NovelToon NovelToon


Chapter 1

Around 8.30 pm
Mrs. Jeon signals for everyone to come to the dinner table by making noises with her plate and spoon.
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
Mom, I am here.
Jeon seokjin
Jeon seokjin
Ha, we know Bunny is always ready for good food.
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
Hyung I am not a bunny; that is very childish. I am kookie.
Jeon seokjin
Jeon seokjin
I see no difference.
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
(pouty) kookie is cool
Jeon hye kyo
Jeon hye kyo
Jin, stop arguing with your brother.
Jeon seokjin
Jeon seokjin
Fine whatever you believe kookie
Mr Jeon gong yoo
Mr Jeon gong yoo
So, Jin, how are you preparing for doctor exams?
Jeon seokjin
Jeon seokjin
I am doing my best, Appa. I expect to rank in the top five.
Mr Jeon gong yoo
Mr Jeon gong yoo
Good I am happy for you; starting this year, guide your brother as well; if he gets a good government job, it will benefit our family.
Jeon seokjin
Jeon seokjin
Okay, Appa.
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
Bu..but I am interested in studying journalism.
Mr Jeon gong yoo
Mr Jeon gong yoo
"A journalist?" Mr. jeon's voice was tight with disapproval. "jungkook, you know how important it is to have a stable job. A government job is stable and respected. Look at me, I am a government teacher, and my life is stable. Look at your brother, Jin. He is preparing to become a government doctor. I believe he will undoubtedly get a government job. Learn from him.
Jeon hye kyo
Jeon hye kyo
Your father is correct, Kookie. We only wish the best for you. A government job will provide you with stability and respect in society. You are aware that each member of our family works for the government. Think about it
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
But kookie enjoys studying journalism.
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
I understand what you are saying, but journalism is my passion. I want to uncover the truth, tell people's stories, and make a difference. I believe that I can make you proud in my own way. "I do not have to follow the same path to success as Hyung."
Jeon seokjin
Jeon seokjin
Mr Jeon gong yoo
Mr Jeon gong yoo
Mr. jeon's face turned red with anger. "Jin don't stop me jungkook, you are young and naïve. You don't understand the real world. You still behave like a child and want to enter in cruel world A journalist's life is uncertain and filled with risks. We don't want you put your life in line every day and make us worried and how can yo u make us proud by pursuing something so unstable."
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
Tears welled up in jungkook's eyes. "Why can't you believe in Just because it's different doesn't mean it's not a good profession."
Jeon seokjin
Jeon seokjin
Jin put a reassuring hand on Jungkook's shoulder. "Dad, I am doing well in my studies. Allow Kookie to follow his dreams. He has a right to choose his own path, just like I did."
Mr Jeon gong yoo
Mr Jeon gong yoo
But how about his safety? Can you ensure his safety? He is so naïve; how can he survive such a life?
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
I will be careful, I promise.
Jeon seokjin
Jeon seokjin
Appa, it is not like he is going to start working as a journalist tomorrow; he needs to study first and then get a job. In the meantime, he can learn how to protect himself.
Mr. Jeon and Mrs. Jeon exchanged a glance, their anger momentarily replaced by uncertainty. Without another word, they stood up and walked away, leaving jungkook and Jin alone in the living room.
Jeon seokjin
Jeon seokjin
Jin wiped jungkook's tears, feeling a mix of relief and sadness. Jin pulled him into a comforting embrace. "Don't worry, jungkook. I'll always support you. We'll find a way to make them understand."
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
Okay hyung I will grow stronger by the time I start as a journalist. I do not want to worry them, but it is my passion, and I will not compromise on it. I will make them proud of me in my own way.
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
You go, Hyung, and rest; it is already late. I will go to bed now; tomorrow I need to find a good college.
Jeon seokjin
Jeon seokjin
Okay, take care. Come to me if you need anything.

Chapter 2

Next morning
The atmosphere in the Jeon home was unusually quiet.
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
(Jungkook woke up with a heavy heart) Kookie will not let his dreams slip away. Kookie will work hard for it and make Eomma appa proud, and they will accept my dreams.
After freshening up, Jungkook finds his Jin Hyung already sitting at the breakfast table, sipping coffee and reading his medical textbooks.
Jungkook is a 17-year-old boy with a sense of youthful energy and determination. He has been playing sports for years and lives an active lifestyle; he has an athletic yet lean physique. However, he is slightly childish, which will improve.
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
He sits beside his Hyung at the dining table, (smiling warmly)
Jeon seokjin
Jeon seokjin
Good morning, Kookie. How're you feeling?
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
(Jungkook sighed and picked up a piece of toast) "I do not know, Hyung." "I want to pursue my dreams, but I do not want to disappoint Mom and Dad." So I am considering joining martial arts so that I can protect myself by the time I graduate. It will be useful.
Jeon seokjin
Jeon seokjin
(Jin looked at him sympathetically) That is really thoughtful. Sometimes, you have to stand on your ground. "Do not worry, they will come around eventually. Just work hard and stay safe."
Jungkook's personality is a combination of determination and sensitivity. He is very passionate about everything he does, particularly writing. From a young age, he demonstrated an exceptional ability to observe the world around him and turn those observations into compelling stories and articles. His teachers frequently praised his writing for its depth and insight, characteristics that distinguished him from his peers.
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
Hyung, my friend, said he will apply with me, so we are thinking about applying to Seoul National University.
Just then, Mr and Mrs came. The room fell silent awkwardly as Mrs. Jeon began setting up their breakfast.
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
(Jungkook takes a deep breath and decides to speak with them) Eomma appa
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
Can we discuss ko…I mean my career choice further? I understand your concerns, and they are genuine, but journalism is something I'm truly passionate about appa
Mr Jeon gong yoo
Mr Jeon gong yoo
Mr. Jeon, Gang Yoo, looked at Mrs. Jeon, Hye Kyo, who sighed deeply and nodded. "All right, Jungkook." "We will listen."
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
(Encouraged) Emma appa, my friend, wants to join with me. "So we want to attend Seoul University for the journalism. We have researched about it and am aware of the challenges, but I am willing to work hard to overcome them. I believe I can make a significant contribution." and to be safe, I would like to join martial arts for self-defense.
Mr Jeon gong yoo
Mr Jeon gong yoo
Mr. Jeon's expression softened slightly. "Jungkook, we do not doubt your abilities. We are only worried about your future. It is important to have safety and stability in life." Which is not guaranteed in this profession.
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
I understand, but stability does not always imply happiness. I want to do something I enjoy, something that motivates me to get up in the morning. I will work hard so that you can be proud of me, Appa.
Jeon hye kyo
Jeon hye kyo
(looked at her younger son with a mix of concern and pride.) "If this is truly what you want, Jungkook, then you have our support. But promise us you'll give it your all and if you face any danger in future you will have to shift your career.
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
I promise you, Eomma. Thank you.
Mr Jeon gong yoo
Mr Jeon gong yoo
Okay, since you are also open to learn martial arts for safety I'm allowing you And if you do put your life in danger then that's the limit you will return home
Jeon seokjin
Jeon seokjin
(smiled, proud of his brother) "See? Everything will work out."
Jungkook felt prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, fueled by his newfound hope. As he walked out the door to meet his friend, he knew he had his family's support, even if they took some time to understand.
Jeon hye kyo
Jeon hye kyo
Are we doing it right?
Mr Jeon gong yoo
Mr Jeon gong yoo
Yes, I just hope he values his promise.

Chapter 3

Outside the house
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
Yes, I did it. Hyung is correct; everything will be fine.
Jungkook decided to go to Jimin's house and inform him that he is ready to attend university.
He went to Jimin's house and rang his doorbell, and Mr. Park opened it.
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
Where is Jimin, uncle? Can I meet him?
Park hyungsik jimins father
Park hyungsik jimins father
He just went to the grocery store and will return soon, so please come inside.
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
Thank you, uncle. I will wait for him.
Park hyungsik jimins father
Park hyungsik jimins father
You are Jungkook Jimin's friend? He always talks about you. So, have you decided which course you are going to take?
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
Uncle, Jimin and I have decided to pursue journalism.
Park hyungsik jimins father
Park hyungsik jimins father
Wow, he has not told me yet.
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
Actually, he was waiting for me to convince my parents before telling you that we both want to attend the same course.
Park jimin
Park jimin
Appa, I am home. (he puts bags aside) Wow. Jungkook, when did you get here?
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
I arrived just before you and I am informing Uncle that my parents have agreed to pursue a career in journalism.
Park jimin
Park jimin
Wow, super, Appa, please! I want to join journalism with Jungkook, you know, and I aspire to be like you. Please let me study with him.
Park hyungsik jimins father
Park hyungsik jimins father
So Jimin wants to be like his father. A journalist.
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
Eyes widened, Really, uncle Could you please tell me how to become the best journalist?
Park hyungsik jimins father
Park hyungsik jimins father
Yes, I will. I also work as a journalist. I always tell Jimin, but now that you have decided to join Jimin you should listen carefully. This is more than just a job; it is a calling. We are the truth keepers, power monitors, and storytellers of this era.
Park hyungsik jimins father
Park hyungsik jimins father
You should ask tough questions, uncover hidden secrets, and tell the stories that need to be heard. It is an honor to work in this field, and I consider myself fortunate to be able to do so every day.
Park hyungsik jimins father
Park hyungsik jimins father
So keep a curious mind and a desire to learn. Develop effective writing and communication skills. Stay informed about local and international news, trends, and issues. Intern or volunteer at a news organization, blog, or media outlet to gain experience. It is preferable if you start your own blog. Do not take on heavy topics at the start, okay?
Park hyungsik jimins father
Park hyungsik jimins father
Connect with experienced journalists. Stay adaptable and open to learning new skills. Transparency and accountability are essential for maintaining ethical standards. Be willing to receive feedback and engage in continuous learning.
Park hyungsik jimins father
Park hyungsik jimins father
Remember why you wanted to be a journalist: keep your passion and purpose in mind, and let them motivate you to make a positive difference in the world through storytelling. The job is not always easy. We face difficulties, setbacks, and criticism. But the thrill of the chase, the rush of adrenaline when we are about to make a big scoop, and the sense of accomplishment when we know we have made a difference—it is all worthwhile.
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
Wow, uncle, this is so fascinating.
Park jimin
Park jimin
Yes, Appa, it feels incredible.
Park hyungsik jimins father
Park hyungsik jimins father
Wait, it is not finished yet.
Park hyungsik jimins father
Park hyungsik jimins father
And let me tell you, there is no better feeling than knowing that our stories are having an impact, changing people's lives, and holding those in power accountable. It is a difficult job, but someone has to do it, and I am proud to be a part of this noble profession.
Park hyungsik jimins father
Park hyungsik jimins father
Mr. Park smiles with a gleam in his eye. So, if you are up for the challenge, have a passion for storytelling, and are willing to work hard, welcome to the world of journalism! It is a wild ride, but it is worthwhile.
Park hyungsik jimins father
Park hyungsik jimins father
And Jungkook, it is natural for your parents to be concerned about your future, especially since I have been in this field for so many years and know how dangerous it is. Even I am concerned about Jimin's safety, but I also understand that if everyone becomes afraid, who will do the job? However, if you have both the passion and the drive, you can be successful in journalism.
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
I understand, uncle. I will remember every point you have told us.
Park jimin
Park jimin
Yes, appa.
Park hyungsik jimins father
Park hyungsik jimins father
Jimin Only if you promise me to do your best and remain true to your profession then only will I allow you.
Park jimin
Park jimin
Okay, Appa. I promise to make you proud.
Park hyungsik jimins father
Park hyungsik jimins father
Okay, have you both decided which universities you want to apply to?"
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
Uncle. We are interested in attending Seoul University.
Park jimin
Park jimin
Appa, you also studied there, right?
Park hyungsik jimins father
Park hyungsik jimins father
Yeah, Jungkook. I know a few people there, and I will talk to them about your two friends' admissions and recommendations for housing.
jungkook 17
jungkook 17
(Jungkook's eyes glowed with gratitude) "Thank you very much, Uncle. This means a lot to me!"
Park hyungsik jimins father
Park hyungsik jimins father
(Smiled warmly) "You two are talented. You will achieve great success if you work hard and remain determined. "Do not be afraid to pursue your dreams."
Park jimin
Park jimin
Thank you, Appa. I am taking Jungkook to my room.
Park hyungsik jimins father
Park hyungsik jimins father
Okay, I will call your mother and ask when she will return. You are abandoning me, Jimina.
Park jimin
Park jimin
Appa, what are you saying? I am not abandoning you; I will just study and return to you, and we will both work together. I love you.
Park hyungsik jimins father
Park hyungsik jimins father
Okay I'm just.. Go.ake your friend to your room and let me inform your eomma about you. She will scold me if I don't.
Jungkook and Jimin enter Jimin's room with greater confidence and determination than before. After speaking with Mr. Park. They understood they were on the right track. And they are determined to achieve greatness with the support of their families and their guidance.

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