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Forbidden Lessons

The Accident

Lyra was working,while sitting in her office, and a mail came in her computer, seeing which she was stunned and she dialed a phone.
where are you now??
I have got proof about you, now no one can stop me from turning you into a beggar. And I will push you out of the company, just wait and watch.
Saying this, Lyra takes a printout of that mail from her company, takes some documents along with it and sets out in her car to go somewhere.
(In Mind)- I wish I could have understood all this earlier... But no problem Mark Wilson, I will not leave you now, I will take revenge from you for everything. How can you change like this??
Lyra was driving her car at full speed and suddenly her car was pushed from the side and Lyra's car went round and round and fell into the ditch. Lyra was covered in blood, her leg got stuck inside the car, she was trying to get out but was unable to.
If only I had listened to Alan Carter that day, my life would have been different. I wish I could fix my life, I wish I could take revenge for everything that has happened to me. I have ruined my life with my own hands, and Likewise, I am about to die. I wish a miracle happens
And slowly Lyra's eyes close...
Suddenly Lyra opens her eyes and finds herself in a hospital bed. Lyra was very shocked as to who could have saved her from the abyss which was so deep. Suddenly someone enters Lyra's hospital cabin.
Mark Willson
Mark Willson
Lyra are you okay?? I was just scared, you suddenly fainted.
Lyra turns red in anger after seeing Wilson and grabs Wilson's shirt collar and starts slapping him hard on his cheek.
Idiot, worthless person, bastard How dare you come in front of me?? I will not leave you today, I will kill you.I will kill you in such a way that your seven descendants will remember this death.
Mark Willson
Mark Willson
Why are you hitting me?? What have I done?? You yourself fainted, right?
Aren't you ashamed of saying this, I know you are the one who tried to kill me? But I don't know how I survived, thanks be to the person who saved me. But I will not leave you at all, I will bury you alive in the soil.
Mark Willson
Mark Willson
I think you have gone mad, doctor, nurse anyone?? Someone save me from this crazy woman??
You called me a crazy woman?? I will never leave you right now
Saying this, Lyra scream more loudly. She starts hitting Wilson. So hard
Hearing Wilson's painful voice, doctors and nurses come running to the cabin. And then they free Wilson from Lyra's hands. And the doctor gives Lyra an injection due to which Lyra becomes unconscious.
I will kill you, no one will be able to save you from my hands (Lyra faints while saying this)

The Past

Mark Willson
Mark Willson
What happened to Lyra, Doctor?? Why is she reacting like this?
Doctor explains to Mark Wilson that sometimes this happens, When a person suddenly becomes conscious, her brain does not work for a while. But don't worry, she is completely fine now, she had fainted due to weakness, but she is fine now. You can meet her tomorrow let her rest today,
Mark Willson
Mark Willson
Okay doctor, you take good care of her, I will come to meet her tomorrow. Thank you for saving me today, I was afraid that Lyra would kill me. But thankfully you came on time
Saying this, Mark Wilson walks away from there.
Next morning
Lyra slowly regains consciousness, her head was hurting, and she couldn't even open her eyes properly. But Lyra tries hard to open her eyes and sees her best friend in front of her. Lyra was very shocked to see her best friend in front of her.
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
finally you woke up
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
Are you okay Lyra?? I was scared when you fainted in class yesterday.
I am fine, but what are you saying that I fainted in class?I have survived falling from the ditch
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
Have you gone mad?? Looks like you've lost your mind even after fainting a bit
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
I know math class is boring, but you just fainted.
Saying this, Sol starts laughing loudly.
What are you talking about, math class and fainting, I can't understand anything.
And when did you return from America?
I remember my accident happened yesterday, but how did you come so soon?
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
It seems that the injury is a bit deep. It seems that the entire brain has been affected.
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
Should I call the doctor??
Having said this, Sol is a little worried about Lyra.
I'm absolutely fine, you don't need to worry, Do one thing, first you go and fill out the discharge form from the hospital, then I will go to the office and expose that bastard Mark Wilson in the board meeting...
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
Which office are you talking about?? Your father's office And what did Mark Wilson do?? When did he start working in your father's office?
What are you saying? Hey, I am the CEO of my father's office right now, don't you know?
And I have to reach the board meeting as soon as possible
If I delay, our company will surely suffer huge losses because of that Mark Wilson and his scoundrels.
Saying this, Lyra is trying to get up from her hospital bed when Sol holds her hand and makes her sit in the bed.
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
Lyra, listen to me, I guess I'll have to remind you now.
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
Lyra, you are a high school student, not an office CEO. And as far as office is concerned, yes your father is the chairman of the office, and he is managing the company very well. Your company is not going into loss
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
And when did I go to America? Yes I know, my dream is to go to America and make a boy there as my boyfriend. But that dream of mine has not been fulfilled yet, It seems that in your unconscious state you saw me living in my dreams.
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
I am happy that you saw me like this in your unconscious stage.
Saying this, Sol starts smiling but suddenly says
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
And one more thing, Mark Wilson is our classmate, and he does not work in your father's office.
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
Everyone knows he likes you, he is the one who picked you up and brought you to the hospital
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
And you are calling him a bastard for no reason, you crazy girl.
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
And one more thing, I have talked to the doctor, now you can be discharged. Today you go home and rest, come to class from tomorrow. I know your stepmom and your step-sister don't treat you well, but your dad takes care of you, right?
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
So you go home and rest now
Lyra was shocked to hear all this from her best friend.
(Mind) - How can this happen, all this is happening, this has happened to me in my past, I once fainted in math class and Mark woke me up and brought me to the hospital. Then why is my past repeating with me?
Sol tell me one thing, what is today's date??
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
Wait a minute, I'll look at my phone and tell you.
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
today is june 27
That's right, it's a date, I fell into the ditch on 26th and today is 27th June, so what's new in that?
Looks like I'm thinking too much
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
What are you blabbering like crazy? I will ask the doctor about your medicine. Get ready by then.
okay, can you give me your phone? I need to call dad and inform him.
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
ok take this
And when Lyra turns on her best friend's phone, what she sees leaves her shocked, as if the ground has slipped from under her feet.
Lyra screams loudly and said
What?? How is it possible??

Second Chance

When Lyra checks today's date with her best friend's phone, she is shocked.
Because the date was the same, but the year was different, and she had gone back 5 years to her past.
How is it possible??
How did I go back 5 years?
That's why whatever was happening to me seemed strange to me.
I remember very well that 5 years ago I fell down and when I died, I felt so sad that all the destruction in my life has been done by my own hands.
But God has heard my prayer before my death and has given me this second chance to live my life in the right way.
Lyra becomes very happy after getting a second chance to live her life.
She gets up from her bed and starts dancing
YAY!!!!!! This time I will not miss even a single chance to enjoy my life and will take revenge for everything because of which I have suffered earlier.
And I will definitely not spare those people who made my life so miserable.
And suddenly she stops dancing and sits in her place.
Hey, I never thought that I would have to complete my high school again and study well.
Study always disgusted me, but due to my father's health condition, I joined the office, and had to manage everything myself. I still remember how many difficulties I had to face. I thought Mark would support me in the company but he showed his true face and he betrayed me.
I will take revenge for everything...My enemies, your bad times have begun, start the countdown.
Lyra suddenly hears someone walking and lies down on the bed.
And opens the door and sol comes in
Lyra looks at Sol and sits in her place again.
sol runs to Lyra and sees her lying down.
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
Are you okay Lyra?? I went to the doctor to talk about your discharge, but you are not well, so take rest for a few more days.
No no I'm absolutely fine
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
Are you sure you are fine??
Yes dude I am damn sure
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
Ok then I have brought clothes for you, you change your clothes, and then I will drop you home.
Oh yes, I had forgotten that after going home I have to deal with those two mother and daughter too.
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
Lyra, who is always scared, is talking like a mafia. Wow!!!!
Hey, it's nothing like that, it just came out of my mouth
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
You'll always be an idiot, for a minute I felt as if your brain injury had brought your brain cell back to the right place.
Lyra smiles and goes to change her clothes.
(Lyra thinks in mind)
You are the one Sol who has supported me since my childhood and never left me alone. You warned me so much about Mark, yet I didn't listen to you.
Right now I'm realizing I wish I had listened to you
I promise I won't hurt you this time.
Sol (Lyra
Sol (Lyra's bestfriend)
Lyra hurry up the cab has arrived
Lyra and Sol were leaving the hospital cabin when they saw Mark coming towards them with flowers in his hand.

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