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*note* Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

“I’ll go! I’ll go! I’ll go and get you damned!”

Within a large manor in the Imperial Capital City of the Dong Chen Kingdom, a voice filled with resentment resounded through a large manor.

“Is the Young Master awake?”

Two figures scuttled in a hurry into the courtyard, and perked up their ears to listen. There was no noise and all was quiet, so quiet they thought they might have imagined it all.

“Should we take a peek into the room?” One asked in a trembling voice, her fear was clear in her voice and could not be hidden upon the thought of entering the room.

“Maybe….. Maybe we shouldn’t.” The other figure said, “When the Young Master wakes up, he will naturally call for us. If we barge into the Young Master’s room just like this, we will be severely punished.”

“But if the Young Master wakes up, and does not see us around, we will still be punished! And what if the Young Master wakes up but he can’t speak, then what do we do?”

“Then… then we better go in and take a look, if the Young Master is not awake, we will just come back out again?”


After discussing the matter through in hushed tones, the two of them tiptoed towards the main bedroom within the courtyard. They pushed the door open slowly and quietly treaded inside. They saw that the eyes of the figure on the bed were still tightly shut, and only after they saw the figure drew in a deep breath, did they slowly retreat out of the room.

“Whew, fortunately the Young Master has not awoken.”

“Let’s just wait in front of the door.”

“Hmm, I had not thought that the Young Master would be unconscious for so long.”

“I heard that the General had wanted to go settle the score with the other party but the Young Master stopped him.”

“Pfft! The Young Master said, ‘Damn it, when I wake up, I’ll settle things with him myself!'”

“Our poor Young Master was so badly wounded, if the other Young Masters get to know about it, they will be so devastated.”

“I heard that the other Young Masters will be back soon.”

“Is that so?”


Sima You Yue opened her eyes after the two maids left, the expression on her face was one of rage, she gritted her teeth in anger, looking like she was ready to bite.


She sucked in a breath of cold air as she hissed in pain from the wounds on her face as they stretched and pulled with every emotion she displayed.

“Damn, this is no joke!” Sima You Yue reached out to touch her face, however that attempt itself rendered another sharp stinging pain excruciating from her body as she stopped her movement and gave up.

Listening to the maids chirping outside, once they mentioned Young Master, Sima You Yue could not help but roll her eyes.

She was a female through and through, but she was asked to act like a boy by her grandfather, to wear boy’s clothes, and to even walk and talk like one.

“You are a fraud just as well!” Sima You Yue cursed.

Thinking back of her status in the twenty-first century as an accomplished assassin, she did not expect to suddenly appear here, stuck in the body of a 14-year-old girl!

That’s right, those curse words the two maids had heard earlier had indeed come right out of her mouth because she had been conned two times successively!

Previously, she was the Organization’s most powerful assassin, since she started working for the Organization she never once missed a target.

Never would she have expected that the second person-in-charge of the Organization was jealous of the attention and recognition she had from her boss and took advantage of the boss’ absence and made her perform a dangerous task. However, it was already too late when she realized that it was a trap. Because of the high stakes of billions of dollars, the Organization chose to abandon her and even prepared the most advanced bomb for her. She was blown into smithereens along with the building she was in.

The process of death was too short, before she had time to curse, she fell into the darkness, and lost all consciousness.

When she regained her consciousness, she was in a vast white space and there was a faint silhouette beside her, it appeared in the same soul state like her. Before she could speak, the other spoke out: “You are in my body now.”

The words she heard made her shocked to the extreme, shouldn’t she be in hell now? How did she end up in someone else’s body?

The other soul seemed to have read her thoughts and said: “I do not know what’s happening, but when I saw your soul, I simply pulled and you came in.”


“I am now dead, my life has come to an end. Since you can enter my body, you should be able to continue to live in place of me as long as you promise me, to take care of everything, I shall leave my body to you.” The other soul said wistfully.

“Really?” Sima You Yue asked in surprise. She really had a second chance in life?

“Yes, but you have to swear to not only live as me on my behalf, but also to help me to clean up those trash!”

“Alright, I promise you.” Sima You Yue answered in a straightforward manner. If I can live again, but also get rid of the life as an assassin, what more could she ask for? Before that though, she had her own matters to take care of. She wanted revenge on the Organization’s second person-in-charge who plotted against her.

“In that case, I will give my memory to you, remember that you promised to take revenge for me! Also, my grandfather and brothers are good, the matter I have not done yet is to to find my parents, I believe that they must still be living in some corner of the world.” That silhouette become lighter and lighter as her voice became softer and softer as she slowly started to dissipate.

Sima You Yue saw the regret and heart filled with emotion, she answered with resolution: “Do not worry, I will help you find your parents.”

“I do not think you are the kind of person who goes back on her words. Since you’ve agreed, then I can rest in peace and leave it to you.” As soon as that silhouette finished speaking, she turned into little specks of light and completely disappeared.

Sima You Yue suddenly felt a strong pull, followed by a severe pain. Before she could find out what was happening, once again she lost consciousness.

When she woke up, she was already lying down on a bed. She did not think she really grasped a second chance in life, but she as she looked around, the antique furnishings in the room made her speechless. She could not react for a moment and even thought that she was dreaming, however a sudden flash of insight made her break this thought that it was a dream. This was her reality now.

“Damn it!” Sima You Yue started swearing after affirming the reality. “This is not even my world, so what if I live? I can not take my own revenge!”

And so as she continued to read the memory left behind, she had no more energy to curse and swear. She felt that she was conned by the other soul.

This was not the earth she knew of the 21st century, but a continent called Yilin. There were no aircrafts nor high-rise buildings. It was a place where the strong was revered and the weak was crushed. Here, the air contained spiritual power and comprised of a variety of properties and people can rely on the absorption of spiritual power to cultivate and become stronger.

This place was based entirely on the law of the jungle, where the strong are evidently favoured. The dignity of the strong could not be trampled on, if the weak dared to insult the strong, the strong could simply kill him directly!

If one was a genius cultivator, one would be able to gain respect from all walks of life; if one had absolutely no talent in cultivation, then they were termed as trash and would be looked down upon.

And the very body which Sima You Yue was stuck in was exactly a body that was looked down upon! The most infamous trash! Not a little practice of the foundation, was now 14 years old, and even spiritual power are not sensitive, not to mention the introduction of the body to practice it!

Not only that, she was obviously a girl, but her grandfather had insisted she dressed as a boy, telling her it was to protect her. But no matter how she dressed, she still liked men, and deeply infatuated at that. She loved being surrounded by men all the time, and all their attempt at wooing at ingratiation of the female sex!

So the General’s Residence Fifth Young Master … … was rumored to be bent.

Chapter 2 -“Lost Memories”

No words could describe how she felt at that moment as Sima You Yue laid on her bed, feeling choked by the multitude of complex emotions that welled up within her.


After sighing for the twenty eighth time, she finally accepted her newfound identity, and to accept her new useless body. But when she thought back to her previous self as the top assassin of the twenty first century, she did not believe that she would not be able to carve out a path of her own niche even if she could not train and practise the way people did here!

However, when she realized the type of personality that previous owner of her body had and the reason that had gotten her killed dawned upon her, she suddenly felt weak.

It must be said that her body’s previous owner was rather pitiful. She had only gone to bring some food to the Capital City’s most eligible Young Master, Murong An when she was seen to be a pest and Murong An’s lackeys had given her a good thrashing holding nothing back as they kept scolding her, repeatedly ridiculing her and calling her trash.

And the supposedly most cultured and refined, most eligible Young Master of the Capital City had just watched on as she was badly thrashed up, and had continued with his merriment with the fawning beauties all around him.

Her body’s previous owner had been beaten to within an inch of her life and when she was carried back to the General’s Residence, she saw her grandfather, Sima Lie and just managed to tell him she would exact her own revenge before she fell into a dead faint, and stopped breathing soon after.

Although she had promised to take revenge for her predecessor, however you looked at it, this all started from her own actions! Who had asked the previous Sima You Yue who kept pestering people to their breaking point until they felt extremely tired and suffocated? After appearing in front of the person whom had been relentlessly pestering you, it would be strange if that person didn’t do anything at all!

“But that Murong An actually watched on at the sidelines without any attempt to stop them. Well, do not worry, I will help you exact your revenge on those people.” Sima You Yue softly promised. “However, this body of yours really can’t cultivate? Those people are all geniuses of the Imperial Academy , if I can’t cultivate, seeking revenge would be very troublesome. I can’t even check your body now, damn, these injuries are really bothersome! How long more would it take to recover?” She lamented in exasperation.

As her injuries were too heavy, after grumbling for a moment she felt exhausted and fell into deep slumber. However, she did not sleep well at all, her brows were constantly wrinkled and her whole body was drenched in cold sweat.

“Ximen You Yue, so what if you are an unparalleled genius of the Divine World? You will still die by my hands today and your whole Ximen family can all go to hell and reunite there!”

“Ximen You Yue, do you know what this is? This is a high grade spirit artifact – the Soul Lamp Lock. Once your soul is sucked inside, you can never reincarnate. Even if you want to destroy your own soul, you cannot do that! Haven’t you always been suppressing me wherever you went? You can now take your time to enjoy this Soul Lamp Lock I’ve specially prepared for you! Hahahahahaha…”

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A shrill female voice suddenly rang in her head and her cackling slowly trailed off. Amidst a dense fog, Sima You Yue saw a woman holding onto a lamp.

“You’re missing a part of your soul? Even if you reincarnate, you won’t remember anything from this life! Even your strength will not be restored. Try to repair your soul, see what kind of miracles you can create.” Another voice echoed in this dense fog as the wind slowly stirred.

“Sima You Yue, who asked you to be so accomplished and recognised? Today, Boss is not around, whatever complaints you have, you can directly complain to the King of Hell! These are the most advanced explosives, dying by them can be considered your good fortune…”

“Sima You Yue…DIE!!!”


Sima You Yue suddenly jolted awake, breathing heavily as she gasped for air. Her entire back was thoroughly soaked in sweat and her damp hair clung onto her cheeks as she felt her whole body tremble, not sure if it was from fear or anger.

“Young Master, is everything alright?” A maid knocked on the door and asked from outside.

Sima You Yue took a few deep breaths to calm herself down and replied: “I’m fine, you can go.”

“Yes, Young Master.” After the maid replied and the footsteps trailed off, there was no further movement outside.

After taking in a few more deep breaths, Sima You Yue endured the pain that bore through her as she struggled to pour herself a cup of water. Her hands were trembling as she steadied the teapot and only after drinking three cups of water did she finally calm down.

Thinking back on her dream, why were there two names?

“Sima You Yue…Ximen You Yue…” She murmured the two names. “Who is Ximen You Yue…?”

Why did her heart wrench in pain when this name was mentioned?”

After struggling back to bed, Sima You Yue quietly stared at the antique mosquito net with her big eyes, her mind kept replaying the memories of the dream she just had. Also, what did that strange voice mean and who was that woman? Who was this Ximen You Yue?

The voices of the maids were getting louder as they approached her room.ALL new 𝒄hapters 𝒐n n𝒐v(𝒆)lbin(.)com


“Has Fifth Young Master awakened?” A slightly raspy elderly voice could be heard.

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“General, the Young Master just screamed a moment ago and when I enquired, the Young Master replied that he was fine and asked me to retreat. There’s no sound of movement inside, he may have fallen asleep again.” The maid replied.

“Alright, I’ve got it, you two can go now.”

“Yes, General.”

The door creaked open and Sima You Yue quickly closed her eyes, only to hear the sound of footsteps slowly walking towards her, and stopped at the bedside.

“Well, enough of this pretense, I know you’ve woken up.” Sima Lie looked at the person in bed who still had her eyes shut tight.

She’s been discovered…

Sima You Yue slowly opened her eyes and peered at the elderly man standing by her bed, watching him quietly.

This was Dong Chen Kingdom’s strongest man, he looked exactly like her memories, a head of grey hair with an astute build and eyes full of vigor. He looked at her affectionately, however his eyes also reflected a tinge of distress.

“Does it hurt very badly?” Seeing that You Yue was quiet, he moved to sit by her bed gently as he asked her in a voice full of concern.

Sima You Yue nodded her head. It was really painful! So painful that it felt as if her bones were being crushed and grounded into powder.

As if performing magic, Sima Lie flipped his hand and a jade bottle suddenly appeared in his hand. Sima You Yue was startled. Although she knew that interspatial rings existed in this world, seeing it working before her still shocked her.

In Sima Lie’s hands was a jade bottle which he had retrieved from his interspatial ring.

“This is the 2nd tier medicinal pill that Master Shi refined. It would speed up your recovery, quick, eat it and it won’t hurt anymore.” Sima Lie coaxed as he opened and a black pill rolled out from within and he stuffed it into Sima You Yue’s mouth in a practised manner.

As soon as she swallowed the black pill, a strong bitter aftertaste assaulted her mouth. Before she could say anything, Sima Lie quickly followed up by stuffing something sweet into her mouth.

“Master Shi said that the pill may be bitter but this is good stuff, it’s a 2nd tier medicinal pill, so bear with it and you’ll get better soon.”

Sima You Yue was aware that elixirs with miraculous properties existed in this world. It was just like the western pills from her past life, but its effects were so many times better than those pills. The types and varieties were many and myriad and they had all kinds of uses. For example, just like the one she just ingested was used to treat injuries, there were also others that helped regain Spirit Powers, those that helped regain strength, endurance and many others.

The elixirs were also segregated into tiers, first tier, second tier, third tier and so forth. The first to third tiers were termed common grade pills, fourth to sixth grade, medium grade pills, while the seventh to ninth grade were advanced grade pills. Alchemists similarly had a ranking system, primarily divided into three ranks – Rudimentary, Medium and Advanced.

The efficiency of each pill also varied with each tier and were further divided three levels, namely low, medium & advanced.

Needless to say, the higher the level, the higher the efficiency and that effectively equates to a higher price.

Sigh, the previous soul did not really understand much of these as her mind was completely filled with faces of handsome men. Since she could not cultivate, she spent all her time and effort thinking of men, she only started 2 days of classes at the Imperial Academy and stopped attending henceforth. Sima Lie doted heavily on her and spoiled her silly, and even left the matter of attending school in her own hands, never once forcing his own opinions on her. Since she did not want to go to school, he did not force her to attend. However, this had in turn made her even more ignorant and her literacy and knowledge was stuck at the the bare basics.

Chapter 3: “Enemy Encounter”

“Yue Er, don’t be upset, the matter of revenge can be put on hold. More importantly, wait till you’ve fully recovered and let your brothers escort you along when you go and to take your revenge. See who dares resist then! Whoever dares to resists will face their wrath, you can slowly savour the taste of returning those imbeciles the favour …and beat the living daylights out of them!” Sima Lie heartily said when he saw that his dear granddaughter had not spoken a single word since and thought that she was still angry. This was his manner of coaxing her.

However, Grandfather, are you sure this is the right way to coax anyone? Wasn’t this just digging a deeper pit than previously? Such encouragement would just spell more trouble for the future. However, in the past life, she was an orphan and after hearing the ‘encouraging words’ of Sima Lie, she felt a warmth emanate from her heart.

So this is how it felt like to have family..

Within minutes of eating the bitter medicinal pill, the immense pain she previously had all disappeared and within half an hour, all her injuries were fully healed! It was the first time she had experienced such a miraculous feat! This opened a whole new door of curiosity to this world she was now in.

‘Grandfather, this stuff is simply amazing!’ Sima You Yue’s eyes sparkled as she sat up. She felt rejuvenated and full of life!

“Haha, yes, not bad at all.” He chortled, nodding happily as he looked at her with an affectionate gaze. “Sigh.. if only someone from our family was an alchemist then you wouldn’t have had to suffer so long. Even getting this one pill took a bit of trouble.FOlloow 𝒏ewest stories at n𝒐(v)el/bi/n(.)com

“Don’t we have some alchemists working for us?” Sima You Yue asked indignantly, weren’t they the General’s Residence, what were some mere medicinal pills to them?

“We have hired a few and but only have stashes of the common grade tier one pills and only a handful of tier two pills. However those tier two pills we possess are not meant for healing, which was why I had to go to Master Shi and specially request for that tier two pill from him.” He looked apologetically at Sima You Yue. “Sorry, it’s all my fault. Tsk, but if it wasn’t for my fiery temper that caused a rift between our residence and the alchemists in the city, it wouldn’t had taken such a long time. Sorry you had to bear such pain for so long.” He looked down and said in a self-deprecating tone.

“Grandfather! Please don’t blame yourself, if you want to blame, it’s all those alchemists own fault for being annoying and unlikable! Since you do not like them, I also do not like them! If I do become an alchemist one day, I’ll slap them in the face and show them what true alchemy is!”

“Haha, well then, I shall be looking forward to that.” He laughed in glee.

However, none of them seemed to have remembered at that moment, that one has to first be able to cultivate in order to be an alchemist. To concoct a pill, spiritual energy is used on the pill furnace and an alchemist requires one to not only sense the spirit energy but to have excellent control over it as well. Sime You Yue was not even able to sense a shred of energy, what more to fire a pill furnace with spiritual energy?

Due to the effects of the medicinal pill her grandfather got for her, Sima You Yue recovered quickly. The next morning, the curious and lively Sima You Yue went out alone to explore the streets.

Although she has memories of this place, she still wanted to see with her own eyes what this new world of intrigue was like.

“This world is really amazing!” Sima You Yue exclaimed in excitement. After visiting a couple of streets, she stopped in front of a shop which had on display a multitude of spirit beasts and gasped in shock when she saw one talking.

“Oh, is this not Fifth Young Master? Please come in Fifth Young Master! What would you like today? We have a few new Spirit Beasts in store today! Would you like to have a look?” A amiable shopkeeper stepped forward to warmly welcome her, evident that he was familiar with the Sima You Yue.

She quickly searched her memories for a moment and realized why that shopkeeper gave her such a warm welcome. Indeed, the Sima You Yue before often patronized this store and bought spirit beasts and gifted them to various Young Masters around town to please them.

Since she did that on a regular basis, she quickly became well acquainted with this shopkeeper.

“Fifth Young Master, please have a look at our latest arrivals. We have here, a fifth low-ranked firefox. We also have a sixth low-ranked wind wolf. How is it? Quite good, aren’t they?” The storekeeper smiled as he introduced the spirit beasts that were locked up in the cages before them.

Sima You Yue looked at the wind wolf that looked back at her without a trace of life or emotion, it’s fur was very full and glossy, something of high quality. “Oh, I have no intention to buy anything as I didn’t bring any money out with me today. Since I can’t even establish any contract with any spirit beasts, why do I even need to buy one?”

Who did not know that the General Residence’s Fifth Young Master was labelled as trash and could not establish any spirit link, how could he have any contracts with spirit beasts? To establish a contract, one must first have a spirit link stemming from the Spirit Master. Hence whenever the Fifth Young Master bought a spirit beast, it was always given away as a gift. However for the shopkeeper, it didn’t matter as long as he could make some business.

“If Fifth Young Master likes it, you can bring the spirit beast back first and send someone to pay for it later. Oh! The last time Young Master Murong An wanted a wind wolf but there was no stock then. You have to quickly act on this or else it’s going to be sold out soon!” The shopkeeper prattled on.

If it was the Sima You Yue before, she would definitely have bitten the bait and bought the wind wolf in a heartbeat, anything that Murong An wanted, she would have no qualms about giving it to him no matter the cost.

However, Sima You Yue heard the words of the shopkeeper and simply replied: “Well, if I see him, I’ll let him know.”

Afterwhich she turned and left the shop.


For a few seconds the shopkeeper could not react. Only after she had left the shop did he touch his own forehead in stupor and muttered: “I don’t have a fever, how am I hallucinating? This Sima You Yue not only heard Murong An wanted it, he simply just left without buying it! And so calmly at that? Did the sun rise from the west today?”

Sime You Yue thought back of what just happened in the shop. Even a meager shopkeeper was using Murong An’s name to sell a spirit beast to her, how well known was she for liking Murong An?

Thinking back on the spirit wolf, she softly sighed again in amazement of this new magical world she now lived it. Although the previous Sima You Yue could not cultivate, but because of Murong An, she did some homework and knew a thing of two about spirit beasts.

This world has these spirit beasts and they ranked accordingly: Low rank, Saint Rank and Divine Rank.

Low Ranked spirit beasts had a bit of intelligence and could understand some human words and respond to simple commands, however a Divine Ranked spirit beast was very intelligent and completely mastered the human language and converse proficiently.

Spirit Masters could establish a contract with spirit beasts through sharing a spirit link. However because spirit beasts are caught from the wild, if they have not been tamed, their wild and frenzied spirit energy will try to take over the link and this might make the cultivator incur a backlash instead.

Beast Tamers had the ability to temporarily stabilize and curb the innate wild and frenzied spiritual energy of these spirit beasts and calm them down. This would make the spirit beasts docile before establishing any contracts and reduce any risks of backlash. This was the main reason why Beast Tamers were very highly sought after. After establishing a contract with the Spirit Master, the spirit beast will regain back its ferociousness, however due to the contract, they are not able to hurt their contracting Spirit Master.

After strolling around the streets aimlessly for a period, Sima You Yue decided to head back. As she was still thinking about the matters of a Beast tamer, she did not pay attention to her surroundings and carelessly ran into a person head on as she turned into a small alley.

“Who the hell has no eyes?! Asking for death?!” Exclaimed a man who was clutching his head, fuming away. When his eyes laid to rest on Sima You Yue, his lips curled up into a taunting smile: “So it’s our infamous trash! How are you still alive? It seems that my punches were too light that time!”

Sima You Yue was still dazed from the sudden collision but when she looked up after hearing the other person’s words, she narrowed her eyes.

This person was none other than one of the lackeys that had a hand in beating her up that day! Since she had promised revenge for the previous Sima You Yue, now, let’s just start with this person in front!

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