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Chapter 1: A new beginning

Arushi stepped into the grand office building, her heart pounding with excitement. She had finally landed her dream job, and today was her first day. As she walked through the revolving doors, she couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. A lot had happened in her life recently, but she was determined to make this fresh start count. Her dark hair was neatly pulled back, and her crisp white blouse and navy skirt gave her a professional look that she hoped matched her new position.

Arushi's eyes scanned the lobby, trying to find the elevators. She remembered being told to head to one of the top floors but couldn't recall exactly which one. With a deep breath, she decided to go to the very top. The elevator ride seemed to take forever, her anticipation growing with each passing second. Finally, the doors opened to reveal a sleek, modern floor with glass walls and a stunning view of the city.

She stepped out, feeling slightly out of place. As she walked down the hallway, she noticed a large office at the end. The door was slightly ajar, and she could see someone inside. Curiosity got the better of her, and she gently pushed the door open, peeking inside.

Her breath caught in her throat. Sitting behind the desk was Adi, the last person she expected to see. They had a complicated past, one filled with memories she had tried hard to forget. Adi looked up, his eyes widening in surprise. He had changed since she last saw him, but those piercing eyes were unmistakable.

Arushi felt her pulse quicken, unable to move or speak. Adi seemed equally stunned, his gaze locked on her. Time seemed to stand still as they stared at each other, a thousand unspoken words hanging in the air.

Before either of them could say anything, another figure entered the room. It was Mr. Sharma, the person who had interviewed her for the job. He looked at Arushi with confusion.

"Arushi, what are you doing here?" Mr. Sharma asked, glancing between her and Adi.

"I...I was told to go to one of the top floors, and I must have gotten confused," she stammered, her face flushing.

Mr. Sharma chuckled. "Well, consider yourself lucky. You got to meet the super boss on your first day. This is Mr. Aditya Singh, our CEO."

Arushi managed a weak smile, her mind still reeling from the shock. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Singh," she said formally, extending her hand.

Adi took her hand, his touch sending a shiver down her spine. "Likewise, Ms. Arushi," he replied, his voice steady despite the storm of emotions swirling in his eyes.

Mr. Sharma led her out of the office and down to her actual floor, explaining various aspects of the job along the way. Arushi tried to focus, but her thoughts kept drifting back to Adi. How had he become the CEO of this company? And why did fate have to bring them together again?

When they reached her designated floor, Mr. Sharma introduced her to the team and showed her to her desk. She thanked him and sat down, trying to compose herself. The open-plan office was buzzing with activity, but Arushi felt like she was in a daze.

She decided to take a break and headed to the washroom. Once inside, she locked herself in a stall and let the tears flow. She cried silently, the pent-up emotions of the past years finally surfacing. Seeing Adi again had opened old wounds, and she wasn't sure if she was ready to face him.

After what felt like an eternity, Arushi wiped her tears and took a deep breath. She couldn't let this affect her work. She had to be strong and professional. As she stepped out of the stall, she was startled to see her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes were red, and her makeup was smudged. She quickly fixed herself up and returned to her desk.

The day dragged on, and Arushi struggled to focus on her tasks. Every time she looked up, she half-expected to see Adi standing there. She was on edge, her nerves frayed.

Late in the afternoon, her heart skipped a beat when she saw Adi walking towards her. He looked calm and composed, but there was an intensity in his eyes that made her uneasy.

"Arushi, can I speak with you for a moment?" he asked, his voice gentle.

She nodded, trying to maintain her composure. Adi led her to a small meeting room and closed the door behind them.

"I wanted to apologize for the shock this morning," he began. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"It's okay," Arushi replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't expect it either."

Adi hesitated before continuing. "I know we have a complicated past, but I want to put that behind us. You're here because you deserve to be, and I don't want our history to affect your work."

Arushi nodded, grateful for his words. "Thank you, Adi. I'll do my best."

"There's one more thing," he added, looking slightly uncomfortable. "I want you to be my assistant."

Arushi's eyes widened in shock. "Your assistant?"

"Yes. I think it would be a good opportunity for you, and I believe we can work together professionally."

Before she could respond, the door opened, and a crowd of employees gathered outside, their eyes wide with surprise. The super boss had made an unexpected appearance on their floor, and the news that Arushi had been offered such a prestigious position spread like wildfire.

Arushi felt overwhelmed, the weight of everyone's expectations pressing down on her. But as she looked at Adi, she saw determination and sincerity in his eyes. Maybe this was her chance to prove herself, to start anew despite the shadows of the past.

With a deep breath, she met Adi's gaze. "Alright, I'll do it."

The crowd buzzed with excitement, and Arushi felt a mix of fear and hope. This was just the beginning, and she had no idea what the future held. But one thing was certain: her life was about to change in ways she couldn't even imagine.

• Read the next chapter to find out what happened next. Will they be able to work professionally or will this reunion turn into a lovestory again.

Episode 2: Hating each other.

Arushi stepped into Adi's office, her heart sinking as she noticed the half-empty whiskey glass on his desk. It was clear he had been drinking. Despite her apprehension, she approached him cautiously.

"Adi, you called me?" Arushi asked, trying to keep her voice steady despite the unease she felt.

Adi looked up, his eyes slightly glazed but still sharp. "Yes, I need those files from the last floor," he replied brusquely, his words tinged with impatience.

Arushi couldn't help but notice the change in him. The Adi she remembered was confident, charismatic, and always in control. But today, sitting before her, he seemed vulnerable and distant.

"Are you sure you're okay to work right now?" Arushi asked gently, concern lacing her words.

"Why do you care?" Adi retorted sharply, his tone cutting through the air like a knife. "Employees should just do their job."

Arushi felt a pang of hurt at his words. She had known Adi for years, through good times and bad. They had been close once, inseparable even. But something had changed, something that had driven a wedge between them.

Tears welled up in Arushi's eyes, a mixture of frustration and sadness. Without another word, she turned on her heel and left the cabin, her emotions threatening to spill over.

As she made her way to the last floor to retrieve the files, Arushi tried to compose herself. She couldn't afford to let her feelings get the best of her, not on her first day in this prestigious job. She was determined to prove herself, despite the unexpected confrontation with Adi.

Once she had the files in hand, Arushi hesitated outside Adi's office. She dreaded going back in there, facing him again. But she knew she had no choice. Stealing herself, she pushed open the door and entered, her footsteps echoing in the tense silence.

Adi was standing by his desk, his back to her. As she approached, he turned around, his eyes meeting hers. There was a brief moment of hesitation, a flicker of something unreadable in his gaze.

Without warning, Adi closed the distance between them, reaching out and gripping her waist tightly. Arushi gasped, caught off guard by his sudden closeness. She could feel the tension radiating off him, the conflict within him palpable.

"Crying, baby girl," Adi murmured, his voice low and tinged with bitterness. "But it doesn't matter to me anymore." He took the files from her hands, his touch lingering for a moment longer than necessary.

Arushi felt a rush of conflicting emotions - anger, hurt, confusion. She wanted to demand answers from him, to know why he had become this person she barely recognized. But before she could gather her thoughts, Adi spoke again.

"Why do you still hate me, Adi?" She asked suddenly, her voice tinged with a mix of frustration and something else he couldn't quite place.

Adi took a step back, startled by the intensity in his question. "Umm... do I need to give you a reason now, Aru?" she replied softly, her voice tinged with sadness. "Don't you feel ashamed of asking me this?"

Adi looked away, his jaw clenched in frustration. "That was in the past," he muttered finally, his words barely audible.

Arushi shook her head, tears threatening to spill over once more. "Adi, I..."

"Shut up, Arushi," Adi interrupted abruptly, his tone harsh. "You know what? I hate you more than anything or anyone. For you, maybe it's in the past, but for me..."

Arushi swallowed hard, the weight of his words hitting her like a ton of bricks. She had hoped that time and distance would heal their wounds, that they could move on from the pain of their shared history. But standing here, face to face with Adi, she realized that some wounds ran too deep to ever fully heal.

Adi sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Then why did you accept my offer for this job?" he asked suddenly, his voice softer now, tinged with a hint of vulnerability.

Arushi looked at him, her heart aching with the complexity of their emotions. "I needed the money," she admitted quietly. "And you know I won't find a better job than this."

Arushi bit her lip, tears brimming in her eyes.

As Arushi turned to go, she couldn't stop the tears from falling. She had hoped that accepting this job would be a fresh start for both of them, a chance to move past their painful history. But now, standing in Adi's office, she realized that their relationship was more complicated than she had ever imagined.

Adi didn't ask her to stop. He knew he broke her heart but this didn't affect him now.

Read the next chapter to find out what happens next.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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