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The Second Master's Little Ancestor's Vest Fell To The Ground

Novel Summary

Everyone said that the wife of the Ron family in the famous capital city was from the countryside, she did not know big characters, was vulgar and liked to bully others.

Mu Changying sneered coldly.

Don’t know big characters?

A well-known professor is her apprentice.


Her etiquette and social sway is the first thousand dollars and five streets.

As for bullying, that’s true.

Mrs. Rong was so arrogant and undisciplined that she beat up the young master of the Jin family violently on the street, causing Jin to stay in bed!

Lawyer Li Dajinjin: “My sister is in self-defense.”

Mrs. Rong didn’t know what to say, and threatened to rub the professional league champion on the ground by 1v5!

The leader of the e-sports world: “My sister’s strength is so powerful that it’s no problem to pick ten.”

Mrs. Rong is outspoken and commented on the performance of well-known actress Chengxiang!

Popular fried chicken: “I love it, I’m used to it, I don’t want to hold back.”

The onlookers feel their teeth are sore, this is simply a winner in life.

The sunspots were in a hurry, and they all picked up the keyboard and spit it out:

What if there is a big brother’s favor, it must not be favored by the second master, and it is destined to stay in an empty room for a lifetime!

Mu Changying’s phoenix eyes narrowed slightly: “Is that so? Second Master.”

The sinister Rong Eyre panicked instantly, sweating in cold sweat: “I’m not, I don’t, daughter-in-law, listen to my explanation!”

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Everyone said that the wife of the Rong family in the famous capital city was from the countryside, she did not know big characters, was vulgar and liked to bully others.

Mu Changying sneered coldly.

Don’t know big characters?

A well-known professor is her apprentice.


Her etiquette and social sway is the first thousand dollars and five streets.

As for bullying, that’s true.

Mrs. Rong was so arrogant and undisciplined that she beat up the young master of the Jin family violently on the street, causing Jin to stay in bed!

Lawyer Li Dajinjin: “My sister is in self-defense.”

Mrs. Rong didn’t know what to say, and threatened to rub the professional league champion on the ground by 1v5!

The leader of the e-sports world: “My sister’s strength is so powerful that it’s no problem to pick ten.”

Mrs. Rong is outspoken and commented on the performance of well-known actress Chengxiang!

Popular fried chicken: “I love it, I’m used to it, I don’t want to hold back.”

The onlookers feel their teeth are sore, this is simply a winner in life.

The sunspots were in a hurry, and they all picked up the keyboard and spit it out:

What if there is a big brother’s favor, it must not be favored by the second master, and it is destined to stay in an empty room for a lifetime!

Mu Changying’s phoenix eyes narrowed slightly: “Is that so? Second Master.”

The sinister Rong Erye panicked instantly, sweating in cold sweat: “I’m not, I don’t, daughter-in-law, listen to my explanation!”

This Novel will not have 800 chapter and +1 For the Summary because some of the chapters are just in one chapter so please read this novel and please do not report me


Chapter 1: Trying to escape again and again

[Be the most beautiful little sheep, be the king of the deepest routines, the sea king who doesn't love the most waves, don't hit the southern wall of the scumbag, just want to hit your chest - Mu Changying]

It hurts, the bones all over the body are like being run over by a wheel, and the flesh is separated from the bones...

"Um... it hurts..."

Mu Changying opened his eyes suddenly, what caught his eyes was the familiar ceiling, and a faint fragrance lingered on the tip of his nose.

Why does this place look like the room where she lived in her first life?

Before he could think about it, the man next to him bullied him.

Her eyes suddenly darkened, and she met a pair of eyes that were as deep and cold as obsidian!

"Yingbao, you can't escape in this life, you are destined to settle down by my side!"

"If you don't study well, I'll make you never get out of bed..."

The hoarse and deep voice rang in her ears, making her horrified.

Why is this voice so familiar?

Did she come back after passing through another world after death?

Seeing that she was distracted, a sharp look flashed in the man's eyes.

His fingers squeezed the girl's chin tightly, and the slightly rough fingertips gently rubbed her delicate skin.

"Yingbao... I have been poisoned by you, and you are my only antidote."

The temperature of his fingers was so cold that she shuddered as he passed.

The intimacy was so real, it didn't feel like an illusion at all.

Mu Changying's eyes widened and her lips trembled, "I...are we still alive?"

These words undoubtedly ignited the fuse, and Rong Luyuan's already dark handsome face became even more hazy.

"It disappoints you that I am still alive?"

"You have to know that even if we go to hell, we have to be together. Don't try to run away with that wild man in your life!"

His eyes were mixed with monstrous anger, angry and paranoid, suspicious and sensitive, like a wild beast that broke free from the shackles.

The hand holding her chin tightened slightly, leaving a blush on the delicate white skin.

"No no... There are no wild men, I just want to elope with you."

Mu Changying stretched out her small hand and climbed onto his neck, burying her head on his chest and rubbing it.

Well-behaved, like a cute little bunny.

The nephrite jade was in his arms, and his teeth were warm and fragrant, which made him calm down in an instant, and his heart was so soft.

His gesture of depicting her facial features was so reverent that he seemed to make every inch of her skin branded with hismark, "Yingbao, see clearly, who am I?"

Rong Luyuan is like a sea monster tempting to go to the sea, encouraging the girl in front of him to step into the sweet trap he set.

"A Yuan, you are my A Yuan..."

Mu Changying's voice is delicate and soft, sweet and greasy, and also has a trace of affection.

His back was stiff, and disbelief flashed in his eyes.

How could she call him so intimately?

Rong Luyuan had deep doubts in his heart, and inserted his hand into her smooth hair, "What tricks do you want to play?"

His voice was extremely gentle, but it made people want to cry for no reason.

What an **** she used to be, she didn't like a man who loved her so deeply, but he just looked at a scumbag who was very deep in the city.

The pain in the heart twitched, and the big eyes mottled with water mist carried unswerving dedication, "A Yuan, I will never run away again."

Mu Changying stood up and wanted to hug him from behind.

He thought she was trying to escape, but his whole body suddenly exuded waves of hostility, and he pulled her down on the bed with a forceful tug.

She knelt down on one knee, raised her head and looked up at him, her eyes full of his figure.

That slightly obsessed look was enough to drive him crazy, Rong Luyuan leaned down and hugged Mu Changying into his arms, but received her passionate kiss.

"A Yuan, I belong to you all my life."

Even if her sweet words were mixed with glass slag, he swallowed them willingly.

Rong Luyuan let out a sigh, and all the glaciers in his eyes melted, turning into tenderness.

"Yingbao, since you're here, don't try to run away, I won't give you a chance to regret it."

He stared at her with burning eyes, and the restless factor in his bones was about to explode.

Chapter 2: Entangled to death

[Tear down your fish pond, break into your heart, be the most paranoid wild king, be the lone wolf who loves you the most, hey baby, tomorrow you will be a bride. - Rong Liyuan]

Tired all night, the girl in his arms has fallen asleep.

Three thousand green silk was splashed on the bed like ink, and the snow-white skin was dyed a little bright red.

The flame that had just been extinguished in Rong Liyuan's eyes ignited again, his **** Adam's apple rolled up and down, and he stretched out his thumb and gently rubbed her delicate pink lips.

"Yingbao, I want to tie you by my side and never leave. Even if you hate me, I'll be happy."

He pressed a kiss on her forehead, then rolled over and got out of bed.

It was almost noon when Mu Changying woke up again, the memories of last night flooded out, and her little face flushed shyly.

"It's good, I belong to A Yuan completely~"

She hugged the quilt with both hands and rubbed happily, feeling his residual body temperature on it.

Covetously, he picked up the corner of the quilt and put it on his face, squinted his eyes contentedly, and rolled around on the bed several times.

"A Yuan, I will never let you down again in this life."

In a previous life, her tendons were cut off, and she was thrown into a cemetery to fend for herself.

After Rong Luyuan got the news, even though he knew that there were many traps ahead, he rushed to save her without hesitation.

But on the way, he suffered a car accident and took away his leg.

But he still insisted on dragging his broken body and went to find her in a wheelchair.

The graveyard had already been ambushed, and he was shot as soon as he arrived.

Mu Changying will never forget, he held her tightly in his arms, and caressed her cheek with his **** hands.

"Yingbao, people in the world say that if you are born with different quilts and die, you must share the same acupoint."

" can I let you die with me?"

"Promise me, live with my hobby for you."

Rong Luyuan's eyes were filled with deep affection and no remorse, and the words he spoke made his heart hurt.

This is the person he holds at the top of his heart, how can he bear to let her go to Huangquan with him?

"I already made a will... All the property and funds in my name are yours."

"You hold on for a while... Bai Mo and the others will protect you when they come."

He seemed to be explaining his last words, and every word that fell on her heart made her heart cramp.

Mu Changying snuggled in his arms, sobbing hard.

She had never seen such a filthy person in her life, bleeding all over the place, her flesh was blurred, and her bones were exposed.

But he was still crawling on the ground, walking forward in a crawling posture, trying to leave her the chance to survive.

At the juncture of life and death, love is shocking.

Tears burst out loudly, blurring Mu Changying's vision.

She shook her head violently and said with sobs, "I'm not worth it, I'm not worth it..."

The girl's voice was extremely shrill, and every word she said was sobbing with blood, as sharp as the screams of a ghost.

How can someone like her who is so arrogant and ignorant of good and evil deserve to protect him with hislife?

"Yingbao, stay by my side in the next life, don't run away, okay?"

His voice was gentle and full of love that had never been seen before.

Until the end of his life, his body became stiff and his heart stagnated, and Rong Luyuan's love for Mu Changying never stopped.

"A Yuan, I will never run away again."

Thinking of the past, she felt that her blood was about to solidify, and her heart felt a suffocation.

A thin mist of water gathered in his eyes, his eyes were hazy with tears, and his pupils were looming.

"In this life, we will share the same bed, and we will be buried together in death."

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