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My Enigma Is A Women(Taekook)

Ep 1 ~intro

kim family
kim seokjin The head of the house A Supreme omega mother if 4 kids
kim namjoon hubby of jin ceo of wwh companies love his family Rare alpha
Kim taehyung first born of kims a Supreme alpha age 19 enjoying his life
has a twin
name Kim V a Supreme omega innocent .cute fluffy waiting for his ture mate unlike his alpha brother tae . tae and V doesn't share a good bond now
kim Ho-seok age 16 a racer live games can hack the best hacker work for jeons . bunk school offen . A Rare beta beta
Kim Sam age 12 Supreme Rare Omega ignore by her family a lonely one
jeon yoongi Enigma A mafia but a business man to outer world
jeon jimin true blood alpha mafia but a model to outer world
jeon jungkook has a twin also a mafia true alpha
jeon jungukki a true blood enigma cold rude to others but sweet and lovely to her family. age 19
jeon suga age 13 a copy of his father but a true omega mafia and most pampered one of jeons
to be continued like and subscribe

ep 2 ~change

. .
at kim mansion
jeon/Kim taehyung
jeon/Kim taehyung
*wake up*
tae room
jeon/Kim taehyung
jeon/Kim taehyung
*get down from bed *
jeon/Kim taehyung
jeon/Kim taehyung
*only with boxers *
he did his morning routine and get ready for his uni
his outfit
goes down
Kim seokjin
Kim seokjin
Oh u came Taehyung
jeon/Kim taehyung
jeon/Kim taehyung
yes Appa
jeon/Kim taehyung
jeon/Kim taehyung
where is dad
kim namjoon
kim namjoon
here son *reading paper *
jeon/Kim taehyung
jeon/Kim taehyung
*bite his lips *
jeon/kim V
jeon/kim V
I am still alive *rude *
jeon/Kim taehyung
jeon/Kim taehyung
glad to know
jeon/kim V
jeon/kim V
jeon/kim V
jeon/kim V
*v outfit *
kim Ho-seok
kim Ho-seok
Kim seokjin
Kim seokjin
yes darling
kim Ho-seok
kim Ho-seok
I have parents meeting
Kim seokjin
Kim seokjin
I will come with ur dad ok *smile *
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
*look them *
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
💭 I ask for the same thing yesterday didn't I 💭
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
*smile sadly *
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
*came down *
jeon/Kim taehyung
jeon/Kim taehyung
jeon/kim V
jeon/kim V
*ignore as he was angry with him *
kim Ho-seok
kim Ho-seok
*giggles at them *
Kim seokjin
Kim seokjin
my three kids are adorable
kim namjoon
kim namjoon
*smile *
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
3 kids ? *giggles *
kim namjoon
kim namjoon
Kim seokjin
Kim seokjin
I meant sons
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
*left *
jeon/Kim taehyung
jeon/Kim taehyung
leave her mom
jeon/Kim taehyung
jeon/Kim taehyung
she always misunderstand
Kim seokjin
Kim seokjin
hmm yes
jeon jungukki
jeon jungukki
*playing with suga *
jeon jungukki
jeon jungukki
ahh my cutie
Jeon suga
Jeon suga
*giggles *
her outfit for college
jeon jungukki
jeon jungukki
I am leaving
Jeon jungkook
Jeon jungkook
me too
Jeon jimin
Jeon jimin
bye bye babys
jeon yoongi
jeon yoongi
*wave his hand *
jeon jungukki
jeon jungukki
a new college
Jeon jungkook
Jeon jungkook
let's see what will change
.... . .
to be continued like and subscribe

Ep 3 /who is Sam /

Kim Sam
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
When I was young I thought villan are bad but now I understand everything
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
all are victims are villans
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
my appa jin has never talk to me with smile in these years
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
my dad joon never care about me
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
my brother? I wonder they exist
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
why I am born ?
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
now I stared to use dr*gs
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
I don't know how but now I am addicted
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
I can't live without them
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
*nose bleeding *
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
and I get bullied in my school
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
they think i am a orphan
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
me and hope brother is studying is same school but he never care
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
*smile *
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
my one eye is blind
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
I lost it In a accident when I was 6
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
I was in hospital for a week
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
after that my left eye don't have any light
Kim Sam
Kim Sam
I just want someone who will care about me
to be continued like and subscrib.e

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