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Sketch-Book (Naruto)


At the morning of the kohana, Fresh sunlight, bird chipping, villagers walking at the street, chattering,and many more thingsss.

At katameka's place/~

Sleeping peacefully, fully covered blanket the chattering of the villagers broke her sleep~damnn , It's already morning ~ Removed the blanket, uncovered only her face opened her eyes slowly, Thee sunlight fell straight to her face, whichh teased her in every way possible, got up and sat rubbing eyes, saw the alarm it was, got down of the bed, wentt to restroom made herself fresh came back to her bedroom folded the blanket notice the sketchbook~ugh I guess I slept during making sketches ~Said to herself-Picked the book and kept in table, tied her hairs went to the kitchen looking for something to have for breakfast,Looked at the drawer,Unfortunetely didn't found anything ~UNBELIEVABLE ~ Yelling at herself ~How could you Katameka HOW COULD YOU.. urghh,I just forgot to bring the grocery stuffs yesterday,and now you are stressing out finding absouletely nothing to have for the freaking BREAKFAST..!! ~Said to herself-Took a long breath and sat on the chair of the dining table figuring out what to do - I guess I have to walk to the store and get the stuffs but I don't want to I just don't wanna step out of the house It's just annoying but what it I use my powers wait wait wait...!


NARUTO-Why don't you understand It's all for your and the village sake,I know it's hard for you but you need to understand.~

KATAMEKA-But what's the point of having those powers when even I'm not allowed to use them I really don't understand what exactly you want from me! I got these power even without asking,these powers are nothing but a burden to me I do hate this power and sometimes I also hate myself for having these powers~.

NARUTO- GURL..The power you hold is just too huge for you,you are a teen right now and the chakra that flows through your veins is massive enough to tear you apart and out of the village their are many Shinobi still seeking for you and once you use your power they can detect you very easily and won't even waste a minute to attack kohana and that won't only put you in danger but also the whole village beside that I am the one taking your responsibility from the very beginning and strictly won't allow you to use your powers and that's final!~

SHIKAMARU- Katameka,Naruto has promised your parents to look after you and besides the promise he do really want your safety and I'm sure that if your parents would be here they also would want the same thing..~

Naruto kept his hand in her head!

NARUTO- You don't need to hate yourself or the powers,you can also use this power for something good but now you have to wait for that moment to become your body a little more mature,but yeah you can perform some of the jutsu..

Naruto gave a small smile looking into her eyes..

NARUTO- Just promise me you won't perform any high rank Jutsu.

KATAMEKA- ....Hmm.

KATMEKA- Naruto..

NARUTO- yeah!

KATAMEKA- I have a question!

NARUTO- What is it?

KATAMEKA- Exactly who were my parents?

She asked with a sorrow voice looking at the floor holding tears in eyes. And suddenly Naruto stopped smiling and his joyful eyes turned into sadness.

NARUTO - I can't tell you this I'm sorry..

Listening the answer her body got the chill and she looked up at Naruto with 100 question taking in her eyes she removed his hand from her head harshly

KATAMEKA- it's the reason I do hate myself too!

She yelled at him tears rolled down her cheeks,she cried and quickly ran out of the hokage office.


She was still sitting in the chair palming her hand at her head~ I did made a very stupid promise with the damn this is so annoying..~ said to herself and stood up

~ In case I can't use my teleportation jutsu I guess I've to walk to the store all by myself .. I got no choice..~ Then she got her cloths walked ~ I'm leaving ~ Yup she leaves alone but still. she got down with the stairs and walked to the store. She reached the store and start picking all the item she needs and suddenly heard two lady chattering~

LADY- look that's the girl


LADY- yeah she's the one the village always talks about the one with demon powers.

She heard till here and left the place taking her stuffs. At the road she saw a girl running and she fell right in front of her~ Hey are you alright? ~ she asked the girl helping her up to stand~Thank you ~ The girl said giving a big smile and suddenly a lady came running after the child and sneezed her ~ are you OK lets go home you shouldn't talk to her ~ the lady said turning back to the same direction they came from, she silently and headed for her house.When she reached she changed and made herself something to eat she ate and cleaned the dishes and sat with her sketch book and heard a knock at her door ~ there is someone at the door but who? ~ she asked herself panicking~ no one had visited my house for almost a year and there is someone standing right there knocking at my door,what if it's enemy, what if Naruto was right about the enemy that they will search for me ~ the door knocked again and she decided to open the door she did some hand signs gathering her normal chakra at her palm realising the white and blue lightning. Opened the door and straight attacked,the person caught her hand ~ It's a powerful jutsu ~ the person said there were 2 peoples,she was still shocked that how her attack was dodged so easily and then the person showed their faces.~ Naruto..??


Naruto.!! ~ yelled in shock.~Yeah ~ Naruto said with a smirk then they both enters the home and see the home was neat and clean.

NARUTO- well didn't expect you to welcome us like that you know..

KATAMEKA- Mum..I thought it's an ene..

Naruto cut her sentence.!

NARUTO- Enemy thought it would be a enemy..It's good to be alert but what if it would be someone eles from the village and you would attack them?

KATAMEKA- As if many person comes to visit me huhh..!

SHIKAMARU- What do you mean?

KATAMEKA- only you too comes to visit me and none of the others I thought you would know that.. that's a disappointment!

NARUTO- Anyways where did you learn chidori??

Naruto quickly changed the topic!

KATAMEKA- That's really none of your business!

SHIKAMARU- Watch your words you are talking to the Lord 7th.!

NARUTO- It's totally alright sikhamaru we aren't here to argue.!

KATAMEKA- so what are you here for?

NARUTO- We got a good news for you!

She was a bit confused about the news!

KATAMEKA- A news Haa?

SHIKAMARU- it's a really good news!

KATAMEKA- What is it anyways?

NARUTO- You will be going to the academy from tomorrow with others who are as same as your age prob..

She cuts him off

KATAMEKA- Forget it!

Said with a cold voice..


KATAMEKA- I won't go!

NARURO- but why?.

KATAMEKA- cuz I don't want to I guess!

NARUTO- just why you don't want to?

KATAMEKA- it's will be just annoying to be in the crowd... And even i don't have to go to the academy...You know right I was with lady Tsunade almost 2 years and almost got the whole traning..

NARUTO- yeah we know your skills are more of a genin or even a chunin but still you have to go through the rules in case to be accepted by the village..

KATAMEKA- I don't wanna be accepted by anyone..

NARUTO- But I want to you have to go to the academy and I'm not listening anything!.

She sighed and looked up at Naruto..

KATAMEKA- I guess I got not choice Lord Hokage!

NARUTO- nothing feels more weird then listening lord thing from you..

He said with a big smile.

SHIKAMARU- And yeah you need to hide you extra skills from the others and be an average student.

KATAMEKA- It's really annoying but leave that to me. (I don't know why I'm agreeing with this but I don't feel like to even deny and go against Naruto) She thought in her mind.

NARUTO- okay be ready for tomorrow, we shall leave now..!

KATAMEKA- Fine..!! She sighed

They both said bye and left now she was all alone again, although she hated to be alone but yet find her comfort and peace in there. It was almost 2 pm she had done her lunch and was ready to leave her house,her regular dress is a T shirt and baggy jeans and shoes with a low ponytail she has short hairs.~I'm leaving..~She got down of the stairs and put her hands in pockets and walked straight towards forest without paying attention to anyone. She reached a ground a bit far from the village ~I'm back okãsan~ she spoke as she is talking to the ground and surrounding, okaasan is a term used for mom in Japan, she went in the mid of the ground and sat there looking at the sky...!


A time when Katameka was 4 or 5 years old..!

NARUTO- We are here.

KATAMEKA- What is this place Naruto?

NARUTO- It's a very special place for you,You know your mom used to spend her whole day at this ground and used to say that she feels some unknown relation from this place! Naruto was holding her hands and her tiny tiny fingers.

KATAMEKA- Waaa...!

She gave a big smile looking at the ground,but holding back her tears. Naruto left her hands and she ran in the middle of the ground and turned around facing Naruto, he notices the tears.He went to her and kneel down and caught her shoulders.

NARUTO- Ayo what's with that tears,your mom always wanted you to remember her with a smile in your face not with the tears.

She couldn't held the tears and cries hard and Naruto hugged her tight and she cried and smiled at the same time.


~ Mom I know you are looking at me right now and I just wanted you to know that I'm happy you don't need to worry but the fact is I would be even more happy if you would be sitting next to me and I would tell you these things facing you not looking up at the sky.~ She spoke looking up at he sky and tears falled down her cheeks~I even don't know who you are but I do miss you allot never got to share this things to other or I don't even wish to be sharing this to other than Naruto or sikhamaru-san but I really don't wanna saw this emotion to them or other I don't want to be seem as weak to them I know It's a Lil weird but it is what it is.. ~ she smiled saying the last sentence and a cold breeze blew as if her mom is replying to her. She lay down on the ground upon soft grass using her arms as the pillow and soon felt slept.

Naruto's clone was watching everything firm behind the trees he listened everything smiles and disappears.

It was almost dark and finally katameka open's her eyes got up and stood looked around that the day has passed she decided to leave~ I will be going to Academy from tomorrow,I knew it will be annoying but I guess I have to do it,I'm leaving okãsan ~ se said looking at the sky and left the place aften that she went near a pond washed her face and headed back to the village..

At her way back village on the street she bumped into someone the boy was a bit tall from her ,with yellow hairs wearing a shirt and a jacket with a pants having pink border type layers on them his some random cards fell from his hand ~oh I'm sorry ~ she said to him and help to gather the card and saw picture of Naruto at the card~ It's alright ~ said the boy, after looking the photo of Naruto she asked ~ what's up with those cards!? ~ Oh those are X Cards, don't you know about them? ~ the boy replied,the great Shinobi are been printed in those cards, ~ I see! ~ she replied suddenly some of the peoples behind her were shouting seem like they were calling him ~ my friends are calling me I'm coming just wait a second~ he said as he walked beside her and turned around to talk again but she was gone he saw her leaving but didn't called her back~ hey who was she?~ His friends asked him ~ even i don't know I forgot to ask her name but who ever she was,she was cool but strange~ he told his friend and they all left.

At Naruto's place/~

Everybody was having dinner together.

NARUTO- you will be going to the academy from tomorrow right.


NARURO- You will finding someone there.

BORUTO- What do you mean old man!

NARURO- One of my most important person will also be going tomorrow,she is not a social person, I hope she will be fine there.

BORUTO- Just whom are you taking about dad?

NARUTO- You will find out soon, but remember she can be a bit harsh but she is a most kind person you will be ever looking for,believe it.

Hinata got it about Naruto was talking and himawari got confused and Boruto randomly thought about her but he didn't knew her name after all.

NARUTO- I hope you too will be good friends and you would help her when she's in trouble.

At Katameka place/~

She already had her dinner she was on her bed making sketch from approx 1 hour she was very sleepy but pushed herself but ended up sleeping with the sketch book.


It was a another day out the alarm rang hard but she was deep in her sleep didn't heard the first ring it was 7.30 in the morning she heard the alarm a Lil and open her eyes and rubs she saw the sketch book was upon her stomach she gently picks it and keeps it at the table beside the bed she gets us and sit in the bed and stretched saw the alarm ~7.30 why does the alarm rung so early ~ forgot for a sec that she has to go somewhere ~ Academy I've to go to the damn academy ~ she rushed out of bed and runs toward the washroom took shower and got into bed room rushingly in towel which was from her chest to her thighs with wet hairs and fold her blanket ~again how annoying the first day can get dammit ~ she went to kitchen sneaking for something,saw the time she won't be able to make something so she decide to have toasted bread and jam she prepared the breakfast and went to her room to get ready wore her as usual cloths a T shirt,baggy jeans ties a low pony tail and went to the kitchen ate the bread jam and cleaned the dishes as much as she can she went to her room to looked the alarm again it was 9.00am she was about to leave her room the she look at the table beside the bed and saw her sketch book and decide to take the sketch book along with her then put her shoes and left ~ I'm leaving ~ she got down of the stairs and she put her right hand at the pocket and caught the note book with a pen inside of it with the left hand and walked straight to the academy.

At the place!

She reached at time saw many students running everywhere she signs and look toward the academy it was quite big then she saw a corridor which was all empty so she took a walk towards it was without students so she got Lil relaxed but heard some noise coming from right corner of the corridor she looked ahead of it find a couple having fun the man was pinned at the walls and girl was standing close to him but the point was the man was a teacher she found out with the teachers badge he wore at his coat the girl was probably a senior student where she was wearing normal cloths and a head band, it came out that she already graduate and was genin or chunin probably,she was quiet older then her almost 17 or 18 years old, Katameka decides to ignore it and was about to leave the place as they interrupted ~ don't tell to anyone please~ the girl said ~who cares ~she replied without moving a bit and straight walked out of the corridor and the bell rang,every one made a line at the ground and teacher also stood forward the student facing them and hokage was also present there for some reasons and a sir started to take the attendance of everyone here, after some time she heard the teacher called her name ~ present ~ she replied then saw that Naruto was smiling at her she didn't react the attendance complete at the time was to have a Lil lecture from the hokage ~Good morning students and teachers as you all know today many students are fresher so they are having a first day at the academy and going to start their journey for being a ninja work hard students as you are going to start your journey,thank you~ every one clapped except Katameka but she also saw someone standing at the other row who wasn't clapping all the student went to their classrooms she picked a last corner seat for her and sat their silently.

Teacher enters the class whole class stood up and greets him except her everyone looked at her with a suspicious eyes and silently the teacher eventually broke the silence ~ good morning students I hope you all are doing good ~ the students replied him but Katameka was just quite and sitting at her desk crossing her arms at the abdomen region, ~ today is all of your's first day at academy so we will just start from an small introduction ~ the teacher asked , the students starts to introduced one by one ~ I'm Mitsuki from the sound village ~ a boy with a Lil pale skin blue and white combination of color's cloth stood and introduce himself everyone one was shocked who know 's the truth of the sound village including the teacher and Katameka.~my name is Sikhadai Nara ~ he said and the teacher smiled at him ~the brat of Sikhamaru San ~ Katameka thought and smirks~I'm Sarada Uchiha, I'm 15teen years old ~ everyone saw her and gave a smile meanwhile Katameka was lost in her own thoughts ~ Uchiha,if I'm right she is the daughter of Sasuke Uchiha,last Uchiha and the one with rinnegan,she will be a good opponent then ~ Katameka thought ~ I'm Boruto Uzumaki,I'm also 15 years old and I love ham burgers ~ everyone gave him a weird look ~Uzumaki, so he is the precious son of Naruto I do expect him to be good at skills as he is offspring off the hokage ,wait isn't he the one I got randomly bumped yesterday~ when she was completely lost in her thought while the teacher pointed Katameka for the next and last introduction but she wasn't focused suddenly a student from her front desk called her ~ hey you It's your turn now~ after listening this she stood up ~ I'm Katameka,from the village hidden in the leafs~ she said and stood silently ~ only this much~ one of the student commented ~ Yup ~ Katameka replies ~at least tell up your last name~ another student speaks ~ Katameka o.. ~ She took instantly a long breath ~ it doesn't matter ~ she said with a cold voice as teacher was seeing an argument coming up he just interrupted and command her to sit back to her seat she got the seat and according to other reaction they wasn't so happy from her answer and start gossiping,backbiting except Boruto and Mitsuki, They slightly smiled in her answers for some reasons,~ I'm Shino Aburame your class teacher~ the teacher said, the period was over it was a short break for lunch some students were out playing some were inside the classroom some were still eating their lunch. Katameka had her lunch and sat back silently at her desk and a random girl came to her with her lunch box~ hey you already had your lunch I was just ready to join you ~ it was the same prevert girl from the couple of corridor ~ you just came for a friendship proposal in case to keep me silent from revealing your stupid secret didn't you~ the first thing she spoke was this the girl was totally silent ~ you don't have to worry I don't have any intention or will to reveal your so cool secret ~ she said standing up putting her hand in pocket and start to walk off, suddenly ~ what's your name?~ Katameka stopping asking this question ~ I-I'm Kaasi ~ she replied after what she replied Katameka didn't said anything and walked out of the class toward the ground of the academy beside Mitsuki watching everything from his seat and he stood up and went to Katameka's desk and then followed her.

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