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The Author Who Become A Villainess

Chapter 1

Hyejin's eyes fluttered open, a yawn escaping her mouth as she stretched her arms. Slowly blinking, what came into her line of sight was a large room that had couches and a table. The windows were huge and sunlight crept into the room through the curtains.

This was not her room.

Flustered, she quickly stood up and walked around the room. There were paintings in the room that was old fashioned. The bed that she was on was huge yet it only took up a quarter of the space in the room.

She came across a full-length mirror and noticed the figure inside it. Turning her head to it, she stared at the reflection before her heart dropped. She touched the reflection with her right hand, her left touching her cheek.

Long straight hair coloured crimson red. Sharp honey-coloured eyes stared back at her. A slim body in a nightgown, hands soft as a newborn baby's butt. Skin as white and smooth like porcelain.

"What the.."

This is not her body.

There was a knock on the door before a voice spoke, "Milady, are you awake?"

The doors were pushed open and standing there was a young boy in a butler outfit. Hyejin stared at him before blurting out words she didn't mean to say out loud,

"Who are you?"


Her name was Hyejin. She worked a desk job from 9 to 5 which exhausted her to the max but had a hobby which was like healing to her. Writing. She loved writing. She even posted her original work online which got tons of reads and likes. It was extremely popular that she was able to make it into a book and had tons of sales from it. She was sitting in front of her laptop, scrolling through the comments before smiling to herself.

To sum up what the book that she has written is about, it is about an earl's daughter who happens to catch the crown prince of Elaelind Kingdom's eyes at the coming-of-age ball. Their love then blossoms from that point. A sweet fluffy love story which made everyone who read it clench their hearts, sobbing.

But all love stories must always have a villain which happened to be a Marquess' daughter named Elenor Berry Hester. She loved and obsessed over the prince with her whole heart so when she saw another lady catching his attention it made her furious and filled with jealousy.

She often tormented the heroine any chance she could, even using her own butler to do her dirty deeds. The heroine was always protected by the crown prince so all her efforts went down the drain. And because of her useless tactics, she brought them closer instead. The two fell in love deeply and nobody could separate them.

As for Elenor, she died a tragic death by none other than her butler who had enough of her evil antics.

However, Hyejin was suddenly transmigrated into her own work and became the villainess. The last thing she remembered was going to sleep in her apartment after deciding to write another book. The next thing she knew, she was in the world she had created.

Now sitting on the couch in the room awkwardly, unsure what to do or say as the boy poured tea into her cup. He had black hair that was slicked back but some strands of hair were left untouched, keeping them to the right side. He had sharp black eyes and when you looked into them, it feels quite intimidating. His name was Alec.

Hyejin quietly thanked him, slowly drinking the tea he brewed. Her eyes widened in surprise. The tea was delicious, nothing she had in her world.

"Milady," he spoke out once she drank the tea he brewed.

Glancing up at him, Hyejin waited for what he had to say next. His eyes gazed at her which gave her shivers down my spine.

"Did you lose your memories?" he asked.

She licked her lips that were dry before answering him, "...Not exactly.."

He raised his eyebrow in suspicion, "Then why did you ask who I was milady?"

Her eyes darted back and forth his face and the tea. She had read many books after these kinds of things but never expected she would relate to it now. She weighed her options a bit before deciding to go with her gut feeling.

Looking back at him, Hyejin responded, "I was joking around."

'Am I stupid?'

He stared at me with unconvinced eyes but nodded, "I see."

Hyejin went back to drinking her tea, happy that he wasn't asking further. After sitting in silence for so long, she cautiously side-eyed Alec. He was standing as still as a statue, his posture perfect. If anyone saw him without knowing, they would immediately think he's a noble. Alec then noticed her looking over at him.

With a smile he spoke politely, "Do you need anything milady?"

Hyejin shook her head, looking away. "No it is fine."

Behind that smile of his was hatred. This butler she had created hated the villainess to the earth's core. Since young, the villainess has always acted like a spoiled brat, thinking she is above everyone and anyone lower than her is nothing but trash.

'Let's remember about Alec..'

Alec. The personal butler of Elenor as she was the one who scouted him when she was 12. He was just a poor beggar in the streets and she happened to stumble upon him. At first, she was going to ignore him and maybe even kick him away but when she saw his face, she took him in. Why? Because he was a beauty although covered in dirt! So, she brought him in and made him as her exclusive butler.

Anytime he did something wrong, she would scold and yell at him, even raising her hand at him or starving him until near death. It went far as whipping him until he bled. Truly a villainess who deserved nothing but to drown in the pits of hell.

Hyejin shuddered, remembering the backstory she had written. This must be karma for writing such a cruel thing.

God please forgive me, I would like to go back home now. I will change the backstory and give a better life for these characters so please, let me go home...

Hyejin was lost in thoughts, crying in her heart, not noticing Alec looking over at her with an unreadable expression.


Chapter 2

The next day when Hyejin- Elenor woke up, she was hoping everything was a dream and that she was back in her tiny apartment. To her disappointment she was still in the world she created.

Although Elenor wasn't feeling great, she had to

suck it up and try to go through this world. Perhaps once this story is completed she will be able to get back to her own world. Thinking about it more deeply, even if she did nothing as a villainess, other ladies will do the same to the heroine since the prince was popular among ladies.

'Perhaps I can just avoid the heroine and wait until the story ends with them getting together..'

She turned to Alec asking him a question, "What day is it today?"

Professionally. Alec answered her question. "It is the 20th of January milady."


"1XX6 milady."

'A year before the coming-of-age.'

In this world setting, at the age of sixteen is the coming-of-age which meant that she was only a year away before the story unfolds. Elenor could feel her stomach getting the butterflies, thinking of how she will be able to watch the love story that she had created. She could feel the sides of her lips curving up but quickly prevented it, remembering Alec was still present.

As much as she was happy, she knew what was going to happen to the villainess which is herself now. Within a year after becoming sixteen, she will be killed. In order for that to not happen, she didn't need to change the plot, instead she just needed to change this person she had become and persuade Alec not to kill her. With that in mind needed to change this person she had become and persuade Alec not to kill her. With that in mind, Elenor quietly cheered herself up before turning to Alec.


"Yes milady?"

"Have you eaten?"


Alec stared at her, confused at her different behaviour. Elenor had a smile on her face as she patiently waited for him to answer. After a long pause, he finally replied,

"Yes milady, I wake up early so I will eat my breakfast beforehand."

"Ah, that makes sense..." she muttered to herself, wondering what else she could say but he beat her to it.

"Why are you suddenly asking milady?"

"I was only wondering because if you haven't I would have asked if you wanted to eat with me.."

Her answer confused him further as he didn't reply back longer than before. Elenor fumbled with her fingers before speaking once again,

"...Let's..let's go outside shall we?"

Hearing her suggestion, Alec snapped back and nodded before he bowed, "I will prepare a carriage for you then."

Elenor quickly shook her head, "No! I-I mean garden, yes let's go to the garden!"

Alec blinked his eyes at her before nodding, "Oh I see, my apologies for the misunderstanding."

She sobbed in her heart, 'I want to go home...'

The two headed out of her room and walked into the garden. Elenor couldn't mask her admiration for the garden. It was absolutely beautiful, colours so vivid and bright yet it never seemed to be clashing against one another. She could tell the gardener of this household truly cared and tended to the flowers.

'I salute you Mr gardener.'

She began to walk around the garden, finding everything fascinating. She never exactly wrote how Elenor's household looked other than saying it was beautiful that even people who visited would always try to stay longer because of how beautiful this place was.

"Seems like writing how beautiful it was worked.." Elenor mumbled quietly to herself, brushing her finger lightly on the flowers.

Then she felt something touch against her finger. Elenor looked down at it and realised she had pricked herself with a thorn. The blood was oozing out but it wasn't severe since it was only a thorn.

"Milady are you okay?" Alec asked, taking out his handkerchief out from his jacket's breast pocket.

He was about to wipe the blood off her finger when Elenor instinctively sucked on her finger. She paid no mind to it but noticing how shocked Alec looked, she realised what she had done without knowing.


Quickly, she took her finger out from her mouth and nervously smiled,

"Uh..let's go back inside and clean this wound." Elenor spoke trying to avert the attention to something else.

Before he could respond back, she already fled back inside, cursing herself in the heart for being so foolish and doing the habits she had before this. A maid then helped her clean the wound and placed a tiny band aid. She mumbled a small 'thank you' and she saw the surprised look she had on her face.

After that, the whole day she decided not to leave the room and gather all her thoughts together. She had to plan further ahead on what she should do next or else she really will die.

Alec wasn't standing too far or close from Elenor, the perfect distance between them. She sat at her desk, taking some papers, a fountain ink pen and wrote down her thoughts on it.

Since Elenor was the creator of this world, she knew the settings and history of it. She wrote down everything she knew and remembered down on the paper including every character she had created and their backstory.

She didn't need to worry about Alec looking and trying to read it since the language here is different. Once she was done writing everything down, she stared at it before nodding in satisfaction, putting it into her desk drawer.

She got up and stretched her body before looking out the window. The sun was setting, a mixture of orange, yellow and red, creating a beautiful ombre in the sky. Elenor admired the view for a while before Alec said he would head out to prepare the bath for her.

Nodding, Elenor muttered out, "Thank you."

Alec didn't say anything and bowed, leaving her room. When the doors shut, she exhaled a loud sigh, slouching her shoulders. It was only a day and she already felt so exhausted. She felt that she really took her life for granted before coming to this world.

Not long after, Alec came back to inform her about the bath. Elenor made her way to the bathroom and took her time soaking in the nice warm water. Thankfully when she asked the maids to let her bath alone, they said nothing and left without a question. Elenor blew bubbles into the water, letting her muscles relax into it.

She returned back to her room after a nice long bath, wrapped in a long bathrobe and her hair wrapped in a towel.

She sat down in front of the vanity and dried her hair with the towel that wrapped around her head.

"Milady I can do it for you." Alec said, stepping closer.

Elenor looked at him through the mirror and nodded, "Ah alright."

He took the towel from her hands and gently dried her hair, massaging her scalp at the same time. Her eyes fluttered shut, enjoying this moment of being pampered. She completely forgot that she was a noble with privileges.


Alec watched Elenor with hawk eyes. Her eyes were closed shut and a relaxed smile plastered on her face. He narrowed his eyes, observing her more.

Since yesterday, she has been acting unusual and even today she was writing in an odd language that he had never seen before. Alec had his suspicions but decided not to say anything until he could confirm something was odd about the person he was serving.

"This feels nice...." she mumbled softly as if she was talking to herself.

The only thing Alec could comment about his milady was that she was acting weird. The milady he knew never acted like this. He made a mental note to observe her even more closely.


Chapter 3

A week has passed since Elenor came into the world she had created. She was now trying to improve her relationship with everyone in the household. The first ones she thought of were Elenor's parents and her brother who was 3 years older. They rarely came out in the book, only having brief moments in a few parts.

Elenor inherited her sharp honey-coloured eyes and red hair from her father making them look unapproachable and evil. On the other hand, her older brother took his looks from their mother. Blonde hair and dark blue eyes. His features were softer which made him look more approachable than Elenor. His name was Richard Atlas Hester and he was working in the palace.

She actually didn't really need to do much because since young they have always loved and cared for Elenor as she was the youngest. That was also why she grew up to be such a spoilt lady and ill- tempered.

Heading down for breakfast. her father and mother were already there sitting.

"Good morning father, mother." Elenor smiled as she took a seat opposite them.

"Good morning Elenor." her mother, the marchioness greeted back with a smile.

"Good morning Elenor, how have you been?" her father, the marquess asked with a warm smile.

People would think the marquess was cold and strict but in truth, he loves his family greatly and was the opposite of what people thought.

"I have been well, what about you father?"

"I've been busy with paperwork and other things."

Elenor nodded before hearing footsteps. Turning to the side, Richard was walking into the dining room for breakfast.

"Good morning brother," she greeted.

He warmly smiled at her and stroked her head, "Good morning."

When everyone was seated, the maids placed our breakfast in front of them and after they prayed, thanking God for the food, they began eating.

"Oh that's right Elenor isn't it your coming-of-age within a year from now?" Richard said, looking over at Elenor.

She nodded, taking a bite of her meal, "Yes brother."

He smiled, chuckling, "Have you ordered your new dress for the special event?"

That's right, now that he has mentioned it, Elenor would often buy new clothes and accessories. Since it is a big event and extremely important Elenor would make a dress a year before the event takes place.

'I can't even complain since I made her this way.'

Elenor held back her sigh and responded to Richard's question. "No brother, I will be ordering my dress a few months prior only."

Forks and knives that were clinking against the plates paused midway. Elenor pretended not to notice anything wrong with what she had said.

"What's wrong? Have I said something wrong?" she asked, tilting her head to the side slightly.

"Are you sick?" the marchioness asked but she shook her head.

"I am fine mother."

"Ah! Then how about accessories? I'm sure you want new ones to go with your dress right?"

She turned to Richard and shook her head again, "I have more than enough in my room. Buying more will be a waste of space and money, don't you think so brother?"

He blinked at her before pressing his hand against Elenor's forehead, "...No fever...."

She lightly blew her bangs, "I already told you that brother."

"What happened to you Elenor? You always want new and pretty things."

"You are right father but I came to realise how unnecessary it was. I have plenty of dresses and accessories. I don't want to waste so much of our money as well. I know I have been acting terribly and I am trying to fix it,"

Elenor looked up at her new family members and smiled, "I would also like to ask for forgiveness for the ruckus I have made since young."

They stared at her in complete silence. Elenor felt her heart in her throat as the anxious feeling wasn't going away after she said all of those things.

Then she felt a hand on top of her head. Glancing up, she saw Richard looking at her with a big warm smile on his face.

"It's good that you are learning to improve yourself Elenor." he said, adjusting his circular silver rim glasses on his face.

"Yes, it is mostly our fault for pampering you so much since you were young." the marchioness agreed, nodding.

"Elenor, even if you acted like that forever, we will always love you. Remember that." the marquess said with a small smile.

" you.." Elenor smiled widely, the anxiety inside her dispersing once she realised how kind and caring they are.

Truly, Elenor is lucky to have such a loving family who forgave her. After breakfast was over and she was in a great mood. Any time a maid or servant greeted her, she would smile and nod back at them. Something the previous Elenor has never done.

"I wonder what I should do now.."

"Milady," I hear Alec calling out to me.

Turning around to look at him, she asked, "Yes?"

Alec's eyes kept staring into hers. Elenor felt goosebumps crawling up her skin but said nothing nor showed any signs of it. He didn't say anything for a long time before shaking his head and plastered a business smile on his face.

"Nothing milady, my apologies."

"It's okay?" she answered him back, unsure, before turning back to the direction she was walking in.

'Maybe I should do some horse riding...haven't done it since middle school.'

Elenor continued walking on, not noticing Alec's unusual behaviour around her. Although it was a Marquess household, it was still quite big and before Elenor knew it, she was lost in her own household. Not wanting to seem like she actually got lost, she continued walking around acting like she knew where they were.


"What is it Alec?"

"Are you perhaps lost?"


"I see."

Long pause.

"...Which way was the horse stable again....."

"This way milady."

With the help of Alec they reached the horse stable. The person in charge of taking care of the horses noticed their presence.

"Lady Elenor! What...brings you here?" the stable boy nervously asked, trying to straighten his back as much as he could in front of her.

"I would like to ride around on my horse."

He blinked a couple of times before fumbling his words, "Huh? Sorry? Lady Elenor wants to ride a horse..?"

She nodded, thinking nothing was wrong with it as she recalled Elenor used to ride the horse when she was young but stopped, complaining how bad they smelled. The stable boy quickly nodded,

"C-certainly! Please wait a moment!" he scurried off.

Elenor stretched her arms, warming her body up so it wouldn't get badly sore the next day.

"Didn't milady say she would never ride the horse again?"

"I said I'm trying to change for the better didn't I? So going back to horse riding should be one too." Elenor smoothly replied back.

The stable boy came back with a white horse. Everything was prepared and she lightly stroked the horse.

"What a good horse." she complimented.

The horse let out a grunt. Elenor lightly laughed, "Did you understand what I said? What a smart horse you are."

"Milady, you should change out of your dress."

Elenor turned to Alec, shaking her head, "No need. I can still ride."

Ignoring what more he had to say, she easily climbed onto the horse who obediently stood still. Once she got herself in a comfortable position, Elenor patted the horse, praising it more.

"Not only are you a smart one, but you are also so tame and lovely. Shall we go for a ride together?"

Answering to her question, the horse let out another happy sound, agreeing with her. Holding the reins, the horse began trotting around the field. Once Elenor felt comfortable enough, they went a bit faster, from trotting to a quick three beats speed.

"Having fun?" she sweetly asked the horse. "Let's jump over those shall we?"

After riding the horse around the field a few more rounds, speeding up and slowing down at times, they finally came to a halt. Safely getting down from the horse, she stroked it one more time.

"Thank you for letting me ride you around the field. It was fun so let's do this again next time."

The horse nuzzled its face into hers. A giggle slipped out of her lips, "Do you like me that much? Well, I like you too."

Elenor turned back to the stable boy and Alec. They seemed to be processing the events that just happened in front of them.

"What's its name?" she asked the stable boy.

He snapped out of his trance and answered her, "It doesn't have a name yet."

"I see then can I call you Ace?"

Ace neighed loudly, stomping. She smiled, "Ace it is."

Elenor turned back to the stable boy and handed him the reins, "Thank you for your hard work. Take good care of Ace for me."

The boy blankly stared at the reins before nodding at her, "Yes Lady Elenor."


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