NovelToon NovelToon

Flower Of My Destiny

Episode 1

Somewhere in a hospital room a lady was laying lifelessly as she was tired after giving birth to her first child, beside her a baby was sleeping in a crib. Everything was fine and quite but sometimes peaceful moments are just the early stage of a deadly storm.
Tears were rolling down from that lady's eyes. A lady in her 50s entered the hospital room and went directly to the crib and hold the baby. She lift up the only remaining cloth wrapped around the newborn
the lady in her 50s screamed suddenly which made the lady in bed finch hard
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
didn't I told you I want a grandson who will continue my bloodline *screams*
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
*hold the mom's hair in her fist harshly* then what's this? *holding the baby in another hand*
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
*crying silently*
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
how dare you to give birth to this ugly girl, just look at her skin color... do you think my son will be able to marry her off *screaming*
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
*left the lady's hair harshly and gave the baby to her mom*
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
Oh, God! my reputation, my name everything is gone *holds her head with her both hands* will I show up in front of society and relatives now
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
NO... I won't accept this girl as my grandchild... Never
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
go back to your low class family, go back from where you belong ...we can't spend money on you and this ugly child
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
just go back... I will find a new bride for my son from a rich family *said screaming and left the room*
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
*broke into tears holding her baby as she didn't know what to do now*
after that no one came to meet her...not even her husband. at evening Mahima's parents came to meet her and their grandchild.
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
how's my natni now...*holding the baby and playing with her* .... look how pretty my grandchild is...may God always keeps you happy *giggling with the baby*
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
Indeed, my grandchild is really gorgeous *smiling widely*
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
let me hold my natni now *forward his hands*
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
OK *gives him the baby*, but careful
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
I know how to handle babies OK...
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
awww my sona *smiling widely holding the baby*...may God keep you away from all the bad eyes
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Where's son-in-law Mahima? *asked Mahima* ...hmm, he must be over whelming after getting the news na
Mahima couldn't able to hold her emotions anymore, she broke into tears in front of her parents
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
What happened Mahima *worried* .... did something happen ?
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
*crying badly with hiccups*
then Mahima told her parents everything happened this morning... how her mother-in-law threatened her saying she will again arrange her son's wedding
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
*shock* didn't he say anything to her mom?...where is he?
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
He didn't come to meet me *said in a low voice which is barely hearable *
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
*shock* I will talk to can he not accept his daughter..
Then her father went outside and tried to call Deepak and his mother but no one answered his calls. They were clueless what to do now....
few days passed like this. in this few days Mahima's father tried to contact with Deepak, he even went to their his house but no one was there. Mahima's mother took care of Mahima and her baby.
It was Mahima's discharge day from hospital. Her father was at hospital reception for some paper work. Mahima and her mother was sitting on a nearby bench along with the baby
Sir, what's this baby's father's name ?
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
Deepak...Deepak Chatterjee
and mother's?
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
Mahima Chatterjee
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
*told every information the receptionist asked him*
sir, patient's discharge paper is ready, now for the birth certificate may I know the baby's name?
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
Mahima...*went to them*
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Yes baba?..*looks up*
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
have you decided sona's name?
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Name... Not yet, I didn't get any good name for her in my mind.
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
But it's needed here to complete her birth certificate *look back at the counter*
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
can I suggest a name?
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
sure maa
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Meghna... Her name will be Meghna *smiles and looked at the sleeping figure she was holding protectively in her arms*
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
such a pretty name *smiles looking at her daughter*
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
Indeed, a beautiful name for my beautiful child *smiles widely*
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
*went back to the reception counter*
have you decided sir?
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
Meghna. Her name is Meghna
Then the receptionist completed all necessities for the birth certificate
sir, everything is done now you may pay the hospital bill at that counter *indicates the nearby counter*
Mahima's father then paid the hospital bills
Mahima belongs from a very poor family where her parents raise her and sister difficultly...sometimes they had to take loans to pay their everyday expanses. Mahima's parents were all worried about the hospital bills as their daughter's in laws were not picking their phone calls. They were helpless, at last they had to sell their only remaining plot for few amounts of money
Mahima's parents took Mahima and her daughter to their house... where Mahima's mom stared to take care of her both daughter and granddaughter.
your author
your author
OK that's it for today ...please let me know if you like the story :)

Episode 2

After a month Mahima got a call from Deepak to know about them. Mahima came happily to her parents to inform that Deepak will come to take back her and Meghna home at evening. Mahima's parents thought that maybe her in laws changed their mind. They all were happy.
At evening a white car stopped in front of their house from which Deepak came out along with his mother.
Deepak's mother was covering her nose with a handkerchief. She told the Driver to bring out the boxes from car and take them in the house. driver - *nodded* the driver took out the boxes from car and took them inside Mahima's house
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
I told you not to come here again *holding the handkerchief in front of her nose*
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Maa haven't we already decided we will not talk about it anymore...
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
we had but, what's there to again bring this low class girl our home? I have talked with Mr sharma about you and his daughter, he was ready to make you his son in law
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
they were far more rich than this low class family *pointing her finger towards Mahima's house with disgust*.
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Maa for god sake leave this topic... I know what to do.
they went inside the house
Note : Mahima belongs from a very poor family where they only have two rooms in their house. Deepak's mother never wanted to marry her son off with Mahima but Deepak like her as she was beautiful. he didn't listen to his mother's disagreement and married Mahima.his mother was happy with their marriage, she always wanted a rich daughter in law. Then when Mahima was pregnant she somehow accepted her, she thought she will get a grandson, a heir of her family but,....
as soon as they entered the house Mahima's parents greeted them with respect. Mahima's parents offered them plastic chairs to sit.
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
please sit I'm coming with chai and some snacks *went from there*
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
look....they can't even afford a sofa to offer us *said a little louder so that everyone can hear*
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
*sit on chair*
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
*sit on chair with murmuring*
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
*came out from a room holding Meghna in her arms*
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
How are you Maa? *going to touch her feet*
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
Don't..don't need to touch my feet
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
how are you? *asked Deepak*
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad) umm and this child? *looks at Meghna*
*sleeping in her mom's arms*
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
sh...she is fine *slutter a bit*
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
what have you named this ugly child though? *asked rudely*
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
MAA ...*a little loud*
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
what? am I wrong? I have married you to her just because of her looks so that I can get our heir not this ugly girl *pointing towards Meghna*
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
how will I show up in society now...what will I say to our relatives and what about your reputation in front of your colleagues now with this daughter of her *said loudly*
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
*standing there when her head is down and tears rolling down her eyes silently*
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
*looking at her daughter with moist eyes*
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
what's her name? * eyes on Meghna*
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
baba only Mahima will come with me *said to Mahima's father*
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
I don't want my reputation to shattered down because of this girl, I'm taking you back with me because you are my wife but not this child .*pointing towards Meghna*
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
*came there holding tea tray*
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
this child will live here with your parents.
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
*shock* but, how will she live with me?
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
don't worry I will send her monthly expenses
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
I'm not talking about money *a little louder* can a one month old baby live without her mother?
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
hey... how dare to rise your voice on my son *said loudly*
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
I me... I mean how can sh...*got cut*
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
I told you I will send her monthly expenses to your parents
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
why should we even give money for this ugly...*got cut*
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Maa I told you stop for a moment *said loudly*
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
because all this loud noises Meghna woke and stared to cry
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
what happened...what happened to my Megh *trying to calm her down while her own tears are rolling down*
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
stop this child first *got irritated by crying noise*
Lata then went to her room calm down Meghna while her own tears were rolling down uncontrollably
your author
your author
OK that's it for tody...let me know if you like the episode.

Episode 3

After sometimes Mahima's parents entered her room
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
baba... what they told? *wipes her tears*
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
*sits beside her on bed*
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
I think you should go with Deepak. Don't worry I will take care of our Megha.
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
*standing there silently*
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
what are you saying Maa?
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Have you heard what he just said...he only wants me to go with me, what about my daughter then?
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
he said he will not accept our daughter how can I leave my daughter will she live without me? *tears forming*
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Mahima it's just for few months, after that he will definitely accept his daughter *gave her a fake smile*
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
Yes, we have talked with them, they told us after few months they will come to take Meghna their house *smiles*
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
NO....they are lying, they will never come to take my daughter again...they all are liars *tears rolling down*
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Deepak himself told us he will come to take back his me *trying to assure her*
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
are you telling truth? *wipes her tears vigorously*
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
yes Mahima...your mother-in-law told us they will come to take back Meghna after few months, till that time she requested us to take care her.
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
But, how will you be able to look after her? Your own health is not fine *asked both her parents*
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Don't worry about us... I'm not that old ok, I have raised both of you sisters single handily *smiles* *forward her hands to hold Meghna*
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
*gave Meghna to her mom's arms*
*sleeping peacefully*
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
she is also my daughter just like you *smiles looking at Meghna*
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
and moreover we are not dying this soon ...we still have to watch our Meghna's wedding...isn't it? *smiling widely*
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
But, still what about her foods and all she is only one month and can be only fed mother's milk.
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Who told you that? a child can be raised even without mother's milk ... I will manage with baby food ok. *assuring her*
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
but...* got cut*
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
no if or but. Now go and get ready. Deepak is waiting for you outside.
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Are you sure you will manage to look after her properly?
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
we promise we will take good care of her and protect her from everything. *assuring eyes*
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
*looks at her father then her mother with hope in her eyes*
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
*looks at Meghna for few moments and kissed her forehead*
Mahima then went to another room to get ready.
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
*broke into tears*
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
How can her own father do this to her? *tears rolling down*
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
Don't worry Sabita, we will take care of her like our own daughter...we will try our best to give her parents love and care *tears forming*
After Mahima came to her room to calm down Meghna, Deepak and his mother told something which made her parents regret on decision to marry off their daughter to a person like Deepak
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
I'm telling you from the very first I will never accept this child. I can't sacrifice my reputation just because of her. *said disrespectfully*
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
she is our daughter son. *helpless*
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
I don't consider her as my daughter. *expressionless*
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
And he is not your son *said rudely*. God know why I accepted this low class girl as my daughter-in-law...
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
What about her future then...*eyes moist*
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
why would be concerned about it? *expressionless*
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
and about your daughter Mahima...if she doesn't want to go with me, it's fine, it's even better for me...
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
But, if she stays here how will you feed both of them? as long as I know you have already sold your only remaining plot to pay hospital bills.
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Are you going to sell her body to pay your experience then? *smirks*
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
Deepak *shout*
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
Don't shout *shouts* what wrong has he said?
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
Who will accept a married woman with a daughter whose husband left her *smirks*
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
*smirks* Maa I think we should leave now *turned to leave*
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
NO...she will go with you *said hurriedly*
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
*stopped and turned around* But, didn't she say she will not leave her daughter? *crook his eyebrows*
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
I will convince her *tears rolling down*
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
but sabita...*got cut*
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Don..don't say anything please
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
I... I will go and convince her
fl grandma (from dad
fl grandma (from dad's side)
better for you *said rudely*
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
Deepak Chatterjee (fl dad)
we will wait in car then
saying this they went to their car
Back to present
Mahima got ready. she didn't has many clothes in her parents house so instead of a luggage she was holding a bag in which she packed only few saree of her.
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Where is Deepak Maa?
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
*holding Meghna in her arms* He is waiting for you in car *smiles*
*giggling and throwing her hands in air*
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
didn't he meet with Meghna?
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
*looked at her husband*
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
shridhar Pandit (fl grandpa)
*standing there silently*
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
yes...he was holding her just a while ago *smiles*
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
OK then *went to her mom to take Meghna in her arms*
*looking at her mom*
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
*staring in her daughter's doey eyes which was holding lots of love for her mom* Baby please forgive your mom. mom will soon come to take you with her *kissed all over her daughter's face*.
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Maa please take care of her properly. *tears rolling down*
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
Sabita Pandit (fl grandma)
I will *tears forming*
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
Mahima Chatterjee (fl mom)
*gave Meghna in her mom's arms*
When Mahima left Meghna in her grandma's arms she started crying loudly to back to her mom again
*crying loudly*
Meghna was holding her mom's saree in her little fist, she wasn't letting it go. Mahima then freed her saree from her fist carefully. She went to her father and told him to call her if anything happens. She then touched her parents feet and left the house. Watching her mom going outside their house Meghna was throwing her arms to go to her mom but, it was late....
Mahima turned around just to watch her daughter cry to come in her arms but, it was late...
your author
your author
that's it for this episode....see you in next episode 😌🌸

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