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Mystery Of The Crystal Heart

chapter 1

*This is a story based on mythical things. I hope you like it.

It's about a thousand years ago, in the Milky Way galaxy, there was a planet called Venaxia.

There lived many species like Earth, and among them was a human-like race called the Venaxian. They looked completely human and even lived like humans, but the people of the world had no idea about them and this planet.

They had a special powers.Some of them are very powerful! They're known as Castrian. Among all Castrians, 7 powerful Castrians's responsibility is to take care of their people and save their planet. They are the most powerful in venaxia.

(Kingdom of Maredonia, Royal Capital)

(Royal Palace)----------


"Aysel.... Aysel..... PLEASE SAVE ME."

I freeze for a moment, then I ask, "Who are you?" I looked around and saw that there was no one here, only darkness...... Then I heard the sound of a girl, who was crying, I followed the sound and went in front of her. I asked her why she was crying. But the girl didn't respond, so I touched her. But at once I was thrown far away.

My eyes snap open as I feel shaken. I lean upwards.

"Good morning, Your Highness." said my maid. I didn't care about it, I'm just wondering who was the girl was and what happened to her. My maid ask, "Your Highness, can you hear me?" Then I regain consciousness and I ask "Huh,,, what happened?" "You have an invitation to a tea party." says my maid." Oh, who sent this invitation this morning?" I ask." Your Highness, Prince Allen Aeron sent this." I was annoyed by this and said, "What!!,,,,Ugh..."

------------- IN THE EVENING ------------

I was reading a novel. "Ohh! How romantic it is!"

SUDDENLY, my maid came to me panting and said,"YOUR HIGHNESS, Prince Akane Hatake, has come to meet with you."

"Huh, what! Aaaah, WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW?! WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW?!" I was very nervous because he is my crush. Then I tell myself,

"Okay ,,,okay, calm down. I have to meet with him, calm down..........."


"Good evening, Princess Aysel." "Ohh, Good evening, Prince Akane."   Then he asked me, "Has your fever gone down?" " Yes, now I feel better than before." I said.

"Good to hear that you are ok now.Ummm,,, did you get an invitation to Prince Akane's tea party ?"

"Yeah, I get it. But,,,, Maybe I won't go there." I said.

" Why ?"  he asked me.  I said a little nervously,"Actually,,, tomorrow I have many classes." Then he said a little upset, "oh, I thought you'd go."

Then I asked him, "Umm, will you go there?" "Yeah, I'll."  he said. I kept thinking, Huh! Why did I say I won't go,,,then I said, "Ummm,,, ok, no problem, I will go." Then he asked, "But, what about your class?" I hesitated a bit and said, "Oh, no problem, I can handle it."  Then Allen smiled and says, "It'll be so much fun!"  "Yes, right." I said, with a bright smile

----------- THE NEXT MORNING  -----------

Birds are chirping, And then I heard a familiar tone as usual. " Ohh! AYSEL. You're very lazy.  It's already late morning, wake up my daughter."

It was my mom, Mrs. Catherine Austen and the queen of our kingdom.

"Ahhh Mom. Let me sleep for five minutes." I said with a lazy tone.

"Your father and I are going out on an errand. Get up early and have breakfast. Remember that you have to go to Prince Akane's tea party."

"Okay, mom." After a few minutes, I woke up. "Umm, they are already gone. Uhh,,,,now I can read my favorite novels! I can't wait anymore!"

Then my maid said, "YOUR HIGHNESS, please wait, you have to take your breakfast Mrs. Catherine will be very angry with you if she finds out. YOUR HIGHNESS." "I will eat later!!"...............

--------------TO BE CONTINUED ----------

chapter 2

-------------------IN THE EVENING ------------------

(Royal Palace)-----------


"Good Evening, Princess Aysel. Long time no see." "Good Evening, Prince Akane. Yeah, we met after a long time."

I was talking with Prince Akane.

At that time someone put a hand on my shoulder from behind, I was scared, "hey,,, Good Evening princess," it was Prince Yaketsuku, twin brother of Prince Allen who is my very good friend. "Hii! How are you ?" I ask." So far, so good. You look so prettier today!" He said to me. "Oh, thanks." That time I thought no one knows the reason for that but me.....................


"NO! This is not what I wanted! CHANGE IT! RIGHT NOW!"

Then a maid brought another dress and said, "Miss, this dress will make you stand out."

"NO! This color is so bad. I want a blue dress." I said to her.

"Miss, look at this dress, it's very beautiful!" my maid said.

"NO! They are not beautiful at all, show me a beautiful dress! OR I WILL FIRE YOU ALL." *

Ahh, only I know what I did at that time." Hey, what are you thinking?" Yaketsuku ask.

"Huh nothing.Ummm, Yaketsuku I heard that........."  I was going to ask him a question but ........" Wait a minute. I will come." he said. "Wait ,,,,,where are you going ?" Huh, disgusting........... After a while I got very hungry and I started to looking around. "Ohh, I'm hungry Is there is nothing to eat?Ummm,,,,Ohhh!there are many sweets here, I think it would be good to eat." I take a bite and "WOW!! This is so delicious, I have never tasted such a delicious sweet before like that!" I suddenly noticed a girl standing at a distance and looking at me, I looked at her for a while, then I recognized the girl.  She is the daughter of the current health minister of their state. She is from the novel family.I have heard a lot about this girl. She is highly skilled in medicine, like his father. I go ahead in front of her." Hey." "Ohh! Your highness, please forgive me, "she said to me." Wait,,,,,WHAT !!........................."

------------------TO BE CONTINUED --------------------

chapter 3

"Wait, Why are you apologizing to me? When did I say you did something wrong ?" I ask.

Then she said, "Huh ,,,,I'm,,,I'm sorry......" " Don't be afraid,,,I'm Aysel. What's your name?" I ask her. "I'm Airi Takahashi."  I smiled and said, "Ohh, so cute name! " "Ohh, Thank you !"

Then I ask, "Do you like sweets ?" "Yeah I like" I smiled and, "Eat this sweet. You will like it." "Thank you, Your highness,,,,It's really delicious !!........" "Ohh, don't call me Your Highness, just call Aysel."

"Princess Aysel, seems like you like sweets, don't you..."she asked me." Yes, I like sweets very much,,,,"I told her.

"Umm. If you don't mind, you can come to my house if you want. I have some rare sweets that are very tasty. You will definitely like it…"

"Ohh, sure. I will be glad to come to your house. "Then I asked her, "Princess Airi, If you don't mind, can we be friends?" "Ohh, sure.... I'm glad to be your friend."she said .but I was a little bit surprised ,because everyone said that, Princess Airi never talks to anyone. She is very agreeable and a bad girl, but talking to her, I didn't think she was such a girl......

I was talking to her at that time Yaketsuku came and said,"Hey you are here ,,,come with me." Then I said to Airi, "Ohhh, I have to go, bye bye ! We will talk next time."  "Bye Bye."Airi said.

A boy was standing a little distance away and watching them, he is Airi's older brother Osuke Takahashi, after Aysel left he comes ahead and said,"What happend ? Did she bully you ?"  "No, brother....she wants to be my friend."Airi said.

"Hey, where you're taking me?" I said. "You will see. Hey,,, Allen!" He called Allen from a distance. "Good Evening, princess Aysel. I thought you wouldn't come." Allen said to me. "Ohh, Good Evening." I said.That time  an awkward situation is created between us.....

"Ummm,,,The dance session begins. Can we dance together ?" "Yeah sure. " Then we started dancing. "You look very beautiful today." Allen said. I said thanks to him. While dancing, I was feeling very shy and thinking that,,,What should I do now!! I feel so much shy!..........

Yaketsuku is looking at us. "WHAT THE HELL !,,,,,They are looking like a couple .WOW!!" "You just stand there and watch, I'm going to dance with my crush ......." a girl said. That was Emma Watanabe. She is a close friend of Aysel. She is also from the Nobel  family. "HUH!! WHAT THE HELL!!.........." Yaketsuku said."

Akira, Can we dance together?" Emma said to Akira. "Umm,,,,,"Akira is about to say something but Izumi comes and drags Akira to dance. "Akira, let's dance together." "Hey,,,What....." Emma can't do anything, just stand there.

"Hey wait! What about me!" Emma said.

That time, Yaketsuku said, "HEH!! Keep dreaming all your life, you'll never be able to dance with him" "SHUT UP !!!"

"Huh, Now Akira dances with Izumi. I don't think you will dance today but ,,,,,,,if you want I can dance with you." Hearing her words, Emma looked at her once, but didn't say anything.

Akira then says "I knew,,,,, I was just checking to see are you will stay single, or you will get married. But it doesn't seem like you will ever get married. You will spend your whole life waiting for him. I feel so bad for you. ,,," But then, Emma said, "Let's dance together."

Yaketsuku was shocked to hear her words, and said, "WHAT DID YOU SAY!!"............................

----------------TO BE CONTINUED -----------------

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