NovelToon NovelToon

The Beast King's Harem

Chapter 1 is out of the book!


[What the writer wants to say:]

Xie Mengzhang's name comes from the Baidu Encyclopedia entry "Qinglong". also known as "Mengzhang Shenjun".


At night, the palace of the Holy Beast Empire was brightly lit.

The Beast King's palace was illuminated by candlelight, and the and the eyes were filled with splendor. White smoke rose from the incense burner, and the room was filled with the aroma of luxury.

After taking a bath. Yi Jin wore a light gauze robe exclusive to the Beast King and sat on the edge of the huge dragon bed.

Kneeling in front of him was a man. This man's name was Xie Mengzhang. He was the former master of the Qinglong Palace in the Palace of the Beast Queen. a beast-shaped Qinglong.

The previous Beast Emperor passed away, and after the new Beast Emperor ascended the throne. he inherit the male concubine of the previous Beast Emperor.

In other words. Xie Mengzhang is now one of Yi Jin's male concubines.

Xie Mengzhang has long black hair lied in a jade crown and wears a black robe. He has a strong figure and handsome face.

He lowered his head towards Yi Jin and said, "Your Majesty, please turn over the cards."

Behind Xie Mengzhang. five young internal officials holding five trays concubines in the harem were neatly placed on the trays. There were 65 brands in tags of the male rank.

There should have been more.

The Beast Queen's Palace has four palaces: Qinglong. White Tiger, Suzaku. and Xuanwu. There are ten concubines in one palace, and there should be 80 concubines in its peak period.

There are now 65 left, and the remaining 15 are all dead. Most of the causes of death are related to the previous Beast King.

Yi Jin looked at the battle in front of him and rolled his eyes in his heart.

He's wearing a bookl

Damn it!

Isn't it because he was a little too curious and read a pornographic novel about malemalenp?

The novel was sent to him by Yi Jin's sister. He didn't even know the name. He only knew thal it was written by someone. He clicked in with a curious mind and read one. At the beginning. I collapsed in the office from exhaustion.

When I woke up again, the scenery in front of me was completely different.

Yijin entered the world of that novel.

This is what is written in the original book--

The Beast King of the Holy Beast Empire is the belief of the entire empire's orcs. He doesn't have to do anything but sleep with the male concubines in his harem every day.

The Beast King was born from the sacred, tree. She was the female with the highest spiritual power and the son. given by God. The Beast King would not have any heirs.

If the country's fortunes are prosperous, the beast emperor's life will last forever: if the country's fortunes decline, the beast emperor can be overthrown.

The male concubines of the Beast Emperor are the best orcs selected from all over the empire. They shoulder the important task of managing the country and govern in place of the Beast Emperor.

The male concubines all have their own exclusive talents and skills. After entering into marriage with the Beast King, their talents and skills are all tied to the Beast King.

The more favor you get from the Beast King, the stronger your talent and skills will be, and vice versa, the weaker you will be. and you may even die due to lack of favor.

Because the former Beast Emperor failed to fulfill his duties as an emperor, and did nol appease the male concubines in the harem, natural disasters continued throughoul the empire, and chaos broke oul everywhere. and the people were in dire straits. There were powerful enemies outside. waiting eagerly. ready to annex the territory of the Holy Beast Empire at any time.

Simply put, this country is a huge mess.

There is another big news.

The former Beast King was poisoned to death by the male concubines.

The Beast King was born from the Holy Tree, but actually came from another world. The people of the Holy Beast Empire were like opening a blind box, not knowing whal kind of person the Beast King born from the Holy Tree would be.

For example, the last Beast King was a straight man. He didn't want to be slept with by his male concubines for decades alter he was in power. He just thought this kind of thing was disgusting. But he was trapped in the palace and couldn't go anywhere. He faced if all day long. A group of men gradually became perverted, did many cruel things. and tortured many male concubines to death.

In addition, the former Beast King also sent several male concubines out to work.

It was said that he was working to relieve the Beast King, but in reality he was dispatched to remote areas.

Male concubines will become weak or even die if they don't get the favor of the Beast King. Those who are sent out are equivalent to waiting for death.

The former Beast Emperor did not fulfill his duties and slept in the harem. Naturally, the talents and skills of the male concubines in the harem gradually weakened, and eventually they gradually became unable to control the government.

Now many provinces in the Holy Beast Empire no longer listen to the royal family, and it is no different from autonomy.

The people's faith in the Beast King was aboul to collapse, so natural disasters continued to occur in the Holy Beast Empire, causing refugees to lood the land, a vicious cycle.

Seeing that the country was in ruins, in such a critical situation, the Palace Master of the Fourth Palace and some other male concubines teamed up to poison the former Beast King.

The mastermind is Xie Mengzhang of Qinglong Palace.

Yi Jin didn't have time to watch what was going to happen next.

Now he is facing Xie Mengzhang. the viper and scorpion who poisoned his last wife to death.

Xie Mengzhang knelt for a long time. Seeing that the new emperor was silent, he reminded him again: "Your Majesty--"

Yijin's wandering was interrupted. He came back to his senses. glanced at the green head card on the plate. and then looked at Xie Mengzhang, trembling.

-1 don't dare to choose one!

Who knows which of these male concubines participated in the murder of the late emperor?

He is so afraid of deathl

Xie Mengzhang is so bold. The former Beast King poisoned him to death if he said he would. If Yijin did something that Xie Mengzhang was not satisfied with, would he still be alive?

Yi Jin stuttered and said. "Um. 1. I just came here, and I'm still a little unaccustomed to it. so tonight... shouldn't I choose?"

Xie Mengzhang lowered his eyes to hide the disappointment in his eyes. He bowed his head to Yi Jin, and the waiters carried the trays out.

When Xie Mengzhang raised his head again. he looked directly at the holy face in a rebellious manner. "Your Majesty. Meng Zhang is bold and asks to stay and sleep with you tonight."

Yi Jin was sitting and Xie Mengzhang was kneeling. Yi Jin was obviously looking down at Xie Mengzhang, but when he met the man's dark eyes. he was suppressed by his strong aura and was speechless.

Yijin did not dare to refuse.

He said: "Okay."

Xie Mengzhang took a few steps on his knees, approached Yi Jin, and reached out to hold his right foot. Yi Jin shrank his feet in fear and stared at Xie Mengzhang in shock.

What does he want to do?

Xie Mengzhang raised his eyes. his gaze was so deep that Yi Jin couldn't understand it. but it was not dangerous. He said, "Your Majesty, I will undress you.

Yi Jin breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately. he didn't want to hit him. Did he just want to help him take off his shoes?

Yi Jin wanted to say no. he would take it off. but when he met Xie Mengzhang's eyes. he swallowed his refusal

Yi Jin had no choice but to say, "Okay."

After saying this word. Yi Jin felt the air pressure around him suddenly lighten up.


As expected. Xie Mengzhang was untouchable.

Xie Mengzhang lowered his head again, holding Yi Jin's right foot with his long and strong fingers, and helped him take off his boots with the other hand, then took off his bright yellow colored footwear, and then took them off in the same way. Boot for left foot.

Xie Mengzhang's movements are very slow. and even when he is doing such a job of serving others. he is extremely elegant.

Yijin's feet are not too big, and her skin is fair and smooth because he seldom walks. The blood vessels on the instep are well defined, and the shape of her toes is very beautiful.

The spring night was still slightly cool. and Yi Jin's feet were a little cold. Xie Mengzhang held his feet in the palm of his hand and gently squeezed them from the heel to the tips of the toes without any emotion, like He just used the warmth of his palms to warm Yijin's feel.

Yijin was indeed made very comfortable by the warmth of Xie Mengzhang's palms, and even wanted to sigh happily.

But he held back.

Xie Mengzhang's hands were so beautiful that Yi Jin fell a sense of blasphemy against beauty and moved his toes uncomfortably.

Xie Mengzhang let go of his feet, straightened up slightly, and went to untie the belt around Yijin's waist.

The robe that Yijin wore after bathing was like the bathrobe he wore in modern times. However, this bathrobe was also bright yellow , and it was made of excessively translucent fabric. It could not cover anything at all and would only make the His body was looming under the gauze, making it even more alluring.

He was not wearing any underwear, and the official refused to let him wear it. saying that the robe did not have underwear. and His Majesty did not need to wear it. Underwearpants. None of His Majesty's clothes have this thing.

Yi Jin seriously suspected that the author of the novel had set this up on purpose to facilitate the Beast King and his harem to engage in pornography.

The belt loosened easily, exposing "Okay. just sleep like this!" Yi Jin's fair chest. He grabbed the skirt of his clothes and said quickly:

After saying that. he retracted his legs upward and rolled into the dragon bed. leaving a lot of space for Xie Mengzhang.

The dragon bed is as big as a small house, so Xie Mengzhang had better not touch him.

Yi Jin honestly closed her eyes. not looking at Xie Mengzhang. and pretended to be sleepy.

He heard the rustle of cloth. It must be that Xie Mengzhang took off his clothes and lay down.

Xie Mengzhang's presence was so strong that Yi Jin was always afraid to sleep.

To be honest. if Yijin hadn't read the novel and knew that, Xie Mengzhang was a scorpion beautiful person, with Xie Mengzhang's appearance and temperament. he would have puť him to sleep long ago.

Xie Mengzhang is much prettier than the top male slars in his previous lifel


Yi Jin was thinking wildly. and Xie Mengzhang was also thinking a lot.

The new emperor also seemed unwilling to visit the harem.

He didn't want to delve into the reason. but he only knew that the male concubines in the harem could hardly wait any longer.

If the Beast King doesn't help. people will continue to die.

The empire can't wait any longer.

If Yijin still doesn't bear the responsibility of being the Beast King like the late emperor, then he Xie Mengzhang doesn't mind committing the crime and forcing Yijin.

If this doesn't work. then he will go against heaven again and change to a Beast King!

You've already done it once. so why not do it again?

Xie Mengzhang closed his eyes to hide the cold light in his eyes.

Xie Mengzhang moved to Yi Jin's side. to Yi Jin's side, leaning on his side and looking down at Yi Jin. His long black hair fell k to Yi Jin's cheek.

The new emperor has short black hair and a beautiful face. It is hard to tell whether he is male or female. He even worse than the previous emperor.

It's an appearance that makes people fall in love with him at first sight.

But as long as Xie Mengzhang thinks of all the misdeeds of the previous emperor. it is really difficult for him to have a good impression of the new emperor.

"Your Majesty." Xie Mengzhang whispered, "I serve your Majesty--"

One of his hands reached into the thin quilt and placed it on Yi Jin's thigh through the gauze.

But before he could make a move. Yi Jin opened his eyes. took his hand off. and said shyly: "Don't, don't be like this... We just met today, you are just a stranger to me, and a stranger It's very, very awkward for people to do it."

Yi Jin opened his almond-shaped eyes and said seriously. "Can you wait until we get to know each other betler?

This is of course an excuse.

Yi Jin didn't want to have sex with Xie Mengzhang, he had to find some way to escape.

Xie, Mengzhang retracted his hand without any embarrassment al being rejected, and simply said: "Yes, 1 understand.

It was true that he was impatient.

He should figure it out slowly.


Chapter 2 The first day of becoming the Beast King


Yijin didn't know how he fell asleep later.

When I woke up it was already dawn.

Xie Mengzhang had already gotten up and was standing beside the dragon bed waiting to help Yi Jin get dressed and wash up.

Yi Jin woke up and got out of bed. Xie Mengzhang look the tray from the waiter and presented il to him. The tray contained a glass of water, a box of tooth powder, and a few willow branches with their heads broken off.

Yi Jin paused for a moment, brushed his teeth with a willow branch in a novel way, rinsed his mouth. took the handkerchief from Xie Mengzhang, and washed his face.

The veil was probably made of linen and didn't feel good to the touch.

After washing his face. Xie Mengzhang handed Yi Jin the facial ointment.

The ointment was milky white, and when Yi Jin smelled it, it was quite fragrant.

After Yi Jin finished doing this. Xie Mengzhang stepped forward to help him take off his pajamas.

Yi Jin originally wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he decided not to. There was no difference between the nightgown he was wearing and not wearing it at all. What should be seen and what should not be seen had already been seen.

The gauze-like robe spread out, and Yi Jin's naked body appeared in front of Xie Mengzhang.

The body of a young man is slender and strong, and the two spots on the chest are tender, and cute. waiting to picked. His was smooth, with a warm jade-like luster, and there was no hair on his body at all.

His waist is so thin that it can be grasped with two hands, his buttocks are fleshy and upturned. and there is an alluring arc in the lower back, which makes people want to try the feel of the waist.

The pink and white jade, stems hanging softly between Yijin's legs are not small in size but they still delicate and cute.

The female fragrance on his body permeated the air, faint and vague. like a seductive little hand touching the heart.

Yi Jin. however, didn't realize il yel. He stretched out his arms solemnly and waited for Xie Mengzhang to dress him.

The servants' faces lurned red and their heads lowered even lower.

Xie Mengzhang's breath stagnated, his dark eyes glanced between Yi Jin's legs. he looked away. and unfolded the inner garment of the dragon robe to help him put it on.

As expected. this dragon robe does not come with underwear.

Yijin was speechless.

Even the trousers on the lower body are open crotchl

When Xie Mengzhang knelt down and asked Yi Jin to put on his pants. Yi Jin felt bad all over.

After hesitating for a while, Yi Jin carefully put her hand on Xie Mengzhang's shoulder and stretched out a leg.

What Yi Jin didn't know was that the moment he raised his legs. Xie Mengzhang could see the scenery between his legs.

There is a small pink flower with its two pelals lightly closed. The mysterious gap invites people to explore. and the increasingly rich fragrance spreads out.

The scent of a female is the top spring medicine for any male.

What's more. Yi Jin is still the Beast King.

He is the most powerful female in the entire empire.

Xie Mengzhang suppressed his most primitive physical reaction, a fire burned in his lower abdomen, and he began to sweat fainfly on his back.

Suddenly, a chamberlain fell to his knees, kowłowing and begging for mercy.

"This slave deserves to diel Please forgive me! Please forgive mel"

Yijin: "?"

What's wrong?

Yi Jin saw that the waiter's face was red and his whole body was shaking like chaff. He opened his eyes wide and full of confusion.

Both Xie Mengzhang and the chief steward Lian Zhen changed their expressions.

Lian Zhen shouted angrily in a deep voice: "Pull him down! Beat him to death with a stickl"

Two murderous guards rushed in at the door. One on the left and the other on the right, they gagged the chamberlain and dragged him outside.

Yi Jin hurriedly said: "Wait! Whał mistake did he make?"

Xie Mengzhang lowered his head and said. "He offended His Majesty and behaved disrespectfully in front of the Emperor."

Yijin: "???"

"What's the offense? What's wrong with that?"

Why didn't he see it?

Lian Zhen and Xie Mengzhang looked at each other and then ordered the guards: "Take off your clothes and let His Majesty seel"

The two guards pinned the servant at the door and started to work together. They took off his pants in a few seconds and threw him in front of Yi Jin. They also pressed his legs to prevent him from moving.

There was a strong fishy smell.

Only now did Yi Jin see clearly that the penis between the servant's legs was hard, and there were patches of white turbid liquid on the thick hair.

Apparently he had cum just now.

The chamberlain was gagged. but he kept struggling. Under Yi Jin's gaze. his genitals not only did not sag due to the approaching death, but instead became more energetic.

Lian Zhen looked ugly. "You bastard! Hit me!"

The guard on the side pulled out the short knife from his waist and slapped the waiter's penis hard with the handle of the knife.

Yi Jin was shocked, "Don't-1"

But it was too late. Yi Jin heard a muffled sound, and then watched helplessly as he saw the top of the chambermaid's penis, like a fountain. spurling out streams of turbid white semen.

Yijin: "???"

At this time, another chamberlain behind Lian Zhen also knelt down. He did not dare to speak. but buried his head deeply and trembled all over.

Yi Jin asked in disbelief: "He also--?"

Lian Zhen's face was extremely ugly, and she also knelt down and kowtowed. "Your Majesty. please punish them. It's all because I didn't discipline them well."

He changed the topic: "Drag them all out--"

Yi Jin quickly said: "No, no, no! Don't kill people! kill people! It's not a big a big deal, but you have to kill people? You should explain to me why they are like this? Are they sick?"

Xie Mengzhang said: "It's because of your body fragrance. They are here to serve you, not to smell your body fragrance and enjoy themselves. For blaspheming Your Majesty, they deserve death!

Yijin: "..."

Yi Jin lowered his head and smelled himself, but couldn't smell anything. He had taken a good bath last night!

And the chamberlains were so far away from him, how could they smell his scent?

Xie Mengzhang saw Yi Jin's doubts and explained: "Your Majesty comes from another world. Naturally, you can't smell your own body fragrance, but the males of the Holy Beast Empire have a keen sense of smell, so--

Yi Jin suddenly realized that they were all orcs. They had animal forms and were no different from animals. Their sense of smell was indeed much more sensitive.

But just by smelling his scent. I shot. Is this more than just "sensitive"?

Yi Jin boldly asked: "What about you?"

Xie Mengzhang lowered his eyes and said in a cold voice: "The same goes for me."

This is the sorrow of men.

After entering into a marriage, no matter whether he likes his female or not. the male will be attracted by the female's breath, produce the most primitive desire, and surrender at the female's feet.

In the palace of the Holy Beast Empire, all males belong to the Beast King.

This is the law set by the beast god.

No one can escape.

Yijin didn't quite believe Xie Mengzhang's words.

After all, he didn't seem to have any reaction from Xie Mengzhang. and Lian Zhen didn't seem to have any reaction either. Only the legs of the chamberlains were trembling.

However. Yi Jin was unwilling to delve deeper al the moment. He asked: "That one in front of the Beast King... is about to be beaten to death. Who made the rules?"

Xie Mengzhang replied: "It is His Majesty the late Emperor."

Xie Mengzhang still clearly remembers the disgusted and crazy look in the late Emperor's eyes when one of the chamberlains failed to stand the temptation of the late Emperor's body fragrance.

The chamberlains were beheaded on the spot.

According to historians, the Beast Emperors before the late emperor did not regard such things as an offense.

Al that time, no chamberlain had ever been sentenced to death for such a reason.

But the late emperor was different.

On the one hand. the late emperor was disgusted. but on the other hand. he took pleasure in it.

Obviously, the imperial physician provided the late emperor with sachets to cover up his body odor, but the late emperor often did not wear them. especially when he was in a bad mood. He would watch the servants make fools of themselves and then kill people for fun.

Xie Mengzhang did not regret the regicide, he only regretted not doing it earlier.

In today's matter. Xie Mengzhang did act according to the rules. but he also had the intention of testing Jin.

He wanted to see what Yi Jin's character was like.

Yi Jin said: "Then can I change the rules established by the late emperor? 1 don't think they offend me. As you said, all males will react to me. Isn't that quite normal?"

It's just that the reaction was a little big, and I shot it immediately after smelling the smell.

Beast King-SpringMedicine?

As soon as Yi Jin finished speaking. Xie Mengzhang knelt down and said. "Meng Zhang thanks your majesty for sparing them their lives.

Lian Zhen also kowtows: "I thank Your Majesty on their behalf! But death penalty can be avoided. but living crime cannot be escaped! Please forgive me!"

Yi Jin said speechlessly: "You all get up!"

Lian Zhen didn't move, and Yi Jin pushed his shoulder.

No push.

Yijin: "..."

Yi Jin could only say: "Then... let's punish them by sweeping the floor for a few days."

Lian Zhen then said: "Thank you Lord for your kindness!"

Xie Mengzhang said: "Your Majesty is kind."

Yijin: "Get up!"

The people who had been kneeling on the ground stood up one after another, and the two chamberlains were also taken away. Of course, they didn't have to die now, they just needed to sweep the ground for a few days.

Yi Jin's dragon robe was finally put on. and Xie Mengzhang held a crown inlaid with gems and put it on Yi Jin's head.

Yijin was full of doubts. Looking at the clothes of Xie Mengzhang and Lian Zhen, wasn't the Holy Beast Empire a country like ancient China?

Why is there still such a Western European crown?

When it was time to eat breakfast. Yijin's expression cracked.

On a silver plate lay toasted sliced white bread, butter, jam. fried eggs. caviar. silver goblets. knives, forks, silver spoons, bean porridge, pancakes, thinly sliced roast meal, pickled leeks flower......

A hodgepodge of Chinese and Western elements!

The standard of living is not high, it should be said that it is very poor.

Even an emperor like him eats so poorly.

And there is no doubt that the former Beast King must have come from Western Europe, and must not have been a contemporary of Yi Jin, ofherwise how could he have improved his living standards!

Yijin finished her breakfast without saying a word.

The not-so-delicious breakfast made Yi Jin feel as wilted as an eggplant beaten by frost.

Seeing that Xie Mengzhang and Lian Zhen were still standing. Yi Jin asked them to eat together. "You all should eat something. I'm full."

They thanked each other and sat down.

Xie Mengzhang asked Yijin: "But the food doesn't laste good?"

Yi Jin smiled dryly. "It's okay."

He misses beef noodles, hot dry noodles. wontons with three delicacies, soy milk, steamed buns. fried dough sticks. and fried chicken...

No, no, no, I can't think about it anymore. I'm drooling.

Xie Mengzhang put down his chopsticks and said. "If you have any comments, you can raise them.

Yijin said: "I have no objection."

Xie Mengzhang: "You seem to be afraid of me."

Yijin: "!"

Yi Jin quickly shook his head: "I didn't."

Xie Mengzhang didn't go into details and just said: "You can be more honest with me. Can we talk about it after the morning meeting?"

Yi Jin: "That's okay."

We still have to go to court, and I don't know if the morning court will be like the one on TV.

But the Beast King of the Holy Beast Empire is just a mascot, so he shouldn't have anything to do with it. right?


Chapter 3 The Beast King's First Morning Court


Inside the Jinluan Hall.

Before Yi Jin arrived. a group of ministers entered the palace one after another and took the opportunity to talk to each other.

Xie Yi is Xie Mengzhang's father and serves as the Minister of Household Affairs.

At this moment. Xie Yi was surrounded by a group of ministers, all of whom came to ask him about the new emperor.

"Thank you. Sir. has Qinglongjun told you about the character of His Majesty the new emperor? You must tell us everything!"

"That's right, my old bones can't stand being scared anymore!"

The man who spoke was fair-faced and beardless, very handsome, and could not be associated with the word "old" at all.

But in fact this official is over 200 years old.

The orcs in the Holy Beast Empire have extremely long lifespans.

Xie Yi is also a handsome some man. If he and Xie Mengzhang stand together, they look like two brothers, not like a father and son al all.

All the ministers were uneasy and looked at Xie Yi eagerly.

In the past. the late emperor often got angry in the court, causing the blood of his colleagues to spatter the Jinluan Palace.

The late emperor wanted to interfere in the government affairs, which had never happened before in the history of the Holy Beast Empire.

Moreover, the late emperor's ability was really very poor.

He was already giving face by saying the job. so among the ministers, who wouldn't call him a "bastard" in private?

If the late emperor had not corrected these problems and delegated power to Xie Mengzhang. the empire would not be in such decline now.

The ministers were afraid that the new emperor would want to take power by himself like the previous emperor.

They were also afraid that the new emperor would not be interested in the harem.

If this continues. the empire will be doomed.

Xie Yi smiled slightly, "Your Majesty has only been here for one night. how can my news be so fast? Please be patient, won't you be able to see your Majesty soon?"

The ministers all called Xie Yi an "old fox" in their hearts.

Who doesn't know that Xie Yi's son. Xie Mengzhang, can hold the sky with one hand? It must have been Xie Mengzhang who slept with him last night. Does he know what His Majesty's temperament is like?

How could Xie Mengzhang not tell Xie Yi about such an important matter as the arrival of the new emperor?

Everyone saw that Xie Yi couldn't ask anything here, so they turned to ask another man in official robes.

"Master Shen. did you see His Majesty last night? Is His Majesty easy to get along with?"

"Suzaku-kun. was it Mr. Qinglong who attended your bed last night? Did Your Majesty pay your respects to Mr. Qinglong?"

Shen Yitan. the master of Zhuque Palace, has the same status as Xie Mengzhang in the harem. He holds the post of Second Assistant to the Cabinet in the court and is responsible for collecting military and political intelligence.

It is equivalent to the royal guards of a certain dynasty in ancient China.

Shen Yitan's appearance is naturally very beautiful and extremely aggressive, with a pair of highly recognizable narrow and long phoenix eyes.

Shen Yitan was dressed in a bright red robe. with picturesque features and eyes like a ball of blazing flames. He said in a long voice. "I'm sorry to to disappoint dis you all. I haven't seen your Majesty either."

The ministers naturally didn't believe it and wanted to ask more questions.

At this time.

Following the chant from the chamberlain.

Yi Jin entered the main hall surrounded by Xie Mengzhang and his party.

The whole hall suddenly became quiet, and the ministers did not dare to express their anger. They all hid their heads and quickly stood in their seats.

As the chief assistant. Xie Mengzhang is the actual person in power of the empire.

Beside Yijin's dragon chair, there is another chair belonging to Xie Mengzhang.

The chamberlain sang: "When there is something to do, we start to play, but when there is nothing to do. we leave the court -"

Han Yishui. Minister of the Ministry of War, was the first to stand up and said. "Your Majesty. urgent report from the northwest. An Wanqiu, the leader of the bandits who previously roamed in the northwest, integrated the bandits in nearby counties and supported a female named Hao Xiaoying as the false king, and established a small The imperial court vigorously promoted among the people that Hao Xiaoying is the daughter given by God."

"Your Majesty. I think it's time to send troops to destroy the false king!"

"Your Majesty. I think it's time to send troops to destroy the false king!"

Yijin: "..."

Why the hell are all these rebels coming out?

The situation is very bad!

Civil uprisings are usually the beginning of troubled times.

Can he still hold his position as the Beast King?

He doesn't have any big ambitions. he just wants to live a comfortable life.

If this continues, this simplest wish may not be realized.

The chief minister of the empire is the spokesperson of the imperial power. The ministers report verbally to the Beast Emperor. or, but in fact, it is the chief minister. Xie Mengzhang, who handles political affairs.

Before Xie Mengzhang could answer. Xie Yi. the Minister of Household Affairs. shouted loudly: "Your Majesty! The treasury has no money, so we can't send troops!"

Han Yishui said angrily: "If we don't send troops and just watch the puppet imperial court grow stronger. where majesty of the empire?!"

Xie Yi: "Tell me, where can you find the money to send troops?"

Han Yishui said solemnly: "Just try to squeeze in. there will always be something!"

Xie Yi was so angry that he said, "Then 1, the Minister of Household Affairs, will be replaced by you. so you can squeeze in!"

Han Yishui: "Leave it alone and wait for them to come to the capital in a few days?!"

Xie Yi: "Okay, okay, even if we can squeeze out money. who will lead the troops?!"

As soon as Xie Yi said these words. Han Yishui fell silent.

The empire indeed does not have the right people to lead troops to fight.

Ever since the White Tiger Lord was mistaken by the late emperor and died in battle, his soldiers narrowly escaped death and few were left. The empire's military and military strength has been on the verge of collapse.

There has never been another White Tiger Lord in these years.

Xie Mengzhang broke the silence: "This matter has been postponed for further discussion. Are there any other matters to be discussed?"

Jiang Lide. the right minister of the Ministry of Industry, fell to his knees with a bang, kowlowed heavily, and shouted in a tearful voice: "Your Majesty! Please have mercy on me, please bring back my son Cheng Yan! Cheng Yan will die of illness if he doesn't come back." It's outside!"

Yijin: "?"

Yi Jin looked at Xie Mengzhang doubtfully.

Who is this minister talking about?

Xie Mengzhang explained to Yi Jin: "This is Jiang Chengyan's father. Jiang Lide. the right minister of the Ministry of Industry.

is your concubine, a beast-shaped unicorn, Chengyano and the Minister of the Ministry of Official Chen Worker locust disaster in Jingzhou, but he has never returned."


Isn't this one of the male concubines who was sent out in the original book?

Seeing Jiang Lide crying so earnestly. Jiang Chengyan must be really seriously ill.

Yijin was just about to say that she wanted to recall Jiang Chengyan.

His mind flashed and he paused.

This is an excellent opportunityl

He could have left the palace first under the guise of personally taking Jiang Chengyan back to the palace.

So Yi Jin said: "Let's discuss this matter later. I don't know much about these things yet."

Jiang Lide said anxiously: "Your Majesty--!"

Xie Menqzhang said: "Master Jiang, there is no need to be too anxious. I will discuss this with His Majesty later."

Xie Mengzhang had spoken. No matter how unwilling Jiang Lide was, he had no choice but to retreat first.

Xie Mengzhang did not let the ministers continue, and directly ordered him to withdraw from the court.

After retreating from the court, Xie Mengzhang sent Yijin back to his palace, while he himself went to the imperial study room to meet with the ministers.

Xie Mengzhang was doing the emperor's job. and Yi Jin was just a freeloader waiting to die.


Lian Zhen came over to report to Yi Jin that Mrs. Fang wanted to see her.

Yijin asked: "Which Mrs. Fang?"

Lian Zhen: "She is Fang Qingyan. the wife of Jiang Shilang. Jiang Lide. and the mother of Jiang Chengyan. Jiang Fangjun."

Counting this way. this Mrs. Fang should be regarded as Yijin's...mother-in-law?

Yi Jin remembered that the family structure of the Holy Beast Empire was that although the male was the breadwinner, the female was the head of the family.

Therefore. Jiang Lide's wife is not called "Mrs. Jiang". but her own surname.

Mrs. Fang's request to see her was probably because of the incident in court this morning.

Sure enough, as soon as Mrs. Fang came in, she knelt on the ground and cried loudly: "Your Majesty Please save my son Chengyan-- A few days ago, my wife received a letter from the old servant next to Chengyan, saying that he I'm bedridden and unconscious. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I don't have much time l left-1"

Yi Jin hurriedly said: "Madam. get up first and give me a seat for you."

Mrs. Fang raised her head. her beautiful face was wet with tears. so pitiful.

"Your Majesty--! Only you can save Cheng Yan now! Your Majesty. .I am only begging you as a mother today. I don't want a white-haired person to give away a black-haired person. Please have mercy on our mother and son--"

After saying this. Mrs. Fang kowtowed deeply again. The sound of her forehead hitting the ground hurt Yi Jin.

Yi Jin said: "Hurry up. Madaml"

The chamberlains forcibly lifted Mrs. Fang up.

At this time. Xie Mengzhang came in.

Xie Mengzhang said: "Madam, there is no need to worry. I am just about to discuss this matter with Your Majesty. Your Majesty. please issue an order to summon Lord Jiang Bian back to the capital."

But Yi Jin shook his head and said. "Why don't I go pick up Jiang Chengyan in person? By the way. I can pay a private visit incognito and get a feel for the public sentiment."

Xie Mengzhang frowned. but before he could speak. Mrs. Fang threw herself to the ground again. shouting: "Thank you. Your Majesty for your kindness! Thank you for your kindness. Your Majesty! My Chengyan is saved! I will definitely worship Your Majesty every day when I go back." statue!"

Yijin: "..."

There's no need to worship statues or anything like that, it's going to be annoying.

Xie Mengzhang disagreed and said: "Your Majesty, the world is in chaos now. Jingzhou is far away and there are many bandits on the road. A private visit incognito is really not good for your safely. I forgot to think twice."

Yi Jin said: "Qinglong Lord, don't tell me that the empire can't even find a team of decent guards now.

Xie Mengzhang: "Of course not."

Yi Jin: "Then it's decided."

Xie Mengzhang: "Your Majesty--!"

Yi Jin: "Jiang Bianjun is extremely ill and is not suitable for traveling long distances. Do you want to see him die on the way?"

Xie Mengzhang: "I don't have itl"

Mrs. Fang's tears came out again, and she said repeatedly: "Yes. Mr. Qinglong! Cheng Yan can't stand the torment anymore! Please help me, and I will definitely bring the whole family to worship you every day!"

Yijin: "?"

Worship again?

This Mrs. Fang is really superstitious.

Yijin said: "It's inconvenient for Mr. Jiang Bian, so of course it's better for me to pick him up. I'll leave tomorrow. Mr. Qinglong. go get ready. After I leave, you can come and supervise the country."

Yijin wanted to run away, so of course he had to keep Xie Mengzhang behind.


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