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His Sexy Intentions


Alison's POV

I gazed absently across the mirror at my own empty girl, ashen broken and alone. I couldn't help but replay the moments in my mind, how my life changed for the worse, in just one month. I couldn't help but recount on how i lost both my parents, our family mansion, wealth and how i nearly lost the only family i had twin brother, Riley....just within a month?! Now he was in the hospital, fighting for his life.

   A knock on the door shook me from my deep thoughts, i could feel the anxiety rising from deep within me. I knew exactly who it was. The door slid open, i glanced up to see a man, middle age, average height, he wore dark sunglasses and a mocking grin plastered on his face. He slammed the door shut and advanced towards me. I hastily rose up and wiped every trace of tear on my face with hardened resolve.

   "W-why are you here?", I mustered, inwardly cursing myself for stuttering.. I had to be strong for Riley's sake

   "I don't have to answer your question miss palmier", he smirked, "but nevertheless, i just wanted to see if you were doing alright. You don't look so good".

    "Spare me the fake concern", i rolled my eyes. "I know fully well you don't give a damn about my well being. All you care about is body and how it's gonna make money for you".

   " That's why I'm here to warn you", his smirk faded and was replaced with a cold icy voice that made me very uncomfortable. He approached me, making me feel small under his piercing gaze. He didn't stop until our faces were just a few inches from each other, i could feel his alcohol washed breath on my face, i held back the vomit threatening to come up

  " This is your adorable twin's life on the line".

My eyes narrowed at the reference to my brother "You better not mess up" he warned.

  I tried to create distance between us but before i could make a move, he grabbed my wrists and pulled me closer until i could very much feel his heavy breath down my neck making me uncomfortable and unable to keep a straight face without faltering.

His eyes scanned me from head to toe giving me chills, "you have a very nice body, your beauty is breathtaking, people will pay good money just to see you dance for them".

I clenched my fists, "don't forget your other end of the deal", Trying to make my voice sound firm made him frown. 

  "I won't, as long as you do what is required of you ". He pushed me with so much force i hit the cupboard behind me, a sharp pain traveled through my spine as Ifoughtthe urge to sink to the floor and cry.

"Act like the fuckin wore that you are". He spat before turning and casually walking out of the room like nothing ever happened.

The door slammed shut making me flinch as I grabbed the chair for support, feeling dazed.

I wasn't a wore. Just a victim of life's unfair treatment . I thought, slowly letting myself slide to the floor as I felt a few tears fall freely down my cheeks, I didn't bother to clean it.

   The memories came played in my head over and over again

The day my life began to crumble.... the day everything changed....It happened on a cold winter morning.. ironic right?!. I remember at standing by the floor to ceiling mirror in my room, awaiting my best friend, Kaira's arrival. We had planned the day before to go shopping for the end if school year dance happening the following Friday. The news had warned of an upcoming blizzard.. I was starting to wonder if our plans would have to be canceled because of it. My mind went to my parents, they went on a business trip and were meant to have arrived the night before but still no word from them since then, i was starting to get worried and the blizzard wasn't making things easier. I set my phone down on my vanity table and walked to the door, i needed to see Riley, talking to him would make me feel better. But then the my phone started to ring making me stop in my  tracks... Could be kaira or even my parents...I thought exicted as I hurried to it.


"Good day..", there was a short pause, "Are you Alison palmier?". That didn't sound like my parents or kaira or anyone i knew. It was a lady's voice.

  "Yes. Is everything alright?", My voice sounded unsteady.

There was dead silence for a few seconds, the atmosphere suddenly became heavy as i awaited her response, then there was a sound of rustling of papers from the other line. After what felt like a minute had gone by I heard her voice again, this time gravely low, "Your parents, Henry palmier and Emily Palmier passed away last night in an automobile accident".

No... That simply can't be true, my parents can't be dead, i couldn't bring myself to believe that I shook my head, I couldn't believe that, this had to be a joke. I thought about these Cell phone pranks teenagers played on random people, that made me clench my fists in anger.

"You're joking. Is this some kind of sick game to you??" I heard myself say, rage filling me, "What the hell is wrong with you?".

Still, the voice on the other line remained as calm as ever, "this might come as a shock to you and I understand, you're in denial, it's totally normal, I'll let you think about it. I'm so sorry for your loss".

The call ended. My mind was blink for a while as I sat down in silence.

Then the realization set in

My parents were dead...this couldn't be possible, i talked with them just yesterday, they sounded fine. They can't be dead.

I lost my grip on the phone and let it fall to the ground with a loud thud and like my heart, it shattered to pieces.

  Almost immediately the door opened, Riley hurried in, I glanced at him, was he really the only family i had left, his face was a mixture of shock and hardened resolve,

"Alison..are you alright?".

Judging from the grave look he gave me, i could tell he already knew about my parents long ago.

He looked down, guilt clouded his expression, "They passed away yesterday, car accident". He was unable to meet my gaze, "I'm sorry,".

I didn't know i was crying until he embraced me tightly, I Burst into tears, crying into his warm embrace, they were gone.. "Why? Why did it have to be them?" I sobbed. He remained silent, slowly caressing my hair, I knew he was doing all he could to stay strong for me, I had to do that too...stay strong for myself and Riley and from then on, that was what I decided to do.

That was a month ago.

3 days ago, Riley was hit by a speeding car, it was a hit and run case, he's been in a coma ever since.

24 hours ago, I lost my parents property, wealth, business, our family house along with the rest of our mansions to a cruel business tycoon. His identity wasn't known to me, but Riley knew him.

All my friends deserted me, all except kaira and Jayden, my best friend since....well forever, we grew up together and we're inseparable as kids..our parents even joked about getting the both of us married, but we were just best friends, we preferred it that way. Kaira and Jay stood by me through everything, Kaira offered me a place to stay in her apartment, wasn't as big as my mansion, but it was perfect. Jayden offered financial support, for I and Riley's wellbeing, I wished I could repay the favor somehow, although he declined all my efforts to do that saying he wasn't doing me a favor. I knew that.

  Now the hospital demanded for a huge sum of money, for Riley's surgery and the only thing that could save his life. Jayden wanted to pay but i refused, it would take a toll on him coughing out money like that, he's done enough as it is. I was done being a burden. The only way i could get that amount of money in time was to accept the deal with a rich, influential owner of a hotel, to be a stripper and entertain men for that night, it seemed unreasonable and something i would never do, but at this point, I'd do anything for Riley. It was my only chance.

My whole life was falling apart.

The Devil in Disguise

   The shrill ringing of her phone brought Alison from her deep thoughts. She took a deep breath, wiping her tears before glancing at the caller ID was Jayden....wrong timing. She knew Jayden had already found out about her plan to perform as a stripper, and he definitely wasn't onboard with it. Alison took a final look at the ID, before she disconnected the call and switched her phone off afterwards. She had to do this ..for Riley. "I'm so sorry jay". She whispered.

   Just then, the door opened suddenly, making Alison jump back in surprise, she glanced up to see a tall blonde hurrying in, she wore blue designer glasses and her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Realizing who it was, Alison let out a breath of relief. "Oh, it's just you... Nearly gave me a heart attack Kaira".

    "Did something happen?", Kaira asked, clearly alarmed. When Alison didn't give an answer, her eyes widened in realization, "That son of a bitch... I'm not gonna spare him next time, did he hurt you??".

Alison shook her head, "no it's fine", she faked a smile, "but how did you-".

    "I saw his car pulling out of the driveway when i came in".

Alison simply shrugged,"he came to warn me".

   "Sick fuck ".

"How's Riley doing?"

Kaira's face turned grave... contemplating on whether or not to give her friend the bad news.

   "Is something wrong?".

"Yes-actually," she stopped, unsure of how to continue.

   "Tell me".

"Riley's condition worsened," she paused, eyeing Alison with concern, "his doctor told me he has only a day left to live".

Alison inhaled sharply...this can't be happening, she could feel the tears threatening to fall but she had to get it together, she couldn't break down now. "I'll get the money soon. He'll have the surgery".

Kaira shook her head. she wasn't about to let her friend make the worst decision,"Come on Alison, there has to be another way besides putting your dignity on the line".

    "This is the only way i can get the money in time". "No, this can't be the only way, we could meet our friends.... Riley's friends- Jayden.. he'd be able to help to-".

   "There's no time left kaira" Alison countered,

"Jayden's already done so much".

There was a short pause, as the Alison stared at kaira, begging silently. Kaira stared at her, contemplating, knowing fully well that this could potentially ruin Alison's life, she couldn't bear to see Alison going through this, she so badly wanted to help but knew fully well her friend won't let her.

   "Are you sure you wanna go through with this?". Kaira broke the silence.


Kaira took a deep breath, realizing there was nothing else she could do to make Alison reconsider. " what you gotta do, but be careful Alison ".

   "Look after Riley for me".

"I will".

Alison glanced at her watch, it was 5:29pm ...holy shit... Alison's eyes widened,"Fuck, I'm gonna be late. I gotta go".

   "Alright, take care if yourself ".

"Okay...see you later", she envelope kaira in a hug "Thanks a lot".

Immediately afterwards, she grabbed her purse, phone and rushed out of the room.

She hurried out of the apartment and stopped a taxi. "Just drive straight ahead as fast as you can".

The puzzled driver nodded as she entered and sped off without protest.

In less than 20 minutes, she was already striding down the large halls of the hotel...she mentally prepared herself for what was to come..all she had to do was entertain the guys at the bar, just for one night.. can't be that hard...she hoped.

   She was in so much hurry, and deep in her thoughts she didn't realize where she was headed and before she could, someone harshly bumped into her causing the glass of tequila he was holding to spill over the floor and over Alison's dress, soilingil it. Alison recoiled, drawing a startled breath. She snapped back to the present and took a step back. "I'm so sorry".

   "Excuse you," a deep voice tinted with a harsh undertone interrupted her.

She glanced up and took another step backwards shocked. Alison half expected to see a waiter or some drunk pervert but it was the infact opposite. The man that stood just inches from her was a tall and what was described to be the most handsome guy she had ever set her eyes on. She couldn't help but gawk at his well aligned masculine features. He had a smooth clean cut face with a perfect shaped jawline, his intense golden eyes was very unique and mysterious, thick shiny jet black hair styled to perfection. He looked like an inexistent angel...too good to be true. She couldn't help but falter against his piercing and emotionless gaze. Alison felt small under those fiery eyes. His lips curved into a sly smile...more of a smirk, "What's a lowly girl like you doing here... you're not lost are you ".

Alison mentally recoiled...lowly?! No one had ever referred her to as lowly, that was absurd. She mentally scanned herself and swore beneath her breath at her awful choice of clothing, she was in so much hurry she grabbed the nearest clothes and wore them, now that she looked back at herself she realized that they looked worn out and plain. She relaxed her expression, deciding that it was no use to sulk over it.

Meanwhile he observed her carefully, his eyes scanning her from head to toe. After a moment, his flaming irises relaxed before he spoke again. "You must be one of the stripper that's gonna perform tonight... Jasmine... that's your name right?".

Alison didn't reply...her mind was at war with her body, she felt utterly speechless..

   "Right?" He repeated more sternly.

"Y-yes", she managed, mentally kicking herself for stuttering, "Why do you care".

    "I don't". He countered..

Ouch... harsh

He dipped his hand into his pocket, retrieving a black handkerchief and tossed it to her nonchalantly.

   "That's a cheap dress...but here, wipe the stain off it".

That sent her blood boiling, the way he looked at her like she was nothing but a piece of trash at his foot, his smug expression only seemed to add to her distaste for him, Who did he think he was.

Before she could give him a befitting reply, he was already gone. She huffed. Jerkface...

Glancing back at the black handkerchief, she noticed his initials on it, embedded in gold embroidery


                   Alexander Allan

That was probably his name. She tossed the handkerchief, swearing within herself to make him pay dearly the next time she ever saw him.

Serving the Devil

    Alison sat in front of the mirror staring at her reflection, her face twisted in horror and disgust at the short tight fitting outfit they had given her. She wasn't looking forward to performing in it... everything about the dress seemed so revealing, it hugged her sides tightly making her feel even more uncomfortable. She put on matching red heels, a black boa round her neck, applied moderate make up on her face and brushed her hair not bothering to style it, her hair ran down her shoulders stopping below her lower back. She usually kept it trimmed to shoulder length but ever since her parents died and everything turned into chaos, she didn't mind. For the final touch she put on a silver feminine mask that covered the upper half of her face...her lips and part of her nose where visible, she was thankful they allowed her to wear a mask, at least she wouldn't be recognized by anyone.

   The door slipped open, she glanced up, shocked to see the same man that had barged into her room earlier, he still wore the same sunglasses and Alison wished she could smack that smirk off his face. He shut the door noisily and approached her like a hawk stalking it's prey, "the show is about to begin, I do hope you're prepared", he moved closer to Alison in an attempt to touch her but she stepped back and pushed him away.

   "Stay away from me...son of a bitch", she swore, immediately regretting her outburst as the amused look on his face switched to anger and rage. Before she could take back her words, he lunged forward and grabbed her hair, pulling it harshly and making her yell out in pain. "Listen up you filthy slut, this is the last time you utter any offensive language when speaking to me, got it?. When Alison didn't reply, he pulled harder on her hair, causing her to clench her teeth to prevent herself from screaming.

   "Am I fucking clear?"

She nodded. He grunted I displeasure, "use your words bitch".

   "Y-yes sir".

He let go of her hand and stepped back grinning, "your time's up. Get your filthy ass downstairs and please my guests".

Alison nodded and walked past him, feeling weak.

Alexander's POV

    I took a small sip of my wine, awaiting the next stripper, the voice in the speaker announced

   "Coming up next, it's jasmine".

I felt a small smirk creep through my lips, just then the lady I had bumped into earlier appeared from backstage, walking elegantly down the ramp..she was wearing a mask but I recognized that frown anywhere..come to think of it, why wouldn't she frown. I had to admit, even with the mask, she was breathtaking, tall, lissome, she had amazing curves, the perfect sized boobs, azure blue eyes and long jet black her with the exception of a strip of red hair falling beside her face. I glanced around noticing the men around me staring at her hungrily, I'm sure they were dying to see what she looked like beneath the mask. From the ashen look on her face I could tell the plan was already falling to place. Good, this was just the beginning.

   I signaled to the owner of the club, he walked to me,"how may I help you sir".

   "Who's the girl performing on stage?". I quizzed, "I want full details"

  "Oh her", he replied nonchalantly, "she's a stripper I just hired, her real name is Alison Palmier, she seemed so desperate so I hired her for a night and it really did work t my advantage, people are paying good money just to see her".

   "And I guarantee you more money, if you do as I say".

   The man looked puzzled, " how do you mean?".

I turned back to her," so she's just gonna dance around the pole and walk away?".

The owner frowned, giving me puzzled look," is there something else you want her to do?".

I smirked, "of course ". This was gonna be fun

End of Alexander's POV

Once she had finished dancing around the pole, Alison picked up a jacket from the floor, but before she could leave the stage Mr mayer stopped her, blocking her path

   "I'm done with performance. You got what you wanted, now let me pass".

He shook her head, "I don't think so miss Palmier",

   "I beg your pardon".

"According to the deal you have to not only perform but satisfy out guests, considering this is a men only gathering, why don't you go serve them drinks".

Alison frowned,"that's not part of the deal".

   "It is now", he grinned

Alison grew red with rage, who the hell did he think he was, "you lowlife son of a-".

  He cut her shut by putting a finger to her lips, "no offensive words.. remember?"

Alison fell silent

  "Now are you in or out".

She was clearly about to decline and get the hell out of there, performing on stage as a stripper was one thing but serving the only male audience while wearing a very exposing outfit was another. But then she remembered Riley and kaira's words..time was running out. She knew she had no choice. She recollected herself and took in a deep shaky breath, "I'm in".

Mr mayler grinned, satisfaction clear on his face, "good. Now carry on, you shouldn't keep the guests waiting".

   Just as Alison turned and headed towards the audience, dozen men seated there began to call for her attention...She blinked back any trace of tears forming and hardened her resolve.

Minutes later

   Alison had attended to nearly everyone there, some had given her nasty comments, like pulling her hair and complaining that it was too long or her boobs were too concealed in the dress, She ignored them, having to get past this without breaking down. As she walked past a table, she felt someone painfully smack her ass.. making her stumbled forward and lose her balance, she fell to the floor, crashing the tray of drinks she was holding. Alison bit her lips to prevent herself from crying and got to her feet. The sick fuck who caused this was smirking and she so desperately wanted to teach him the lesson of his life, but she couldn't.

   Time had passed and she was starting to get more and more agitated, she looked at her wrist watch and sighed in relief to see she had just five minutes left...she just had to endure this for 5 minutes more, it was all going end after that and she could finally get the money for Riley's surgery. That thought lightened her heart.

   "Hey Jasmine".

She glanced up to see someone seated at the far end of the room, he signaled for her to come closer. Irritated, she moved towards him, "May I help you?".

As she came closer she realized it was non other than the same man she had bumped into earlier, the same man she had bumped into earlier, the guy that insulted her and referred to her as lowly, the guy she swore to deal with and once again she was at his mercy.

   "Have you gone deaf or do you just feel like not giving me any attention". He broke her out if her reverie, his mocking tone drew laughter from the people around them and Alison's cheeks reddened.

   "Are you a stripper or a model", he asked simply  "What do you mean?". Where the hell was this man heading at.

   "Strippers don't wear jewelry or at least the ones I know of".

"They're not jewelry", she replied defensively. Those where her most priced possessions. Memoirs from the people she cherished.

   "Take them off"

That was a command, a command she found difficult to obey. "I'm sorry, I can't".

"Really". He sounded surprised but Alison knew it was all an act, "then I'll have no choice but to call the owner of this bar", he picked up his phone, "And tell him I'm displeased with this service".

Alison knew for sure that what he was about to do was gonna ruin the deal, she couldn't risk it. For Riley's sake. When she didn't respond he started to dial.


He glanced at her with a blank expression, she continued, "I'll take them off".


She took a deep breath and started with the wrist watch- The one Riley gave her for her 20th birthday.... Then her locket, the only memory she had left of her mom and dad...the necklace Jayden gave her as a gift for her recent birthday and finally the bracelet Carla gave her as a sign of her friendship that she swore never to take off.

   She blinked back the tears threatening to fall out, she promised herself she'd never cry and she had to keep that promise, no matter what. He stretched his hand out signalling for her to hand them over to him, Alison swallowed her emotions and placed them in his hands. She was about to leave but he stopped her short.

   "I'm not done yet".

She turned back holding in a swear, "what do you want now?".

    "Take off your mask".

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