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The Forbidden Engagement

Chapter 1

In the heart of Tokyo’s neon-lit streets, where cherry blossoms whispered secrets and shadows concealed danger, lived Hana Tanaka.

Her porcelain skin and obsidian eyes held a quiet strength, inherited from her father, Kaito Tanaka, the feared yakuza boss of the Black Lotus Clan.

Hana’s life was a delicate dance between tradition and rebellion. She longed for freedom beyond the crimson doors of her family’s estate.

But, her father had other plans, a marriage alliance with the rival Crimson Dragon Clan. The groom? A man she’d never met, whose name echoed through the underworld: Soto Nakamura.

However, Hana refused to succumb to her father’s wishes and knew she must escape before it was too late.

On the eve of her arranged wedding, Hana slipped away, her silk kimono rustling like autumn leaves. She fled through narrow alleys, her heart pounding in sync with the city’s pulse.

Her only ally was a cryptic note from an unknown sender: Meet me at the Sakura Bridge.

As she reached the bridge, a stranger emerged from the mist. His eyes held secrets, and his voice was a velvet whisper.

“Need help, little blossom?”

The stranger introduced himself as Ryuji, a wandering artist. His touch ignited sparks within Hana, and she was quick to explain her troubles to the man she had just met.

He listened, his gaze never leaving her face. “I’ll protect you,” he vowed, his fingers tracing the delicate curve of her jaw.

Hana hesitated for a brief second, but for some reason she felt she could place her life in Ryuji’s hands. She nodded her head and spoke, “I believe you.”

Days turned into weeks. Ryuji guided Hana through hidden tunnels and forgotten shrines, evading her father’s henchmen. Yet, he never revealed his true identity, the promise he’d made to her father.

For Ryuji was none other than Soto Nakamura, the man she was meant to marry. He was sworn to secrecy that he would never allow Hana to know it was him that helped her escape and not Ryuji, the wandering artist.

Ryuji watched Hana blossom like the sakura, her laughter like wind chimes. He reveled in her trust, even as guilt gnawed at him. He taught her to wield a tanto blade, their bodies moving in a dance of evasion and desire. But every stolen kiss was a lie.

Guilt gnawed at Ryuji’s heart as he continued to hide his true self away from Hana. Would she grow to hate him once she found out the truth?

These thoughts ate away at him night after night as he held Hana in his arms, while she slept innocently unaware of the truth.

Should he just tell her and risk it all? Maybe, not. After thinking it over for the billionth time, Ryuji finally decided it wasn’t the right time to tell Hana. He would wait a little bit longer and cherish the time he had with her.

Little did Ryuji know, his secret would soon be discovered and he would have to atone for all the lies he had told her up till then. For secrets can never stay secrets forever!

Chapter 2

One moonlit night, as cherry blossoms fell like snow, Hana traced the tattoo on Ryuji’s wrist, a crimson dragon.

Recognition finally dawned inside Hana’s mind.

“You’re him,” she whispered. “My promised fiancé.”

Ryuji froze with fear, as his eyes met Hana’s. He saw the tears slightly forming at the corner of her eyes as she realized he had been lying to her all this time.

Ryuji’s eyes held regret. “I wanted you to love me, not the yakuza heir.”

Hana’s anger melted into tears. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I wanted you to choose me willingly,” he confessed. “Not out of duty.”

Hana stared at Ryuji, no she should call him Soto now, she shook her head in confusion. What should she do with this new found knowledge.

She could see from the look in Ryuji’s eyes that he felt immense guilt for what he had done. She also could see that his feelings all this time were not a part of the lie.

“I’ll believe you this once. But if you betray me again or I find you’ve lied to me once more, I’ll never forgive you,” Hana spoke strongly as a tear slipped down her cheek.

Ryuji touched her cheek softly as he wiped the tear away with his fingertips. Time seemed to freeze and he replied confidently, “I would rather die than hurt you. You are my everything, little blossom.”

And with that he placed a gentle kiss upon her lips, sealing the promise between the two. Hana’s arms wrapped around Ryuji and she melted into the kiss, hoping they could stay this way forever.

Their love was a fragile thread, woven between loyalty and betrayal. As Hana grappled with her feelings, her father’s wrath loomed. The Black Lotus and Crimson Dragon Clans clashed, blood staining cherry blossoms were on the horizon.

Not long after they found love, Ryuji and Hana were discovered by her father. He was furious that Soto had broke their pact of sworn secrecy.

Letting out the secret had caused a war like no other. Hana’s father demanded obedience, while Ryuji’s loyalties splintered.

Ryuji faced an impossible choice: duty or love. He surrendered to Hana’s father, offering his life to spare hers. But fate had other plans. The rival clans converged in a moonlit garden, blades unsheathed. Hana fought alongside Ryuji, their love a beacon in the chaos.

As swords clashed, honor tested, Hana’s father revealed the truth, the fragile thread that bound them was all a lie.

Ryuji had infiltrated the Black Lotus Clan, his love a masquerade.

“He is only here to deceive you my daughter,” Kaito yelled. “I was never going to allow the marriage.”

Hana’s heart shattered as petals fell around them. “Why?” she cried at Ryuji.

Ryuji’s voice trembled. “Like I told you before, I wanted you to choose me willingly.”

In the aftermath, Hana confronted her father. “I choose love over vendetta.” She revealed Ryuji’s sacrifice, and the yakuza world trembled. The clans forged an uneasy truce, their oaths rewritten.

“I forbid it! Even if we have come to a truce, Soto can never be trusted,” her father yelled. “You can never be together!”

“We will see,” Hana said defiantly as she turned and quickly walked away.

Hana knew it was too late for her heart to turn back. She would always love Ryuji, no matter who he was or what he had done in the past.

Hana and Ryuji stood at the Sakura Bridge in secret, cherry petals swirling around them. “I love you,” she whispered.

He kissed her, sealing their fate. “Forever.”

He gazed down at her lovingly as his fingers traced her lips softly. “Will you finally speak my real name? I want to hear my name from these lips.”

Hana blushed at his words and although she felt shy, she whispered, “Soto.”

“A bit louder please,” Soto begged Hana.

Hana mustered her courage, looked him straight in the eyes, and spoke with nothing, but love in her voice, “Soto, my love, my forever.”

Soto was overjoyed with happiness and pulled Hana close as he embraced her warmly within his arms. They finally found a bit of happiness amongst the turmoil.

Chapter 3

As spring unfolded, Hana and Soto’s love deepened. They met in secret, their stolen moments like petals caught in a breeze. Soto painted her, his brush capturing her spirit, her defiance, and the vulnerability she revealed only to him.

Hana’s father grew restless. The Black Lotus Clan demanded answers. “Find my daughter,” Kaito Tanaka ordered, his eyes as sharp as a katana blade.

Meanwhile, Soto’s heart wavered between love and duty. He watched Hana practice with the tanto, her determination unwavering.

“Trust me,” he whispered, knowing that trust was the fragile bridge they walked upon.

Hana smiled at Soto, “I will always trust you.”

They had come this far and Hana was just as determined as Soto to hold onto their love. She would fight to the bitter death if she had to, even if it was against her father.

She sadly said goodbye to Soto once more and snuck back inside her home before her father could find her.

She had to find some sort of evidence that would give her the upper hand against her father. So she waited till night and snuck into her father’s study.

Hana discovered a hidden compartment in her father’s study, a collection of letters exchanged between the rival clans. Secrets spilled across parchment: alliances, betrayals, and a prophecy that bound their fates.

One letter stood out, a plea from Soto Nakamura to spare Hana. “She is my heart,” he’d written. “I’ll defy our clans for her.”

Hana’s breath caught as she read the bold words written across the paper. Soto’s love for her was etched upon her heart even deeper at that moment. It fueled Hana’s determination to fight back.

The Crimson Dragon Clan hosted a masquerade ball, an opportunity for Hana to escape her father’s grasp. She donned a crimson kimono, her face concealed behind a delicate mask. Soto, too, attended, his eyes searching the crowd.

As found each other and danced, Hana’s pulse matched the rhythm of the shamisen. “Tell me your secrets,” she whispered.

Soto hesitated and then playfully smiled, “I am both your savior and your betrayer.”

“Is that so,” Hana replied with a sparkle in her eye.

Hana felt like testing Soto again, “I’ll ask you once more. Why did you keep your identity hidden? Are you sure you told me the whole truth?”

Soto’s voice trembled. “Because I wanted you to love me, not the heir of our blood feud.”

Hana touched his cheek. “I love the man who saved me, not the clans.”

“Are you sure,” Soto asked nervously.

“Yes. And now that I have the answer I was looking for, I have a plan,” Hana replied.

“A plan, what plan,” Soto asked curiously.

“Wait a few minutes and secretly follow me to the balcony on the third floor. We will talk more there,” Hana answered before leaving the dance.

Soto watched her walk away across the dance floor. He was worried she was getting in over her head, but he would always support the woman he loved.

After what seemed like an eternity, the two met under the guise of night. The cool night air swirled around their secretive rendezvous.

Hana revealed to Soto the papers she discovered in her father’s study. However, she did hide the fact that she found his letter pleading for her safety amongst her father’s belongings.

They boldly came up with a plan to expose her father and gain their freedom to love one another, while still finding a happy balance for the clans.

Peace was their ultimate goal!

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