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Episode 1

I wonder boyfriend..... acting quite strange suddenly

He usually doesn't smile

He often stayed quiet a lot when I approached him

And he always got this ice cold attitude that went shivers down my spine

But after all...... he's still my boyfriend and I love him the way he is

But some point I usually don't feel the sparks anymore

That really bothered me alot

Like one time on the cafeteria

Andrew:Hey babe


Andrew:I'm going out tonight

Gail:oh....can I come?

But he just give me a disgusting look like I'm some kind of bug

Gail:ohh never mind......I won't bother

And just like that....I just stayed quiet to...

Andrew:look I'm sorry....I didn't mean too I was just.....

Gail:no it's alright....I shouldn't always asking that I should come with have your reasons.....

Andrew: it's not like that....ok..... I'm just ahh.....umm

Gail: your just like what?

Andrew:(Sighs) nevermind....

But I just smiled to him and let this one go

I wonder sometimes if his hiding something to me

Like one time I was on a vacation trip and he said

Andrew:Babe I can't come with you....I have something important to do.....I'm sorry

Gail: But....why!?

Andrew:I just need to take care of my little brother that's all

Gail: But you said your gonna come and your promised to me?!

Andrew:well,I'm sorry....but I can' little brother....he needs me right now...

Gail: you can bring your brother's not a really big deal to me

Andrew:I wish I could but you know him......he gets carsick everytime when where on a trip.....I'm really sorry.....

Gail:but you promised.....and this is the fourth time you know! know what... forget about it......just go..

Andrew: really?......ohh I mean...well thanks!(hug you tight and then left)


And just like that he vanished into thin air....I mean I get that he needs to take care of his brother but what about me? I'm also his girlfriend! am I not enough?

Anyways.... back to the point

He's always like this...well not always but everything changes when where in 11th grade......he started to become colder and colder towards people and even me....I don't know why but I also tried talking to him but he just said that it's nothing.... it's just studies.....that really pissed me off because he is really smart! Besides from smart,he is really hot to and the captain of the football team

But I really don't know what had happened to him,well it's up to me right? Besides I'm his girl and he'll open up to me....I Hope

But I'll just wait and see if something is really going on with him....

To be Continued.........

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