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Love From School Life

The first day at high school

Ella wakes up by 7 : 00 am through the noise of her parents quarreling from their room. Ella's parents are always constantly fighting each other, wishing they never fell in love in high school. She doesn't really care if they fight or not but this as affected her in such a way that she vowed never to fall in love in high school, because she thinks it is the biggest mistake to make when trying to find true love.

She jumps out of bed to take a quick shower because it is her first day in high school ,, andshe doesn't want to be late for her first period. On her downstairs, she hears her mum crying out loud about how she regretted marrying her dad and how her life would have been better if she did not give birth to Ella. Ella wasn't sad at all, because she knew from the very beginning that she was a child born by mistake. Ella grabbed her lunch and quickly headed to the subway that will take her to school. Unfortunately, the subway that was supposed to her to school has already left

Ella: Holy mother of God, how am I supposing to get to school now (explained Ella)

Jason: Hi .

Ella: Hi, do I know you from somewhere?

Jason: No, I just happen to be passing by and saw you in our school uniform, so I thought I should stop by to say hi.

Jason: By the way, why aren't you going to school now?

Ella: Isn't it obvious, the subway as gone and I don't have a way to get to school.

Jason: Would you like a ride?

Ella: (Who does he think I am to him to ask me if I want a ride, can't he see that I am poor ?)

Ella: No worries, I might dirty your new motorbike.

Jason: I don't care if you dirty it, I can always clean it up later.

Ella: I know you are trying to make fun of me because am poor, and it is very obvious that you are rich, so why pick me up?

Jason: I might be rich, but it doesn't mean I can't help others.

Ella: I appreciate your efforts to help me, but I think I will pass, besides I don't know who you are, and I can't see your face under that helmet of yours.

Jason: (She is smart, well I guess I have to go, I hope I see her again).

Jason: If you say so.

(And just like that, he sped off on his cool motorbike while Ella watched him leave. She was suprised at first on how a rich fella could offer her a ride to school but she just brush it off, saying he might be one of the popular guys in school who make fun of the poor, so she started running to school, hoping she wouldn't be late for class).

Jason gets to know Ella

As expected, Ella got to school late and missed her first period. She was so mad that she didn't notice when she bumped into Jason. When she saw Jason's face, she was taken away by his beauty, but she snapped out of her daydreaming and apologized for bumping into him

Ella : Oops, sorry about that

Jason : We meet again

Ella : Yeah, such a coincidence

Jason : Are you alright?

Ella : Am fine, no need to worry

Ella : I have to go now, I don't want to miss my next class

Jason : Wait, I don't know your name yet

Ella : Why do you want to know my name, we don't know each other and I don't hang out with the rich dudes

Jason : So because I am rich, you wouldn't let me know your name

Ella: Fine, my name is Ella, catch you later

...(Ella ran done the hall to her next class while Jason watched in amazement. As soon as Ella entered the classroom, she was greeted with a pie to the face)...

Ella : What the h*ck is going on here

Angela : That's what you get for talking to my future boyfriend

Rosa : That's right, she was just about to ask Jason to be her boyfriend before we saw some dirty beggar beside Jason

Ella : (Still trying to calm down)

Ella : So let me get this straight, you haven't asked him to be your boyfriend, and you are already calling him your boyfriend?

Angela : How dare you? (She was about to slap Ella when Jason came to the rescue)

Jason : What the h*ll do you think you are doing Angela?

Angela : Oh Jason, come and save me from this dirty little rat, she almost got my Gucci bag dirty. (She said, fake crying)

Jason : That doesn't mean you should slap her Angela

Angela : I will forgive her if she cleans it up for me

Ella : (Butch of b*ches), Ella said in her mind

Ella : Don't even think that I will clean that bag of yours that I clearly didn't dirty

Jason : Can we stop quarreling?

Jason : Angela, I will buy you another one

Angela : Thanks sweetheart

Angela : You see little rat, my boyfriend is going to buy me a new bag

Jason : Hold up a second, who said I was your boyfriend?

Ella : (Laughing)

Ella : I thought you said he was your "boyfriend"

Angela : Shut up, Jason is just shy to admit it in public

(Sure enough, the teacher comes into the classroom and there discussion had to end there)

Ella : I don't have time for you rich little rats right now, so if you know what is good for you, don't bother me again

Jason : What do you mean by that Ella?

Ella : I really don't have to explain myself to you ok, just stop talking to me

...( Jason was very heartbroken by this words, he thought he could make friends with her without bringing up the matter of him being rich)...

Jason realize he has fallen in love

( After school, Ella would go to a coffee shop to work as an assistant just to gain some money because she knows she cannot rely on her parents who fight all the time. As soon as she hears the bell which indicates that a customer is around, she turns around to see who it was, but to her suprise, she saw Jason. This is the third time she has seen Jason in just one day)

Ella : What the h*ck, are you stalking me or something

Jason : I didn't know that this is how they greet there customers here

Ella : Sorry about that, what can I offer you?

Jason : I would have a cup of coffee with a slice of chocolate cake

Ella : No problem

( Ella went straight to the coffee machine not noticing how Jason was looking at her with so much joy in his face. Ella brought the cup of coffee to his table and told him his cake will soon be ready. Before she could leave, Jason stopped her)

Jason : Wait Ella, am sorry for what happen today

Ella : Why are you sorry, you weren't the one who offended me, right?

Jason : But you seemed angry at me for some reason. Anytime I want to talk to you, you always bring up the matter of me being some rich guy, and I just wanted to ask, do you dislike rich guys?

Ella : Absolutely, I dislike people like you to the core

Jason : But why?. I didn't do anything wrong, did I?

Ella : Yes you did, you know what?, I thought I told you not to talk to me again, just let me get your cake and then I will leave

Jason : (Let's see about that)

Jason : Can you package the cake for a take away?

Ella : Sure

(Ella went into the bakery room to get his cake not knowing that Jason had already planned to leave the cake for her)

Ella : (Comes out and sees no one)

Ella : Where did he go now?

Ella : (Looks at a note on the table he occupied)

Ella : What is this now? ( She read the note)

("I hope we can become friends because I really want to know, and please accept the cake as my apology for being too rich for your liking")

Ella : Wow, no one as ever written me an apology, at least have a cake for dinner and I don't have to spend my money on groceries for my dinner today

(She took the note and the cake home. Meanwhile, Jason is trying to find out why us heart is beating so fast. Jason's parents are often busy with work so he doesn't see them that much, he his like a loner but a rich guy too)

Jason : Why is my heart beating so fast?, maybe I should ask my doctor

(He calls his doctor only to discover that what was wrong with his heart didn't have anything to do with a disease or something, but because he has taken a liking in Ella😨😨😨)

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