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You'Re The Problem [Taekook]

the uncontrollable powers

Author pov
In this world, there are two kinds of people: Alphas and Omegas, both with magical powers. Alphas were strong and Omegas were weak that's why they treated omegas like slaves. Omegas have to follow strict rules: they can't study, can't look Alphas in the eye, talk back, or even sit with them. They do all the housework and can't speak at official events. Alphas have all the freedom—they can do anything to Omegas because they are weak. It's an unfair world where Omegas suffer while Alphas enjoy everything.
In Celestria kingdom
Today in celestria, a vibrant kingdom nestled amidst rolling hills and sparkling rivers, buzzes with excitement as its people eagerly prepare for the upcoming festival. Streets adorned with colorful banners flutter in the breeze, echoing with laughter and music. Stalls overflow with sweet pastries and gleaming trinkets, while artisans weave intricate designs and children dance with glee. In celestria, joy fills the air, blending the harmony of tradition and the anticipation of shared celebration.
passer by
passer by
What's happening here?is there any festival going on?
Don't you know today is "Festival of Radiant Stars"
Every year, there is a competition in the "Radiant Realm Hall"at this festival. Every young man of the kingdom who wants to show his ability takes part in this competition. This competition is famous because princes also take part in it.
passer by
passer by
But isn't it a rule that Prince or princess can't show themselves before their position decides.
Yeah, there is one that's why they are wearing masks.
passer by
passer by
Is the third Prince who has the unknown dangerous power is he also coming?
I think this is all rumors. I think the third Prince is also a normal alpha. because the royal family never mentioned something like this.
passer by
passer by
Rumors also say that he's power can only be controlled by his fated mate
Like it's possible finding the Fated mate is now impossible.•he said by laughing•
passer by
passer by
If the third prince fights today, it will be known whether he has special powers or not
Yeah that's true
Btw we are heading there. do you want to come?
passer by
passer by
yeah sure
Sometimes later
At radiant realm hall
The hall at Radiant Realm was beautifully decorated. People filled the space, cheering loudly for their favorite candidates and eagerly anticipating the prince's fight. Excitement buzzed through the air as others awaited the arrival of the prince and princess. The atmosphere was lively and noisy, with everyone eagerly waiting for the event they had been anticipating for so long.
The host stepped onto the stage and warmly greeted everyone. Next, he introduced the royal family who had just arrived, asking them to take their places. With everyone settled, he officially began the competition.
The host explained the rules to everyone: 1. Stay inside the circle. 2. No cheating; cheating results in disqualification. 3. No outside help allowed. 4. Most importantly, the winner can challenge any prince from the royal family.
During the competition, some contestants won while others lost. The event didn't last long, and soon it was almost over. Then, they announced the winner. When asked whom he wanted to fight, the winner responded arrogantly.
•he said mockingly• i want to fight that Prince who have uncontrollable powers. I want to see his power. Is his power more than mine?
I want to fight with the third Prince, or should I say the future king ?
It seems there's gossip spreading all over the place. People are saying Alan wants to fight the third Prince. They're calling him insane and wondering how he could challenge Someone like the third Prince. Did you hear about this? Is the third Prince actually going to fight Alan? some people saying the third Prince is scared? It sounds like there's a lot of talk going on!
What happened third Prince are you perhaps scared? •said mockingly•
The Third Prince sat silently the whole time, quiet and seemed serious, with a strong presence. Even though people were gossiping about him, he didn't pay attention. When they mentioned him, he looked towards the stage. He ignored all the talk and calmly walked up to the winner. Before the winner could say anything, he spoke in a cold, serious way. His actions showed he was ready to face any challenge without saying a word.
third Prince
third Prince
Why should I be scared of someone like you ?
third Prince
third Prince
I can even fight with you without using my powers.
•grit his teeth• don't talk nonsense Jeon jungkook i mean third Prince
Jeon jungkook
Jeon jungkook
You're talking nonsense I'm just saying the facts
Don't be arrogant because you're a Prince
Jeon jungkook
Jeon jungkook
Why don't we just start the fight already
Then they started fighting. During their fight, Jeon Jungkook initially didn't use his full strength, but Alan struggled. After ten minutes, Jungkook was about to end the fight when suddenly his powers activated uncontrollably. The radiant realm hall burst into flames, and people started running everywhere. Jungkook tried hard to control his powers, but he couldn't stop them. His uncontrollable abilities ended up destroying a lot of the hall.
All the royal family members were standing there, unsure of what to do. Then, Jungkook shouted for his brothers to come down to earth. They were too shocked to react. Jungkook yelled at his brothers to knock him out.The brothers rushed forward and knocked Jungkook out.
Jungkook's pov
When I start losing consciousness, I'm wonders: What's going on? Why can't I control this power like I thought I could? When did I mess up? It feels like it all began when I was born. Memories flash through his mind as he closes his eyes, trying to make sense of it all.

blessed or cursed ?

Author POV
23 year ago
In a room, maids were busy helping a lady who was giving birth. She was in pain, but eventually, a baby's cries filled the room. Outside, royal people wanted to enter to see the newborn, but the head butler stopped them. He reminded them of a rule: only the former king or queen, or the current king, could be the first to see the baby. This rule shows respect for tradition and the order of the royal family.then two people came and entered the room.
How is the child?
lina (royal maid)
lina (royal maid)
Greetings your majesty and greetings your highness•bow• child is healthy queen mother.
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
Rise ! It is an alpha or omega?
lina (royal maid)
lina (royal maid)
It's an alpha queen mother.
Jeon tae moo (jk
Jeon tae moo (jk's dad)
Is it a boy or girl?
lina (royal maid)
lina (royal maid)
It's a boy your majesty.
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
His name is Jungkook, jeon Jungkook.
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
Announce across the kingdom that the royal family has given birth to a boy alpha and the celebration will be held after a week.
head butler (alpha)
head butler (alpha)
Yes queen mother.
He said and left the room
One week later
The venue was beautifully decorated, leaving people astonished. It quickly filled up as more guests arrived, and maids, butlers, and many others were busy with final preparations. A wide array of food was laid out, offering different varieties for everyone. Laughter and chatter filled the air as guests enjoyed themselves, with ladies gossiping about the celebration. It was a lively and joyous atmosphere, perfect for such a special occasion.
The king and queen were seated, with a baby sleeping in a crib beside them. All attention turned to the entrance as witches arrived, bowing respectfully to the royals. After receiving permission from the king, the witches approached the baby, blessing him with a gentle touch before joining the celebration. As everyone mingled and chatted, a sudden boom startled the crowd. All eyes widened as they saw flames engulfing part of the venue, causing a moment of shock and alarm.
When the fire broke out, people rushed to leave the venue, but it kept spreading. Even the royal family had to evacuate. The king ordered servants to extinguish the flames, and they managed to stop it, but not before half of the venue was burnt. Back at the castle, the king, furious, demanded answers from the head butler about what happened and who was responsible. His anger was palpable, making everyone silent. Then, a trembling maid stepped forward and claimed she knew who caused the fire. When the king asked her to reveal the culprit, her response shocked everyone.
lina (royal maid)
lina (royal maid)
Your majesty it's...its •scared•
Jeon tae moo (jk
Jeon tae moo (jk's dad)
•Angrily command• speak
lina (royal maid)
lina (royal maid)
It was... it was the third Prince your majesty.
The room is filled with silence.
Jeon tae moo (jk
Jeon tae moo (jk's dad)
•angrily•what are you saying? Are you out of your mind? He is just a one-week-old baby.
lina (royal maid)
lina (royal maid)
•She Trembled and said•When you all were busy, my friend and I were with the third prince. She also saw it. We are speaking the truth.
The King angrily left for his room and the queen's mother followed him.king was sitting on his bed when the queen mother entered the room.
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
Your majesty •bow a little•
Jeon tae moo (jk
Jeon tae moo (jk's dad)
Mother •bow a little•
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
What do you think?
Jeon tae moo (jk
Jeon tae moo (jk's dad)
Mother he is an only one-week baby. he can't do that.
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
But she's not lying either.
Jeon tae moo (jk
Jeon tae moo (jk's dad)
What should I do mother?
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
Let's call the head witch.
Jeon tae moo (jk
Jeon tae moo (jk's dad)
We can't call her when it's not urgent.
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
It's not urgent?
Jeon tae moo (jk
Jeon tae moo (jk's dad)
Call her then.
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
Okay •said and left the room•
2 days later
The head witch arrived at the palace, bowed to the king, and asked what was wrong. After hearing the story, she initially dismissed it as impossible and a waste of her time. Despite this, they insisted she see the baby. Upon seeing the baby, she smiled and began chanting. Suddenly, her expression changed to one of the shocks as she realized something incredible about the baby.
Linn (head witch)
Linn (head witch)
What is this??
Jeon tae moo (jk
Jeon tae moo (jk's dad)
What happen? Is he some kind of monster or something?
The head witch looks at the king at disbelief like how can a father call his son monster.she started telling the reason why she's shocked.
Linn (head witch)
Linn (head witch)
Actually this child has been blessed by t he Moon Goddess herself, that is why this child has special powers.this child gonna rule this country in some years I can see that.he is the future king of celestria. This child is ten times more powerful than a normal alpha. He is so powerful that no one can control him, not even himself. He has so much power that he can destroy this country.
Jeon tae moo (jk
Jeon tae moo (jk's dad)
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
Then what should we do ?
Linn (head witch)
Linn (head witch)
there is nothing I can do.this matter is out of my hand.
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
are you being serious? This country is in danger.can't you do anything?
Linn (head witch)
Linn (head witch)
I can't do anything.i'm sorry your highness.
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
You are a witch. Find out, Is nothing written in that book of yours?
Linn (head witch)
Linn (head witch)
There is but..•cut off by queen mother •
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
Then tell us what is written there.
Linn (head witch)
Linn (head witch)
There is something written about an alpha named Kyros, he was also like Jungkook.
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
Read what is written.
Linn (head witch)
Linn (head witch)
Okay queen mother.
Linn (head witch)
Linn (head witch)
It is written in this that a thousand years ago an alpha named Kyros was born through the blessing of the moon goddess. He also had special powers like Jungkook, but he fell into the hands of an evil witch, and he almost destroyed the world But the world's most powerful warrior killed him. That's all that is written.
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
This will have to be kept a secret otherwise evil people can make Jungkook their weapon.
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
Why don't we make Jungkook our weapon?
Jeon tae moo (jk
Jeon tae moo (jk's dad)
sounds good.
Linn (head witch)
Linn (head witch)
💭 how can thinking about their own child like this •disgust•
Jungkook's POV
The head witch told me everything about the incident of my birth. I was not at all sad because I know how greedy both of them are. My suffering started from there. Because of my unknown dangerous power no one would come near me. They would run away in fear after seeing me as if I was some kind monster.I was always alone. Even though I had brothers and a sister, I was alone. No one would ask me. I used to feel as if I was alone in the world and no one was near me. I was scared.
I grew up cold, arrogant and heartless before I knew it. Now these things do not affect me.I am also Jeon Jungkook, these unknown powers cannot affect me. I started researching myself.I knew there was some clue to control my unknown powers. The head witch also helped me a lot in finding it.Finally, I found a way to control my unknown powers. There is a book in lumania in which it is written on how to control these powers. And I am going there.
Author POV
Present time
Waking up in his dark, cold room, the man recognized the familiar ceiling. It was nighttime, and he was alone. He got out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up. As he was about to change clothes, a knock startled him. After giving permission, someone entered. The room remained dimly lit, the air chilly, creating an eerie atmosphere despite the familiar surroundings.
head butler (alpha)
head butler (alpha)
•bow•third Prince King is asking for you
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
You can go •coldly•
He left from there.Jungkook changed his clothes and headed to his father's room.Jungkook reached his father's room and knocked on the doors and entered.
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Greetings to you your majesty •coldly•
Jeon tae moo (jk
Jeon tae moo (jk's dad)
when he saw his grandmother sitting beside his father.
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Greetings queen mother •coldly•
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
The room filled with silent now
Jeon tae moo (jk
Jeon tae moo (jk's dad)
Can't you call me father? I am your father. Don't you remember?•coldly•
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon tae moo (jk
Jeon tae moo (jk's dad)
How arrogant •coldly•
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Why do you call me your majesty?•coldly•
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
just forgot about that. We want to talk to you about something.
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
It's about your marriage.
The room again fell silent.
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Do you forget about my curse your highness?
Jeon tae moo (jk
Jeon tae moo (jk's dad)
We know it very well.
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Then how did you come up with something like this? •coldly•
Jeon tae moo (jk
Jeon tae moo (jk's dad)
You...•cut off by his mother•
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
You are going to become the king in a few months. Don't you remember the rule that the king and queen wear the throne together? That's why we are saying get married.
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
Your aunt's sister's daughter has been staying in the palace for a few months. She is a nice girl and beautiful also. I have chosen her as your bride. Get ready to get married.
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
bye bye 👋


Jungkook did not say anything there. He went to his room. He changed his clothes and lay down on the bed.
Jungkook's Pov
Why did Those people bring up the topic of marriage? What benefit can they get from that? Is it some business or what? Marrying an omega whom I hate? What does it mean? What are they planning? Do those people want to use that omega against me? Or those people want to keep an eye on me 24/7 through this omega.
All these thoughts were going around in my mind. Getting married, that too with omega, is impossible. I hate omega. Those people are weak because they are weaker than alphas, that is not the case, those people are weak because they cannot stand up for themselves, they do not have the courage. Those people are cowards.
Those people always listen to alphas, whether they are wrong or right. I think those people do not want to be treated like humans. I tried to help them.I gave them so many opportunities, tried so hard that they too could live like alphas, but what did they do? Those people say you don't know the feelings of omegas. They said that we are fine. We don't want to change anything.
You guys enjoy getting up at four o'clock and making breakfast with the maids? You guys enjoy it when breakfast is well-prepared, but they scold you by saying that it is not well-prepared? Not only that, but you guys enjoy it when their alpha mistress taunts you? Furthermore, you guys enjoy it when you stay with your Alpha until he goes to work and does whatever he says as if you are a personal servant? Likewise, you guys enjoy it when the Alpha maids and servants taunt you and gossip in your name? You guys enjoy it when you have the position but no rights? Don't you guys enjoy it when they treat you like slaves? You guys enjoy it right?
Which omega are these people talking about? Is there any omega in the palace?I should get married now or later, it is the same. This is good because I also have to become a king in a few months, so I need to check this omega's information before marriage. Thinking all this he fell asleep.
Author pov
Next morning
Like all day, the omega guys were getting up and preparing breakfast with the maids.
Jeon hari (jk
Jeon hari (jk's mom)
Good morning all•said softly while smiling•
Jeon seokjin (Namjoon
Jeon seokjin (Namjoon's wife)
good morning queen•said softly while bowing•
Jeon jimin (yoongi
Jeon jimin (yoongi's wife)
Good morning queen •also bow•
Jeon young seo (jk
Jeon young seo (jk's aunt)
Good morning queen •bow•
Jeon hari (jk
Jeon hari (jk's mom)
How much should I say, don't do this formally. 💭 like I am really a great queen.
Jeon hari (jk
Jeon hari (jk's mom)
And how many times should I say Jin and Jimin call me mom.
Jeon seokjin (Namjoon
Jeon seokjin (Namjoon's wife)
Jeon jimin (yoongi
Jeon jimin (yoongi's wife)
Ok mom•say while smiling cutely•
When Jimin said this, everyone called him cute and coo at his cuteness. That atmosphere was good but only till breakfast.
Everyone except Jungkook was having breakfast sitting at the dining table. Everything was going well until no one said anything.
Jeon tae moo (jk
Jeon tae moo (jk's dad)
Who made this?•angrily•
Jeon hari (jk
Jeon hari (jk's mom)
I have made this your majesty •she said while being scared•
Jeon tae moo (jk
Jeon tae moo (jk's dad)
You call this breakfast. This is how breakfast is prepared. Did you learn something from your mother's house? Is this why I married you?You only know how to give birth to children and nothing else? Now you only eat this.
Saying this, he throws the plate towards Hari along with the food. The food was about to fall on Hari when Jungkook came and caught the plate.Jungkook grabs the plate and goes to his place and sits in his place. He takes out a spoon and starts eating from that plate.
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
It's good, who made this? •coldly•
Jeon hari (jk
Jeon hari (jk's mom)
I made this your highness. •said while looking down•
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Good job •coldly•
Jeon hari (jk
Jeon hari (jk's mom)
Thank you your highness •say while I smile a little•
Everyone finished their breakfast and left, but one person did not like what Jungkook did.
Jeon yeo been ( tae moo
Jeon yeo been ( tae moo's mistress)
You can't escape so easily Hari. Even today I will make fun of you so much that you will cry saying that why did I be born? •say while with an evil smirk•
after some time
When all the alphas were getting ready to go to court, their omegas helped them. All the omegas came back after saying goodbye to their alphas.
Jeon hari (jk
Jeon hari (jk's mom)
Everything went well today, right? •She said with surprise•
Jeon jimin (yoongi
Jeon jimin (yoongi's wife)
I think today is a lucky day, that's why.
Jeon seokjin (Namjoon
Jeon seokjin (Namjoon's wife)
And the name of that luck is Jungkook.
Jeon young seo (jk
Jeon young seo (jk's aunt)
Yeah, today Jungkook saved Hari.
Jeon yeo been ( tae moo
Jeon yeo been ( tae moo's mistress)
Your son saved you today, but for how long will he save you?
Everyone knows whose voice it is.
Jeon seokjin (Namjoon
Jeon seokjin (Namjoon's wife)
You should not disrespect the queen.
Jeon yeo been ( tae moo
Jeon yeo been ( tae moo's mistress)
When did omegas start speaking?
Jeon yeo been ( tae moo
Jeon yeo been ( tae moo's mistress)
And which queen Are you talking about? are you talking about her? •By pointing towards Hari•
Jeon yeo been ( tae moo
Jeon yeo been ( tae moo's mistress)
She seems more like a slave than a queen to me.
Jeon yeo been ( tae moo
Jeon yeo been ( tae moo's mistress)
When I have children, just watch how I throw you out from the palace.
Jeon yeo been ( tae moo
Jeon yeo been ( tae moo's mistress)
You should stay within your limits omegas.
Everyone became silent. Those people cannot say anything in front of the Alpha. And she is an Alpha. She said and left from there. They were about to have breakfast when a sweet voice stopped them.
Han sana (aunt
Han sana (aunt's sister's daughter)
Aunt •say softly•
Jeon young seo (jk
Jeon young seo (jk's aunt)
Ohh Sana•hug her•
Han sana (aunt
Han sana (aunt's sister's daughter)
Hello your highness •bow front of queen•
park miyeon (sana
park miyeon (sana's friend)
Good morning your highness •also bow•
Jeon hari (jk
Jeon hari (jk's mom)
You may rise.
Han sana (aunt
Han sana (aunt's sister's daughter)
Thank you your highness.
park miyeon (sana
park miyeon (sana's friend)
Thank you your highness.
Jeon hari (jk
Jeon hari (jk's mom)
How many times should I tell you to call me aunt?
Han sana (aunt
Han sana (aunt's sister's daughter)
I am so sorry aunt.
Jeon young seo (jk
Jeon young seo (jk's aunt)
how was your journey?
Han sana (aunt
Han sana (aunt's sister's daughter)
It was good.
Jeon hari (jk
Jeon hari (jk's mom)
You have come on time. Let's have breakfast.
Jeon hari (jk
Jeon hari (jk's mom)
If you are not there the house feels empty.
Han sana (aunt
Han sana (aunt's sister's daughter)
we are not going anywhere aunt, right? Miyeon •said while smirked•
park miyeon (sana
park miyeon (sana's friend)
That's right.
Jeon jimin (yoongi
Jeon jimin (yoongi's wife)
How much peace was there in the house before she came. •whisper•
Jeon seokjin (Namjoon
Jeon seokjin (Namjoon's wife)
Jimin stop it •whisper•
After eating their breakfast all the omegas started doing their work. Time passed and it was night. All the Alphas came back from the court and after freshening up, they were having dinner.
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
What did you think about marrying Sana?
Everyone was shocked after hearing this news. Someone's wedding is taking place in the palace, and they don't know? And whose wedding is it? Of the third prince? Everyone was shocked because no one was known except the queen mother or king and Sana.
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Who is she?•coldly•
Jeon tae moo (jk
Jeon tae moo (jk's dad)
Princess of the Solara kingdom and your aunt's sister's daughter.
Jeon tae moo (jk
Jeon tae moo (jk's dad)
Don't you know?
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
I don't know any omega except my mother and sisters-in-law. •coldly•
Jeon tae moo (jk
Jeon tae moo (jk's dad)
She has been here for a week, and you don't know her?
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon tae moo (jk
Jeon tae moo (jk's dad)
Is this my son or not?
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
I doubt it. •coldly•
Jeon tae moo (jk
Jeon tae moo (jk's dad)
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
Stop it.
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
Have you thought about marriage or not?
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
I will get married. •coldly•
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
I have some work in lumania. As soon as I come back from there I will get married and rule the kingdom. •coldly•
Jeon seo min ( jk
Jeon seo min ( jk's grandmother)
Han sana (aunt
Han sana (aunt's sister's daughter)
In kitchen
Jeon jimin (yoongi
Jeon jimin (yoongi's wife)
this is not right. Sana is not a good girl. She only appears to be good and innocent but in reality she is not like that.
Jeon seokjin (Namjoon
Jeon seokjin (Namjoon's wife)
I don't know all that but marriage with Sana? How did they get this idea?
Jeon jimin (yoongi
Jeon jimin (yoongi's wife)
We have to do something
Jeon seokjin (Namjoon
Jeon seokjin (Namjoon's wife)
Jimin we can't do anything.don't you remember we are omegas?
Jeon jimin (yoongi
Jeon jimin (yoongi's wife)
But sister-in-law, we can do something, right?
Jeon seokjin (Namjoon
Jeon seokjin (Namjoon's wife)
When Jungkook was in his study room, three or four people entered that room.
Jeon namjoon (jk
Jeon namjoon (jk's brother) (alpha)
I heard that you are getting married. Is this true?
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
This is true•coldly•
Jeon eun woo (jk
Jeon eun woo (jk's brother) (alpha)
but you hate omegas then how did you accept it.•teasing•
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
When I become king, I will need a queen •coldly•
Jeon yoongi (jk
Jeon yoongi (jk's brother) (alpha)
Does this not mean that you will marry any omega?
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
It doesn't matter •coldly•
Jeon so hee (jk
Jeon so hee (jk's sister) (alpha)
I wanted an alpha sister-in-law.
Jeon eun woo (jk
Jeon eun woo (jk's brother) (alpha)
Look at her.
Jeon namjoon (jk
Jeon namjoon (jk's brother) (alpha)
We have come here to talk about a serious topic. So can you both shut your mouths?
Jeon so hee (jk
Jeon so hee (jk's sister) (alpha)
Jeon eun woo (jk
Jeon eun woo (jk's brother) (alpha)
I have also come for that. But this younger sister of mine is very demanding here.
Jeon so hee (jk
Jeon so hee (jk's sister) (alpha)
Jeon yoongi (jk
Jeon yoongi (jk's brother) (alpha)
Shut up
Both of them became silent.
Jeon namjoon (jk
Jeon namjoon (jk's brother) (alpha)
Are you sure?
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
yeah! •cold•
after looking at the bag
Jeon namjoon (jk
Jeon namjoon (jk's brother) (alpha)
where are you going?
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
I am going to Lumania tomorrow for some work •coldly•
Jeon so hee (jk
Jeon so hee (jk's sister) (alpha)
Jeon eun woo (jk
Jeon eun woo (jk's brother) (alpha)
Don't you know about lumania? If you study then you will know.
Jeon yoongi (jk
Jeon yoongi (jk's brother) (alpha)
Lumania is a country. That country is known for its strict rules and regulations. When the king and queen of Lumania died, their son sat on the throne at a young age. That country developed a lot. People in all the countries treat omegas like slaves, but it is not so in Lumania. People there treat omegas like flowers. It is very difficult to go to Lumania. We wanted to go to Lumania but Lumania did not give permission. Anyway, how did you take the permission?
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
Jeon jungkook (Alpha)
some other place
Why did you accept their proposal?
I have to meet that dangerous alpha of Celestria •coldly•
But this is very dangerous.
I know how to do it,you don't have to worry •coldly•
•glare at him•

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