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Flash Marriage With Secrets

Author Words

Author ( Hive )
Author ( Hive )
Hi Mage's
Author ( Hive )
Author ( Hive )
It's my third chat story and previous two are still going on
Author ( Hive )
Author ( Hive )
I hope you guys will support my previous and now this story too
Author ( Hive )
Author ( Hive )
I know I should have been completing my previous ones, but I got a new plot in my mind So I thought of writing it as it isn't going to be a long chat story
Author ( Hive )
Author ( Hive )
So I have you guys will support me
Author ( Hive )
Author ( Hive )
And Let me be clear
Author ( Hive )
Author ( Hive )
1● These stories is inspired by Chinese drama as I watch them a lot
Author ( Hive )
Author ( Hive )
2● Don't be like "oh ! You just copied someone else work "
Author ( Hive )
Author ( Hive )
3● I may be inspired by C-drama's but all of plots are mine own imagination just some are inspired
Author ( Hive )
Author ( Hive )
4● I wish to gain your support instead of hate So please if you guys feel that something is wrong with my work first please comment me
Author ( Hive )
Author ( Hive )
5● My story contains 🔞 scene so if you guys are uncomfortable please skip it but don't report because it will ruin my work
Author ( Hive )
Author ( Hive )
So bye bye 👋
Author ( Hive )
Author ( Hive )
See you in first episode

Various types of delicacies

Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
Cha seon ( Jk
Cha seon ( Jk's ex)
Ƴes , what did you think I will really marry a country pùmpkin like you 😒 〔 scoff 〕 Ĵust dream òn
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
So .....So ŵhƴ did ƴou ağree at first 🤨 〔 Āñgrƴ 〕
Cha seon ( Jk
Cha seon ( Jk's ex)
Oh ! that ɓecause ...... * looƙ at Ĵķ from up to down * I just want to taste various types of delicacies 😋
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
Ƴou mean ! ƴou just want to taste VARIOUS TYPES OF DELICACIES * put pressure on his last words * " Control Kookie control "
Cha seon ( Jk
Cha seon ( Jk's ex)
Why ? ƴou are also craving for tasting the DELICACIES 😏 〔 łùst 〕
In nam- ri (Jk
In nam- ri (Jk's ex Gf)
Brother seon , what are ƴou talking about 〔 Àngry and whines 〕 Here , ƴour to - be fiancee is standing and ƴou are flirting with someone else 😬
Cha seon ( Jk
Cha seon ( Jk's ex)
Baby ,what are ƴou talking about! it's just a side dish ..... * pull her towards himself by her waist * You will be always my main course 😏
In nam- ri (Jk
In nam- ri (Jk's ex Gf)
" This ɓiťĉh , just looking for men's diçk like slùt 🤬 ....... How dare he to seduce my oppa , just wait and watch "
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
Don't worry ɓìþçh I am here , let's see what you are capable of 🙄
In nam- ri (Jk
In nam- ri (Jk's ex Gf)
What ! 😶 " how did he get to know "
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
Ɓìțch I don't need to read mind to what a biťch like you is thinking because it's written all over your face * scoff * 😒
In nam- ri (Jk
In nam- ri (Jk's ex Gf)
Ƴou 😡
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
And ƴou Cha seon , you want to taste various types of dishes na let me fulfill your wish 😌 *.................*
Cha seon ( Jk
Cha seon ( Jk's ex)
AHHH~ 😵😵😵😵


Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
Ƴou want to various types of dishes * pull his legs on air and *
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
( sixer ) * kick seon between his legs *
Cha seon ( Jk
Cha seon ( Jk's ex)
AHHH~ 😵😵😵
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
Now , now I think 🤔 there is still some dishes left * punch his face *
Cha seon ( Jk
Cha seon ( Jk's ex)
UHHH~ 🤕🤕🤕
In nam- ri (Jk
In nam- ri (Jk's ex Gf) .....l.....eft 😰😰
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
Why !? Do you also want to taste any dish * crack his knuckles * 😗
In nam- ri (Jk
In nam- ri (Jk's ex Gf) * take a step back *
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
So, better to stay away from me 😏
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
You ðickhead now I will make sure that you won't be able to produce any other ðickhead just like you ........ Who don't know how to keep their tiny ðick in their pants * once again kick him more hard than before between his legs *
『 Just in seconds Seon was laying on ground with purple and blue marks on his face and body 』
『 People passing by there was just in astonish and somehow they also feel disheartened for the Omega boy that his to-be husband who he was going to marry today was now with some other girl , saying that he was just trying to use him ........That's it 』
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
Jeon Jungkook (ŔØ)
So now you Seon baßtard and his ɓiťch to-be fiancée........ Ƴou better to go away from me and if I ever see you in front of me ...... Then .......I will beat you as I will see ƴou 〔 smile creepily 〕
In nam- ri (Jk
In nam- ri (Jk's ex Gf)
O... Oh...ok oppa ...oppa let's go 😖 * help seon to stand up from ground and they both walk away hurriedly *
<Unknown 1 👩 > Baby, I don't know what to say ...... Should I be happy for him or sad that his to-be husband cheated on him * look at his husband*
< Unknown 2 👨‍🦰 > I think it's a good thing that he getss to know about it before he get married because after marriage he would have suffered some * smile at his wife *
<Unknown 1 👩 > Baby you wouldn't cheat on me na * look at his husband with teary eyes *
< Unknown 2 👨‍🦰 > Of course not darling how can I cheat on my lovely wife * caress his wife's back *
<Unknown 1 👩 > You better not Kim Dong man because if I got to know that you cheated on me then you wouldn't be able to reborn again * Death glare at his husband*
< Unknown 2 👨‍🦰 > * gulp * Baby I swear on god and myself that I will never cheat on you
<Unknown 1 👩 > * giggle * Such a cutie my hubby is ........ ,Now let's go
< Unknown 2 👨‍🦰 > Yes ......" oh god , now I know that she become dangerous then before after getting pregnant "
<Unknown 1 👩 > 👈 6 month pregnant
『 Just like that people were keep murmuring their feelings towards Jk and Kookie was now feeling frustrated because he has to get married today if he doesn't want to get back home and ? ........... He sits there on the stairs of the CITY HALL put his head on his knees because he has to calm down or else nobody knows what he will do…?.....』
Author ( Hive )
Author ( Hive )
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Author ( Hive )
Author ( Hive )
Author ( Hive )
Author ( Hive )
pleawse ~
Author ( Hive )
Author ( Hive )
Q1. What would you have done if you were in place of Jk and you fiancé cheated on you?

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