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chapter 1

I was walking through the school's corridor when I saw Kendrick, he was talking to his friends, he looks like he was enjoying talking to his friends but when he's done talking to them, i saw his annoyed face.

"Such a fake person", I said to myself as I walked away and go to my next class. Thinking why is he looking so annoyed when he just finished talking to his friends. I sigh and find my seat in the classroom, maybe I should stop thinking and worrying about it since it's none of my business.


As I sat on the table, I didn't know that I was late in my first class.

"Hey, you in the last row, this is your first class, and you're late? Come meet me later so that i can mark you as late." she says.

"Yes, ma'am." I respond.

As she was discussing the project and I was surprised to see Kendrick, he was in the same class at me. After a few minutes, the professor walked out of the classroom and the other students starts talking to each other about the project and they were inviting other students to be there partner for the project.

As I was walking out of the classroom, one of the freshman saw me and recognize me, and run towards me.

"Hey, you're Adrian Pendleton right?" he asked.

"Y-yes, why? Do I know you?" I asked awkwardly

"You already forgot about me? Aw, that's sucks. It's me Cedric Parks, the one who asked you to write a poem." He says excitedly

"Ohh, it's you." I replied

"Do you already have a partner? Kendrick and me are still missing one person in our group, want to join?" He offered

I saw Kendrick walking towards us and smile at me with his kind facade.

"Yeah, you should join our group." He smiled at me.

"Yeah, sure." I agreed

After that, I always hang out with them just to finish working on the project, we always go to the café and sometimes in a library.


While we were waiting for others to come in the library, I'm staring at him and I didn't know that I was making him uncomfortable.

"Hey, Adrian, right? do you want to tell me something?" Kendrick asked with a little smile while putting the book slightly down and titled his head to the side.

"Huh? No nothing." I respond and looked away from him.

"Really?" Kendrick said with a smile still plastered on his face, "Then why were you staring at me? did I have something on my face?" he asked with fake concern.

"No, sorry." I respond to him

Kendrick chuckled for a bit when he heard the quick apology and shrugged.

"It's alright, don't worry about it"

he said with a slightly playful tone

"But you still haven't answered my question, why were you staring at me? you were looking at me like if I was a lab rat" he questioned.

chapter 2

"Just curious, sometimes when you're talking to your friend you looked happy, but then when you walked away you seems so annoyed. Why though?" I asked him

"...ah, you noticed that?"

Kendrick said with a little chuckle, not expecting that someone actually took notice of it, but he mentally cursed, no no no, this isn't how it should be.

"Oh, don't worry about it, it's nothing" he said with a smile

"it might be just my thinking face or something, you know? sometimes I get lost in my thoughts easily, so don't worry about it"

Kendrick explained with a playful tone and a chuckle, hoping Adrian would believe his lame excuse.

I tilted my head and hummed, clearly, i didn't believe him at all, and for some reason, it irritated Kendrick a lot, the fact that i was able to see through some of his facade annoyed him.

" seems like not a "thinking" face to me"

i said, I'm still analysing Kendrick's facial expression.

Kendrick was a bit surprised at how Adrian still didn't buy his bullshit and raised an eyebrow slightly when he saw him still staring at him, Kendrick just let out a chuckle.

"And what does it seem to you then if it isn't my thinking face? My annoyed face?" he questioned while leaning a little closer.

"Yes, maybe." I shrug

"Maybe? So you're not sure?” Kendrick asked with a raised eyebrow and a cocky smirk, it was getting a bit more annoying for Kendrick how Adrian was seeing through him more than it should.

"Let's finish the project." I said while continuing my parts.

A few minutes later, Cedric arrived, and we start working on a project peacefully. After a few minutes we already finished all of our parts.

"We're all done in the project." Cedric said while stretching his arm

"Yeah, we all finished it." I respond

"Let's hand this over to the professor and let's go to eat." Cedric said while gathering his things.

I start gathering my things too and follow them to the professors office, after a few minutes of walking we arrived at the professors office and hand it over.

She analyzed the project before responding

"Great job, boys. This is impressive.

She smiles and says

"You boys can go now."

We walked out of the classroom feeling so happy that our professor is not as strict as the rumors.

While we're walking we are talking about what kind of food are we eating, and we decided to eat at a barbecue restaurant. At the barbecue restaurant, Cedric ordered a ton of beef and beer to celebrate finishing the project in such a short time.

"Cheers guys." Cedric lift the glass of beer and drinks it

We're drinking and eating while talking to each other, after i few minutes, i was already drunk and starts talking and talking.

"Hey, Kendrick, do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Or maybe someone you love?" i asked him

chapter 3

Kendrick expression slightly went to confused before quickly going back to neutral as he raised a eyebrow,

"I do not have a boyfriend or girlfriend nor anyone I like."

he answered back after a moment as he titled his head to the side.

"Why that question?"

he added, feeling slightly curious about what was going in Adrian's mind.

"I see."

I respond while chugging the beer.

"What about you? Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?"

Kendrick asked the other, he actually felt a bit interested to know his answer.

"I don't have neither of that." I said

"Really? Huh, I thought a person as cute as you would have a ton of people asking you out."

Kendrick slightly teased with a smirk on his face.

"I'm not cute." I replied

"You are and you know it."

Kendrick immediately responded, still with a smirk on his face, slightly raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not." I replied again.

"Yeah, you are, and deep down you know it."

Kendrick once again responded with a smirk on his face, finding a bit amusing of him to deny that he is cute when he clearly was cute.

"You should stop drinking, you're already drunk."

Kendrick said trying to take the glass of beer to Adrian's hand.

"I'm not drunk." I said while he's taking my glass.

After a few minutes, I passed out, and they panicked because this is the first time Cedric saw me like this.

"Adrian…wake up…hey…" Kendrick said while trying to wake me up.

After a while, I regained consciousness in an unfamiliar house, I sits up and looked around while trying to analyze the room. After a few seconds, I heard something in the bathroom, and it seems like someone is taking a shower, and i was right, Kendrick walked out of the bathroom, he saw me and walked towards me.

"You're finally awake." he said with a smirk on his face.

I just nodded because I'm still kinda drunk.

"You're still drunk, huh?" he asked.

"Kinda." I replied

He sat at the edge of the bed and looked at me.

"You're so cute, that I want to pounce you and touch you."

I looked at him with and my face reddened at what he said. He leaned in closer to my face and kissed me, I kissed him back. He kissed me passionately, strip and undress me. He's thrusting harder and I can feel It deeper,

Wet kisses we shared I can't contaIn my excitement, with every flinch I make, with every thrust he does, my minds going hazy, I thInk I'm going crazy, I like how he knows my favorite spots, he's traveling my insides while cumming.

The next day, I woke up,, and my body feels like got hit by a truck, I sits up and saw him still sleeping peacefully, i caress his hair.

"He's not that fake, maybe he has family problem" i said quietly

And just a few seconds, he woke up and smile at me, not the fake smile but a genuine smile.

"Good morning." he said while sitting up and hugged me.

I didn't expect that he would do that but I think that's kinda makes me happy.

"Good morning too." I replied

"Are you okay? Did it hurt? Are you hungry?" he asked.

"Chill, I'll answer it one by one." I chuckled and says,

"I'm okay, and it did hurts, and yes I'm hungry.

He looked surprised and said,

I'm sorry, maybe i overdid it too much. I can't help it your body is calling me.

"it's okay." i replied.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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