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Meet Me At Our Spot: Backyard Life Of The Bastard

The promise at sunrise

Night had set in the city, the lights that conquered the darkness accompanied a boy. He sat on a bench located high above the city. His shoes were a mess, his lip was bruised. Dirt and footprints decorated his shirt. A tear slipped from his eyes that he quickly wiped away. However, he couldn’t stop the sobs that left his body as he thought about his life. The life of a “genius”. You would think he’d be put on a pedestal, or praised. But, it was quite the opposite. Bullied by his friends in school and envied by everyone. He continued to sob silently as he tried to pull himself together. The sound of his phone vibrating next to him made him stop sobbing a little. He looked at the phone. The caller ID was “Mom”.
The boy let out a deep sigh to calm himself before he reached for his phone and braced himself. He pressed answer and swallowed a hard gulp.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
💬 H-hello?
Ms. Min (Nico’s Mom)
Ms. Min (Nico’s Mom)
💬Nico! Where are you?! I got a call from your school! You skipped your classes and your lessons?! Are you crazy?!
The boy let out a soft sigh as his hand clenched onto his pants. He sniffled.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
💬Mom…please. I’m too tired right now.
Ms. Min (Nico’s Mom)
Ms. Min (Nico’s Mom)
💬You stupid boy! How dare you talk that way to me! You think you got to where you are because you’re recognized as a genius?! No! You got there because I put you there!
The boy stifled a cry as his tears fell from his eyes. It was always like this. His mother ranting about his failures and never seeing the accomplishments he had. His father never acknowledging his existence since he was an illegitimate child. The last memory he had of him was yesterday. The day he walked up to him full of expectation for his father’s praise. Only to be met with a cold glare.
Mr. Han (Nico’s Dad)
Mr. Han (Nico’s Dad)
What are you doing here?
Nico’s bright smile disappeared once he met his father. He looked at him and tried to smile.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Dad! Did you see my score? I was able to get first place in the competition! Aren’t I getting better?
Mr. Han (Nico’s Dad)
Mr. Han (Nico’s Dad)
No, you aren’t. These scores aren’t good enough. You are no son of mine.
Nico’s heart throbbed harshly at that moment. He looked at his father and he held back his timid nature. He tried to smile brightly again. He tried to form words again, but was cut off when the door behind him opened to reveal a little boy running in from behind.
Jacob Han
Jacob Han
Almost instantly, Mr. Han’s face brightened looking at the little boy. He quickly picked the little boy up in his arms and smiled at him.
Mr. Han (Nico’s Dad)
Mr. Han (Nico’s Dad)
What are you doing here, buddy?
Jacob Han
Jacob Han
I’ve got…this!
The little boy smiled at Mr. Han and showed him a paper. It was a test paper from the little boy. It had a 75% on the paper. The boy who had been standing still since earlier looked at the piece of paper. He then looked at his father’s face that smiled happily.
Mr. Han (Nico’s Dad)
Mr. Han (Nico’s Dad)
Good job, bud! I’m so proud of you! How is my son so smart?
Hearing these words, the boy couldn’t help, but withdraw from there. Once he got outside the room, all he could do was sob behind closed doors. He did his best to keep up a bright and cheerful personality in front of others, but no one in the world would be able to do that. Much less a child.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Dad, why don’t you love me too?
The boy continued to cry as he heard his mother’s rant. He finally managed to pluck up his courage to ask his mother a question he was afraid of asking all his life.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
💬Mom…do you even love me?
Just then, his mother spoke in a stern tone.
Ms. Min (Nico’s Mom)
Ms. Min (Nico’s Mom)
💬Stop being so dramatic. Come home right now. This is what I get for wasting my life on a failure.
Hearing this, Nico couldn’t take it anymore. He hung up the call and balled his heart out.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Why can’t I be loved? Am I that bad? Am I not good enough? Why?!
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Why can’t I have love too?! Isn’t this enough?!
Nico looked up to the sky with his tear stained eyes. He remembered the one person who loved him before he ever became branded as a genius. The person he missed with all his heart. His grandmother.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
I miss you so much!
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Take me away! Please! Just take me away!
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
The boy continued to cry hard. Even though it started raining. He continued to cry without stopping to breathe. The cold rain drowned out his cries while it cooled down his burning heart until he drifted off to a daze.
It seemed as if the heavens above heard his plea and tried to soothe the fire in his heart. But, it seems that it put it out for good in the process. With one last breath, Nico closed his eyes peacefully as he laid down on the bench.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
The last thing that he saw was the sun rising.
The last thought that went through Nico’s mind was simple, but sad.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
💭Please let me be happy with my grandma in my next life. Far away from all the trouble. Somewhere we’d spend all day just passing the day leisurely.
The end.
Nico Han(past life of Nicholas Auburn Aullard)
Age: 16
Parents: Mr. Han and Ms. Min.
Personality: Tries his best to be mature, but also hides his inner child for fear of angering his mother. Believes that everyone has their own story to tell, but is scared to open up for fear of being taken advantage of. Does his best to listen to both sides of the story before he judges.
Likes: Loves his grandmother, candy, strawberries, bananas, meals, sweets/cakes/pastries, cooking, and gardening.
Dislikes: Wasting food, neglectful/abusive people, loud noises, gossip, arrogant/ignorant people, and hates the word “genius”.
Backstory: Nico’s mother drugged his father in a club and is trying to covet the position of Ms. Han. Nico was neglected as a child since Ms. Min didn’t see any worth in him. It wasn’t until his teachers pointed out his potential as a child that his mother took an interest in him. His hair was originally white and silver, often bullied for his pretty appearance and his achievements. When he was younger he wished to have a happy family with no trouble, but stopped since he kept on being pushed away. He was inspired by his grandmother’s way of life. She raised him while showing him the happiness you can find in hard work and letting time pass by. Decided he would be like his grandmother.

Our promise at sunset

Resting his eyes peacefully without worry or pain, Nico felt as if he were floating in water. He felt he could sleep like that forever. In a place where he’d never be found. Even by himself.
Nico flinched as he heard his name in the water. Was it all in his head? A hallucination? What could it have been?
Hearing the voice again, he found familiarity in it. He opened his eyes with much difficulty. To be amazed by the sight that greeted him.
Nico looked in front of him to see an old woman with a friendly face looking at him. He felt his heart swell up in happiness as he quickly stood up in the water that was up to his waist. He pushed through the water and ran up the stairs at the edge of the water with tears in his eyes. He hugged the old woman happily.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
The old woman looked at Nico with a smile as she hugged him back. A small tear fell from her eyes.
My poor little grandson. Please forgive me for leaving you behind.
Nico’s eyes burned, but it wasn’t with sadness or frustration this time. It was filled with happiness and joy after a long time. He had forgotten that his heart could feel this way as well.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
It’s alright grandma!
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
The old woman couldn’t help, but hug her grandson with guilt. She continued to weep in her heart as she knew she couldn’t erase the life he lived and she couldn’t erase the wish she made. A wish that her grandson was a genius and reached heights above his family.
He did reach new heights, but was he happy? No. The pain and suffering he felt each time he had to face his father’s indifference and his mother’s greed were far too great. She realized now, all she could hope and wish for was his happiness.
Dear, you have so much to live for.
Grandma can’t bear to see you go like this. Instead, I will let you live a better life where you can be happy. Just the way you are.
With confusion in his eyes, Nico broke the hug and looked at his grandmother. She ruffled his hair before she kissed his forehead.
Have a good life, dear. Please keep your heart open, but don’t get hurt. It’s okay to be discouraged and disappointed, but please learn how to be happy. *😢*
Nico sniffled with tears in his eyes again.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
G-grandma…what are you talking about? I wanna stay here with you.
His grandmother shook her head with a sad smile on her face as she cupped his cheeks.
You don’t belong here, dear. You are my angel and the most precious gift that heaven has given me.
I will protect and guide you. For you are my grandson.
Nico let out sobs as he hugged his grandmother.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
I don’t want to go, grandma! 😭
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Don’t leave me alone!
His grandmother shut her eyes tightly to stop herself from crying as she hugged him back.
Live a life that isn’t bound by oppression and sadness. Smile because you can, not because you need to.
Nico looked at his grandmother who gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead again. His body started glowing and he could feel himself getting lighter. He tried to hold onto his grandmother.
However, he could hold her for long. His body lost its physical state and he slowly faded away right in front of her.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
His grandmother smiled once more before he disappeared.
The most important thing for you in this life is…
…to be happy.
With that, Nico fully disappeared. All that was left was the old woman who looked at her hands with a sad expression. She sighed as she looked up at the sky.
Be happy Nico.
Goodbye, my dear.
The end

You will be my brother

Good luck Nico and I love you.
Nico let out a gasp as he opened his eyes. He looked up to see a dark ceiling in front of him. It scared him, but as he recalled what had happened to him he teared up again. He sniffled as he wiped his eyes.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Grandma…I promise I’ll live a good life. Even if I don’t know what it is.
Nico tried to get up, but realized his body felt weird. When he finally stood up, he realized he wasn’t that tall anymore.
He looked around in surprise and looked at his hands.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Since when were my hands this small?!
Nico looked over to a mirror that was next to him and stared at the boy inside.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Who’s he?
Hearing his voice and seeing his reflection, he gasped. He quickly ran up to the window and looked at himself.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
What the heck?! I’m younger?!
Nico looked around him at the room to see old antiques and dust everywhere. When he focused hard enough, he could see built up mold and what not. He couldn’t help, but feel a bit confused. However, he did his best to stay positive.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
I’ll try…to live well grandma.
He looked back at his reflection in the window. He wasn’t surprised by his white hair since that was his original hair color. But, his mother forced him to dye it black to gain his father’s attention. He touched his hair slightly. With a small frown on his face.
He remembered how much he used to hate his white hair, but it was the only thing that reminded him of his grandmother. He let out rough sigh as he looked at his fist that he clenched tightly. A determined smile on his face.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Let’s live well.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
But first…where am I?
Nicholas gathered up his courage before he walked outside the door in the room. He noticed how there weren’t any people around and continued to observe the place.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
💭Where is everyone?
Each door that he came across was empty and soulless. He finally decided to walk out further into one of the rooms and looked out in shock.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
I’m isolated?
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas quickly walked out of the house and into the front. The house wasn’t a normal house. It was built more like a mansion one could say, but it wasn’t as luxurious as one.
He looked out at the vast forest and empty grounds. He let out a sigh before he walked back inside and quickly went back to the room he was in. There was barely enough light for him to continue searching, but he was lucky enough to find a lantern.
He found a piece of paper next to it and matches. He quickly lit it and looked at the paper next to it.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
“Dear family”?
Nico looked around and sighed before he sat down on an old wooden chair. This room was obviously a study, so he tried his best to read the letter without being bothered by the messy state of the room.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
…did he commit suicide?
“Dear family, I am writing this letter to apologize and beg for forgiveness. I am sorry for all of the trouble I’ve caused you and all of the jealous antics I’ve dealt you all. I’m sorry leaving early as well. I wrote this letter for my family, but I know you guys don’t consider me family. After all, I am just his majesty’s offspring from a one-night-stand. I’m sorry once again and please don’t forgive me. “
“Sincerely, Nicholas. “
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
If he did suicide…
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
…that would be too sad.
Nico then looked at the lantern. He knew that this was a letter from Nicholas, the real one. However, he could also understand something else he felt from the letter he was holding.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
You…didn’t want to be found anymore did you?
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
You gave up…right?
Nico picked up the letter and looked at the lantern.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
You were going to burn this, weren’t you?
Nico stared at the flame of the lantern a little longer. He sighed as he brought the letter to his face and pressed it to his face.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
You wanted to disappear, but you couldn’t decide whether or not you would leave a trace of yourself in this world, right?
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
You aren’t even considered a teen, yet you-
Nico couldn’t hold himself back as he thought about the body he was in. He was relieved when he found no one in this huge mansion, but now he felt sad.
Tears welled up in his eyes as he thought about the small child who hadn’t even hit puberty, yet he was already considering suicide. He clutched the letter to his chest as he cried.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
You hadn’t even seen the world yet. *😢*
Nico’s body trembled from the unbearable thought of this pitiful child. He felt as if though he could see the child in front of him.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
You weren’t a problem and you weren’t a mistake. You have a family. *😭*
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
You have me.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
This letter…
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
…will be my treasure until my last breath. *sniffles*
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
You won’t be forgotten. Not while I’m here. *😭*
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
This place will be our home. I will be your brother. I promise you. *😢*
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nico and Nicholas.
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Nicholas Auburn Aullard
Our home.
As if he could see the crying child in front of him, he smiled at him with tears in his eyes.
The end.

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