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Boundaries! Mikey X Y/N

New encounter!

In forest..
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*walking in the forest, all sweaty as he holds insect net and box in his hands, making his way through woods alone*
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*in mind* ugh!! I better find a big beetle here!
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*in mind* I don't want Baji to make fun of me again.. I'll prove him... I'll get the strongest beetle and defeat his beetle in beetle fight!
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*in mind* I took huge risk coming find the beetles...even when this place is prohibited..
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*in mind* there are rumours that spirits lives here...
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*in mind* but they are rumours! No-way I'll encounter one!
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*as he looks around the trees , trying to find beetles*
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*in mind* no luck yet..*as he keeps looking at the trees *
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*suddenly his foot gets stuck abit in long outter tree roots making him fall on ground*
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
Are you ok?
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
*as she stands near the tree, watching him*
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*stands up * yes...
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*as he starts walking away, ignoring her*
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
Are you new here? I have never seen you before...
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
I am not new! I live in this town!
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
I have never seen you before-
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
This place is prohibited to visit..what are you doing here?!
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
....*giggles* I am always here!
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*in mind* does she lives nearby? Maybe she comes here to play...
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*in mind* maybe I can take her find the beetles..
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Can you help me?
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
*smiling brightly* sure!!
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
At certain part of the forest..
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*his eyes shinning as he look around* woahhh!! This place is full of huge beetles!
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*gets ready to catch some beetles as he runs towards the trees to catch them but misses everytime, making the beetles fly away, hiding from him*
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
nooo!! Come back!!
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
*laughs* I don't think you can catch them!
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
💢💢 I will... I'll come back tomorrow again!
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
...*smiles* I'll help you catch them then!
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
... what's your name?
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
*smiles* Y/n! And you?
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Manjiro...but you can call me Mikey..
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
*smile* ok! Mikey!
To be continued


Continuation of last episode...
For next few days.. Mikey visits the forest attempt to catch the beetles...but fails everytime..
Present day..
In the forest..
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*trying to catch the beetles, but falls*
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*irritated* ughhh!!!
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*throwing the net on the ground*
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
I am done with this place!!!
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
*sitting on the log as she watches him*
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
You should take my help...
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
💢💢how will you catch them?!! When I can't even after trying for days?!!
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
*smiles* who says I am going to catch them?
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
I know a method! *smiling*
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
After sometime...
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
*applying some honey on the tree nearby*
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
what are you doing?
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
*smiling* let's wait for awhile..they are going to gather here !
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
They love honey !
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
Let's look around the forest for meantime..
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
No-way! What if gets lost?!
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
This place is also said half-haunted !
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
*smile* trust me... no-one's going to hurt you...
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Both walking down the forest...
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Where we going?
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
Aren't you hungry?
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
I am.. but...
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
I know a place full of sweet fruits!
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Really? How long have you been around here..
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
*smiling* since I was born!
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*confused* huh?
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
Look! *as she points at a tree full of fruits*
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Wow!! I'll climb up it and pluck the fruits-
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*confused* then?
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
We eat the fruits fallen on ground..
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Huh?! Why not the-
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
Don't hurt them! They feel pain too!!
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
....are you mad?
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7) won't understand us...
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Huh? *confused*
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
*as she walks towards the tree, picking up the riped fruits on ground*
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
See! They are eatable! *smiling*
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
After eating enough of fruits..both of them..walk back to the place to find beetles...
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Wooow!! *his eyes shinning as he see many big beetles , all over the tree, drinking the honey they applied*
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
*smile * good for you..
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*picking up the biggest beetle among them*
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
I'll take this one!!
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
....take good care of it...ok?
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
I promise...I will...
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Thanks for your help Y/n..
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
*smiles back*
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*keeping the beetle in the box, carefully*
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
*watching him*
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7) won't come here anymore?
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
hmm? *as he look at her*
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
You got the you won't come back here..right?
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
....why you ask?
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7) are my one and only friend...I ever had..
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
Will you come back here to play with me? Manjiro?
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
*as she look at him with sad and pleading eyes*
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
I promise..I wouldn't let you get bored here! Please come back for me!
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*smile* I will!
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
We are friends afterall!
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
*smiles as she feels better*
To be continued


Continuation of last episode...
Mikey's pov...
it's been days since I started visiting the forest... only to meet and play with Y/n...
she is such a cheerful yet.. mysterious girl...
There is so much about her that I don't know yet...
Whenever I ask her to come with me..out of the forest..she denies.. saying it's not allowed...
I insisted talking to her parents for her..but she denies to take me to her home...
exactly at 7:00 pm at evening..she gets up... saying she as to go home...and hurry towards the forest.. running deeper into it...
but whenever I try to follow her...she disappears from my sight..
I don't understand where she went...or hide so quickly...
Today..I am going to make her take me to her house!!
Present day..
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
*sitting under the tree with Mikey inforest*
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
*munching on the Dorayaki Mikey got for her*
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*glancing at her from the corner of his eyes*
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Isn't it good in taste?
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
it's awesome!! *as she eats happily*
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Dorayakis are available on the street shops in city..there are many other things to eat there..
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Why don't you come with me today? I'll show you-
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
No..I told you...I can't leave..
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
.....let me talk your parents Y/n... I'll convince them-
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
*her eyes abit sad as she eats up the Dorayaki completely*
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*irritated* why can't you come out with me for a day?!
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
just a outing I am asking for!!
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
you can't even trust me alittle?!!
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
It's not like that Mikey..I trust you but-
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
Then! come with me!!
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*as he grabs her arm and starts to drag her with him*
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
Mikey!!! Stop!!
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
I can't!!
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
You can't keep staying here in forest whole life! Come'on!
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*as he drags her*
Y/n (age 7)
Y/n (age 7)
no!! Mikey !! Stop!! *as she tries to get out of his grip, struggling to let go*
Suddenly there is rustle in the bushes something dark and huge creature comes out of those bushes...
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*his eyes widen as he starts sweating with fear*
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
W-what is that?!
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
*as he holds Y/n's hand tightly, pulling her behind his back, trying to protect her while his body trembling from fear*
I'll tear you apart human..if you try to take away my child...
Mikey (age 8)
Mikey (age 8)
To be continued

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