NovelToon NovelToon

Real Omega Son Of Jeon's


~let's start ~
Jeon guards: We got an order to bring you at Jeon's Mansion.
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
Huh!?? 💭Jeon's Mansion
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*standing infront of the mansion *
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
Wow.... Is this my home?? *sparkly eyes*
Inside Mansion
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*standing in the middle of the hall*
Jeon Yeonjin
Jeon Yeonjin
So you are our brother??
Jeon Hoseok
Jeon Hoseok
*stare at Jungkook*
Jeon Jimin
Jeon Jimin
*Stare at Jungkook*
Jeon Seokjin
Jeon Seokjin
*stare at Jungkook *
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
*stare at Jungkook and cringe his fist*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*slowly looked at them*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*noticed his clothes and his brother's branded clothes *
Jeon Seokjin
Jeon Seokjin
Jungkook's room
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
*came inside the room*
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
*slap Jungkook*
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
How dare you low life claim to say you are Jeon's blood.
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
*pulls Jungkook's hair by fist* Listen I am the Jeon Omega son not a low life.
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
📲 Did you do the work I told you??
📲 Yes sir the report are out as you have requested.
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
Mom.. .Dad
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
See what did I told you??
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
I am your real son.. .not him
Jeon Seokjin
Jeon Seokjin
*coldy glare at Jungkook*
Jeon Jimin
Jeon Jimin
*angrily stare at Jungkook *
Jeon Hoseok
Jeon Hoseok
*stare at Jungkook*
Jeon Yeonjin
Jeon Yeonjin
*scoff *
Mrs. Jeon
Mrs. Jeon
What are you saying baby??
Mr. Jeon
Mr. Jeon
Yes all this years you were there with us *teary eyes *
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
Yes Appa *hugs his father*
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
*smirks at Jungkook secretly *
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
You think they will believe your words, poor Jungkookie~~~
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
I know how to kick you out of this family*step back stairs*
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
*falls from the stairs* Ahhh!! Jungkook I am sorry....
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
N-no I.. it's not me....
Mrs. Jeon
Mrs. Jeon
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*face turned*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*shocked state*
Mrs. Jeon
Mrs. Jeon
Hurry up send my son to hospital....*panicked and glare angry at Jungkook*
Mr. Jeon
Mr. Jeon
*same as his wife*
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
Poor him can't talk back to anyone...........he should die.
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
📲 Kill that bitch.....
📲 Yes sir...
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
* falling down from a tall building*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*close his eye*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
💭 I was the real son of Jeon not him but why am I the one to die.
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
💭 Why am I the one to suffer. *depressed *
*fall on the ground*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
💭 Is this my end?? I don't want to die, I want to leave and live a happy life with my mate. I want to find my mate.
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
💭 Why am I the one to suffer?? Why God is being unfair to me??
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*blank eyes*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*slowly his eye left sparkles and eyes became numb and blank*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*stumbled back and fall on the couch* This can't be???
How did this happen??? HOW??
Who did this to my mate??? *shout*
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I hope you are safe and fine. (。・ω・。)

CH: 1

let's start (≧ω≦)
*came inside a room and threw a glass of water on someone's face*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*jolt up as he felt cold water on his face*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
Wake up bitch do I need to give you particular different invitation card wake you up.
*angrily splat on him*
Come fast downstairs to help us....
Yes, Jungkook is treated as maid, why???
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*hold his head*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
Hya!!!! *huff*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
Why my dream felt it like real.......
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
The way I died....... *gasps*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
Owww!!! My head
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*stumble on the floor and fall down*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
The dizziness is still not gone
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*Some how stands and fresh up*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*look at himself in the mirror*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
Why did I felt like that when I see those kinds of dream like it really happened to me.........
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*slap his own cheeks*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
Don't think like that, Jungkook it's just a dream. *nod*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*somehow convince himself*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*freshen up and went downstairs*
All the maids were busy running here and there, Jungkook looked and frowend
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
💭 Did I miss something *🤔*
Maid: *saw Jungkook* Hey, come fast and start to do your work. Eldest Young Master is coming home. We need to prepare every arrange everything to Madam Jeon's order.
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
💭 Huh!?? Why is it similar to my dream?? *not understanding*
Maid: Hey where are you lost?? Come fast and help us. *harshly catching Jungkook's hand*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
Ahh! Yes.
Jungkook and maids were arranging dinning table when somebody pulled Jungkook and slap on his face
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*kept hand on his cheeks*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
💭 Why is it like the dream?? Don't tell he slapped me.....
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*look at the person who slapped him*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*got shocked *
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
💭 No it can't be true........
How dare you??? *angry voice*
Guess who is that person???
I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
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Your lovely Author 😘😘
Love you guys 😘😘😘
Your lovely Author 😘😘
Your lovely Author 😘😘

CH: 2

Let's start (^ω^)
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*stare at the person shocked*
What at looking at me like that, Huh!!?? *angrily splat*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
💭 I had same dreams like this few days ago.......
Yes, he always had this types of dreams but chooses to ignore. But will he be able to ignore?????
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
H-hanbin??? *mumbles in low voice*
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
Huh??!! What???
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
Did you just cursed me???
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
How dare a low life like you curse me???
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
💭 He will hit me with spoon beside the dinner table.....
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
*did same as Jungkook thought**
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*didn't flinch *
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
💭 I.....he did same as I thought.......
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
💭 Do I have some power to see my future????
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
💭 How did this happen....
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*felt a burning sensation on his right cheek*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*came back to reality and look in front direction*
Jeon Yeonjin
Jeon Yeonjin
*look at two person*
Jeon Hoseok
Jeon Hoseok
*looking at Jungkook *
Jeon Jimin
Jeon Jimin
*stare at Jungkook *
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*saw at all the family members watching them both*
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
*teary eyes* Brother see how rude he is.......
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
*point at Jungkook* He curse me infront of me, I myself heard him saying ........
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
*blankly stared at Hanbin*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
💭 All will look at me coldly and will support hanbin.
Jeon Yeonjin
Jeon Yeonjin
*Tsk* If you want to have a good life try another method to gain our attention....*🙄🙄*
Jeon Hoseok
Jeon Hoseok
*stare coldly and sharply at Jungkook while narrowing his eyes*
Jeon Jimin
Jeon Jimin
Don't take our Mother and Father's kindness as advantage to get favors..... *coldly splat*
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
*smriks when he heard them say*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
💭 And the first born sibling will come say.....
What is happening over here????
Jeon Jimin
Jeon Jimin
*looked at the person*
Jeon Hoseok
Jeon Hoseok
*looked at the source of the deep voice*
Jeon Yeonjin
Jeon Yeonjin
*look at person*
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
Brother you came back...... *happily said*
Jeon Seokjin
Jeon Seokjin
Jeon Seokjin
Jeon Seokjin
*🤨🤨* What is happening here??
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
*went towards Seokjin and rapped his hand one hand of Seokjin*
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
Nothing much brother just as usual Jungkook always create drama *sarcastic way*
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
💭 And behind him Jeon couple come inside seeing us discussing.........
Not long time after the Jeon couples will come too..... making Jungkook puzzled like how did he know this will happen and that to as correct as he had predicted...???
His mind was roaming at one question???
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
💭 How did I know it so accurately????
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
I hope you liked this chapter.....
Jungkook (O)
Jungkook (O)
Love you guys.......
Jeon Seokjin
Jeon Seokjin
I hope you like
Jeon Jimin
Jeon Jimin
Jeon Hoseok
Jeon Hoseok
Jeon Yeonjin
Jeon Yeonjin
Jeon Hanbin
Jeon Hanbin
Your lovely Author 😘😘
Your lovely Author 😘😘

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