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A young lady could be seen walking in the streets of half-eaten bodies or bones she walked lazily as she glanced at these she walked in a store broken glass on the ground bloody hand print on the wall and counter she walked lightly to not disturb any zombies

She noticed at the corner a bookshelf with novels she walked to that corner and one of books caught her eyes she picked it up put it in her bag and continued looking for food she found some instant noodles rice and sodas she took them all and put it in her backpack then saw an old poster of herself and other crew members she looked at her name roseandra and a small smile appeared on her lips and she thinks back on her past where she was a SSS rank assassin at the age of 16.

As child she knew she was different from others she moved faster than others her strength was abnormal was dropped off at an orphanage as a baby the last thing she remembered from then was a women who looked quite rich saying "your a mistake" after that her memories are blurred but she never cared to remember at the age of one she was adopted by a young couple who looked ordinary on the outside they showered her with love and care but she knew they where no ordinary people they where assassin she didn't mind because they never once treated her badly even though she looked like a smiling walking corpse they still treated her with love so she swore to protect them she ask her adopted dad to train her at first he didn't want to but for protection he decided to train her along with her home in no time she skilled more than them and joined the assassin agency which she became an sss rank.

Until her parents where attacked and injured causing them to retire they didn't mind because they where at peace they started living like a normal couple with there daughter who they knew is an sss rank that day before the apocalypse her parents planned to take her out for a vacation and family outing which she was happy about but who knew that was the last day she had with her parents that night screams erupted in the air as the rain and lightning hit her parents didn't know what was going on nor did she so they looked through their window only to see people running like crazy and some where looking strange as they run behind them and as they catch up they would jump and rip the skin off of them rosandra and her parents where shocked .

What is going on they saw helicopters firing at the ground killing the zombies they knew they couldn't stay here so they got ready to leave and go to base of soldiers but before they could open the door it was knocked down as zombies barged in hungry her parents injuries where still fresh and knowing they couldn't move fast to get out her mother pushed her aside felling her to run her father understood she looked at her parents going to fight bit they shouted for her to run they'll be OK they smiled and turn for the first time in her life she was frozen she never froze on dangerous misson or anything but rightnow she didn't know what to do her eyes turned red as she saw them bite her mom's hand while her father's neck she picked up a pice of glass and started stabbing the zombies in the heads they all fell one by one by the time she was done it was too late her parents where already turning she dropped the glass while her hands dripped blood as she walk towards them slowly her mother already fully turned jumped on her but she didn't dodge or move as her mother bite down on her shoulders she just stood there while her father was still trying to hold out.

He smiled and his trembling hand picked up a gun that was tossed aside as he gave her with a smile she understood what he meant her tears flowed out of her eyes as her father used his last bit of strength to pull her mother who is still biting down on her shoulders he hugged her tightly as she bite down on his neck he let out a painful groan but then looked at rosandra and told her we love you as he raised her hands and point the gun at both of their head he gave her one last smile and she closed her eyes and pulled the trigger.

Remember all this she opened her eyes back which was filled with tears she wiped it away then walked out of the store lost in her thoughts she didn't notice behind her where eyes on her but deep in her thoughts she was pulled back by a scream she turned around and saw three guys and one girl fighting off some zombies she didn't really care because they looked like fools as she was about to walk away they ran to her pulled her hands and threw her towards the zombies she was dumbfounded with no expression she glance at the zombies picked up a piece of wood and started stabbing in their heads at the speed of lighting the group was dumbfounded when they saw this she looked like a normal girl but who would've thought this one of the guys aimed his gun the entire group was scared she killed like nothing.

Her smile never left her face once she tilts her head slightly and was about to move forward to pass them but was shot straight in the heart she blinked a few timewls and fell to the ground she looked at the guy who shot her and smiled brightly and said "thank you" as she took her last breath with a smile on her face. she thought to her self well atleast I finished that dumb book


The only thing that she was happy about is she Will be with her parents she was awaken by ice cold Walter getting dump on her she opened her eyes as the light was brightly and she opened her eyes suddenly she closed them back and opened them again and looked at the person who dumped the cold Water on her a women in a Maid clothing stareing at her with disguist as she said rudely "get dressed no one is helping you and hurry to go down and joined the máster for breakfast they don't have all day to waiting on a wench like you" she turned and walked out as she said that rosandra simple tilted her head then turn to look at the room this is not her room the room looked dusty and like someone tired to clean it a little then she raised her hands and was shocked her hands looked like a 5 year old child hands while she stareing at her hands a sharp pain maid her frown.

As memories that is not hers came rushing in she laid back down on the bed closed her and let them memories in

She stayed like that for a while then got up back and walked to the big mirror in the corner she looked at her reflection in daze this girl looked like her, she even has the same name as Her

her fair as snow skin purple eyes sliver hair and the same mole she had on her left shoulder she suddenly smiled and said "would you look at that I'm the dumb villianess in that stupid novel" she chuckled and Shake her head

in the original novel story the villianess is the daughter of the grand duke the FL is a Princess from the West kindom while the male lead is the King of east kingdom which is where the villianess is the King and the villianess was engage because of a promise from the previos King with is the ml father that his son and and the daughter of the duke wall be married to joined there family the villianess lived the male lead very much but he never liked her because she always pretend which caused him to dislike her he still felt sorry for her knowing that her family hated her and blamed her for the death of there grandmother after rosandra was born her mother died a few day later because of blood los her grand mother loved her so she decided that she Will take care of her knowing her son has no idead how to take care of a baby girl.

she took rosandra back to her villa and took care of her during that time rosandra father never came to see her and her grand parents knew why he blamed rosandra for her mothers death 2 year passed and two year old rasandra and her grand parents went to have a picnic they where attacked by assassin her grandgather tired to fight back but because of his age hé couldn't fight them all off so he told her grandmother to run with rosandra her grand mother watched as her husband tired to fight she picked up rosandra and run she knew she couldn't out run them so she hice rosandra and turned to lead them another way little rosandra thought they where playing so she obidently hide but Long after no one came to find her so she came out only to her two grandparents dead bodies she didn't know they where dead so she ran to hug her grandmother when a hand suddenly pulled her back that was the first time she met her father and three brothers after that her life just kept going down hill.

She fell head over heels for the male lead and tired to chase him, but he always ignores her and when the female lead popped up and winning everyone heart with her straight forward and innocent behavior and cute face including the male lead and the villianess three brothers and father she tired many was to harm the female lead, but someone always saves the female lead and her last attempt was to poison the female lead she was caught and the male lead crazy behavior he took her head off her body with a swing of his sword the last thing she saw was her dad and brothers watched on as he killed her with cold eyes she died while being hated.

rosandra came out of her deep thoughts went washed up and walked out the room with the same smile on her face as she walked down the stairs going towards the dining room she heard a a boy voice saying "uhgg where is that jinx head maid go and get her I'm tired of waiting for her" as he spoke the door was pushed open as rosandra walked in her Tony hands by her side her small mouth with a smile as she walked to her seat

her father frown a bit for some reason he felt something strange from her smile she was smiling bit her eyes where like a dead person no emotions at all.


Roseandra glance at her father who was starring at her, along with her three older brothers she walked to a seat and sat down she didn't bother to greet them and simply started eating

Her elder brothers frowned and said "roseandra where are your manners?" looking at her with a frown, roseandra lifts her head from her plate and smiled as she said "the cold Water that was thrown on me this morning washed it away" smiled and turn back to her plate to eat

Her father said with a frown " roseandra is that the way you talk to your elder brothers?" said with a frown now rosandra paused as she is staring to get annoyed at them can't you people let me eat in peace before you picked a fight

she sighed and smiled and answer as she looked her father dead in his eyes he flinched because he can see the killing intent that child has in her eyes he's never seen her look at him this way he felt weird, but the little girl was still smiling as she said " he asked me a question I gave him his answer therefore I don't see the problem with that but if you do please enlighten me ? " as she said that she turned back to eating

Her third brothers couldn't take it anymore, so he shouted at her "where is your manners talking to father like that you jinx big brother just asked you to greet us like you should and your talking back get down from that chair and greet us" her second brothers hasn't said a Word, but his face was as cold as ice roseandra finally lost it

She slowly raised her head and looked at her third brothers whose name is Austin she tilts her head and smiled brightly causing her dimples to show and her White little teeth all in a row neatly Austin looked at her eyes and flinched as he felt the strong killing intent from this little Girls eyes looking at him the temperature in the room dropped to ice-cold

The maid all became terrified felling the pressure suddenly her father and brothers were all shocked with this aura and pressure roseandra turned her body and climbed down the chair as she was sitting two chairs away from Austin she took small steps and pulled the closed by chair with ease the butler was shocked because this chair are really heavy and With her size she shouldn't be able to do that

But no one spoke and just watched as the little girl pettie body climbed up on the chair close to Austin she smiled brightly and within a blinked of an eye she snatched the knife that he was holding smash his head on his plate causing a loud bang her father and brothers froze on the spot as they watched this scene of what she did to Austin he gave out a painful scream as he tired to come out of her gripe but what was more shocking he was using all his strength she chuckled cutley and said "weak"

roseandra smiled more brightly with a quite chuckle as she plays with the knife in her hands her father was about to get up but she said to all of them with a bright smile while she places the knife at the bottom of his eye

"anybody moved and young master here Will be blind for the rest of his life " she said staring at her brothers and father as they sat back down and the maid and guards moved back in horror she smiled as she saw this then said "now my third brother why don't we play a little game which includes your hands " spinning the knife while she smiled

Father name: Elvis de cruz

elder brother: león de cruz

second brother: Jared de cruz

third brother: Austin de cruz

fourth child: roseandra de cruz

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