NovelToon NovelToon

GENIUS COUPLE : Madam Got Proposed Again

EP 1 - Dream

Morning sunrays are already peeking through the curtain
A beautiful girl is sleeping in bed.. forehead covered in sweat.. her sleep doesn't seem to be as peaceful as the morning is
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Stop it all of you!
*slaps her*
Who do you think you are!
Someone 2
Someone 2
Do you think Drake loves someone like you!
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
H.. he...
What? No words now😏
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
I.. I love him!
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
He doesn't love me now..but he will love me soon!
Someone 2
Someone 2
Look at her! she is still daydreaming🤣🤣🤣
Such a fool! 😂😂😂
Listen girl he will never love stop your nonsense and get out
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
NOOOOOOO *screams*
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
*jerks up and sat on bed*
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
knock knock
Miss are you up?
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
*snaps out*
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Yes nanny, please come in
Nanny Lin
Nanny Lin
*opens the door and comes in*
Nanny Lin
Nanny Lin
Miss it's already time for school.. you need to get ready
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Umm.. nanny today I won't go to school😅
Nanny Lin
Nanny Lin
Why? Anything happened?🤨
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
No, I'm just not feeling well😓
Nanny Lin
Nanny Lin
Are you okay?😰
Nanny Lin
Nanny Lin
Do you need me to call for doctor?
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
No no.. I'm okay.. just a little unwell
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
No need to call doctor
Nanny Lin
Nanny Lin
Are you sure ? 😰
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
yes nanny, don't worry☺
Nanny Lin
Nanny Lin
*goes and sits beside her*
Nanny Lin
Nanny Lin
Girl you need to take care of yourself well 🥺
Nanny Lin
Nanny Lin
Your parents aren't here.. if anything happens to you what will I say to them 😥
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
*hugs her*
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Don't worry nanny.. it's nothing serious😄
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Moreover you are here to take care of me😁
Nanny Lin
Nanny Lin
*rubs her head* silly girl☺
Nanny Lin
Nanny Lin
Wash up then.. I will send your breakfast
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
okay 😆😆😆
Nanny Lin
Nanny Lin
*went downstairs*
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
What should I do now?
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
That dream...
Brother it's already late.. are you still going to wait😐
Someone 2
Someone 2
Wait a little more
Why are you still waiting for that fool!
I really don't understand you guys😑
Someone 2
Someone 2
Thank you for reading ☺
Hoping for your suggestions ☺
Keep supporting! 😆
See u soon 😘

EP 2 - Fool

Brother are we going to wait for her all morning? 😐
You guys...
*opens car door*
Someone 2
Someone 2
Where are you going?
To call her.. we can't just wait here all morning!
*press the bell*
Nanny Lin
Nanny Lin
*opens the door* Good Morning young master Davian...
Davian Brook(ML bro/FL BFF)
Davian Brook(ML bro/FL BFF)
Good morning ☺
Davian Brook(ML bro/FL BFF)
Davian Brook(ML bro/FL BFF)
Nanny I told you so many times.. just call me Davian
Nanny Lin
Nanny Lin
*smiles* you are here Davian.. need anything?
Davian Brook(ML bro/FL BFF)
Davian Brook(ML bro/FL BFF)
Brother and I were waiting for Ele.. is she not up yet?
Nanny Lin
Nanny Lin
Oh my bad🤦‍♀️
Nanny Lin
Nanny Lin
I forgot to tell you.. miss is not feeling good
Nanny Lin
Nanny Lin
She won't go to school today
Davian Brook(ML bro/FL BFF)
Davian Brook(ML bro/FL BFF)
What? Is she okay?😢
Nanny Lin
Nanny Lin
Don't worry.. it's nothing serious ☺
Davian Brook(ML bro/FL BFF)
Davian Brook(ML bro/FL BFF)
Have you called the doctor?
Nanny Lin
Nanny Lin
Miss said she won't need a doctor.. she will just take rest today
Davian Brook(ML bro/FL BFF)
Davian Brook(ML bro/FL BFF)
Ohh okay..then I'm leaving or I will be late
Nanny Lin
Nanny Lin
Yes yes.. you go first . it's already late
Davian Brook(ML bro/FL BFF)
Davian Brook(ML bro/FL BFF)
I will come later then
Davian Brook(ML bro/FL BFF)
Davian Brook(ML bro/FL BFF)
And if it's serious call the doctor
Nanny Lin
Nanny Lin
I will ☺
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
*watching everything from window *
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
They still care for me even after all these happened 😔
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
*tears keep dropping*
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
And the person whom I loved... he ...
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Look Drake I bought milk tea for you😆
Drake Stone
Drake Stone
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Here try it 😃
Drake Stone
Drake Stone
Take it away.. I don't like milk tea😐
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
But that day I bought milk shake for you.. you said you like milk tea
Drake Stone
Drake Stone
That was a joke🙄
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Then atleast try it once.. I stood in line for 1 hour to get it😃
Drake Stone
Drake Stone
Are you going to take it away or not? 😠
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
W-what 😢
Drake Stone
Drake Stone
I'm saying throw that away! 😠
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Y-you are joking right😅
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
*trying her best to smile*
Drake Stone
Drake Stone
Do I look like I'm joking with you!*shouts at her*
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
*face become pale*😥😥😥
Random girl
Random girl
Hey are you dumb or what! can't you hear what he is saying 🙄
Random boy
Random boy
Such a fool! how did you get admission in our school 😂
Random girl
Random girl
Who knows what she does 🙄
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Y-you... 😥
Random boy
Random boy
*Takes away the milk tea from her*
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Hey! give it back!
Random boy
Random boy
You want this.. ok then 😏
Random boy
Random boy
*splash the tea on her face*
Random girl
Random girl
🤣🤣🤣 now you got it
Drake Stone
Drake Stone
Get out from here now🙄
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
*ran away from there *
End of flashback
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
.. he never cared for me once even after I did all for him
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Care is much far.. he never respected me for once😭
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
And I tolerated all for so many months😭
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
What a big fool I am!
ignore the rain
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
*red puffy eyes*
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
No.. it can't go on like this
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
I need to change all and end this nonsense
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
*takes phone and dials a number*
Thank you for reading ☺
Hoping for your suggestions ☺
Keep supporting! 😆
See u soon 😘

EP 3 - Boss is back

somewhere in country Y in the middle of night
*phone starts ringing*
Argh! who the hell is calling at this time!😒 😴
*picks the phone up*
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
📱Listen whoever you are..if you don't have any important business I will go and kill you for calling me at this time‼️
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
📱Are you sure about that yan?❄❄
[ ❄❄ - means talking in cold voice 📱- means talking in phone ]
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
*instantly wake up and sit up in bed*
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
*looks at the caller id*
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
📱It's me❄❄
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
📱I'm not dreaming right😱😱😱... it's really you 😳😳😳
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
📱OMG! I can't believe 😵😵😵
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
📱Now stop your overreaction 😒❄❄
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
📱Let's come to the point now❄❄
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
📱I'm coming back❄❄
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
[ capital letter words mean talking loudly or screaming]
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
*puts phone away from ear*
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
📱You are not joking right! 😳😳😳
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
📱So when are you coming ?
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
📱In the latest flight ❄❄
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
📱Let me book the ticket for you then 😆
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
📱Next flight is at morning 8.00
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
📱That means here it is at afternoon 4.30❄❄
[ Elodie is in the country Z and Oviyan is in the country Y right now. Time in country Z is advanced than Y. Now in country Y it's midnight but in country Z it's morning already]
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
📱Ele you don't lob me anymore 😫😫😫
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
📱What? ❄❄
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
📱You are talking coldly with me..that means you don't lob me anymore🥺🥺🥺
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
📱I never loved you in the first place ❄❄
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
📱Ok ok .. I won't talk coldly anymore ☺
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
📱Now good😌😌😌
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
📱Now tell me the reason 🧐
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
📱You are coming back .. something must have happened!
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
📱I will tell you later😮‍💨
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
📱Ok 👌
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
📱So R.E's boss is coming back finally 😌
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
📱Yes..get everything ready
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
📱What about Shadow?
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
📱Those lazy guys need to start working now
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
< I'm sure they would have complained if they heard this. Poor you guys, your boss called you lazy even after Shadow is no 1 🤧>
[ < ... > means thinking or talking in mind ]
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
📱 Nice! they will be overjoyed with this! 😆
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
📱That's good then
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
📱So boss is back again😈
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
📱 I'm hanging up now.. have to pack up
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
📱Boss I..
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
*cuts the call*
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
.. will go to pick you up from airport 🥲
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
She again hung up on me🥺
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oh wait... 🤔
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
I need to inform the boys that she is coming back 😌
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
And then get ready to pick her up too😆
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
Oviyan Hans(FL BFF)
👈 someone who forgot about his sleep and time in excitement
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Ok finally done packing 😮‍💨
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
*takes phone and calls someone*
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
📱Good morning professor Relish 😄
Evans Relish (FL dad)
Evans Relish (FL dad)
📱It's almost noon student Relish 🤓
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
📱It's almost.. it's not noon yet.. so it's still morning 😌
Evans Relish (FL dad)
Evans Relish (FL dad)
Evans Relish (FL dad)
Evans Relish (FL dad)
📱You didn't go to school today🧐
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
📱Dad I don't want to go to that school anymore 🥺
Evans Relish (FL dad)
Evans Relish (FL dad)
📱What happened? someone bullied you😠?
Elodie Relish(FL)
Elodie Relish(FL)
Thank you for reading ☺
Hoping for your suggestions ☺
Keep supporting! 😆
See u soon 😘

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