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Trapped In Shadow ( Taekook)


Let's begin ~~~~
*.....* actions of character (.....) thinking of the character
A young man stood at the edge of the rooftop, his black hair messily tangled, his black eyes gazing blankly into the distance.
His lean figure, almost 20 years old, seemed fragile against the vast sky. His skin was pale, a stark contrast to the dark hair and eyes that seemed to hold a depth of sorrow.
He was lost in thought, his mind a thousand miles away, replaying memories of a past that had led him to this moment.
Boy's POV
(Why did they do this to me? I thought they cared... I thought we had something real. But it was all a lie. )
(What's the point of anything? I feel so alone... like there's no way out of this darkness. )
*looks down* It's so easy to just let go... to just end it all... But what if... what if there's something more? Something better?
*looks up* Maybe I just need to hold on a little longer..."
* voice cracked * I'm so weak... *chokes back a sob* I can't even do this right. *Desperation creeping in* I want to escape, but I'm too scared. * fear trembling in his voice *
What if it hurts? What if it doesn't work? *Panic setting in* What if... what if... what if... *A sigh heavy with hopelessness*
I'm trapped in this hell, and I don't know how to get out. *felt defeated *
I thought about ending it all, but I'm too much of a coward. *Self-loathing dripping from his words*
I'm stuck in this misery, too afraid to move forward or backward. * Looks down, tears streaming*
I wish I had the courage to take that final step, but I'm just a pathetic, weak coward... *A sob escapes, and he buries his face in his hands, overcome with emotion*
suddenly a voice came from behind
It was none other than his mother
"As his mom's voice called out his name, the Taehyung's head snapped towards his mother , his eyes darting guiltily upwards, his tears hastily wiped away.
He froze, caught off guard, as his mom's suspicious gaze narrowed in on him, his mom's eyes scanning the rooftop, his mind racing with questions.
'What are you doing out here all alone at this hour?' his mom's tone implied, though he didn't say it out loud. The boy's heart raced, his mind scrambling for an excuse, as he hesitated, unsure of what to say."
Kim Taehyung/ omega
Kim Taehyung/ omega
*nervously answered * Oh, Mom, just enjoying the view.
*concerned but also frustrated* What are you doing out here so late? You're worrying me sick! Come inside right now!
Kim Taehyung/ omega
Kim Taehyung/ omega
* quickly answered * I'm fine, Mom. Just couldn't sleep.
*firmly said * Don't give me that. You're not fine. You're acting strange and it's scaring me. What's going on with you?
Kim Taehyung/ omega
Kim Taehyung/ omega
* said in defensive way * Nothing, Mom. Just leave me alone.
* angrily * Fine. But you're coming inside right now.

Intro and fact

Let's begin .....
Kim Taehyung, The Eldest son of Kim family, An omega, But don't like to dress or do anything like omega.... He likes to dress up like Alphas He acts strong but actually lack of confidence and emotional person Studies in an Omega college He lives in a joint family Father :- Kim Namjoon Mother :- Kim Seokjin Siblings :- Kim Jimin and Kim yeonjun
The next morning, Taehyung reluctantly got ready for college, his heart heavy with the thought of facing his ex and the world. He trudged downstairs, his eyes avoiding his mom's concerned gaze.
Kim Taehyung/ omega
Kim Taehyung/ omega
bye * left for college*
He trudged through the college gates, his feet heavy with the weight of his thoughts. The familiar campus scenery blurred around him as he made his way to his first class, his mind still stuck on the breakup.
"As he entered the classroom, his eyes land on the first thing, only to land on a sight that made his heart sink. His ex, sitting cozily with her girlfriend, their hands intertwined, and their eyes locked on him. Taehyung's heart raced, his mind reeling with a mix of emotions - pain, anger, and a hint of regret. He felt like turning around and walking out, but his legs seemed rooted to the spot, unable to move, unable to escape the uncomfortable reality that stared him in the face."
Kim Taehyung/ omega
Kim Taehyung/ omega
* went to his seat *
"He mechanically placed his bag on his seat, avoiding eye contact with the couple, and swiftly turned around to walk out of the classroom. His gaze was fixed on the door, his mind focused on escaping the uncomfortable situation. He didn't want to see his ex, didn't want to acknowledge her relationship, and didn't want to face the pain that came with it."
As he rushed out of the classroom, he heard footsteps behind him. He didn't need to turn around to know who it was. His ex's girlfriend's best friend, caught up to him, his concerned expression evident even from the corner of his eye.
Huening Kai/ omega ( Taehyun
Huening Kai/ omega ( Taehyun's bff )
Hey, are you okay?
He asked gently, his voice soft and sympathetic.
Kim Taehyung/ omega
Kim Taehyung/ omega
* He shrugged, not trusting himself to speak, and kept walking *
Huening Kai falling into step beside him.
They came to college lawn away from their Class, but lawn is visible from their class window
Suddenly Taehyung stops walking so does Kai
And Taehyung asked
Kim Taehyung/ omega
Kim Taehyung/ omega
*his voice laced with pain* Was it my fault, Kai? Was I not enough for him ?
Huening Kai/ omega ( Taehyun
Huening Kai/ omega ( Taehyun's bff )
*hesitant* Hey, man, it's not like that. He was already in a relationship when you two met.
Kim Taehyung/ omega
Kim Taehyung/ omega
*anguished* So, it was all a lie, then? Everything we had, everything he said... it was all just a lie?
Huening Kai/ omega ( Taehyun
Huening Kai/ omega ( Taehyun's bff )
*uncomfortable* Taehyung, I'm sorry. I know this hurts, but—
Kim Taehyung/ omega
Kim Taehyung/ omega
*interrupting* Sorry? You're sorry? You're his friend, Kai. You knew about this, and you didn't tell me.
Huening Kai/ omega ( Taehyun
Huening Kai/ omega ( Taehyun's bff )
*surprised* Dude, I had no idea she was already in a relationship.
Huening Kai/ omega ( Taehyun
Huening Kai/ omega ( Taehyun's bff )
*apologetic* Taehyung, I'm so sorry. I had no idea. I feel like I've been blindsided too.
SOME FACTS OF THIS STORY :- 🌺 omegas need to grow their hair at least till shoulder-length 🌺 omegas are treated same as girl

family issues

Let's begin....
Introduction ✨
Name: Kai Gender : Male omega Age: 22 Personality: Charismatic, manipulative, and calculating. Background: Taehyun's former best friend, feeling betrayed by Taehyun's secret relationship with Beomgyu. Hurt and angry, Kai is looking for validation and a sense of importance. Other: Has a strong idol crush, often fantasizing about them and experiencing wet dreams.
Huening Kai/ omega ( Taehyun
Huening Kai/ omega ( Taehyun's bff )
Come on, Tae, you can't let him win. You did nothing wrong, and you shouldn't let him make you feel like you're the one who's guilty.
Huening Kai/ omega ( Taehyun
Huening Kai/ omega ( Taehyun's bff )
You need to focus on your own life and move on.
Kim Taehyung/ omega
Kim Taehyung/ omega
*sighs* But it's hard, Kai. Seeing him with Taehyun... it feels like a betrayal all over again.
Huening Kai/ omega ( Taehyun
Huening Kai/ omega ( Taehyun's bff )
I know it's tough, but you need to be stronger than that.
Huening Kai/ omega ( Taehyun
Huening Kai/ omega ( Taehyun's bff )
Besides, Beomgyu's in a different class, so you won't even see him again today.
Huening Kai/ omega ( Taehyun
Huening Kai/ omega ( Taehyun's bff )
Just go to class, focus on your studies, and show him that you're not affected by his presence
Kim Taehyung/ omega
Kim Taehyung/ omega
*nods slowly* You're right, Kai. Thanks for being here for me.
Huening Kai/ omega ( Taehyun
Huening Kai/ omega ( Taehyun's bff )
Anytime, Tae. That's what friends are for.
Kai is not just a supportive friend, but also someone with his own motivations and biases.
Despite knowing Kai's true intentions, Taehyung is still grateful to have someone seemingly on his side, even if it's not entirely genuine.
Kim Taehyung/ omega
Kim Taehyung/ omega
*thinking* (Okay, so Kai's not really on my side, but at least he's pretending to be. And right now, that's enough for me.)
Taehyung walked into his classroom along with Kai still reeling from the emotional rollercoaster of the past few minutes.
He scanned the room, his eyes locking onto the empty seat where his ex usually sat. His heart sank, realizing his ex had already left for his own class.
But then, his gaze landed on Taehyun, sitting alone at their shared table, staring intently at his phone. The tension between them was palpable, and the classroom seemed to fade into the background as their eyes met.
Taehyung immediately broke the eye contact even before they can make and went to his seat
_ After four lectures _
It was break time, and the college lawn was bustling with students laughing and chatting.
Taehyung stood at the class window, his eyes fixed on the happy couple strolling hand in hand across the lawn.
His ex and ex's bf / GF laughter and smiles were a stark contrast to Taehyung's own heartache.
His expression was a mask of sadness, his mind racing with thoughts of what could have been, as he watched the scene unfold during what was supposed to be a joyful break time.
Taehyung searched for guilt in Beomgyu's eyes but found only joy and contentment as he laughed and smiled with Taehyun. The sight hurt Taehyung, feeling betrayed and wondering if he ever meant anything to Beomgyu.
Kim Taehyung/ omega
Kim Taehyung/ omega
(I was nothing to him, I guess) *sad*
The bell rang, and Taehyung returned to his seat, his heart heavy. He went through the motions, his mind elsewhere. After a long day, he headed home, the silence deafening. He felt lost and alone, unable to shake off the image of his ex and ex's happiness.
In Taehyung's room
Taehyung pushed the food around his plate, his appetite gone.
Kim Taehyung/ omega
Kim Taehyung/ omega
Mom, I will eat later
*glare sternly*
Kim Taehyung/ omega
Kim Taehyung/ omega
*sigh * fine fine I'm eating
his mom's firm gaze forced him to take a bite, and another, even though his heart wasn't in it.
He felt suffocated by the secrets he kept: the breakup, the same-gender relationship, the fear of rejection.
His family's traditional values and expectations hung over him like a cloud, making it hard to breathe.
He knew they wouldn't understand, wouldn't accept him for who he truly was. So he ate in silence, his heart heavy with the weight of his hidden truth.
Suddenly someone walked inside the room hurriedly
*entering the room, his tone gruff* Where's that document I was working on? I know I left it here somewhere.
*sarcastically*Oh, great. Mr Namjoon Another thing you've lost. How do you manage it?
Kim Namjoon ( Tae
Kim Namjoon ( Tae's father )/Alpha
*irritated* Jin, Just tell me if you've seen it, okay?
Kim Seokjin( Tae
Kim Seokjin( Tae's mother)/ omega
*sighing* No, I haven't seen it. Maybe if you spent more time paying attention to your family instead of your work, you'd be more organized.
Kim Namjoon ( Tae
Kim Namjoon ( Tae's father )/Alpha
*angrily*That's not fair. I work hard to provide for this family. 💢
Kim Seokjin( Tae
Kim Seokjin( Tae's mother)/ omega
*bitterly* Provide? Is that what you call it?
Kim Taehyung/ omega
Kim Taehyung/ omega
*uncomfortable* Mom... Dad...please...
Kim Namjoon ( Tae
Kim Namjoon ( Tae's father )/Alpha
*sternly* Stay out of this, Taehyung. This doesn't concern you.
The argument continues, with Taehyung feeling anxious and unhappy, wishing his parents would stop fighting.
Kim Taehyung/ omega
Kim Taehyung/ omega
*sigh heavily and left the room *
He escapes to the rooftop to get away from the stressful atmosphere and clear his head.
Kim Taehyung/ omega
Kim Taehyung/ omega
*to himself * I hate it when they fight. It feels like the whole house is shaking.
He looks out at the city, feeling a mix of sadness and frustration
Kim Taehyung/ omega
Kim Taehyung/ omega
*sighs*I wish I could make them understand that their fighting is affecting me too... But they're too caught up in their own issues to listen to me...
He stands there, feeling alone and unsure of how to make things better

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