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Trap In Her Game


I take a vacation leave and prefer to wander anywhere peaceful and Quiet. And I chose to stay at one of my cousin's resorts. It was a private resort before, now it's open to the public since my cousin, Uno's parents are now based in another country. And because he doesn't want the resort to be abandoned he opens it for the public. Letting someone take good care of it. But as far As I know. I went to visit the resort. That's why I came.

Might as well Use it for Good Purposes. Don't get me wrong. I have money. It's just That. He asked me if I wanted to stay There for a while.

It's a bit far from the city where I grew up. But I can last a long time. Like a year maybe or more. Unlike from my previous job where I almost slept in the jungle. Even in a branch of the tree I sleep there. Tied myself in a Branch just to sleep. That's why, There's no problem If I don't have any place to go.

I work as a waiter in HF Restaurant. They pay well. And Workers are not aggrieved. But on the other side we are also aggrieved. Just like what happened last time.

A gaddamn bitch just fucking threw soup on me. Fuck! The soup is super hot. My scalp almost fell off my body. If only I could skin her alive I did it already. But there goes the saying again "Costumers is always right" Fuck you for making that useless sayings or what ever that is. Every business has such a policy. Don't they know that many workers are aggrieved and frustrated because of those useless five words.

If ever I start a business, I will make sure the owner and workers are always right. At least get revenge on the customers who took advantage of you who thought they were right.

And because of my boredom in life, I ended up entering that job. After all, I don't need to work anymore. I am rich. My retirement fee is enough to see me through up to my grandchildren. But oh well!!!.... It doesn't matter anymore. And one of my reasons is that I feel like someone is watching my every move. And I hate that feeling.

I was in a dense part of the road that was almost filled with trees and no other people and Cars passing by when I spotted a woman staggering alone in the middle of the road. And in this kind of narrow road, I'm sure there's a reckless driver Who'll Hit her like nothing else and just left her. I examine the woman carefully as she walks. She's holding a bottle of whiskey. She's wearing a loose polo shirt which is almost as big as my body and she's barefoot. Is this woman even thinking right or she just couldn't think straight because of her problem.

I was about to pass her when she shouted at me.

"Hey you!! Ishhhstopp!!" she shouted.

Screams that I ignored and passed. I was about a step on the gas when she shouted again causing me to stop.

"Hey you!!! I sheeddd! Issshhhstoppp!!" I was scratching my head as I forced the car to stop on the road.

I was about to open the door of my car when I heard a knock from outside. I hesitated for a moment when I heard another knock. So I have no other Option aside from Leaving her here. But I forgot that option already. Not and Never in my life I let a woman alone. I don't want to make the same mistake I did Years ago.

I have no plan on having another mistakes the same as before.

(A/N: stupid! she must be inside to knock, right? Stupid! You are boggaga.! Stupid stupid even stupid.)

I slowly opened the car door and got out. At the same time as I got out of my car, the hairs on my whole body Stands, especially on the back of my neck. I don't know why. But I sense danger.

No! Something is off with this Woman the moment I step out of my car. I need to be Careful.

"My hero!!" The woman Shouted at me who brought me horror and deep longing.

"What did you just call me?" I asked to make sure I wasn't mistaken in what I heard from the woman who almost fell over from drunkenness.

"Hero! I jush call you hero." Her

I stared hard at her intently , but No. It's not her. It's Very impossible. Only one woman called me that and I knew it wasn't her. A woman I met eight years ago.

"Who are you?" I ask her. But instead of answering me, he suddenly lifted his clothes and undressed and threw it anywhere.


"Have sex with me." She suddenly offered me that literally made my jaw drop. How could this Woman suddenly ask me to have sex with her. Is She crazy?

"W-wait? What?!!" I asked her after I fully recovered from the shock.

"Have shex with me! Bingi!" She shouted again.

She didn't have to shout because I heard her. I heard what he said. Super Loud and Clear. I was just surprised. What she said earlier was surprising, so as what she did. But what she is Doing right now is even more surprising.

She suddenly removed her bra and threw it on my face. Leaving Her Totally Naked. I feel my face heated from the moment my Eyes stop on her breast. I even almost didn't catch it because I took off the clothes I was wearing first and made her wear them. And that's the one mistake I've made in my whole life since I started thinking about this world. I let her wear my shirt. Leaving me Half Naked.

My world was almost literally shocked and stopped spinning when she deliberately licked my neck down to my nipple and sucked it hard.

"Fuck!" To my surprise at what she did. I pushed her. she almost fell over. Good thing I caught him right away. I'm really stupid. How can I push a girl?

"Damn it!" I curse again. Damn! It's a disaster. Why is this Happening to me. I just want to have a peaceful vacation alone.

I set him straight and straight.

I was about to speak to ask for forgiveness for What I did when she suddenly wiped away the tears that rolled down in her cheeks and staggered away from where he was.

"Fuck!" Another curse that I did. Nothing comes out Good In my Mouth today.

I kicked the wheel of the car in extreme irritation and frustration. And fuck! I just made a woman cry. I followed her with big steps, but before I could get close to where she was, she suddenly fell. I ran as fast as I could just to catch her falling body on the paved road. Enough with how I pushed her.

His white thighs and arms will be scratched when he falls. Nyeta. Why wear panties with polo? And where exactly did she come from anyways.

"Got you" when I finally caught him.

I almost didn't have any trouble lifting his hollow body because it was so light.

"Damn! Super light. Is this woman eating food or just a diet? She's almost 48 kilos. Malnourish." I complained as I leaned my body towards my car.

"I live alone and now I have an excess baggage with me. What should I do to this woman. She might be a holdaper or pick pocket Or maybe he is doing mudos. Shit! Shit! How can such a beautiful woman become a prostitute? Maybe I'm just an idiot. I shouldn't have let it go." I keep blaming myself. I know I can't refuse especially She's a woman. And beside I can't just let her Stay here.

Am I this Sexless that even this Woman I just Saw makes me damn crazy. .

Damn!! It's this Womans Problem.

(A/N: That's their First encounter )

Episode 1: Tricked

Diana's POV

I was just playing with him. Pretending to be drunk and a woman whose heart is broken.

I'm not actually drunk. I am fine. And besides my alcohol tolerance is beyond different.

I can stand drinking the whole day and night.

I'm really good at pretending, don't I? And I just tricked this man in front of me.

In everyone's eyes, I'm bad nothing good to do, can't do anything good and it doesn't help at all which is true. Well, maybe that's true.

Selfish as always. Leaving Someone behind for my own safety. Risking someone's life for my own gain. That's me.

That's the kind of person I am. If they only know how hard it is to pretend. How can my conscience swallow me up? They will understand. But what can I do? And what will they do if they know that I am suffering.

And how can I be kind and clean in the eyes of others? I am a child of a hated person in the whole world by people who have done nothing. People who do not want to be addicted to those drugs. I am one of the hell drug lords daughters. And worst of all, I make drugs to make my daddy happy. It's me Who made them. It's me Who's to be blamed. Even though sometimes he didn't consider me as his Daughter.

He treated me as a tool for his success, a tool to gain what he wants. And a decoy for his own escape. In short, I am a puppet.

A single tear fell from my eye which was followed by another and another and was followed by a sob.

Sobbing just upon thinking of what happened again since I escaped from my father's hand. A Father who used me only for his own good.

A tool that can be used. A woman without dignity at all. Woman who destroys life. A woman with hands that will never be clean again.

I kill, I sell drugs, and even torture people for someone's expenses, and that's dad.

I have no choice. I really have no choice. I create drugs to divert his attention on my drugs. I need to take time until he never notices anything. And now that he is. There is no turning back.

I will fight, fight for my life and for my freedom. Freedom I never have for almost a decade. A freedom I never have for my whole life.

And now, I found the man who's suitable for my revenge. A man who will be my chess piece for my success. And I need to make it perfect and well planned. I don't want to mess anything up.

I have to give up my body just to make sure I get him. I will. No turning back.

I need him so that I can save the lives of the countless people whom I am the reason why they are suffering now.

Just because my daddy doesn't have a son he never treated me one and never will. Not his daughter but his tool, his puppet.

I never once experienced being called a princess, son, my daughter. And never once have I experienced having a father who loves a child.

Mom died because of him. I saw him take my moms life without hesitations and guilt. I saw him laugh at my mom who was bathing in her own blood and so did the other people.

And I loathed him to death. I wanted Him Dead. I wanted him to suffer.

And now that I have managed to escape, I will take the first step to carry out my plan.

I need to trap him in my game. Wish me luck.

And since the day I escaped, I have visited Axells house until now who's very angry at me. I do understand the root of his anger.

I am the reason why he got sick. I am the reason why he's suffering from a disease. Severe human allergy. But well, since I am good at pretending, I acted like a bitch. A brat. And it hurts big time how he turns his back on me and leaves me full of anger in his eyes.

They also thought my daddy sent me.

They're wrong. I fake everything. I hired someone to play as dad and I pay.

That's the only thing to make sure my dad won't track me down.

Everyone plays, and wants to play with me and I'll make sure I'll win in my own game. Once you're trapped, there is no escape. You'll be forever trapped.

My death will only be the key to your escape. And that is if you can kill me.

And now, this man beside me is now one of my chess pieces to play in my game and he is trapped without knowing.

This is a total checkmate once I started to move. And how lucky I am.

He once saved my life. And I saved him. We are now even. Singko Brandolf, an ex Navy Seal.

And this is the time to use him.

I wiped my tears and stopped sobbing when I felt the bed move. The bed we both sleep in.

"Damn this life. Can I just stab this woman?" He said suddenly which made me wince.

He's been thinking that way all along.

"Bad luck!! Very unlucky!!" He added while moving again that now I know he is facing me.

"You look like an angel when you sleep, but you're definitely a demon when you wake up." He added. "I can see it. I definitely can see Through You."

And it hit me. What he said was true. I'm a demon when I wake up.

"You're causing me a lot of Trouble Missy. If I could drag you out, I would have done it a long time ago." He added again with a mixture of irritation.

And that would be his last sentence because I opened my eyes and stared at his face.

Eye to eye and face to face.

"You're so irritating too. And you say a lot. Can you please Stop talking when you're with someone who's sleeping" I suddenly said that made his eyes widen." For a man, you talk too much don't You?" I said when He recovered from the surprise.

"Because it is. And think that. You're awake all along. And you play drunk. And the fact that, you fucking lick my body bitch!" He stopped responding while staring at me. He just Stared at me

"Well, my precious tongue just licks you an asshole." I raised My eyebrows in return and he responded with an eyebrows raised too.

I can't just let him say those things to me.

"I don't like your tongue."

"Will the feeling is very likely mutual." I answered suddenly.

Why did he think his tongue was so good that he told me that? I don't like your tongue.

"Did you even taste my tongue?" He asked me.

We are facing each other and both are lying down. He's been wearing sando and cotton pants. And because I'm a Naughty one. Let's start my game, shall we??

"Well darling, if you let me taste your tongue, then I'll know whether it tastes good or not." I grinned at the same time. "Should I suck it?" I asked him what made his eyes widened and he backed away from me.

He backed away several times and I followed him to the end of the bed where he fell.

"Let's play our role as husband and wife on its first honeymoon darling. Shall we?" I offered to reach out to him and Straddle him

"Fucking get off me bitch!" He snorted which I ignored. He looks so funny

"What if I don't?" I answered

"I'll tie you up in bed." He threatened me

"Ohh! I like that one." I threw myself on his back while pinning both hands on his back while lying on the floor.

And to make my plan perfect, I started to lean down and lick his neck up to his earlobe.

I feel him still. And saw him clenched his fists.

And the next thing he does is he stands while I'm still on his back that I almost fell. But since I'm a genius, I put my legs on his hips still holding his hand with me using my left arm while my right arm is holding on his neck to avoid falling.

It hurts too much when I fall. I might have broken Bones after. Just by thinking

"You're trying my patience lady. Don't you?" He asked me.

"What if I am?" I asked him back.

"You won't win." He answered calmly.

"Then let's try." I challenge him, at the same time I remove both of My legs that were wrapped around his thigh and land on the floor, let go of his hand and Smile sweetly.

And when he thought I was done. That's his biggest mistake ever. Thinking I am done with playing him.

I crouched down and kicked him with my foot causing him to fall and make a loud sound. He's a big man. So the sound of his fall must have been really loud.

I immediately sit on top of him by sitting on his stomach when he is still not recovering from what I did.

"Awww! Fuck you!!" He moaned

"Yeah!! I'll fuck you later darling." I replied to his while Cursing and I bend down and start kissing him.

He stilled, with eyes open while staring at me.

And to make sure that he cannot escape.

I rip his sando and use it to tie both of his hands on the nearest bed post without removing my lips on his lips.

Catching my breath, I stopped kissing him as he almost chased me again. And stare at him while licking my upper and lower lips.

Damn!! If only I knew. This mans lips if fucking delicious. So soft, so sweet.

"Well your tongue tastes good, as well as your lips. I wonder....." At the same time, I crawled my hand down from his chest down to his abs, and lowered to his belly button.

The light is on, I can see how he can control the emotion on his face.

"Don't you fucking dare women." He snorted as he tried to untie the rope on his hand.

"They say every tie has its weakness. Well, mine is different. No one can escape from me when I tied them." I smiled at him as I started to move my hand to his chest again.

"We finally see each other again Singko."

He frowned at what I said, especially when I mentioned his name. Maybe He's thinking of Who the hell is this woman. Do I know her? Why does she know my Name? or maybe more.

"Where did you get my name from and how did you know my name? Are you a spy? Who sent you?" He asked one question and added with another question.

"Spy? Me? With this Face? I look like a spy." I Laugh.

I stood up from sitting on his lap and went to the table near the bed and picked up the pair of handcuffs while returning to my position and cuffed his hand. So this makes, He is tied with not just cloth. There are still handcuffs.

"A daughter of a drug lord. That's me. And I am not a spy."

I saw how his forehead furrowed even more at what I said.

And there is a trace of panic and Surprised.

Of course, who wouldn't, right?

"Did I surprise you?? It's obvious from your face. You saw me when you were on leave. Nice to see you again H.E.R.O." I let out a smile that you can't refuse when you see it.

A/N: Don't let your guard down. Especially with beautiful women. She may look like an Angel. But inside, she is not. Good luck to you Singko.

Episode 2: Diana Ivancov

Diana's POV.

"Let me introduce myself to you again Singko Brandolf. Ahhhh!!...I really like your name." I told him in a seductive way. I even moaned a little.

Damn!! I'm feasting on his body right now. Right at this moment.

And then, grip the knife's holder and put it on his nick. It's his knife. So better use it for my devious plan.

"I'm Drake Imarie Andria Natalie Ivanov. Known as Diana. The only daughter of Drake Blandemer Druce Ivancov. The daughter of the number one druglord you've been searching for ages." I raised my eyebrows After telling him my name But inside, I wanna vomit. Just using that demon's name as my father makes me sick.

But oh well, since I need him to believe me. Better use his name on purpose. But still, I loathed that animal's name.

"We've met already once. You save me. I save you. Now we are even. And let me welcome you to hell, because the time I kiss you. You are trapped in my game. Darling" I added.

I saw how his jaw moved and how he gritted his teeth in anger. And how he stayre at me full of anger. But now is not the right time to be scared. I need him for my success. Lots of life depends on my act.

Even in exchange, my body and my dignity are all I have left. I will do it.

I need him more as he needs me.

"Damn you!" He Cursed at me

"I know. I know." I answered him with a smile

"Fuck you!" He cursed at me but I just let out a smirk again.

"You want to fuck me huh? Well, the feeling is mutual. But before that....." I took a small pill from my hair that was in a small bag.

I opened it, and opened his mouth and he obliged. He didn't hesitate to swallow what I gave him. And he stared at me without emotion. That's new...

"Do you know what that is for?" I asked him while the knife was still pointed at his neck.

"How would I know? You just gave me something to drink, didn't you?. And I drank it even though I didn't know because the knife was pointed at my neck. When I get rid of this, I'll make sure to make you pay for this." He angrily told me that.

I just bent down and kissed him on the lips for a moment which made him stop. I approached where he was and whispered something. And he must have heard that because he stiffened even more.

"I miss you, hero!" Sit up straight again. And change my emotions really quickly.

"That red tablet I made you take earlier and I made it. Yes! I made it myself. I am a genius, don't I. It'll make you high. That's the purpose. But the main target is, to heighten your desire towards me. It'll make you lustful, hunger in desire to be pleasure. And I named it Pleasure. And the effect won't go away if you don't do what your body wants. You can resist, but you can't decline. Sex is the only way to remove the effect of that tablet." I explained with a wide smile on my lips.

"Do you feel it?" I asked while running my hand over his chest.

He didn't answer. He just keeps on staring at me with desire in his eyes.

"By the way... Pleasure can be removed. If you drink the green one." At the same time, I showed him the green pill that I just swallowed.

"Fuck you woman!! I'll make sure to fucking rip your neck once I escape."

Struggling at the same time. But I just laughed at him.

"I know you won't." I responded mockingly. At the same time, he grabbed his manhood and stroked it. I heard him groan. " oh! You've got massive already."

"Fuck..fuck...just..damn..shut up!! And g-get off me...fuck!! Fucking stop that..ohh! Holy heaven..." He moaned as I stroked his manhood.

I even snake my hand inside his pants and hold his shaft and move it up and down while staring at him.

I saw how he bit his lower lips to stop from moaning. But since I make sure to make him feel the pleasure even more he can't stop moaning.

"Fuck!!..damn it!!" He moaned while closing his eyes at the same time. "Shit!! N-not like this....ohhh!! Fuck you woman for torturing me like this....fucking good!! Damn!!" He added while panting hard. but I have to stop.

And I need to. Because when I continued, I might not be able to stop wanting to taste what I was holding earlier.

It's soft, and big at the same time. And It will be my mistake if I lose control.

"I just remembered something. Pleasure makes you weak a little once you take it. But, I'll make you turn back to normal once you have sex. Once you stare at your victim the higher the pleasure you will feel. And once the victim touches you in your most sensitive part. The highest the pleasure you'll get. And so sad...I am your victim. And I just heighten your lustful desire even more. Should I be scared. And by the way, any pleasure will help you just like, blowjob, by hand and by boobs. Ohh!! But the easiest way is sex." My explanation At the same time I took off my clothes and threw it somewhere that made him Stiff.

I am not wearing a bra, just my panty so My healthy breasts were exposed in front of him.

"Additional information, self pleasure won't help." Sitting with his manhood

I grind my wetnes on his and I feel how his shaft anger.

The feeling is heaven. What if he's already inside me?

"Damn you!! Stop it." He ordered me to stop but I shook my head and continued what I was doing..

"Do I really need to stop?" I asked him which stopped him.

"I..I don't need your helf. Just fucking get off before I can do something you will regret." He responded weakly.

"Oh! It's working already. That fast?"

I fell down so that our faces were even and I held his face with my both hands and kissed him softly.

I actually don't have to do this. But I have to. I have no choice again.

And he needs me. And I need him. He will be one of my aces.

As I kissed him, he responded aggressively. I even tasted my own blood on my lips when he suddenly bit my lips.

I caught my breath when I stopped and stared at him. He is really handsome. Then until now. He is even more handsome now.

I immediately dismissed the rest of what is in my mind and changed the emotion on my face again.

"I have a proposition to make before you rampant." He caressed his cheek at the same time.

He is indeed handsome. I really can't deny that.

Even for the first time Insaw him in the laboratory they raided.

Wearing his uniform. Holding his gun. He is so damn sexy. That day, he became my hero. Since that day I have dreamed of him. He was my reason to run away and reason to have the courage to fight my monster father.

"I'll help you catch my dad. In return, I need your genes, your sperm and a baby. A baby that will inherit my whole will." I

Suddenly the expression on his face changed at the same time as the bed posts were broken due to his force. And the handcuffs that I put on that belonged to him almost broke so it looked like a bracelet on both of his hands.

My eyes widened at what he did.

"H-how?" I stammered as I asked that question

"Did I surprise you??" He asked me while holdinh my waist and made me stand.

Yes! I was surprised. The drug effect should make him weak. But why? How?

"The drug effect on me is different." He explained while approaching the other leg of the bed and broke it while he was lifting me and the same with the remaining two legs of the bed he also Broke it.

"I became strong. It doubles my strength." He smiled at me.

"And let me tell you my secret. I was once drug dependent. A part of the experiment. I voluntarily enter as one of the military genie pigs. I became a super soldier. I don't feel pain. I heal fast. Faster than a normal human being. And one more thing. Poison doesn't work for me." He gave a long explanation.

I should be afraid, but upon hearing it. My self-confidence grew stronger.

"Now let's go back to your preposition Woman."

Tthen he suddenly threw me on the bed. My body hit the soft metres of the bed and my whole system was almost shaken by what he did, especially when he completely undressed in front of me. Leaving nothing.

I almost swallowed all of my Saliva when I openly saw what I was holding just now.

Damn! That's so big.

"You'll help me catch your dad and in return. I'll get you pregnant. Is that it?" he asked

I nodded ten times and I starded backing away as he started to step and climb onto the bed.

"And how about you?" He asked again

"I will give up when I have the baby. I'll name them after you and inherit everything from me. I will let the Authority catch me" me

"What if I don't?" Him

"It's your loss. Not mine." I backed away from him.

I screamed when he suddenly pulled my leg closer to him and held me down.

Desire if fully shown. And I know I can't escape him. My plan backfire.

"Deal. Now shall we start."

I was about to open my mouth when he suddenly kissed me.

Damn! I never planned this. And I never expected this to happen.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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