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Paige:A Second Chance Romance


Paige's POV

Six years ago

I couldn't hold back my tears as I confronted the boy I once thought loved me . "You can't just deny everything like that," I screamed, desperation lacing my voice.

He replied with a nonchalance that cut deep. "Well, watch me," he said, crashing onto the sofa in his room as if the gravity of our situation weighed nothing on him.

"We need to find a solution to this pregnancy; you can't expect me to just abort our baby," I pleaded, trying to make him see reason. But the look he gave me was a clear indication of how foolish he thought I was.

"Your baby, not ours," he coldly retorted, his words like a shock to my system.

"Are you seriously denying that you slept with me and got me pregnant?" My voice broke as I let my tears flow, no longer able to contain my emotions.

"Look, I accept that I slept with you, but I definitely didn't get you pregnant. Why don't you ask all your numerous lovers? Maybe one of them will own up to it," he said, his expression bored, as if discussing something as mundane as the weather.

"What are you talking about? I don't have any other boyfriend apart from you," I countered, trying to deny the harsh truth he was forcing me to face.

"Oh, please spare me all these. Whenever you're done with this drama, leave and shut the door behind you," he dismissed, standing up and walking towards the bathroom, leaving me wide-eyed and alone with my turmoil.

"Just so you know, if anyone asks you who is responsible for that thing you're carrying and you dare call my name, I promise you I will deny ever knowing you. And trust me, I'll make your life miserable," he threatened before disappearing into the bathroom, the door slamming shut behind him. I was left alone, my silent sobs turning into loud cries.

I dragged myself back home, grateful to find it empty. Sitting on the floor of my room, I was engulfed by thoughts of my naivety. My mother had warned me about guys like him, but I thought Jace was different. He was kind, caring, and sweet, or so I thought. Blinded by love, I ignored the signs. Now, here I was, 16 and pregnant. My mother, already struggling to make ends meet, would be devastated. I couldn't bear to add to her burdens.

With a heavy heart, I packed my belongings, determined to leave and not let my mother suffer further because of my mistakes. This was a cycle I couldn't let continue – my father had left us in a similar situation 16 years ago. I couldn't do the same to her.

Taking one last look around my room, tears streaming down my face, I said my silent goodbyes. In my mother's room, I inhaled her familiar comforting scent one last time. Leaving her a note on her neatly made bed, I tried to gather my courage. "I'm sorry, mom, but I think this is the best thing for me. I love you, and you will always be in my heart," I whispered, stepping onto the train heading south, into an uncertain future..


Paige's POV

"Alex, get down here this instant!" I yelled from the kitchen, trying to prepare breakfast while juggling my frustration. My six-year-old son's whiny reply echoed from upstairs, "I can't find my other shoe, Mum!" I groaned, hurrying to finish cooking. The clock was ticking, and I was already running late for work.

As I placed the pancakes on the plates, I called out, "Don't make me come up there!" Alex appeared in the doorway, his big blue eyes gazing up at me. I forced a calm tone, "Come eat, sweetie. We're running late, and I don't want to be tardy again." I glanced at the clock on the wall, feeling a sense of dread. Grayson, my boss, had already warned me about my tardiness, and I couldn't afford to be late again.

Alex hesitated, his voice barely above a whisper, "Mum... why aren't you eating?" My heart ached, but I pushed aside the pain. "That's not your concern, Alex. Just focus on your meal." I tried to sound firm but gentle, not wanting to worry him.

We finished breakfast in silence, and I rushed Alex out the door, feeling like I was already behind schedule. The morning rush hour traffic didn't help, and by the time I arrived at the office, I was flustered and apologetic.

Grayson scowled at me from his office doorway. "You're late again, Miss Moretti." I apologized, trying to sound sincere, but he cut me off. "Whatever is causing these issues, fix it. This is your second warning. I won't tolerate any more tardiness." He tossed a pile of files at me, dismissing me without another word.

As I sorted the documents, my mind wandered back to the past. After leaving my mother's house, I struggled to make ends meet, working multiple jobs to support myself and my unborn child. Alex's father had abandoned us, and I was left alone to face the challenges of single motherhood. The memories still stung, but I pushed them aside, focusing on the present.

My coworkers' whispers and judgments stung, but I kept my head down, focused on providing for Alex. He was my world now, and I'd do anything to protect him. I worked diligently, trying to prove myself, but it seemed like no matter how hard I tried, I was always an outsider.

Vanessa, the secretary, sneered at me from the doorway. "Your pathetic life is starting to show, Paige." I ignored her, arranging the papers on my desk. "What do you want, Vanessa?" I asked, forcing a polite tone.

"Grayson sent me to check on you. You're clearly not capable of handling this job." Her smirk twisted my heart, but I refused to give her the satisfaction of seeing me break. "Okay," I said, my voice neutral.

As she left, I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes. Why did it have to be so hard? I pushed the thoughts aside, focusing on my work. I couldn't let them get to me; I had to provide for Alex.

After picking Alex up from school, we walked home hand in hand. He looked up at me with those piercing blue eyes, his father's eyes. "Mum, there's a girl in my class... she said my dad didn't want me." My heart skipped a beat. I crouched down, lifting his chin to meet my gaze. "That's not true, baby. You're loved, and that's all that matters." I forced a smile, trying to reassure him.

He smiled back, and I kissed his forehead. "I love you too, Mum." We walked in comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company.


Paige's POV

I tucked Alex into bed, kissing his cheeks and forehead before turning off the lights and leaving the door open, just in case. As I walked out, I sighed tiredly, running my hand through my hair. Today was chaotic, and I was grateful to have made it through. After a quick shower, I put on a comfortable black shirt and loose shorts, ready for bed. I reviewed the work I had left unfinished since I had to pick Alex up from school, reminding me that I needed to hire a nanny to help me both physically and emotionally. I couldn't keep enduring the harsh comments from people who were growing suspicious of my denial about my son.

The next morning, I woke up late, realizing I was running behind schedule. I quickly showered and dressed in a professional pink blouse and black pencil skirt, trying to look presentable despite the chaos in my mind. I checked on Alex, who was already dressed and waiting for me, his big blue eyes gazing up at me with a mixture of curiosity and concern. I took him to McDonald's for breakfast and lunch before dropping him off at school and heading to work, feeling guilty for not having enough time to prepare a homemade meal.

As I arrived at the office, Grayson commented, "Miss Moretti, you're lucky you made it just in time." Vanessa stood beside him, smirking, which I found infuriating. Her condescending gaze made me feel like an inferior employee, and I struggled to maintain my composure. Grayson asked if I had finished the work from the previous day, and I assured him I had, trying to sound confident despite my exhaustion. He then asked me to help Vanessa finish her work since she was "unwell" and had to leave early. I knew it was a lie, but I couldn't say anything. Vanessa's fake sick leave was a familiar tactic, and I was tired of covering for her.

After Vanessa left, she stopped by my office, saying, "Thank you so much, Paige. It's so nice of you to volunteer to finish up my share of the work." Her tone was dripping with sarcasm, and I gave her a fake smile, saying, "My pleasure. You should be resting, not working." She rolled her eyes and left, muttering "Bitch" under her breath. I bit my tongue, refusing to engage in her petty games.

At lunchtime, I prepared myself for a break, relieved to have a call from a potential nanny for Alex. I met her at a nearby cafe and discussed the details, feeling a sense of hope that I might finally find someone to help me balance my work and motherhood. When I returned to the office, Grayson informed me about an upcoming meeting with R&J Technologies, a significant client. He seemed proud to be working with them, but I was more concerned about the meeting's details, which I forgot to ask about. I made a mental note to review the files and prepare for the meeting, hoping I wouldn't let my personal struggles affect my work.

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