam there*
all went quite with angry face
Kia /fl
Kia /fl 's sister (adopted)
good morning Angle *smiling brightly*
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
*looked towards her*
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
go... **About to reply her but some cutted her words**
Justin Marker/fl
Justin Marker/fl 's brother
Can't you just wish her back 💢 *cutting angles words**
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
**signs and remains silent**
Kia /fl
Kia /fl 's sister (adopted)
it's OK brother
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
*sits on her seat*
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
*starts to serve herself*
Kia /fl
Kia /fl 's sister (adopted)
wait let me help you ☺
Eleanor Marker/fl
Eleanor Marker/fl's Mother
Kia baby eat your breakfast you're getting late **calm tone**
Kia /fl
Kia /fl 's sister (adopted)
mamma let me help her
Eleanor Marker/fl
Eleanor Marker/fl's Mother
**nods and smiles**
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
no need I'll manage
Kia /fl
Kia /fl 's sister (adopted)
**ignored angles words and started serving her pasta**
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
Kia /fl
Kia /fl 's sister (adopted)
**served her**
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
thank you
Kia /fl
Kia /fl 's sister (adopted)
your welcome ☺☺
Justin Marker/fl
Justin Marker/fl 's brother
kia sure have good manners unlike some useless girls **mocking angle**
Justin Marker/fl
Justin Marker/fl 's brother
I'm done... I'm going... byy mom... byyy Dad.. byy little one **shuffles kia 's hairs**
Kia /fl
Kia /fl 's sister (adopted)
byy byy
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
**sips her juice**
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
**feels uneasy and throws juice of mouth with coughing**
Eleanor Marker/fl
Eleanor Marker/fl's Mother
what the hell 💢💢💢
Eleanor Marker/fl
Eleanor Marker/fl's Mother
Angle can't you let us have breakfast peacefully 💢💢
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
**choking hardly**
Sabestein Marker/FL
Sabestein Marker/FL's father
tsh....ruined such a perfect morning **harshly stands from chair and leaves**
Kia /fl
Kia /fl 's sister (adopted)
Angle what happened **concerned tone**
Eleanor Marker/fl
Eleanor Marker/fl's Mother
Kia baby you are getting late for school...
Kia /fl
Kia /fl 's sister (adopted)
but mom angle...
Eleanor Marker/fl
Eleanor Marker/fl's Mother
you don't worry about her... she just need attention.... brat 💢💢
Kia /fl
Kia /fl 's sister (adopted)
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
**still Coughing can't even say a word**
Eleanor Marker/fl
Eleanor Marker/fl's Mother
**leaves from there**
Kia /fl
Kia /fl 's sister (adopted)
**seeing angle coughing and struggling to breath**
Angle Marker/Fl
Angle Marker/Fl
**stands and goes back to her room immediately**
Kia /fl
Kia /fl 's sister (adopted)
that 's what we call a good morning 😈**seeing her fading figure**
Kia /fl
Kia /fl 's sister (adopted)
those medicine really works **smirks and goes to her school **
while serving breakfast to angle Kia secretly mixed a medicine in her juice which can makes her throat swollen from inside and hurdles her in breath
Kia 's pov
Angle..... the princess daughter of Mark empire...😏😏 I hate her.... I hate her from the very first time I saw her....
her parents brought me here as an adopted daughter of their.....what the first thing they told me was that I'm another daughter of Marker family... why the fuck another....i was the only daughter of my house then why another now.... I don't believe in this bullshit... I'm the only one..... no one can match me...

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