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Happy couples

...As I woke up that morning ,the atmosphere smelt so beautiful after...

...that night in the same bed with him , I opened my eyes to find my breakfast already prepared on the table. But he wasn't in the room,... upseted me a little cause he woke up before me and I didn't get to see it......

I stepped out of the room and found him arranging the house which I was supposed to be doing... when I rushed to come take over from him...

He immediately stopped me by raising his hand in which he held the wiper, he then looked down at me smiled and said;

" Shorty! you're not doing anything as far as I'm around and free!,"

he pulled me closer and gave me a kiss on the forehead

(this made me feel like a little child) .

This was our third week after marriage.

As newly Weds I was kind of jealous because my husband was so young, tho he's three years older than I am .

whenever we passed by women in the City admired him mainly because of his structure, his silk black hair, veiny hands, broad chest, tall height,

...most of all his good-looks and a caring personality to everyone....

I, on the other hand was always stared at cause of my eyes color and how my body structure looked like that of a model.

But I still felt confident because I know my husband loves me and wouldn't leave me for anyone else, ever since we were a couple right from collage I loved him and tho he's confession during that time, had everyone shocked.. it was a embarrassing but beautiful moment I can't forget...

( The Wallace's giant bee flooded the campus as he held the rear kaduplu flower that blooms only at night and wilts before dawn , making it a rear sight to behold. Everyone was surprised, my heart was about to burst... It's was so beautiful and lovely scented that even those standing from behind can tell. He knelt down proposing to me , I nearly tear up and said yes, breaking down to my kneels.)

And how i loves it when he brings out different personalities of himself when he's with me.

Though my friends during that time would persuade me that he's not good for my looks ,won't be a trustworthy guy and he looks like a Playboy but turns out all those were false accusations.

After the incident when he proposed they all were jealous and began having admirations for him secretly . But still I knew, and not once did he set his eyes on any other person.

We soon after, we graduated and we're officially couples !

Even after our marriage he won't say where he got the flowers from and kept it a secret from me saying;

"someday we'll be there together with. our own family ".


"My name is"Alveera adineson".. I work as a nurse and live in the city of sansiago with my husband "Adine" who works in an oil company as an engineer.. tho he has big dreams to have his own company someday... And of course I'm in full support!.

It was dark out when I was in the kitchen preparing dinner as usual.. someone suddenly grabbed my waist and lifted me up.. I was so shocked my heart almost jumped out of my chest... he then kissed me and said

"I missed you ".

It made my heart race I then

replied smiling

"I was at home all day , plus you startled me!"... " Your reactions are simply the cutest".. he said staring at me...

We had dinner, turned off the lights and went to bed.

The next morning I immediately realized that Winter break was over, and he had to prepare for work...

I immediately stood up went to the kitchen to prepare his breakfast...

I came back to wake him up. I tapped him at first but he didn't respond..

so I pinched his nose.. of course i did!..

He stood up and said with a really deep voice "is it time already?" While rubbing his eyes. This is the best part of him waking up I really love watching...

"Yes! It's time for work I've prepared your breakfast and warmed your water! " I replied

" for the both of us right! "

He said .. I felt butterflies and gave an instant reply;

"no! Just for you besides it's too early for that! Just go and get going you will be late! "

" Don't tell me that image is still on your mind!"

He said staring into my eyes and said "i knew it dirt__

I paused him there and suddenly pushed in the bathroom then slammed the door!...

I heard him laughing out loud, i left to get his clothes ready...

He finished quickly, I helped him get dressed he then started eating his breakfast...

"This is really good" he said with a stuffed mouth.

"Alright I'm all done see you darling!" He was about going... " Oh I forgot something" he then pulled me closer and started kissing...




Ok enough! you'll be late, so will I... "Ok "I love you! "

"Love you! "

He then left for work I went inside and got dressed aswell in my nurse uniform and went to work.

To be continued....

Thanks for reading.. hope it wasn't bad, it's my first time but I actually have a hand written book and drawing :⁠‑⁠X , which people supported me to publish.. this is finally my chance to get it out there.

Your support means a lot .

Thanks again

I'm an innocent kitty pls.. byeee. >⁠.⁠<

The jealous college

... After the winter break I get to see him again at long last. I sighted him on my desk today walking so composed across the hall way. ...

...Lucky me it was break... I had to carry my books on my way out of the office so I could be spotted.. I don't know if this was a secret, but I loved him so much... ...

^^^That when ever I caught a glance of him or even in my imagination , my heart would skip a bit ... ^^^

"Im Felicia Anderson, the boss's assistant ... most popular at that I'm number one on the list "

...... I'm admired by him, but I know it's mostly cause of my body and this irritates me......

...I was the one who gave "Adine" recommendations to our company, ever since then I just wanted to be more closer to him and be noticed... But all he ever does, was show generosity toward me and that disatisfyes me."...

...Today is my big chance yet again for us to grow our relationship. When Adine went through the door he got greetings warmly as usual but I noticed there were many crowd around him today and plus congratulating him .....

so I wondered what could this be about.

..."Felicia did you hear the news.. I'm so happy for him plus she's so beautiful.. you should go see for yourself. " Said Emma who was a colleague and Felicia friend as she walked passed Felicia....

...Adine approached Felicia to let her in on the news.. but she immediately grapsed what was going on as she saw the "ring" on his finger.. Adine held Felicia's hand in excitement and said "im marri_" she immediately paused him and fell to the ground Adine held her hand and said "are you alright ? " "No" she responded...

...he took her to the cafeteria sat her down pouring out a glass of water for her....

..."So you know already that I'm married?" He asked " I saw the ring, congrats!" she smriked awkwardly at him....

...There was grave silence between them then Adine said " sorry you should have been the first to know, you're my very best friend, hope I can refer to you as that. ...

...As he smiled at her...

...i'll go get us some lunch ok" he said and left .. Felicia looked like she was shattered from the inside completely.( "I don't want friendship with you,if only you knew on time how I felt. It's my fault _ I can't bear this it hurts so bad"; she said to herself.) ...

...He got back and they had lunch, Felicia said nothing through out this made Adine worried....

...After they had lunch while heading back, Adine grabbed Felicia's hand; "is something bothering you?" he asked...

...She kept silent....

..." If that's the case I'll take you along with me" he said looking so serious. "Along where?" She responded...

"You'll be the first person to see her up close, you'll love and see that I made a great pick! " He replied

" Your wife?" She said

" Yes!!" He responded.

This made her more annoyed

"Yeah sure. She said coldly, " but not today please excuse me I need to go" Adine released her hand as she walked away.

...Hmmm.... Ughs this is so unlike her! He mumbled....

...After their lunch things got even hotter that almost the whole employees didn't hear Felicia's voice till work was over... How she'd usually call Adine for help in one unserious tasks or the other....

...It soon got dark when Adine reached home exhausted... His wife didn't prepare dinner nor was she at work cause the door was left unlocked. ...

...He yelled out for her...." Darling!, darling!!, charm!!!"...

..."Where's she?" ....

...He walked round the house and finally found her laying next to the toilet seat....

......... ...

...A sudden shock hit him, he became cold for that instant ....


..."Darling!!!!" He shouted an held her arm.. it felt a little cold.. He quickly picked her up and rushed her to the hospital.. ...

...To be continued......

Thanks ag…n.. I'd really appreciate some comments… By your innocent kitty, byeee... >⁠.⁠<

Good news or Bad news

...After Alveera was taken to the hospital that night… Adine sat outside the ward all night and soon fell asleep out of stress and thoughts....

...A nurse came and tapped him soon after.....

..."sir you should get some rest I'm sure Mrs alveera will be ok." ...

...He opened his eyes softly and began asking questions ....

..." Are the test results out? What happened to my wife? " He asked looking worried with sleep bags under his eyes....

...The nurse had pity on him and replied. " The results aren't out yet but you can go in now and check up on her". ...

...He hurriedly rushed in to go see her condition ....

...The nurse sighed deeply and said "newly Weds are always this worried when this time comes, I hope she gets through this, so he won't die of thinking too much... One of the reasons I wanna be single.. I would not don't have to go through this pain... (She shivered.) is just unavoidable ..Well I guess,some men are just irresistible. Just like her husband.. she sighed and smriked. ...

...He immediately entered the room she was admitted into he started rubbing her head as she was unconscious until he slept by her side till morning.....

...The next day the doctor woke him up and said...

..."sir! Sir!! It's morning already.. I think you should wash up .The results are out.. please use the rest room first". ...

...He woke up first thing he did was rubbing alveera's head, kissed her and went to the wash room. In the next 3 minutes he was done and quickly went out and asked for her results....

..."So doc what's the results?" ...

...The doctor replied; " well, it's somewhat bad news but mostly good news... I'll start with the bad one. "Firstly yesterday when she was brought in, she looked pale as a result of hydration and a little bit weight loss like she's been throwing up all day!".. ...







(Adine suddenly had a flashback of when he saw her by the toilet seat but he was in a hurry so he didn't notice )

..."So after she's dismissed make sure to feed her proper meals and enough water to keep her dehydrated and keep an eye on her ... the good news is........

..."She's pregnant." ..(The doctor smiled)...

...Adine's worried and tired face suddenly became bright and lively, the news became a golden retriever for him... He was so happy he wanted to squeeze her up then suddenly remembered she was still a bit unconscious, so he held her hand tight and gave her a kiss on the forehead....

...Then he said; "I've been waiting for this news all along ,you don't know how happy I am. in fact I am the most happiest man in the world right now.. thanks so much doc I'll be sure to do everything and anything she needs until the baby arrives". ...

..." Ok good and congratulations... I'll leave you two for a while . It's nine AM right now, so be sure she eats before ten AM also she's dismissed. Her temperature and breathing is now normal , the nurse will be here shortly to remove the oxygen and the needles. please drive carefully on your way home".. the doctor concluded and left. ...

..." Yeah thanks very much doctor". Adine replied. ...

...After Adine took Alveera home made breakfast and also warm milk to be taken first with water by the side. By that time she regained consciousness and saw Adine at home by that time she realized he was late for work, She suddenly got up to shout at him, she immediately felt dizzy.. Adine dropped what he was doing and attended to her . ...

..."Are you alright darling how are you feeling?, here you should eat to regain your strength". ...

...She had no strength to do anything... He started feeding her. ...

...15 minutes later... ...

..."So how do you feel now? Should I give you a bath aswell?" He said smiling at her. " What no!! ,I'm not a baby she said embarrassed. "Besides why aren't you at work today? " Alveera responded. ...


.....Wait she doesn't remember?..... (He said to himself)..


...He then began to summarize everything for her... This took about ...

10 minutes......

...She was surprised and happy she unexpectedly jumped on him and started crying. He hugged her tight and rubbed her head....

..."I'm going to become a mother and you a father she said so happy and overwhelmed"....

...Later on... ...

...He made sure she was feeling very healthy and as a result he didn't go to work , so he called the office to apologize for not taking permission. ...

_____phone ringing____


... ...

Receptionist;" Yes hello, how many I help you?"

Adine; "This is Mr Jake!"

Receptionist;Oh Mr Adineson, you weren't at work today. I noticed ... Wait I'll connect you to the boss he insisted if you called I should connect you directly to him.. just hold on.


Boss; Mr Jake! Is that you?

Adine; yes sir, Good day sir ,I called to inform work and I know it's late to ask for Permission but my wife was admitted yesterday so I wasn't able to make it today.. I'll trying my possible best to be at work tomorrow.. please forgive me.

Boss; May I know the reason?

Adine; she's pregnant, so I had to take care of her today.

Boss; in that case I'll give you a month break..

Adine; wait! What? No sir you don't have to.. besides I intend to keep my break till when she's given birth.

Boss; in that case I'll give you a break then aswell.. no excuses! Congratulations and take good care of yourself and your wife.



...He hangup? Honestly he's way too nice to me, I'm very grateful , at least you should have allowed me to say thank you. (He chuckled)...

..."Honey I hope there's no problem at work?" alveera asked...

..." Nope as the matter of fact he gave me a month break to spend time with you !"...

...He smiled at her...

..." So nice of him!" she replied...

..."Well come on let's have shower and head to bed"!...he said. ...

..."Wait together?"...

...She said embarrassed ...

..." Yup! No excuses"....

Thanks again.. plss comments 😩🥺

I want to know what you think...

Your innocent kitty.. byeee>⁠.⁠

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