NovelToon NovelToon

Reborn Of Villain

chapter 1

lazy panda😪
lazy panda😪
Hi guys 👋🤠
lazy panda😪
lazy panda😪
this is my first chat story 😀
lazy panda😪
lazy panda😪
I hope you will like it and support me 😊
lazy panda😪
lazy panda😪
My English grammar is not good if anywhere I do grammar mistake ignore it or you can correct it for me
lazy panda😪
lazy panda😪
Thank you 😊
lazy panda😪
lazy panda😪
Now let's start the story
story Start with showing a man tie with chier full body was badly injured and blood is coming out from his head, mouth, legs, and back
A person throw cold water on his body
That man wake up and saw that person who throw water on him
ohh finally you wake up 😒
Why are you doing this to me Jennie 😡
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
Ohh my tae baby 😘
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
Ofc because for your property 😀
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
You are doing it wrong 😡😡 leave me
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
Huh 🤔 and why would I
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
I loved you with my whole heart and what you did you betrayed me 😡😡
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
ohh 😯
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
You said you love me now you are doing this I swear to God I will not leave you this easily 😡😡
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
set me free and you will see hell 😡😡(struggling to free himself)
note:- (..) doing #....# thinking
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
I and love you 🤣🤣 what a joke 🤣 I was with you just for your money
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
And the love I show was fake 🤣🤣
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
And you fall for it how fool you are. you are making me laugh 🤣😂
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Leave me I said 😡😡
NO Not even your dream 😈
come in the room
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Who are you 😡
Ohh my best friends you didn't remember me 😢(say in dramatic way)
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Kai 😠
ohh yes taehyung 😁
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
So you are behind this all huh 😠
Ofc it's me 😌
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
you both are going to die
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Jennie and Kai both laugh at taehyung situation
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
You are going to die here and still saying this 😂
(take out a gun and point it to taehyung)
any last wish before dieing
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
I will kill you both and take my revenge 😡
yeah yeah in your dream 🙄😂
by saying this he shoot taehyung for multiple times
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
(Body fall on floor lifeless) #i will take my revenge #
lazy panda😪
lazy panda😪
Bye bye
lazy panda😪
lazy panda😪

chapter 2

lazy panda😪
lazy panda😪
Hello 🤗
lazy panda😪
lazy panda😪
How are you ❤️😊
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
( open his eyes)
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Ahh my head hurts 🤕
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Wait didn't I died
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Where I am 😨
Don't worry my child you are safe
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Who are you 😰
moon goddess
moon goddess
child don't be scared I am mood goddess
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
That means I am actually dead
moon goddess
moon goddess
moon goddess
moon goddess
But I want to give you another life as you died earlier then your time
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
That mean I can go back
moon goddess
moon goddess
Yes I will send you back 😺
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Good 😈
moon goddess
moon goddess
What with this look
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
I am going to punish them now 😈 ha ha ha (scary laugh )
moon goddess
moon goddess
( am I going to regret it )😒
moon goddess
moon goddess
Come here
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
(did as she said)
moon goddess
moon goddess
Hold my hand
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
(hold it)
moon goddess
moon goddess
(chanting something)
A portal open
moon goddess
moon goddess
Remember don't repeat what you did in past
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
boom 💥
He jumped in the portal
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
(Open his eyes and found himself inside his office room)
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
(took his phone and check the time)
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Ohh I come back five months past
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
# I clearly remember Jennie and I come in relationship 6 months ago I dead#
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
#you betrayed me and killed me with Kai my best friend now you both will see hell 😈#
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
(calling someone)
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Jimin I want you to give me information about Jennie and Kai ❄️
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
but why
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Just do it
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
Ok give me few hours
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Hmm ❄️
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
(Cut the call )
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Now you see 😏
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Hell is waiting for you both 😏
knock knock
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Come in ❄️(doing some paperwork)
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
tae baby 😚
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
I miss you 😽💕
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
# it's you wait for me 😏#
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Ohh Jennie ❄️
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
How are you ❄️
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
I am ok but why are talking with me in cold way
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
What are you doing here ❄️
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
I come to see you 😄
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
I missed you
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
I also called you but you didn't pick my call so I came here
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
ohh I was busy ❄️
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
(Come near tae and try to hold his hand)
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
(jark her hand) I have work right now ❄️
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
what happene tae are you ok ☹️
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Yeah ❄️ just you Leave me I will message you when I get free
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
Oh ok
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
Then I am going
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
bye love you 😘 (kiss tae cheek)
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
(went out from there)
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
(rubbing his cheek hardly where she kissed him )
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
I am feeling disgusting only by her touch
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
How much are you going to play huh 😏
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
You have to pay for it 😏
lazy panda😪
lazy panda😪

chapter 3

At night in Kim mansion
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
(come back from his company)
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Dad I am home
Kim Nam joom
Kim Nam joom
Ohh my son you are back
Kim Nam joom
Kim Nam joom
You go and fresh up I am making dinner 😁
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Ok dad
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
(Went upstairs to his room )
Taehyung only have a father his mom died because of cancer when he was only 5 years old. It's really hard for him to overcome from this. Taehyung dad namjoon took care of his son like a Petal. it's also hard for him too he also have to take care of his child and also his company but he didn't let tae feel lonely. He give tae both mother and father's love.
it's really rare isn't it ??
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
(take off his shirt and pants)
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
(fill the bathtub and lay down)
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
lazy panda😪
lazy panda😪
Ignore his clothes
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
I am too tired
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
( saw his phone where Jimin message him)
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
name: Kim Jennie Age: 22 graduate: from Korea famous university Personality: cute and caring and helping But in reality opposite of it Relationship: had 3 bf when she was in high school At university also had more then 2 bf Current bf Kim taehyung Also have a affair with her another bf name Kai She even sleep with man for money Totally a gold digger
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
name: Kai Age: 27 Graduated: from Korea famous university Personality: caring and helping person But in reality opposite of it Relationship: have a gf name Kim Jennie Best friend: Kim taehyung Occupation: have own company Kai and Jennie both are dating from last 2 years
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
📱 thanks Jimin
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
📱 no problem 😃
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
😏 it's time for fun
After 30 min tae come downstairs to have his dinner
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
(sitting in dinning table)
Kim Nam joom
Kim Nam joom
it's time for our dinner let's eat it fast I am so hungry 🤤
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Me too 😋
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Wow my favorite strawberry 🤩
Kim Nam joom
Kim Nam joom
Ohh my baby it's all yours 😘🤭
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Thank you dad 😁
Kim Nam joom
Kim Nam joom
🙏(praying to God)
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
🙏(praying to God)
Kim Nam joom
Kim Nam joom
🙏Thank you moon goddess for giving us food and make our life good
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
🙏thank you moon goddess for giving us food
Kim Nam joom
Kim Nam joom
eat now 😺
Both eat their dinner and sit in living room and start to talk about something
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Umm dad
Kim Nam joom
Kim Nam joom
Yes son
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
I was thinking
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
(Take a deep breath )
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
WhynotyougetmarriedyouarestillyoungImeanyou looksocoolandhandsome
Kim Nam joom
Kim Nam joom
What , 😦
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
I am saying why not you get married you are still young I mean you look so cool and handsome
Kim Nam joom
Kim Nam joom
taehyung you know right I can't
Kim Nam joom
Kim Nam joom
I love your mom
Kim Nam joom
Kim Nam joom
How can I marry someone else. I can't
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Dad please you have your whole life to spend and you also need a partner
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
I know you don't want to marry because you loved my mom I also love mom I also missed her but think about yourself
Kim Nam joom
Kim Nam joom
Taehyung ❄️
Kim Nam joom
Kim Nam joom
Go and sleep it's already late ❄️
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Ok dad but please think about it
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
#I know you also feel lonely and I can't see you like this 😔#
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
(went to his room and sleep)
Kim Nam joom
Kim Nam joom
(in his room crying silently holding a pic)
Kim Nam joom
Kim Nam joom
Kim Nam joom
Kim Nam joom
Kim Nam joom
Kim Nam joom
Why you left me honey I miss you 😭
Kim Nam joom
Kim Nam joom
I love you so much 😭
Kim Nam joom
Kim Nam joom
(also slept while crying)
lazy panda😪
lazy panda😪
Bye bye now
lazy panda😪
lazy panda😪

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