NovelToon NovelToon

The General Loves To Collect Little Red Flowers

CHAPTER 1: Resurrection

“Aunt Lin, Aunt Lin, wait! You forgot to take your cell phone! “

"Aunt Lin! Your phone! “

A lame, about 20-year-old young man shouted while running in the scorching sun and chased a middle aged woman across the road.

However, the woman walked in a hurry and didn’t seem to hear his voice at all. She got on the bus and disappeared into the crowd in a flash.

The young man couldn’t catch up. He gasped and stopped at the side of the road. He stares at the cell phone that doesn’t belong to him. Sigh. He takes it as a fan and gives himself several blows. Then he goes back to the Buddhist shop across theroad.

His limp right leg seemed a bit heavy when he walked, so that when a truck running against the traffic rules suddenly rushed to him, he failed to avoid it in time. Then heonly heard the “bang” sound, and the noise around him disappeared asif he had been pressed the pause key.

Le Yao suddenly woke up.

He was surrounded by darkness. There were no street lights, no buildings, no cars and no people. He felt some wetness under his buttocks, seems like he was sat on the grass. It's quiet, cold, and the rustle of leaves driven by the wind made him feel plunged in this thick forest. He's alone, like the dying old man hanging with his last breath.

All the hairs of Le Yao’s body suddenly stand up. He quickly touched his pocket, trying to find something to light his surroundings.

But he found nothing.

He has always been brave enough to avoid fear of these strange things. He wanted to shout for help, but not far away he heard some “whine” of an unknown beast, made his whole nerves tense to the extreme.

Cold sweat ran down his forehead. He tried hard to calm down while biting his fingers.

The bloodjust came out a little, suddenly there was a shout in front: “I smell it! Over there!”

Then someone said, “Alphas, stand by! Let’s go and have a look!”

“Yes!” a group of people shouted.

It was a strange language, yet Le Yao could understand it. And that raised the tension in his heart.

But what is alpha?

Hearing the footsteps coming closer, Le Yao suddenly felt pain in his brain like a needle. With this pain, many unfamiliar memories flooded into his mind. He can’t help but squatting down with his head in his arms when his mind is about to explode.

“Third young master, you can really run away.” At this time, a pair of army boots appeared. The owner of the boots pointed a flashlight at his face, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone: “You know that you can’t escape, aren’t you tired?”

“You…” Le Yao looked up. “What did you call me?”

“I said, third young master, why are you pretending? Did you forget what trouble you made?” The man said, “Tsk, we have been looking for you overnight!”

“…” Le Yao subconsciously got up and took a few steps back.

This is not right. Even if his head feels so hurt right now he felt something was really wrong. How could he become their third young master? Moreover, he was born disabled, and now he doesn’t even walk limp. Why he has a stranger’s body and memory!

The owner of the body is also called Le Yao, who is an Omega boy and the son of General Le Feishan of the Tarot Empire. In order to escape the marriage arrangement, he ran away all night. Unexpectedly, he lost his life in this deep wood.

“Report to the General, the third young master has been found.” At this time, Le Yao saw the tallest man in the crowd talking at the communicator and said calmly, “Yes, General, it’s in the broad-leaved forest five miles away from the north slope. Yes, it doesn’t look like a big problem. We’ll take him back assoon as possible.“

“You, come here!” The man added, “Bandage the third young master's wound!”Then he put down his communication device and glanced coldly at Le Yao, turned around and left.

“Third young master, where is your wound?” A medical staff came to ask Le Yao.

“My hand.”Le Yao held up his broken finger and showed it to the medical staff. He saidnothing more.

Now that he has the memory of the original body, he has understood what alpha, beta and omega are and more clearly saw the medical staff put a sealant on such a small wound, which is not out of concern, the smell of pheromone in his blood will affect the soldiers who come out to search.

The medical staff put away the things: “Third young master, please.”

Le Yao followed these people into an airplane in silence, and found that there were many people looking for him. The aircraft is intelligent and does not need a pilot. After all the passengers come up, there are twenty-one of them. At this time, everyone’s expression except him looks very hateful. 

These people’s dissatisfaction with him has not been shown, but it has been written on their faces.

Le Yao felt like a dream now. His new memory told him that it was 2555 years by the perpetual calendar. In 2261, there was a natural disaster on the earth that human beings could not resist. Human beings were forced to move away from the earth for as long as 15 years. When they arrived at Tarot, they combined their genes with Tarot’s people and started a new civilization.

It’s March 2 year 279 new astronomic calendar, 536 years after he left the earth.

This conclusion sounds crazy. Le Yao can’t help clenching his fist in his pants pocket.

It’s just that the general’s residence is come to view after a long time of flying. As the aircraft slowly descended, Wang Hao, the special service captain who had stared at Le Yao, and the medical staff took Le Yao out of the aircraft.

“Le Yao walked into the hall, and before he could stand still, Le Feishan walked over quickly, raise his hand intend to slap Le Yao.

"Pat!” No good! Le Yao quickly blocked the other side with his small arms and faced the angry middle-aged uncle. He pressed down the tension and his uneasiness, said: “Don’t casually hit people! We can talk about it first!"

“You damn kid!” Le Feishan angrily looked at the pale, but still breathtaking beauty of his oldest son, “You still have face to come home!”

(T/n: Don't be confused guys, you'll know later he's the oldest or the third~~)

“I……” Why am I ashamed to come home?

Le Yao wanted to argue back, but when he thought of what the original owner had done, he was speechless for a while.

There is an unwritten rule in the Tarot Empire that omega with prominent genes, no matter men or women, as long as they do not enter into marriage before they reach the age of 20, they must follow the arrangement of the Marriage Center and marry the designated high gene matching objects. The fundamental reason for this is to breed as many genetically excellent humans as possible.

Most Omegas will accept such an arrangement. If they don’t find the right person, they will marry the person with a highly matched gene. But the original body didn’t like it. So in order to escape the marriage arrangement from the Marriage Center, he had to toss his old father in the opposite direction.

This time, the original owner took illegal drugs that were said to destroy Omega glands and fled at night.

Well, then he was caught.

Le Feishan's face was as black as a pot. When he smelled blood coming from his son's bathroom, he thought his son was going to commit suicide. He quickly ordered people outside his family to get out of the house. Then he said, “I’ll count to three. If you don’t come out, I’ll break the door!”

As soon as Le Yao saw that the rune had been scattered and there's no blood trace on the floor, he quickly opened the door.

When Jiang Xinduo saw him coming out, he touched his chest with relief: “You scared us to death, you child! What are you doing? Are you alright?“

Le Yao didn’t answer.

His stepbrother, Le Tianyu, also go upstairs to his bedroom. He said weakly, “Brother, please don’t hurt yourself any more. It’s not just you who are suffering, we as your family and the guard outside also feel the same. Why did you doing that?“

Under the instruction of Jiang Xinduo, the medical staff came to bandage Le Yao again. Hearing that, they looked at Le Tianyu and seemed to agree with him.

Jiang Xinduo also said at this time: “Yes, Le Yao, don’t be willful any more. Although you may go to his residence after you get married with General Xu Yao, I heard that the environment in Huaxia star is a little tough. Outsiders also said that General Xu Yao is a bit fierce. But you are his future wife. He should treat you different from the others, so don’t worry, and don’t anger your father again. “

Le Yao didn’t want to confront Jiang Xinduo and Le Tianyu at all, but at this time he couldn’t help turning his head: “What star did you just say he was stationed in?”

The words are from Le Feishan. He frowned: “Huaxia star. What do you want to do?“

(T/n: Huaxia is ancient name for China)

Le Yao said in low voice, “Huaxia star, isn't that’s what these people call the earth?” Then his eyes brightened: “No! I won’t do anything! I’ll register themarriage tomorrow!“

Le Feishan looked at his son suspiciously: “Are you sure?”

Le Yao said, “Sure!”

If you don’t marry, you will still be forcibly marked by someone. If he doesn't take this chance to marry, there'll be another arrangement in the future. Moreover, Omega with suppressant in the heat period is too miserable. It’s better to marry first. What if he could find a way to return to his original world after he went to Huaxia star? It's okay if 500 years has passed, earth still earth! No matter how developed it is here, it’s not his familiar environment!”

Le Yao repeatedly promised that he would not do something reckless again. Finally, he got the approval from Le Feishan and took all the guard out, without ordering them to watch him in the room. It's finally got quiet. He took a bath and fell asleep in bed.

His master, the adoptive father who opened a Buddhist shop, had two sons, both of whom were not bad. So even if he dies, he doesn’t have to worry about the future of hismaster, if that world is still going on. So the most important thing for him now is to think about what to do next.

Le Yao picked up the light brain and searched for the memory of the original owner on the Internet for “Xu Yao”. A minute later, the light brain fell under the bed with a bang.

He looked down at the picture on the ground. Look at the big man with a bloody scar between his eyebrows, fierce eyes and a sinister face, he was dumbfounded.

What the hell!!!

Chapter 2: First Meeting

Le Yao felt that as early as Jiang Xinduo said that Xu Yao was a bit fierce, he should have guessed that Xu Yao was particularly fierce. But when he saw the pictures, he found that the gap between his thought and reality surpassed his imagination.

Fierce, it’s not only a fierce look, but also a burning light in his eyes. He didn't know who took the pictures. It seems that Xu Yao is in the battlefield. His hair is a little bit long. He didn’t cut it or wash it for a long time during the war. It was coagulated with the dried blood on his face. It’s terrible to see. And such a terrible man still holds a sword with cold light in his hand. There’s blood dripping on the sword, moreover there’s a corpses at his feet. At first glance, it seems that you will be killed in the next second.

At the first glance, Le Yao was really scared, but when he looked down again, he found that maybe only such a man could serve as the commander of Flying Wolf Division in the Tarot Empire at such a young age.

Xu Yao is a Major General of the air force of the 12th army of the Tarot Empire. He is now the commander of the Flying Wolf Division of the 12th army.

According to the information on the Internet, in January 275, Huaxia star was attacked by Orc troops from Sarna star. At that time, Xu Yao, who was just the deputy division chief, was ordered to lead the Flying Wolf Division to Huaxia star to resist foreign enemies.

In July of the same year, Sarna’s army was defeated. The Flying Wolf Division, led by Xu Yao, won all the victories and chased after them. At one stroke, it took the two mineral stars that originally belonging to Sarna. His battle style of decisively fighting on the battlefield made his subordinates give him a nickname: The Hell's King of Empire. 

In August of the same year, he was promoted to two levels within one year, and became the youngest regular division officer in the history of the Tarot Empire. At a young age, he led more than 30.000 soldiers.

However, when all the star people thought that Xu Yao was going to lead the team back to the capital star, all the officer and his subordinates were stationed in Huaxia star and became the local of Huaxia star.

At that time, there was a lot of speculation about Xu Yao’s behavior: some people said that the natural environment of Huaxia star began to recover gradually after more than 200 years of recuperation, and Xu Yao was ordered to stay to re explore the available value of Huaxia star; others said that Xu Yao found some important secrets on Huaxia star, and could not return to the capital star without finding it; and the others frankly think that they're ready to spread their wings far from their commander and intend to stay in Huaxia star, stand on their own feet as "emperor".

All in all, there were different guesses. Until the end of last month, the Marriage Center of Empire of Tarot announced a special marriage order on the official website, ordering Xu Yao to rush to Tarot star immediately and register his marriage with Le Yao, the eldest son of General Le’s family.

The marriage order came suddenly and urgently, as if with some tentative intention. However, when he received the news, he immediately responded, saying that he agreed.

When Le Yao saw this, he was not sure what Xu Yao wanted to do, but he wanted to know more about it. He found that there was just this picture of Xu Yao in the whole network. Some other places seemed to have photos but needed special permission to view them. He was very sleepy at this time and didn’t want to toss anymore, so he simply put down his light head and fell asleep.

Anyway, he must go to Huaxia star.

“Is Le Yao still asleep?” On the breakfast table the next day, Le Feishan didn’t see the eldest son – that’s right, the eldest son. Although Le Yao is known as the “third young master” outside, it’s because he has two cousins on it. In fact, he is the eldest son of Le Feishan.

“He must have been tired after such a toss yesterday, so I didn’t ask someone to wake him up.” Jiang Xinduo looked like a kind mother and said with a smile, “Let him sleep more.”

“Who said I was still sleeping?” Get up early, take a bath, and change into clean clothes, said Le Yao as he went downstairs.

He saw a lot of bloody pictures last night. He didn’t sleep well all night. Now he has a headache. But he can’t be too weak, speak as tough as the original body, can’t be gentle, and to do cynicism occasionally.

“Jiang Xinduo didn’t show the thought of embarrassment at all. He smiled and scooped out a bowl of porridge for Le Yao: “Since you wake up, come and have breakfast together.”

Le Yao sits down opposite to his stepbrother, Le Tianyu. Look at the bowl of porridge in front of him, his spoon didn’t move at all.

Jiang Xinduo saw this scene. There was a flash of anger in his eyes, but it soon dissappeared.

Le Feishan also found that Le Yao didn’t eat the porridge that Jiang Xinduo gave. But Le Yao didn’t get into trouble again last night. He rarely slept well in the night, but he didn’t blame Le Yao for it. It’s his habitual to frowning when he speaks, so there are three deep wrinkles between his eyebrows. He looks unhappy without expression. He said: “Xu Yao didn’t stay in Tarot for a long period this time. In the middle of it, he still had a lot of business to deal with. So this time, you register first and have the wedding later. But he also said that he will make it up for you after finishing his business.”

“It’s ok if we didn't do the wedding.” Le Yao said, “It’s not because I like it either.”

“What’s with your attitude? Is it my fault that you can’t be with the person you like?" Le Feishan’s face turned black. “Don’t you think which Omega outside is like you? Fighting, skipping classes, not disciplined. Xu Yao didn’t refuse the marriage order, so you should be glad."

“Why should I be glad?” Le Yao said unhappily, “That Xu Yao's face is so fierce and frightening. If I marry him, even his smile would be frightening, right?”

“… He doesn’t make a living with his face! What do you want him to look good for?“ The fire in Le Feishan heart is growing bigger, “I’ll tell you, Le Yao! Your suppressant medicine effect is too fast. You must be together with Xu Yao in recent months! After the marriage registration, you will go to Huaxia star with Xu Yao. At your school, I’ve gone through the formalities for you to suspend school. After half a year, if you want to go back to school, you can resume your study. But before that, you must be obedient and don't make trouble! Do you hear me?! ”

Le Yao chewed the food hard, not speaking.

Le Feishan stared at him.

At this time, Lee Tianyu said in a warm voice, “Dad, brother will be with someone he doesn’t like. He must be very sad. Besides, you don’t know that he likes beautiful things since he was a child. That General Xu is so… Just give him some time. ”

Le Yao sneers: “Le Tianyu, is this anything related to you? So considerate, just for whom to see.”

Le Feishan said, “What are you speaking?”

“Enough” said Le Yao. Then “bang!” Kick on the table, get up and go.

Le Feishan shouted, “Where are you going?”

Le Yao shouted louder than him: “Register!”

His arrogant attitude almost made Le Feishan’s got a heart attack, but when he saw the stubborn figure, he thought of his late wife again. She is also such a tough character, but when facing him, she will become very soft. It’s not like his stinky son Le Yao. He’s always fight against him.

At the thought of Le Yao's attitude with him, Le Feishan felt a pain in his head. He saw Le Yao disappear in his sight completely and shouted: “Old Chen!”

Chen Bo came in from outside. He was about fifty years old and a little fat. He looked very happy with a smile on his face, especially with his big ears. He looked like a Maitreya Buddha with long hair.

He used to be the Le Feishan's guard, but later he became ill. He was not suitable to stay in the army, so Le Feishan called him home to help with the stewardship. He went to the opposite side of Le Feishan and said with a smile, “General, the third young master is gone. Wang Hao already follows him.”

Le Feishan pinched his forehead and said “Mmm”.

At this time, Le Tianyu got up, with red eyed he bowed his head and said, “Mom, Dad, I’m full, and I have to hurry to school. Take your time.”

Jiang Xinduo waved: “OK, go. Be careful on the road.”

When Le Tianyu walked away, Jiang Xinduo sighed: “How good do you think these two children can get along? Le Yao is too strong, and Tianyu is too soft. I’m worried about Tianyu being bullied outside.”

“Who will bully him?” said Le Feishan. "He is also the son of Le family. You're thinking too much.”

Jiang Xinduo said half serious and half-jokingly, “Why not? You see, he’s afraid of his brother even when he’s at home. I'm not sure how he’s doing outside.”

Le Feishan's face, which had just calmed down, turned cold again. “You’re just not used to his attitude.”

Jiang Xinduo looks aggrieved: “I don’t want him to hate me, who knows that he still doesn’t accept me after all these years.”

Le Feishan was in silence for a moment: “Forget it, anyway, Le Yao won't live here anymore. Today, he finished his marriage's register with Xu Yao. It is estimated that Xu Yao will bring him here to meet me then take him away to returns to Huaxia star. ”

Jiang Xinduo said with a smile, “That's true.” She asked Chen Bo, “Old Chen, did they arrive at the marriage center?”

Chen Bo said, “They’ll be right there.”

The speed of the aircraft is too fast. In a blink of an eye, Le Yao flies to the marriage center.”

There are civil affairs bureaus and marriage centers in Xingdu, both of which can handle marriage registration procedures. However, those with prominent genes such as Xu Yao and Le Yao who have been designated for marriage must register at the marriage center.

Due to the early arrival, there was no one in the office hall at this time. But it has nothing to do with them. According to Wang Hao, Xu Yao has a special identity, so the staff will deal with it separately, as long as the person comes.

So right now, Le Yao is waiting for the general with Wang Hao. They sat at the corner of the hall on the first floor. There was no one here. Le Yao asked Wang Hao, “Wang Ge, have you ever seen General Xu Yao?”

Le Yao seldom talks to people in such a friendly way. Wang Hao is a little shocked and says, “I met him ten years ago. He is my senior brother.”

Le Yao calculated that he was less than ten years old ten years ago, so Xu Yao might not be able to know Wang Hao. But since he is Wang Hao’s senior, Wang Hao should be able to recognize Xu Yao. Le Yao got up and said, “Wait here. I’ll go to the restroom.”

Wang Hao also stood up: “I will accompany you.”

“No, I can go alone,” said Le Yao.

Wang Hao’s face is expressionless: “I’m afraid you will run again.”

Le Yao: “…” Can you leave some dignity for me!

When going to the restroom, Le Yao is so angry that he looks like a puffer fish which robbed of food. When he went to the restroom area, he saw six independent restrooms in total, five of which were under maintenance, only one was working and it's closed. The door said “Share during maintenance period, please forgive us for the inconvenience”. There was someone else that already here, he was even angrier.

He waited for a while in front of the restroom door, then he heard the sound of water coming from inside, so loud.

A moment later, there was a sound of zipper pulling again, and soon a man came out. The man was wearing a black cap with sharp eyes under the brim. He came out with a cold wind. Le Yao looks up. The man is over 1.9 meters tall. It’s just like a big pine tree standing there. No wonder…

The man suddenly asked, “What are you looking at?”

Le Yao was startled by the low voice, and the thought in his mind just came out without being filtered: “Nothing, man, you're really big.”

Man: “…”

When Le Yao saw the man squinting slightly, he suddenly reflected what he had said. He was so scared that he hurriedly went into the restroom and closed the door behind him. Pat his chest: Damn it, I’m scared to death!

Little opera:

Xu Yao: It will be more frightening in the future, do you want to see?

Le Yao: Go die! Thank you!”

Chapter 3: Abnormal Physical Examination

The sound of washing hands soon came from outside. Le Yao put his ear close to the door panel and listened until the sound of water disappeared and the sound of footsteps began to fade away. He opened his zipper and began to pee. After peeing, he also went to wash his hands. At this moment, his mind flashed over the tall figure he had seen before.

He doesn't know what's wrong with that man. But he somewhat feels that those eyes were very familiar, just like… It’s like Xu Yao's picture that he saw last night in the light brain. But there was a scar between Xu Yao's eyebrows. It was obvious that the scar was thick and long, and estimated to be seven or eight centimeters and was hard to ignore. Besides, Xu Yao seems to be much older and darker than the man he just met.

It’s also funny. When he woke up in the morning, Le Yao actually could apply for the ID of marriage center and use his permission of “understanding the future spouse information” to see what Xu Yao looks like. But he was traumatized about the previous picture, since he has seen the most terrible side of Xu Yao, it’s not like he doesn’t want to see him anymore, so no matter what Xu Yao looks like, it will be better than the picture before, right. Then he didn’t worry to go to meet the real Xu Yao.

Anyway, it’s just for marriage registration. It’s not as bloody as it is on the battlefield, is it?

After Le Yao check his look in the mirror once again and went out, he saw the big pine tree man, who was chatting with Wang Hao in the corridor.

He was a bit confused.

“Oh, he’s here.” Le Yao heard Wang Hao said that.

“Wang Ge, you…” When Le Yao approached, he suddenly had a bad premonition.

“Do you know each other?”

“This is Mr. Xu Yao.” Wang Hao pointed to the big pine tree man and said it with a respectful tone: “Senior brother, he is the eldest son of General Le Feishan, Le Yao.”

“Yes, we met in the bathroom just now.” Xu Yao looks at the child whose ears turn red in an instant, picks up his eyebrows slightly, there was a flash at the bottom of his eyes, pondering a moment then saying, “He also praised me…”

“Who, who praised you!” Le Yao quickly cut his sentence. Don’t you even have a face? Is it a compliment to say you pee loudly?!

Le Yao’s face was as red as a monkey’s butt. He summoned up his courage and glared at the person across his eyes.

At this time, he can’t be too overbearing. After all, Wang Hao is still watching him, although didn't pay that much attention. At home, he knew that Le Feishan would not take his attitude seriously, but this man was different. This is the first time they met. In case he didn’t grasp his genuine attitude when he was arrogant like the original body, and got upset by him, wouldn't it be mixed up in the future?

It’s not too much to say that Xu Yao was the local tyrant of Huaxia star. Le Yao felt that he had to rely on Xu Yao for a while until he went to Huaxia star. He must not make this person angry. Otherwise, he didn't have any chance to survive. The he now can’t even use talisman or summon the underworld creature; he just has hands and legs which small and weak. What if something happens to him?! Although he is genetically abnormal in Omega population, with excellent height, appearance, intelligence and better physical ability, he couldn't be compared to any alpha at all, especially this alpha in front of him.

After glancing at this red ear little omega, Xu Yao turned his head to look here and there. He didn’t look at Le Yao, but his expression became a little subtle.

After a while, he said to Wang Hao, “Junior brother, is it convenient to let me have a chat with my future little wife alone?”

Wang Hao didn’t even look at Le Yao. He said, “No problem” to Xu Yao then turned around and left.

Le Yao: “???”

Who is your master, Wang Ge? Why did you sell me easily?!

Le Yao’s anger is about to explode. He stares at Wang Hao’s back, hoping to kill him with his shoes.

The doubts in Xu Yao’s heart grow bigger. A moment later, he whispered, “Why are you angry? Didn’t you praise me just now… Is it big? ”

The temperature that just went down on Le Yao’s face, wheezed and climbed up again: “Who, who boast you're big! I mean you pee loudly! So evil!“

When Xu Yao saw the little omega’s reaction, he found that it was more fun to tease and more he realized something was strange in his heart. He raised his chin towards the lounge and said, “Let's go to the lounge.”

As soon as Le Yao thought about that he had to be tense outside, but when in private, he feels easier to have a talk, so he nodded. Anyway, it’s the first time for Xu Yao to see him. No matter what he is, as long as it’s not too exaggerated, it should be categorized for a normal person.

So Le Yao and Xu Yao entered the lounge.

It’s not a privilege to Xu Yao’s marriage, but the marriage center has prepared the two of them such lounges since he came, so that those who receive the marriage order can talk and rest here. Most of the people who receive the marriage order will meet and talk privately before coming to the marriage center to deepen mutual understanding. But some of them like Xu Yao and Le Yao, will meet for the first time on the day of their registration.

The lounge is sound-proof, but half transparent, which can not only protect the privacy of conversation, but also prevent people from violence due to inappropriate conversation to some extent.

Le Yao and Xu Yao sat on both sides. Le Yao looked at Xu Yao boldly for a while and asked him, “You!” He straightened out and made himself look a little more imposing: ”Why have you changed so much? I don’t remember you are as white as you are now. ”

He looks very nervous in front of Xu Yao, but he has to show 'I’m tough! I’m not afraid!' looks. He always feels that there is a big gap between this man and the information he has learned in advance.

“When did you see me black?" Xu Yao keep staring and examine his little wife. "I didn't think you can't recognize me at our first meet. You didn’t do any homework at all,” said Xu Yao.

“Do… That’s still done.” After thinking about it, Le Yao turned over the webpage he saw yesterday from his light brain. He showed the frightening picture that could be used to guard a residence to Xu Yao and said, “Isn’t this person you?”

“I was four years ago.” Xu Yao glanced down and said, “This is a picture that was automatically captured by my comrades' communicator when Sarna attacked Huaxia star. Are you that brave enough to come out and meet me after seeing this picture? ”

“Why should I be afraid? You are killing the enemy. I’m your wife” said Le Yao.

“Is it?” Hearing this, Xu Yao leaned forward slowly. A pair of hawk and falcon like eyes, with a full sense of oppression, stared at Le Yao like a prey. He asked in a low voice, “Then tell me, why did you run away last night?”

It’s so close that Le Yao could feel the breath of Xu Yao on his face. It’s so hot and powerful.

This Xu Yao, when he saw him first in his light brain, felt like a devil that want to kill anyone who saw him, but now he looked like a wolf that wanted to eat sheep. It’s the kind of bad wolf that tries to scare the sheep out before eating them. He can’t help but subconsciously dodge, and then take the opportunity to turn off the web page to lower his head and try to say in a tone that doesn’t sound so tense: “If... if you suddenly marry someone you are totally unfamiliar with, don’t you want to, don’t you want to escape? Isn't hiding a human nature?”

Xu Yao’s body leans forward a little more: “What about now? Do you want to hide?”

Le Yao shook his head and said, “No, I don’t want to.”

He still wants to, but he can’t say that. Huaxia star still belongs to the Tarot Empire, but not everyone can go as soon as they want. For now, Xu Yao is the best choice.

Xu Yao looked at Le Yao for a while. Seeing that he still didn’t dare to look at himself, and his ears were still red, he straightens his back, knocked twice on the tea table, and said to his communicator, “Yan Jie, let the registration staff come here.”

There was heard a male voice came out of the communicator with a trace of confusion: “Why, brother Xu?”

“Registration,” said Xu Yao.

At this time, there was a “bang” on the opposite side. It seemed that something had fallen on the ground. Then there came a “crackle” and a rush. After about seven or eight seconds, there is a normal reply: “Received! Right away! ”

The registration staff came very quickly. She was a beta sister. After she came, she gave two paper forms to Xu Yao and Le Yao to fill in. Then she asked them if they wanted to have a physical examination. Physical examination is free of charge and voluntary choice, it's ok if you don't want to do it. If you don’t, just sign on the form and say you want to give up the physical examination.

Xu Yao asked Le Yao, “Do you want to do it?”

“Let’s do it,” said Le Yao. What if there were any problems between them? It’s free anyway.

“Then please come with me,” said the beta sister.

Xu Yao and Le Yao were taken into the physical examination room, one person on the left and right entered a small partition. After about five minutes, Xu Yao came out of the physical examination room. But Le Yao haven't finished the inspection. Hearing the conversation between Xu Yao and alpha examiner at the door, Le Yao asked his examiner, “Why is he so fast? Why do I need so long here?”

The examiner is a beta aunt, laughing and saying, “Because you are also responsible for the birth of new life, so there are more items to be examined.”

When Le Yao realized, he stopped making a sound, then he drew the corner of his mouth. Oh, right, I'm an omega.

This aunt beta has never examined such a good-looking omega boy in nearly 20 years since she worked in the marriage center. The boy has chestnut hair, white little face, and starry eyes. When he looks at her nervously, he looks like a deer that just come out of his mother’s care. At the beginning, she heard that this was the eldest son of General Le’s family. She was worried that he was not easy to get along with, because it was said that the child was grumpy and rebuked when he didn’t agree with anyone. But this boy said hello when he came, and was very polite, so she couldn’t help saying more words: “It’s nothing to be shy about. You and General Xu’s genes are so good that you absolutely will produce many excellent babies in the future.”

Le Yao could only smile and said, “Thank you.”

The beta aunt didn’t say anything more. She continued to help Le Yao with the test.

After the test, Xu Yao went back to the place where he had talked with Le Yao. But this time there was one more person, that is, the one who was in a hurry in the communicator, named “Yan Jie”.

Yan Jie has black hair and eyes, along with a pair of black frame glasses over his thick eyebrows was a beta boy and working as a top hacker for Xu Yao. He looked at the door and found that no one had come. He whispered, “Brother Xu, are you sure you want to register your marriage with him? This third young master of Le has a bad reputation! ”

“I know what you mean, but when I just talk with him, I found that his behavior was different from what we had learned before,” said Xu Yao, playing with the light brain he had used before.

Yan Jie was still uneasy and hesitated to say, “What if it’s just a cover? There are many bad videos of him on the internet. Let me show you this. ”

Yan Jie directly pointed at the light brain and said a command. The communicator immediately helped him search for the video he was looking for, and selected an angle that would not be seen by others to play it.

The video should have been shot in the autumn and secretly from the side. Wearing black leather trousers, Le Yao, with a smile on his face, tricked a rather tall boy into the woods, and then let a group of people beat him around. At last, he beat the man’s face full of blood. Le Yao stepped on the man’s chest, said something and left.

Xu Yao looked deeply at the scene when Le Yao sneers at the man. He stunned and doesn’t speak for a while. He knows lip language so naturally he knows that what Le Yao said should be 'Dare to talk about Lao Zi, I'll tear your mouth next time!'

“I’ve identified this video, and it's real and without any fabrication,” Yan Jie said. "Later, I also learned that the beaten boy was just chatting with his classmates when he casually said that it would be good to have a look like him. He must be able to live well. Of course, it’s not good to talk freely behind people’s backs, but this boy has been in hospital for more than three months because of this. Brother Xu, do you think it’s worthy for you to marry such a person and bring him to Huaxia?”

Xu Yao closed the video, remembered all the conversation today with Le Yao and his behavior. He squint his eyes slightly and says, “He’s only 20 years old. If he’s as bad as you say, I’d like to know more about him and his attitude. Don’t worry. If there is a problem, I will teach him how to behave myself.”

Yan Jie said nothing: “But you know, someone just deliberately done something about this marriage arrangement. Just in case… ”

Xu Yao glanced at Yan Jie coldly.

Yan Jie closed his mouth and dared not speak. Soon there was a kick at the door.

Le Yao wanted to knock, but it’s too polite to knock. If it is the original owner, it must be a direct kick into the door. But he didn’t have the guts of that dog, so he just compromised and kicked the door lightly to show that his arrogance was still there, but he would not be too violent until he kicked it open.

Xu Yao came to open the door and said, “Have you finished the inspection?”

As soon as Le Yao saw the man, it was like a wall that broke straight reflexively, he still felt nervous around this man and his arrogance feeling disappeared: “Hmm! They say it’ll take half an hour to get all the results!”

Xu Yao: “…” Just said something! What's with your stunned expression in front this little omega?

Xu Yao then back to reality and lean himself on one side: “Then, come in and have a seat together?”

Le Yao thought that if he wanted to go back to the earth that disappeared 500 years ago, he would have to contact the entire human that dead and this need a long time. So he agreed his invitation and comes to the lounge. Not long after that, Wang Hao, who went to report to Le Feishan, also came back. The few people chatted casually. Most of the time they said about Wang Hao and Xu Yao were in the military academy. Le Yao didn’t know whether it was intentional or not. They all avoided the topic of him. In this way, half an hour passed quickly.

A nurse from the physical examination department came and said, “General Xu, Mr. Xiao Le, your physical examination results have come out. Dr. Hu asked the two of you to come over.”

After hearing this, Xu Yao knew that there must be something wrong with the result. Otherwise, the doctor would come and explain it to them personally. But since he didn’t come, he asked the nurse to invite him and Le Yao to his office. That’s something inconvenient for outsiders to talk about.

Le Yao didn’t know anything, so he went into the doctor’s office with Xu Yao. But as soon as they were seated, the fat middle-aged male doctor said: “The results of the examination are out. General Xu has no problem. All the data are excellent. But there is something wrong with Mr. Xiao Le. His OTR data is too low.”

“What is the OTR data?” Xu Yao asked.

“The OTR data represent Omega’s comprehensive gland health index,” the doctor said. Mr. Xiao Le’s OTR index is 70%, lower than the minimum health value. Excuse me, has Mr. Xiao Le taken any special medicine recently?”

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