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Way To Love


Main lead

Name: Ming

Age: 20

Profession: Student and part time worker

Personality: serious and innocent, don't know how to make friends

Parents: Only have a mother( who knows the secret bout ming)

Ming lives in xx city with his mother who's ill. he's a student and doing prt time job. Comes from a middle class family. brilliant student, don't have time to make friends


Main character

Name: Tae

Age: 21

Profession: Student

Personality: Funny, free spirit, do what he think is good for him

Parents: Father and mother

Siblings: have younger brother

Tae lives xz city with his parents and younger brother. He's a student who don't like studying but a average student never fails in exams like to do pranks


In xx city, there was a boy who was getting ready for his exam day. He reaches in his collage gate and reach his class. He searched his seat after some times the exam start. Not only that, but he was the first one to finish his exam before time. After his exam he went to his part-time job. Today the café was filled with customer he was doing his job not minding the stares he gets. He was used to it when it's time to go the home he packed his things. When he was going home he remembered that his mother medicine and found a medical store buys the medicine and return home after fleshing up he cooks dinner and wake his mother up. After that they eat their dinner talk for some time he gave his mother medicine and went to his room for study


On the other hand

In xz city, there was a boy who don't care bout his surrounding don't want to study for his upcoming exams sneak out from his house and calls his friend to do some fun as a group of naughty and devils boys they decided that they're going to do a scary prank who comes this way. They all hide here and there after half an hour they saw their class teacher and decided to do prank on him. Tae come out wearing a mask and white cloth and slowly make his way toward the teacher. When the teacher saw him he forgot everything and run for his dear life seeing that they all began laughing and finally went for their homes to revise their tomorrow exam. Morning comes Tae's mother come to wake him up,, but he didn't wake up. So his mother calls his father after hearing his father name he got up and go to bathroom to do his morning routine. after finishing his morning routine he comes downstairs and eat his breakfast and bid good bye to his parents and brother. With heavy heart he sit in his seat some time later the exam start he write enough to gets passing marks and go to his friends who discuss what they wrote in their exam he went home cuz he never discuss what he writes in his exams.

Their first meeting

It was sunny day Ming mother feel pain for

some time she decided to call her brother

and tell him how much she wants to see him.

She saw Ming and said: "Ming, I want to talk

to my brother please call him"

She has tears in her eyes she's so desperate

to see her brother. But Ming didn't want to do

that because he doesn't like his uncle

because he never visited them not even when

his father died how can he forget all these

things he was angry and said that "In all

these years they never reach out they never

care for us never do anything like how other

families do

but when he saw his mother who Looked

at him with tear filled eyes decided to call his

uncle no knowing if he changed his Number

or not. After fighting with his inner thoughts

he made a call after few rings someone

receives the call.

Uncle: Hello

Ming: Hye ( with emotionless voice)

Uncle: who are you? Do i know you?

Ming: well you probably don't know me but i know you

After saying that he give his phone to his mother.

Mother: Hello brother ( with cracking voice)

Uncle: Si-sis-sister is that you? Oh My God

sister how are you? What bout brother-in-law?

How's your life going?

Mother: give me a sec! I am not fine ( with sad eyes) I want to meet you brother please come xx city

Uncle: I am coming tomorrow and please don't cry. Ok

After that call his mother cry a lot of seeing

this Ming also start crying because he knew

bout his mother health. That night both

mother and son didn't sleep

Morning comes they do their daily routine

Today's weekend he had morning shift he

Eat breakfast with his mother gave her

medicine and went for his work does his job

And when he reached in front of his house he

Saw a big black car and knew it who's it

belong he doesn't want to go home, but he

have to because he had so many untold

Questions which he wants to ask He open

His door and saw two males who were sitting

In drawing room he greets them than his

mother introduce them

After the introduction Ming's mother tell her

brother bout her illness after hearing bout

this uncle told them to pack their luggage

And come with them to xz city so that uncle

can take care of his sister. They pack their

luggage bid byes to their mother friends and

went to xz city

In all this time there was someone who

totally ignore them and answer in "hmm"

"haan". They reached uncle house where aunt

Welcome them with open arm they went

Inside but Ming ask them bout their room

and went there uncle take mother to hospital

In nighttime Ming come out of his room and

Asked his aunt: " Hello aunt do you know

where is my mother?"

Aunt: She went hospital with his brother

Ming: ohh ok

He called his uncle and ask bout the hospital

his uncle say No need to come now and rest

For today ok

Uncle: Baby Ming come tomorrow with Tae

He accompanies you because you don't know bout

This city roads and no argument is that ok

Hmmm said Ming

in morning someone knocked on his door when

He open the door he saw a boy maybe older

Than him. Asked him to get ready so that

they can go hospital where his mother is

He do his morning routine and saw his

cousin who asked him to go and wait for him

In the car he do that and they went hospital


When they reach hospital and went to Ming's

Mother room... He saw his mother was lying

On bed with so many tubes that attached to

her body he was shocked and sad but than

His uncle told him that her health is very

serious Doctor come and told them bout his

mother's Condition is not improving, and she

may not survive Ming can't believe that his

Mother have some days left......

Ming run out from that room At this moment

he wants to be alone he was sitting on the

grass when he feels someone touch his

shoulder he saw there and found his cousin

there he wants to be alone bit also wants

Someone's warmth at this moment he hug

Tae and start to cry After crying he put his

head on Tae's shoulder and sleep


On the other hand, In room Ming's mother

signal his brother to come to her when he

Goes to her, she told her brother to arrange

marriage between Tae and Ming.......

Mother: Look brother I never asked or demand anything to you promise me you do what I say Ming is indeed strong, but he's so sensitive he didn't show his true emotions as a mother I failed......... Saying she starts to cry

Uncle: What are you saying sister? How can I married them they both are boys

Mother: It's not like that Ming have a secret which he didn't know I hide it from everyone I don't want the pain which Ming feels after knowing that please say that you're agreed

Uncle: Give me some time I need to discuss it with my wife and son after discussing if they agree than I don't have any problem

After that he bid goodbye and went home

with Tae and Ming stay with his mom


In nighttime after eating their dinner uncle

Calls his wife and son in his study room and

Tell them bout the marriage thing but didn't

Tell them Ming's rare condition

Uncle: So wife and my lovely son what are your thoughts bout this marriage If you guys are agreed with me than say Yes and if don't than that's your opinion

Aunt: But how can we marry our son to a boy are you out of your mind it's not possible

Uncle: He's my nephew how can you say that bout him spend some time with Ming you also like him like your son

Aunt: I thought bout this but what bout Tae you have to ask bout his opinion also after all he's going to marry not us

Uncle: So Tae tell us if you have gf or someone you love dearly

Tae: Dad you know I don't have gf and probably don't love someone, but I'm not interested in men you know what I mean I know you love your sister and nephew but what bout me

Uncle: Son don't say like that you know how much I love you guys, but I found her just now and as a brother it's my duty to fulfill her wishes and she never demands anything from me but her wish is that you marry her son

Tae: ok ok don't be such a drama king dad we know how much you love your sister... Give me some time I tell you my answer in the morning

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