NovelToon NovelToon

Falling For The Cold Prince


A car stopping in front of a huge building
Murphy (secretary)
Murphy (secretary)
*opens the car door*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*getting out* Thank you
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*teary eyes*
Murphy (secretary)
Murphy (secretary)
Are you sure you wanna do this Mr Harrison?
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
..... Yes
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*walking towards the building*
Murphy (secretary)
Murphy (secretary)
*follows him*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Stay in the car
Murphy (secretary)
Murphy (secretary)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Please Murphy
Murphy (secretary)
Murphy (secretary)
*sighs* Yes sir
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*going inside*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*goes to the receptionist*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Is he in ?
receptionist : He's busy, Mr Harrison
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*going to the elevator *
receptionist: Mr Harrisonnn u can't go........ Is something wrong?
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*getting out of the elevator*
Antoni (secretary)
Antoni (secretary)
M...Mr Harrison *chuckles nervously* (shittt!!!)
Antoni (secretary)
Antoni (secretary)
He's in a meeting
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
(he's acting sus too)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*going towards his office*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*a tear rolls down his cheek* ( I hope whatever he said is not true)
Antoni (secretary)
Antoni (secretary)
Mr Harrison listen to me
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*opens the door*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*Eyes widen*Gasps* *💔*
Antoni (secretary)
Antoni (secretary)
*eyes widen* Oh my god
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Steven Bradford (D.A)
*sitting on the chair almost shirtless*
Dre Johnson
Dre Johnson
*sitting on top of him*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
STEVEN *tears falling uncontrollably*
From Blake's pov it looks like they are making out
Dre Johnson
Dre Johnson
Oops 😏
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Blake 😟
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Steven Bradford (D.A)
It's not what it looks like *pushes Dre *
Dre Johnson
Dre Johnson
Ughhh (exactly how I wanted it to go)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Dre Johnson
Dre Johnson
Yeah Blake *fake concern*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Shut up
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
I... it's over *runs out*
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Noo Blake *follows him out*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*wiping his tears*
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Listen to me Blake *worried*
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Steven Bradford (D.A)
*pulls him back*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Leave mee Steven I don't wanna listen to you 😭😭
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Steven Bradford (D.A)
It's nothing, nothing happened
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*looks at him*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
So ur telling me that he wasn't on top of you right now
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Steven Bradford (D.A)
No i..... Just trust me will you ?
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
I DID!!!
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
You broke it once already 😥
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Steven Bradford (D.A)
That was a mistake Blake and this..... This is nothing
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Jeremy was right
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Steven Bradford (D.A)
What *tilts his head*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
He did tell me about this but I WAS BLINDED *crying*
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Steven Bradford (D.A)
😒 *grips his wrist tighter*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*hisses* You're hurting me
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Steven Bradford (D.A)
I TOLD U NOT TO MEET HIM *angry voice*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Steven Bradford (D.A)
You trust him more than me don't you
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
You cheated once *voice breaks* and you did the same thing again
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
You don't know how much it hurts when the person u love betrays you *heart aches*
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Steven Bradford (D.A)
*looking at him*
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Steven Bradford (D.A)
You think i don't love you
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*looks away*controlling his tears*
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Steven Bradford (D.A)
is it cause of that bastard? *stern face*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Don't you understand what you just did in there?
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
I don't think this can go on I'm done, IM TIRED
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*about to go*
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Steven Bradford (D.A)
*pulls him and kisses him*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*trying to push him*
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Steven Bradford (D.A)
*holds him tightly*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
mmmstop *crying*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*hiting his chest*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
No~mmm *pushes him *
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Steven Bradford (D.A)
*breaks the kiss*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*slaps him*eyes red*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*runs out*
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Steven Bradford (D.A)
*clenches his fist*
Steven Bradford (D.A)
Steven Bradford (D.A)
*Standing there watching him go*
*goes out of the building*
Murphy (secretary)
Murphy (secretary)
Mr Harrison
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*ignores him and sits in the car*
Murphy (secretary)
Murphy (secretary)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*covers his face with his palms and starts crying*
Blake's pov
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
He always hurts me and I always go running back to him
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Why am I soo vulnerable? 🥺
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Why can't I just hate him ?
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Why do I love him so much?
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
It feels like somebody ripped my heart from my chest, it hurts it hurts a lot 😭
To be continued


Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Murphy (secretary)
Murphy (secretary)
Mr Harrison are you okay ?
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*sniffling* Y....yes
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Murphy don't say anything about this to my brother
Murphy (secretary)
Murphy (secretary)
*slightly nods his head*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Stop the car
Car stops
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*wipes his tears and gets out*
Murphy (secretary)
Murphy (secretary)
Sir it's dark out here
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
I'm gonna be fine
Murphy (secretary)
Murphy (secretary)
it's dangerous
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Just go please and don't follow me and if my parents make up an excuse
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*sitting on the edge* looking at the view*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*breathes in*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*gets up*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*sees the moonlight reflecting on something*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*picks it up*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Wow it's pretty
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*a tear drop falls on the pendant*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
It seems expensive and valuable
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*walks forward*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*trips on a rock* oh NOO
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*tries to grip the fence*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
AAAHH *falls into the lake*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
He can't swim
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*going inside*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
NOOO HELPPP *muffled*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
SOMEONE HELP *tries to swim*
The lake is really deep
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*holds the necklace close to his chest*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
(so this is how I die?)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*closes his eyes*
*the moonlight falls on the necklace, making a big glow*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*suddenly wakes up*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*breathing heavily*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*on a bed *looking around*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*sudden realisation*😧
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*looks around again*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
(Hell seems nice)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*touching his body*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*let's out a sigh* It seems that I'm alive 🙂
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*gets up*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Hello is anyone there?
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
( What am I wearing?)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
(these are vintage clothes. Weird)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*comes across a mirror*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*looks once*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*looks front*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*Eyes widen*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*looks into the mirror*
Blake Harrison (D.O)
Blake Harrison (D.O)
*screams* 😱
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Who The Fuck Am I?????
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
*touching his face*
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
T... that's me 😨
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
*blinking his eyes* (Seymour)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
(What do I do?)
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
*holds his hand* Are you okay?
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
Do you want me to call the physician ?
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Uhh... That won't be necessary
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
How did you fall into the lake ?
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
(he fell into the lake too)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
What is the year ?
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
Why Mr Seymour ?
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
No reason
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
Uhh it is 1709
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
WHATTTTT ( 1709 A.D)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
Is something the matter Mr Seymour?
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
*shakes his head*
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
(how do I go back or should I say forward to the 21st century)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
(Am I stuck here in this man's body? 😰)
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
(What happened to him)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Oh my sweet boy
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
*comes inside*
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
*looking at him*
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
*teary eyes* Philip my baby boy
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
(so he's Philip and he's the mom)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
*hugs him*
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
*looks at him*
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
I mean mo...
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Are you feeling fine?
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Call the physician
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
Yes my lady
Okay i don't know what honorifics shld i use? It's superrr weird calling a man my lady 😬
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
But I'm fine
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Still darling let him check you once
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
U bruised your hand and were unconscious the whole day
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
I'm tired now can u call him later
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
I wann....t to rest a bit
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
*smiles lightly* okay sweetie
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
We'll leave now
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
*caresses his face*
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
*going out* Come with me Elias
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
*bows and follows him *
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Ughh *covers his face with his hands*
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
To be continued

Affair ;)

Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Why is he acting strange?
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
I don't know my lady
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
It did seem like a bad fall
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
*worried* mmhmm
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Is it maybe because of the alliance ?
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
It doesn't seem like that , he seemed happy about it
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
*walking *
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Don't let anyone know about this, rumours will arise
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
Yes ma'am *bows*
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
Edwin Seymour (D.O)
*walks forward*
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
*hands him a tray*
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
What is this ?
The young lord is calling you, take this to him
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
.......The lord
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
In front of the chambers
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
May I come in, my lord?
A voice coming from inside : Come in
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
*goes inside*
James Seymour (Alpha)
James Seymour (Alpha)
*looking at Elias*
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
*looking down and walking*
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
*keeps the tray on the tea table* Did you ask for me ?
James Seymour (Alpha)
James Seymour (Alpha)
Yes *gets up*
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
*blushes lightly*
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
Your brother is awake, lord Seymour
James Seymour (Alpha)
James Seymour (Alpha)
He is? *going near him*
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
Y... Yes
James Seymour (Alpha)
James Seymour (Alpha)
*pulls his waist, making him closer to him*
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
*hits his chest*
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
W... What are you doing? *red*
James Seymour (Alpha)
James Seymour (Alpha)
What do you think I'm doing? *lifts his chin*
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
*looking at him*
James Seymour (Alpha)
James Seymour (Alpha)
*pushing him against the table*
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
We can't
James Seymour (Alpha)
James Seymour (Alpha)
Of course we can*smirks*
James Seymour (Alpha)
James Seymour (Alpha)
*leans on him and brings his face close to Elias's*
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
*feeling his hot breath on his face*gulps*
James Seymour (Alpha)
James Seymour (Alpha)
*his lips an inch away* lifting his thigh and trailing his fingers to his inner thigh*
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
*closes his eyes*
James Seymour (Alpha)
James Seymour (Alpha)
*looking down, at him* 😏 *going to kiss him*
*knock on the door*
Young lord the lady is asking for you
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
Oh no *pushes him*
James Seymour (Alpha)
James Seymour (Alpha)
*closes his eyes in disappointment* I'll be right out 😒
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
*stands up straight fixing his clothes*
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
*clears his throat*
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
M... My lord *bows*
James Seymour (Alpha)
James Seymour (Alpha)
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
*turns to leave*
James Seymour (Alpha)
James Seymour (Alpha)
Next time I'm not leaving you no matter who comes , remember that
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
Elias ( omega)
*rushes out*
James Seymour (Alpha)
James Seymour (Alpha)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
*sleeping on the bed*
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
*groans* 😩
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
How do I go backk?? 😭😭😭
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Do i have to jump in the lake again?
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Think think, those movies you watched should come into use now
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
*messes his hair*
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
What must have happened to my original body? Did they maybe find it?
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Is his soul inside it?
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
*gets up*
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
*looking around*
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
*searching for something of phillip*
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
I hope he writes journals
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
*looking around*
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Nothing 😒
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
How did he fall ?
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
i don't think he is as stupid as me to trip on a bloody stone and fall
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
Philip Seymour( mc) ( D.O)
To be continued

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