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Journey Of Love

Family Condition

As the story begins, we are shown a girl named yashvi who lives with her family in Roorkee city. Her father is Vinod and her mother is Kane and she has two siblings.

yashvi mother Kane tells Vinod that yashvi will turn 18 years old after two days.

Then Vinod asks Kane where is my daughter Yashvi today. Kane tells him that Yashvi is sleeping right now.

Vinod says, go and pick her up or else she will be late. As soon as Vinod says this, Yashvi comes out of her room.

Kaine says, look your daughter has come, now you are happy, you are my daughter so dear.

Today was Yashvi first day in college and Yashvi was also very happy but she did not know that today is going to bring a new turn in her life. What is going to happen to Yashvi

Let's know further

It is Yashvi first day in college. There Yashvi meets her childhood friend Taapsee. Yashvi is very happy to see Taapsee and Taapsee also sees Yashvi.

Taapsee comes to Yashvi and says that Yashvi was going to the class room with her friend Taapsee when suddenly a phone call comes and as soon as Yashvi picks up the phone, Yashvi stands silently and tears are coming out of her eyes and falling on the ground like raindrops one after the other.

Taapsee asks Yashvi that what happened, tell me whose call is it and Yashvi you are standing silently like this, what happened, what is the matter that you are not telling me?

As soon as Taapsee says this, Yashvi runs fast towards Kapoor Hospital.

Why did Yashvi run to the hospital? What happened to Yashvi that is why she is so upset?

Yashvi reaches the hospital and asks the nurse that a heart patience has just been brought here, can you tell me where he is kept?

The nurse tells her that he has been kept in room number 101, you can go and meet him. When Yashvi goes to room number 101, she sees that her father Vinod was not well and it was her mother Kane who had called Yashvi

Yashvi asks her mother how is her father now, is he alright?

She tells her that yes, your father is fine now, but she becomes quiet after saying this.

Yashvi says to her, but what mummy tell me

Then her mother tells her that your father has a heart problem and the doctor has said that his health can deteriorate anytime

Yashvi goes to the doctor and talks to him, then the doctor tells her that he will have to undergo an operation

Yashvi comes to her father and sits beside him

Yashvi mother tells her that your father is fine now but

yashvi i asks her mother, but tell me mummy tell me

I don't know how everything will happen, after all how will we get your father operated, we don't even have that much money to get your father treated

Yashvi says don't worry mummy, one day everything will be fine, then we will all live happily like before, Yashvi says mummy I am coming now, till then you stay with papa

Yashvi talks to the doctor and asks when By then my father will be fine and how long will he have to stay like this

The doctor tells her that your father is fine now but his health can deteriorate anytime, so until he is well and his operation is done, his treatment will have to be continued like this.

The doctor tells Yashvi that right now I am giving him some medicines so that he will not have any problem and till then you will also get some time but remember that he needs proper treatment.

Yashvi tells the doctor that I will remember this, thank you doctor.

Saying this, Yashvi leaves from there and comes to her father and asks him about his health, how are you feeling now, her father says I am fine and how is my daughter, is my daughter fine?

Yashvi says crying, I am also fine father, just get well soon, seeing her crying, her father hugs her and says that nothing will happen to me daughter, you are with me and makes her quiet.

Yashvi tells her father Now you take rest. Then her mother tells her that you also go home and take rest. You have been working here and there since morning. Look how your condition has become. You also need rest. And take your younger siblings along with you.

Yashvi refuses saying that no mummy I am fine. I will stay here till Papa gets well.

But Yashvi father says that your mother is with me. You go and take rest. Daughter Young Si says that it is okay Papa but please take care of yourself. After saying this Yashvi leaves from there.

Now Yashvi comes home with her younger siblings. Then Taapsee also comes there and asks Yashvi that what happened Yashvi, where were you? I was waiting for you since so long and you did not even tell me what happened to you suddenly.

Family Love

Taapsee was asking Yashvi what happened to her that she is so worried and she looks around the house but she does not see anyone, so she asks Yashvi that your mother and father are not visible anywhere, where are your mother and father. As soon as Taapsee says this, Yashvi tells her everything that why she came without telling her.

Yashvi tells Taapsee everything that how her father's health deteriorated suddenly and she also tells her that her father has cancer and Yashvi hugs her friend Taapsee and starts crying loudly. Taapsee calms her down saying that everything will be fine, okay Yashvi I am leaving now, you take care of yourself.

Saying this, Taapsee leaves from there.

yashvi younger sister Rupali tells her that Didi I am hungry, so Yashvi tells her younger siblings that just wait for a little while, I will cook food now. Yashvi, feed them. She makes it and gives it to me

Two days later Yashvi goes to her college and meets Taapsee there. Taapsee asks her how are you and how is your father's health

Yashvi tells her that his health is still the same as it was before

Taapsee says so what have you thought what will you do next? Yashvi says I don't know, I am not able to understand what I should do now

Money is needed for Papa's operation too, something has to be done, but Yashvi what well you do?

Yashvi says I will do that job if I find a good job. Taapsee says you do one thing, my sister Renu lives in Mumbai. She works in a good company. If you want, I can talk to my sister about you.

yashvi i says okay you can talk but Yashvi how will you explain to your mom and dad. If they come to know, they will not let you go alone to Mumbai.

Taapsee don't worry, I will take care of everything at home. Just talk to your sister.

It's time for class. I am leaving. We will meet later. Saying this Yashvi comes home.

Kaan says daughter you have come back from college. Go and freshen up. I will prepare food for you. yashvi says yes mom.

Yashvi goes to the room and takes a bath in the washroom. She starts thinking about what Taapsee said and says I told her but how will I convince mom.

Kane calls out to Yashvi Daughter come quickly she says yes mummy I will be coming just now Yashvi immediately comes down after taking bath and after having food she tells everything to her mother. Kane refuses at first but later agrees on Yashvi persuasion. Kane asks Yashvi how will you stay there alone, you don't even know anyone. Yashvi says don't worry mummy I will stay there with Taapsee elder sister Renu, I have talked to her but mummy I will have to go tomorrow only. But Yashvi daughter if your father comes to know so soon then how will I explain it to him, mummy please convince papa by any means. Kane says okay I will try 😊thank you mummy.

Next day 02:00 pm

Yashvi friend Tapsi and her mother along with their younger siblings have come to drop her at the airport.

Yashvi talks to her younger siblings and tells them that you both should not trouble your mother too much and study well with full concentration 🙂 and also tells Tapsi to take care of herself. Then Kane says that Yashvi daughter, you should take care of yourself after going there and keep calling. yashvi says that yes mom, you should also take care of yourself.

Ok mom I am leaving 🥺

Saying this, Yashvi leaves from there and goes to the plane and sits on the seat. She was very scared because she had never sat in a plane before today. She was alone and was thinking in her mind that how will I do everything alone. She was thinking this much when suddenly Yashvi eyes fall on a boy sitting a little distance away from her who was looking at her since a long time.

Yashvi feels something She doesn't understand why that boy is looking at her like that. She was just able to understand that when suddenly that boy sits on the empty seat next to her. Yashvi was not able to understand what she should do.

That boy talks to her and says

I am sorry, I was looking at you for a long time. It seems that you have boarded a plane for the first time and you looked very scared to me.

That is why I felt like asking you. Yashvi and that boy both talk for a long time. After some time, that boy goes and sits on his seat.

Who was that boy?

After some time, Yashvi plane lands where Renu was thiting for him at the airport. Yashvi was also searching for Renu everywhere when she hears a voice from behind, Yashvi......

Then Yashvi looks back and Yashvi is very happy to see Renu. Reshu says, how are you? How was your journey? everything was ok right.

Meet friend's in Mumbai

Renu tells her let's go then Yashvi remembers something and says oh no my bug. Renu says what happened Yashvi says my bug seems to have been left there. yashvi tells Renu to wait there and leaves on her own.

Security room

Yashvi runs to the (security room) and asks Gad about her bug saying I forgot my bag here will you help me.

Gad tells her that just now a boy took her from here saying that he knows you.

Yashvi gets worried and says to herself that I don't know anyone here.

Now what will happen to Yashvi who was that boy who knows Yashvi?

Yashvi is lost in deep thoughts when suddenly the same boy whom she met in the plane meets her outside the (security room)... and returns her bug to her saying that you are in the... (security room) itself. She had left her bag and I was also there so I thought I should return your bag to you

Yashvi says thank you...….. Renu also sees both of them

The boy while talking to her says when we met earlier you didn't tell me your name at that time she tells him my name is Yashvi he also tells her his name Siddh (business cad) and says if you ever need my (help) then you can tell me without any fear 😄 Yashvi says thank you so much to her

Siddh says to Yashvi you take care of yourself I am leaving

Renu comes and asks Yashvi who was that boy I don't know either we just met in the plane Renu says what is this in your hand Yashvi i says he has given this card to me Renu says ok let's go

We will see Renu's house

Renu shows her apartment you are here from today You will stay with me and this is your room, if you need anything you can tell me, you take rest, you must be hungry too, why don't we go out to eat, come with me


yashvi and Renu enjoy their food in the restaurant. Renu asks her about her father and asks, "Do you really not know anyone here?"

In my childhood, my friend Sumedh and his family used to live here. We were very young at that time. I don't know how he would look now. And anyway, who knows where he would be in such a big city?"

Renu and Yashvi come home after having food. Yashvi goes to sleep early thinking that she has to get up early tomorrow morning.

Next day morning 6:00 am

Yashvi prepares breakfast early in the morning. Renu says, "You got up so early. I thought you might still be sleeping."

Yashvi tells her, "I have a habit of getting up early in the morning, that's why I got up."

Renu asks her, "By the way, what will you do today?" Yashvi tells her, "I will just go to look for a job today."

Renu tells her, "All the best) says 🙂

Three days later

Yashvi gets tired of looking for a job and says why is this work so difficult 😣

Renu reminds her and says why don't you take help from that boy who gave you his business card.

Okay, I will meet him tomorrow. Yashvi says good night to him and goes to her room to sleep.

Next day morning Yashvi wakes up in the morning and calls Siddh. Hello Siddh, I am Yashvi speaking. Do you remember we met on the plane and at the airport too. Yes, I remember. Yashvi asks him to meet. Can you meet me today Siddh? Yes, definitely tell me where to meet. Yashvi calls her to meet at a cyber cafe. Siddh also agrees. Cyber cafe Yashvi waits for Siddh and then keeps on saying to herself that she doesn’t know when Siddh will come. Then after a while Siddh also comes there. Siddh (Hello) how are you? I thought that maybe we will never meet again. Yashvi Siddh, I needed some help from you. Siddh, say yes.

Yashvi asks him can you offer me a good job. Siddh tells him that it is just that, tomorrow at 7:00 am you come to S.O group of company for interview.

Yashvi tells Siddh that thank you so much for helping me again. Now both become good friends and Siddh asks Yashvi to drop her home. At first Yashvi refuses saying that she will go, I have already troubled you a lot, but Siddh says that it is okay and on Siddh's repeated insistence, Yashvi i is also unable to refuse. Renu was waiting for Yashvi i at home. When Renu sees Yashvi and Siddh coming out of the car, she is surprised.

While Siddh comes to the gate of Yashvi house to drop her off, he sees Renu standing in front of him and gets lost in her thoughts 😍 as if he has found the princess of his dreams, who was standing there waiting for Yashvi since a long time.

At the same time, Siddh hears faint voices telling him, what happened, say something to you Siddh.

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