NovelToon NovelToon

Proof Of Love [Taekook]


Jungkook came back from the college while holding something in his hand. He was

really happy as it was one of the special days of his life. He went straight to his room

when he didn’t see his mom in the living room. Normally his mom would be in the

living room at that time.

He put down the thing on the bed and went to the washroom to take a shower. After

the shower, he went downstairs again to look for his mom. He asked one of the maids

about his mom and she said his mom was in the kitchen.

As he got closer to the kitchen, he started to smell the delicious scent of foods. When

he reached there, he saw his mom cooking busily.

“Wow mom this much food? Is someone coming tonight?” Jungkook asked while

trying to take a piece of the pie his mom made. But before he could, his mom slapped

his hand away.

“Hey don’t touch. Wait for dinner. And yes, Taehyung is coming. Your dad invited

him for dinner as today is his birthday”

Jungkook’s breath hitched when he heard taehyung’s name.

“O-oh! Umm when will he come?” Jungkook asked while trying to look unbothered.

But inside his heart was thumping hard against his chest.

“In the evening….. are you going somewhere though? Don’t go out tonight. You

know he doesn’t have any family. There is no one to celebrate his birthday. Before,

your dad used to take him out for a drink on this day but this year your said that we

should celebrate it together at home. He is like a family, isn’t he?” Mrs. Jeon Yoona

said with a smile.

She really liked Taehyung. The younger was really polite and kind hearted.

“Y-yeah mom… we should celebrate it. Did you make a cake though?” Jungkook

asked with big doe eyes. He didn’t know that his dad invited taehyung for dinner. If

he knew, he would help his mom from the start.

“Not yet… but I have to make it soon.”

“Can I help?” Jungkook asked hopefully. Saying Mrs. Jeon was shocked would be

an underestimate. It was not like Jungkook couldn’t cook at all. He always cooked

while camping outside but he hardly ever cooked in the house including baking


Seeing him that hopeful for an affirmative answer from her was really surprising.

Mrs. Jeon chuckled and nodded her head.

Jungkook thanked her and brought out all the things he needed to make a strawberry

cake. Fortunately his mom was too busy to wonder how Jungkook knew taehyung

loved strawberry cakes.

Jungkook made the cake without any help from his mom. When his mom saw he

was doing it perfectly, she didn’t interfere. Jungkook was really happy when he

finished it. It looked really beautiful and delicious.

It was almost in the evening when his mom also finished cooking. Mr. Jeon and

Taehyung were about to come any minute now.

“Kook go freshen up and wear something good. They will be here soon” Mrs. Jeon

said while removing her apron. Jungkook nodded his head with a smile and went to

his room.

He took another shower because he got sweaty while making the cake. He also got

some dirts on his body. After the shower. He took out a night dress for the night.

Normally he would throw whatever he saw in front of him but this night was special.

He styled his hair perfectly and went downstairs. He sat on the couch and waited

patiently for his dad and taehyung to come.

His mom also came after a few minutes wearing a nice dress. The color of the dress

was his dad’s favourite. Most of the time, she wore this color. His dad also wore the

things his mom chose most of the time. They really loved each other so much.

From the beginning, he wanted a person he could share this kind of love. His parents

never hesitated to show the world how much they loved each other. Jungkook wanted

that too.

But it all changed when a particular person stole his heart. He fell so hard for that

person. But there were many complications, they were many barriers. He was ready

to pass every barrier but he didn’t know if the person he loved wanted him to.

“You are looking good mom” Jungkook complimented his mom who smiled sweetly

at his and kissed his cheek.

“Thank you sweetheart. You are looking handsome too baby. My handsome boy.”\

Jungkook was their only son, their life, their precious. Both of them loved him so

much. But their love also spoiled him a lot. Jungkook doesn’t behave like teenagers

should behave.

They both tried to make Jungkook understand the values of life but the young boy

never tried to listen to them. Bu that didn’t mean he was a bad person. He annoyed

people, including his parents and teachers but he never hurt anyone.

That was the only reason his parents let him do whatever he wanted after failing to

teach him good manners.

Jungkook took out his phone and started to play some games as he was getting too

nervous. It was not like taehyung was coming to their house for the first time but the

elder man always made him nervous.

Fortunately, before the nervousness got too much for him, Mr. Jeon and taehyung

came. Mrs. Jeon got up from the couch with a smile and walked to taehyung.

“Taehyung-ah happy birthday dear.” Mrs. Jeon wished him while hugging him

gently. Taehyung smiled at her and hugged her back,

“Thank you so much noona.”

“Woah someone is forgetting her husband I see!” Mr. Jeon said with a fake offended

look on his face making both Mrs. Jeon and taehyung chuckle.

“Don’t be a kid hon.” Mrs. Jeon said lovingly and took her husband’s bag and coat.

During this whole time, nobody noticed how Jungkook was staring at taehyung. It

looked like his eyes were thirsty for so long and finally it got what it wanted to heep


He stood there like a statue taking in every feature of taehyung, his ruffle hair, small

smile on his face, his beautiful eyes, his prominent collar bone. Everything was


Jungkook was too busy admiring every small details of taehyung that he didn’t

notice the elder man was looking at him now.

He got started a little when the elder called him.

“Heloo Jungkook-ah. How are you kiddo?”

Jungkook gulped and tried to answer to him but his mom cut him off.

“Aish this kid. You didn’t wish him yet kookie? Wish him baby.”

Jungkook sighed a little thinking about his mom’s ignorance about his everyday wish

for the elder to be happy and healthy all the time. He wished everyday for the elder

to keep smiling.

He bowed at taehyung and wished him like his mom wanted him to. It was still

surprising for the jeon couple to see Jungkook this mannered in front of taehyung.

Jungkook never bowed at anyone, including his teachers. He never bothered to.

They wondered if taehyung was the only person Jungkook bowed at. They were

happy though. At least he bowed at someone who was elder to him.

“Happy birthday taehyung.”

When he let out the words, he heard parents’ sigh. But he didn’t care about that. No

matter what he couldn’t stop himself from addressing taehyung informally. That

name on his tongue sounded best like that.

“Thank you kookie.” Taehyung said with a smile and ruffled his hair. He really liked

that cute kid. His hyung always nagged at him how Jungkook was careless about

everything and didn’t want to listen to them but he always found him sweet.

Jungkook never misbehaved with him which made him harder for him to believe

Jungkook was mannerless. But he couldn’t ignore everything his hyung said though.

Jungkook’s college was beside his university and he heard enough stories about

Jungkook and he believed not everything was false.

But still nothing was enough for him to treat Jungkook any less. He still found that

boy cute.

“Taehyung-ah go freshen up. We will cut the cake and dinner after that. Your noona

made all your favorites.” Jungsu, his hyung said.

Taehyung nodded his head and took off his coat. Before he could do anything with

it, Jungkook stretched his hand to take it. Everyone except taehyung was taken aback

at the gesture they never saw Jungkook this caring before.

“Yeah kookie show him the way to the washroom and see if he needs anything. I

am going to set the table. Honey you also go freshen up.” Jungkook’s mother said


She was really happy at Jungkook’s behavior.

Taehyung gave Jungkook his coat who held it gently before leading Taehyung to the


“You will find towels inside.” Jungkook said softly. Taehyung nodded his head and

ruffled his hair again before going inside.

Jungkook let out a breath and leaned against the wall. Slowly he bought taehyung’s

coat closer to his nose and inhaled the intoxicating scent of the elder. He got

goosebumps when he let himself feel it. His eye got teared up at the sudden wan and

emptiness in his heart.

He wished it was taehyung who was in his arms instead of his coat.

He walked away from there while hugging taehyung’s coat. He didn’t want taehyung

to see him vulnerable like this.

After freshening up, taehyung went to the dining hall where everyone was waiting

for him.

One of the maids came with the cake. Everyone stood up and clapped their hands

singing ‘happy birthday’ when taehyung cut the cake. Jungkook smiled softly when

taehyung praised the cake. Yoona told him that it was Jungkook who made it.

Jungkook’s cheels turned red when taehyung told him how good it was.

“Taehyung-ah sit sit… the foods are getting cold.” Jungsu said with a happy smile

on his face. Mrs jeon served everyone and sat down to eat. Taehyung took the first

bite and moaned at the taste. It was too good.

Taehyung never had anyone who cooked for him other than the man he hired. His

cook cooked well but when someone who loves you cooks for you, it tastes different.

Unfortunately, taehyung never had the chance to have that until he met jungsu five

years ago. Jugnsu always treated him like a little brother and made him a part of his


Taehyung was grateful to have them in his life.

After dinner, they went back to the living room. Jungsu and his wife yoona bought

gifts for taehyung.

Jungsu gave him five bottles of old expensive wine knowing how much taehyung

loved wine. Yoona gave him an expensive watch and a set of ties.

“Guys oh my god… you didn’t have to…you know that you remembering my

birthday was enough for me.” Taehyung said getting emotional. He never had

someone who felt the need to do something special for him.

“It was nothing taehyung. You are family.” Yoona said rubbing his arm. Taehyung

thanked her and then looked at Jungkook who was smiling at them.

“Hmm but look kookie didn’t give anything noona. Maybe I am not that speial to

him.” Taehyung said teasingly. He wasn’t expecting anything from Jungkook in the

first place. He was almost sure that Jungkook didn’t even know his birthday.

Jungkook didn’t respond to that. He just turned around and left the living room.

Taehyung’s smile dropped when Jungkook left like that.

“Jungkook hey… I didn’t meant it…” taehyung said with a frown but the teenager

already left. Taehyung cursed at himself silently for doing that. He should’ve been

grateful that atleast the younger was there with him.

“Omg did that boy left just like that? Don’t mind him taehyung. Lets-“ before yoona

could finish her sentence Jungkook came back with something im his hand. It looked

like a suit.

Jungkook cleared his throat and hesitantly gave the package suit to taehyung.

“This is for you. I hope you like it.”

“I wasn’t serious….umm thank you kiddo.” Taehyung said with a smile and opened

the chain. There was a blue dior suit inside. Taehyung instantly loved the color. He

took out the coat and showed it to Jungsu and yoona.

“Wowww what a beautiful suit! Wear it wear it!” Mrs. Jeon said excitedly. Taehyung

chuckled and wore it. It fitted him perfectly..just the way taehyung liked.

“You look so handsome in it. Wow… my son’s choice is really good huh?” Mr. jeon

said ruffling jungkook’s hair fondly.

Jungkook smiled a little when he heard that. Yes he was good at choosing things. He

was goos at choosing people too. He wanted the best persom for himself. He wished

his parents would understand that too.

“By the way, when did you get it huh?” Mrs. Jeon asked making Jungkook nervous.

He avoided their eyes and said,

“I ordered when we were cooking and I got it when you were getting ready mom…I

liked the suit before…I just ordered the size that could fit taehyung. One of my

friends’ family has a shop nearby. They delivered it fast.”

Fortunately there wasn’t any maid closely that time. Otherwise they would catch his


“I really liked it Jungkook. Thank you so much.”

“You are welcome.” Jungkook said giving taehyung a shy smile. They all sat in the

living room and chatted for hours.

Jungkook sat far from taehyung. The whole time he kept stealing glances. He didn’t

participate in the conversation that much. He didn’t want to lose the opportunity of

admiring taehyung as long as he could.

When taehyung got up to leave, his heart immediately felt the emptiness. Suddenly

he didn’t like anything around him. He wanted taehyung to stay.

They walked taehyung to the door and the man hugged Jungkook’s parents, thanking

them for celebrating his birthday. They all reassured him saying that they were

honored to do that.

At last, taehyung went to Jungkook and hugged him. Jungkook’s heart pace

quickened at the warm hug. Taehyung’s warm hands were on his back making him


“Thank you kookie for joining us.” Taehyung said as his warm breath hit jungkook’s

skin making it warm too.

Jungkook closed his eyes and put his right hand on taehyung’s back. He wanted to

pull him closer and never let go. His eyes teared up slightly when he realized that he

couldn’t do it.

“You are welcome.” Jungkook said while trying to hide the shaking of his voice.

Taehyung pulled away and gave him a smile before getting into his car. When

taehyung drove off, Jungkook didn’t stay there longer. He went to his room without

even saying ‘goodnight’ to his parents.

Instead of going to his bed, he went to the window and stared at the big moon in the


Tears rolled down his face as he whispered into the cold air of the night,

“Why do we have so much distance taehyung? I want you so bad. I need you…”

“I love you…”


“Thank you for coming Mr. Kim. I really needed that help.” Mr. ha said to taehyung

who smiled while shaking his hand.

“Mention not Mr. Ha. I will take m leave now.” Taehyung said biding goodbye to

the principal of seoul college. Mr. Ha needed some help from him and taehyung was

kind enough to come to the college and help him.

Jungkook studied in the same college and taehyung felt the urge to ask the principal

about Jungkook but he held himself back. He didn’t want to be nosy. And kids

nowadays don’t like people like that at all.

Taehyung went to the parking lot to his car and opened the door. But before he could

enter his car, he heard some voices. He wouldn’t care if they were random voices.

He heard a familiar voice among others.

He closed the car door and walked towards the sound. There was a corner which was

out of the camera range and a few boys were smoking there instead of going to the


Taehyung’s expression hardened when he saw Jungkook among them. The boy was

smoking without any care of the world.

It was one of his friends who noticed him first.

“Opf look what is here?” that boy said while patting his friends’ shoulder to gain

their attention. Taehyung didn’t even bother to look at them. His eyes were only on


When Jungkook heard his friend, he looked at taehyung. Just like taehyung’s

jungkook’s eyes widened too. He was leaning against the wall but seeing him he

stood properly.

The cigarette stick was still in his hand but he couldn’t throw it away. He was frozen

on his spot. Taehyung slowly walked towards him and stood in front of him staring

at him with a blank face.

One of jungkook’s friends decided to speak,

“Look Mr. Kim…its not your university okay? So don’t interfere in this. College

students are dangerous nowadays mind it.”

Jungkook’s eyes darkened when he heard his friend saying that. He glared at him

making his friend confused. Normally it would be Jungkook himself who would

show their place if someone decided to interfere.

“Get out of here.” Jungkook said to them. They frowned but did what they were told.

Now there was only taehyung and Jungkook. Jungkook lowered his head and waited

for taehyung to say something. But when taehyung finally said something, his heart


“I don’t know what to say Jungkook. I knew that you are not living a decent life but

this? You are not even at your legal age for this Jungkook. How can you do this?

This is basically ruining your life.” Taehyung said with so much disappointment in

his voice.

Jungkook didn’t reply to that. He didn’t know how to. He had been smoking for at

least two years. He started it when he were fifteen, to be exact when he started to

feel for taehyung.

Even though, he was a teenager and wasn’t matured enough, he understood that those

feelings wouldn’t be accepted easily by anyone. He was feeling something for his

dad’s friend. It was not normal.

More importantly, taehyung never saw him like this. It was too obvious. He always

treated him like a kid. Whenever he was around, he showed that he adored him a lot

but that wasn’t something Jungkook wanted. That adoration only broke his heart. He

wanted love, not adoration.

Taehyung took the cigarette from Jungkook’s hand and crushed it under his feet.

Jungkook heard taehyung sighing before the man grabbed his hand and made him

sit on the bench that was nearby. Taehyung crunched down in front of him and looked

at him straight in the eyes.

Jungkook tried to duck his head again but taehyung stopped him.

“No look at me in the eyes and tell me your problem. Tell me why are you doing

this? Did you ever think about your parents?” Taehyung asked trying so hard not to be hard on the kid but he was really disappointed. He didn’t want Jungkook to be like this.

Jungkook couldn’t ignore his questions anymore. It would be disrespectful to


“I needed it.” He said with a small voice. It was true. He needed it. At that young

age, he was lost in the sea of overwhelming feelings. He couldn’t share it with

anyone, not with his parents nor his parents.

He was alone. He needed something to keep himself sane.

Taehyung couldn’t understand though. He was unable to.

“You needed it? Why? Jungkook are you serious? You literally have verything a

person can possibly have. You have a loving family, everyone in the family loves

you and adores you. You study in a good college. You have a bunch of friends.

What’s making you so sad that you have chosen to ruin your life?” taehyung said

and his voice kept raising in the end.

But his expression softened when he saw tears in Jungkook’s eyes. He didn’t like

the tears in the younger’s eyes. He never saw Jungkook vulnerable. Seeing

Jungkook’s tears, taehyung started to wonder if there was something serious going

on with Jungkook.


Jungkook cut taehyung off before the elder could say something.

“Do you think I cant have any problem because I have a loving family and friends?

You are elder than me. You must know that sometimes ‘everything isn’t enough’.”

Taehyung nodded his head. He knew that.

“I know that but Jungkook isn’t it better to talk to them about your problems rather

than destroying yourself? You know your parents. They love you so much. They will

always try to help you. They will make you feel better. They will solve your


“They cant.” Jungkook said with a blank face looking away from taehyung. Even

his voice was void of any emotion.

Taehyung sighed and hesitantly held Jungkook’s hand. Jungkook flinched a little

and looked at him. The elder was looking at him with sad eyes. Jungkook was hurting

thinking that he was making taehyung feel like this.

“Jungkook-ah you know that your family is precious to me right? I am an orphan. I

don’t have anyone in the world. I have lived alone for so long until I met your dad

and suddenly I got a family.

Maybe I haven’t showed it enough but you guys are precious to me. Your are

precious to me. If you cant share your problems with your parents, maybe you can

share it with me?

I wont judge I swear. I will do everything to help you, to solve your problem.”

Jungkook’s heart throbbed when he heard taehyung. He wanted to say it badly. He

wanted to let everything out. He wanted to tell taehyung everything he wanted to say

and wanted him to at least give him a chance.

“You don’t know what you are saying taehyung.” Jungkook said while trying so hard

to keep the hope in his voice hidden.

Taehyung sighed and wiped away the drop of Jungkook’s tears from his cheek.

“I know what I am saying. I want you to be happy and make your parents happy. I

don’t want to see you like this Jungkook-ah.” Taehyung said softly while caressing

Jungkook’s knuckels.

“You want me to be happy? You wont hate me if I say everything to you?” Jungkook

said now staring at taehyung’s hand which was touching his. His voice was filled

with hope.

“Of course not! I will never hate you I promise.” Taehyung said happily because it

seemed like Jungkook was convinced to share his problems with him.

Jungkook looked at him again and stared at his face for a few seconds. His vulnerable

eyes showed too many emotions and taehyung felt the urge to protect that boy


Jungkook then gave a small smile a nodded his head.

“Ok I will tell you everything. But not today. You will have to come when I call

you.” Jungkook said smiling at taehyung.

Taehyung smiled too and nodded his head. He got up from the floor and made

Jungkook also stood up.

“Now throw away all the cigarettes. Come on.” Taehyung said taking Jungkook to

the dustbin.

Jungkook hesitated a little but opened his bag to take out all the packets he had with

him. Taehyung’s eyes widened when he saw many packets inside Jungkook’s bag.

Jungkook bit his lips in shame and threw away all the packets into the dustbin.

“Good boy. I am proud of you.” Taehyung said patting Jungkook’s head. Jungkook

gave him a smile again because he liked how taehyung was proud of him.

“Now go to your class. Don’t skip it again.” Taehyung said again before walking

away. But before he could go far Jungkook stopped him.


Taehyung turned around and answered,


Jungkook walked to him and wrapped his arms around the elder man. His eyes

immediately shut down when he felt the warmth of taehyung’s body slowly invading

his skin ad warming up his whole body. When the warmth reached his heart, he

showed a small smile on his face.

Soon he felt taehyung’s arms around his body too. Taehyung put his right hand on

his lower back and hugged him softly.

Taehyung got the smell of cigarette perfectly from this close and it made him tighten

his hold, he needed to fix it. He couldn’t let Jungkook do that again.

He broke the hug but Jungkook’s arms were still on his shoulder and he didn’t care

about that. He only smiled and said,

“Call me okay? I will wait for your call. Don’t hesitate. I will be there for you.”

Jungkook nodded his head and finally let taehyung go. Taehyung ruffled his hair and

walked to his car. Jungkook stared at him until he left.

He wrapped his arms around his own body and hugged himself. He was feeling so

many things at that time. After years, for the first time he felt that close to taehyung.

Showing one of his faults and vulnerability made him feel closer to taehyung.

When he first met taehyung, he was only mesmerized by taehyung’s look. He was

twelve years old at that time when his dad brought taehyung home for the first time.

A twelve year old boy was having a hard time believing that the man who came with

his dad was real. He looked too handsome to be real.

But it was only for a few hours until taehyung left. Taehyung was in his head only

as a handsome friend of his dad.

Time passed by, taehyung started to come to their house frequently and he started to

talk to the young cute boy of his hyung. That boy looked cuter to his because of his

poker face most of the time. Because even with his poker face, he looked so cute

with big doe eyes and shiny black hair falling on his forehead.

He used to bring many things for Jungkook. When he learnt that Jungkook loved

video games, he gifted as many as he could to him on his birthday.

Jungkook started to open up a little but it was only for a few days.

Jungkook started to observe him from the shadow. He watched all the little things

the elder did but the best thing that caught his attention was his smile.

He didn’t even realize when he started to crave to see taehyung’s smile. He didn’t

even realize when he started to listen to his parents’ conversation just to know when

taehyung was gonna come to their house next.

He only realized something deep when he started to call taehyung from a private

number just to hear his voice when he missed him too much.

He was only fifteen at that time when he recognized a love same as the one between

his parents.

He was terrified when he realized that because it was not just a mere crush. It was

deeper than that. He started to think about losing taehyung, being hated by him and

it teared up his heart whenever he thought about it.

He wasn’t a fool. He understood that it was not appropriate to fall in love with his

dad’s friend. He knew it and he tried to get rid of it. He avoided the elder for months

and it only made him miserable. He even tried to date a girl but nothing worked.

He was already heartbroken. He didn’t even get the chance to be heart broken by the

person he loved. It was the society status and its invisible rules that broke his heart.

Jungkook accepted it but the need of confessing his love to taehyung never

decreased. He wanted to do it so badly.

The only fear that was stopping him was being hated by taehyung. He knew he

wouldn’t be able to take it. He thought that he wasn’t that important to taehyung.

The elder would be disgusted at him.

But today he saw something in taehyung’s eyes. He saw the fear in taehyung’s eyes.

Taehyung was scared for him.

It was giving him hope that at least the elder would understand him and give him a

chance. A chance was the only thing he needed from taehyung. He only needed to

show his love to taehyung.

That’s why he took a decision with beating heart and shaky hands.

That night when he went home, he called taehyung and told him to meet him the

next day.


Taehyung went to the place Jungkook told him to come straight from the University.

He was happy that Jungkook didn’t take much time telling him what was happening

with him.

Kids nowadays always hesitate asking for help, especially from elders. They always

try to solve everything on their own and that’s why many kids are suffering from

depression. Taehyung didn’t want Jungkook to become like that. He couldn’t see it.

He promised himself he was gonna help the boy with everything he needed.

The place Jungkook told him to come to wasn’t nearby. It was almost at the end of

the city. It was a restaurant on the top of a hill. It was beautiful.

When taehyung reached there, he got out of the car and entered the restaurant. It was

an open restaurant and Jungkook was there facinf the beauty of the mountains.

Taehyung went to him and called him.


Jungkook turned around and looked him. He smiled at the elder which looked too

beautiful. The younger was wearing a pastel blue shirt and tight black pants. His

feature looked soft unlike any other times.

Taehyung gave him a smile and stood beside Jungkook.

“It’s so beautiful here.” He said while admiring the nature. From the top of a

mountain, everything looked mesmerizing. It was gonna be dark soon and the sun’s

red color looked the brightest at the time.

“hmm… I love it here.” Jungkook said still looking away from taehyung. Taehyung

stood there in silence. He didn’t want to rush Jungkook. He could wait there the

whole night if that meant Jungkook was gonna share everything with him.

But Jungkook looked ready already. He sat on a chair and told taehyung to sit down

too. He ordered some coffee and that’s when taehyung noticed that the whole

restaurant was pretty much empty. There was no customer other than them.

“Why is there no one else?” he asked looking around again to make sure that he

didn’t miss anything.

“I booked the whole place.” Jungkook said.

Taehyung frowned at first but then he thought maybe Jungkook was comfortable this

way. They were gonna talk about something serious and personal. He needed


Their coffee came soon and they both took a sip. Taehyung put down the cup and

looked at Jungkook who did the same.

“Wanna talk now?” he asked softly not wanting to put pressure on Jungkook.

Jungkook took a deep breath and nodded his head.

The younger leaned against the chair and looked outside before saying,

“I fell in love with someone taehyung.”

Taehyung wasn’t surprised to hear that. Many teenagers faced problems related to

this during this time. He also faced them when he was a teenager.

But he couldn’t understand why Jungkook couldn’t talk about it with his friends.

Friends were supposed to listen to them.

“Did you confess to them?” taehyung asked.

Jungkook shook his head. He looked down not wanting to see the obvious look on

taehyung’s face anymore. The elder looked so unbothered. He didn’t care about it at

all. There was no way taehyung thought about him in that way even in his wildest


He knew that already yet it hurt so bad. But again, he came here only for a chance,

a chance to prove his love and make the elder fall in love too.

It was only a start for him. He still had to go a long way.

“I don’t understand Jungkook. If you like-

“Love…I love him. I don’t like him taehyung…I love him.” Jungkook said with a

slight stern voice. His feelings were deep. He knew it. He didn’t want to disrespect

his feelings by saying that what he was feeling was simply ‘like’.

Taehyung smiled and nodded his head.

“Right…if you love him, then confess to him. You haven’t confess to him yet and

here you are harming yourself for him.”

Jungkook chuckled bitterly and said,

“He doesn’t love me back taehyung.”

“Does he love someone else? Is he in a relationship?” Taehyung asked with a

concerned look on his face. He didn’t want that person to be involved with someone


“No he isn’t. he doesn’t love anyone too.” Jungkook said with a smile on his face.

He never saw taehyung with anyone. He never heard his dad talking about him liking

someone too.

“Then what’s the problem?” Taehyung asked, now getting impatient. Liking

someone or ‘falling in love’ is one of the most usual thing in the world. Jungkook

was seventeen and it was time for liking someone randomly and having sweet

relationships. He didn’t understand what was Jungkook’s problem.

“He might hate me if I confess to him taehyung. He might not find my feelings for

him appropriate. He might stop looking at me or talking to me and this is something

I cant tolerate. I am not strong enough to endure it. My heart is too weak for him.”

Taehyung smiled a little when he heard that but still he was getting concerned


“Why would he do that bub? If you love him, I am assuming he is a good person?”

Jungkook gave him a teary smile and nodded his head before mumbling.

“He is the best.”

Taehyung nodded his head with a smile.

He got up from the floor and made

Jungkook also stood up.

“Now throw away all the cigarettes. Come on.” Taehyung said taking Jungkook to

the dustbin.

Jungkook hesitated a little but opened his bag to take out all the packets he had with

him. Taehyung’s eyes widened when he saw many packets inside Jungkook’s bag.

Jungkook bit his lips in shame and threw away all the packets into the dustbin.

“Good boy. I am proud of you.” Taehyung said patting Jungkook’s head. Jungkook

gave him a smile again because he liked how taehyung was proud of him.

“Now go to your class. Don’t skip it again.” Taehyung said again before walking

away. But before he could go far Jungkook stopped him.


Taehyung turned around and answered,


Jungkook walked to him and wrapped his arms around the elder man. His eyes

immediately shut down when he felt the warmth of taehyung’s body slowly invading

his skin ad warming up his whole body. When the warmth reached his heart, he

showed a small smile on his face.

Soon he felt taehyung’s arms around his body too. Taehyung put his right hand on

his lower back and hugged him softly.

Taehyung got the smell of cigarette perfectly from this close and it made him tighten

his hold, he needed to fix it. He couldn’t let Jungkook do that again.

He broke the hug but Jungkook’s arms were still on his shoulder and he didn’t care

about that. He only smiled and said,

“Call me okay? I will wait for your call. Don’t hesitate. I will be there for you.”

Jungkook nodded his head and finally let taehyung go. Taehyung ruffled his hair and

walked to his car. Jungkook stared at him until he left.

He wrapped his arms around his own body and hugged himself. He was feeling so

many things at that time. After years, for the first time he felt that close to taehyung.

Showing one of his faults and vulnerability made him feel closer to taehyung.

When he first met taehyung, he was only mesmerized by taehyung’s look. He was

twelve years old at that time when his dad brought taehyung home for the first time.

A twelve year old boy was having a hard time believing that the man who came with

his dad was real. He looked too handsome to be real.

But it was only for a few hours until taehyung left. Taehyung was in his head only

as a handsome friend of his dad.

Time passed by, taehyung started to come to their house frequently and he started to

talk to the young cute boy of his hyung. That boy looked cuter to his because of his

poker face most of the time. Because even with his poker face, he looked so cute

with big doe eyes and shiny black hair falling on his forehead.

He used to bring many things for Jungkook. When he learnt that Jungkook loved

video games, he gifted as many as he could to him on his birthday.

Jungkook started to open up a little but it was only for a few days.

Jungkook started to observe him from the shadow. He watched all the little things

the elder did but the best thing that caught his attention was his smile.

He didn’t even realize when he started to crave to see taehyung’s smile. He didn’t

even realize when he started to listen to his parents’ conversation just to know when

taehyung was gonna come to their house next.

He only realized something deep when he started to call taehyung from a private

number just to hear his voice when he missed him too much.

He was only fifteen at that time when he recognized a love same as the one between

his parents.

He was terrified when he realized that because it was not just a mere crush. It was

deeper than that. He started to think about losing taehyung, being hated by him and

it teared up his heart whenever he thought about it.

He wasn’t a fool. He understood that it was not appropriate to fall in love with his

dad’s friend. He knew it and he tried to get rid of it. He avoided the elder for months

and it only made him miserable. He even tried to date a girl but nothing worked.

He was already heartbroken. He didn’t even get the chance to be heart broken by the

person he loved. It was the society status and its invisible rules that broke his heart.

Jungkook accepted it but the need of confessing his love to taehyung never

decreased. He wanted to do it so badly.

The only fear that was stopping him was being hated by taehyung. He knew he

wouldn’t be able to take it. He thought that he wasn’t that important to taehyung.

The elder would be disgusted at him.

But today he saw something in taehyung’s eyes. He saw the fear in taehyung’s eyes.

Taehyung was scared for him.

It was giving him hope that at least the elder would understand him and give him a

chance. A chance was the only thing he needed from taehyung. He only needed to

show his love to taehyung.

That’s why he took a decision with beating heart and shaky hands.

That night when he went home, he called taehyung and told him to meet him the next day.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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