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Ryu is a teenage thief who survived his life by stealing and pickpocketing. However, his life changed when one day he was asusual thieves. 

And this time, when he was in a crowd area, one of the men saw him and started shouting thief!!!!!! And then the boy started running in the harsh weather. The whole crowd was shouting and running before him. Somehow, he entered a narrow road, and all the other people had gone away. When he was taking a calm breath, suddenly a strange sound came. Ryu, are you there? He became frightened and asked who was there and whoever it was. How did she or he know his name? A voice came. The thing you are doing is wrong. 


Ryu: Just shut up, you basterd; you don't know my backstory. 

Strange voice: I have an offer for you: if you come with me, I will feed you and give you shelter. 

By rejecting the offer, Ryu started looking to see if anyone was there or not, and when he saw that there were no people, he came out. But unfortunately, a policeman came from the shop, caught the thief, and arrested him. When Ryu was going inside the jailer van, he told the policeman that one day he would take revenge. Mockingly, the policeman told Ryu,Oh, Ryu, you are like my small brother; you always come to jail with me, and also for now, you can't do anything.Suddenly, from Ryu's stomach, some noise came, and he was hungry. The policeman gave him the piece of bread that he was eating and threw Ryo inside the van. When the van was going and it was on the way, suddenly a roaring sound came, which was very powerful. A big creature, with the fusion of an eagle and a cheetah, landed on the roof of the van and took out the roof with the help of its claws. For defence, all the policemen started firing, and the creature took the boy and flew away. 


Policeman Inspector Good afternoon, sir. Here is some trouble that happened. Yeah, that creature attacked us. We need an extra backup. Yeah, ok, thank you, sir. 

Now come to the present, when Ryu was sitting on the creature. 

Ryu Hey, can you talk? No, I am the only mad and the oversmart. My life is literally the reason I am living in this world now. This creature will eat me, and I guess it will be good. Also, who want to live in this world where you have to do work? It will be good if I can control someone and have them work under me. 

Ryu started crying, and he jumped from the creature, but again, the creature caught Ryu with his legs and threw him in the air. Once again, Ryu landed on the creature. Ryu was constantly thinking about what this creature is thinking. Suddenly, the cold weather came, the creature disappeared, and Ryu started falling. 

Ryu was thinking this was the end here. 

But Ryu was lucky that his legs and hands stuck on the branch of a tree, and his back was only damaged. Fortunately, he knows how to climb trees and go down, so he went down, and he realised that this creature has taken me so far, and now I can't return without any vehicle. He started walking and reached a school named Chronicles, and there he met a very cute girl named Ayane. She explained that it was all his plan, and she wants Ryu to learn Nekromozi and help us, and in return, she will give him food, shelter, and money after listening to the word money. 


Ryu Ok, I accept the offer, but first you have to pay. 

Ayane as your wish, Ryu, and you will always get your favourite food. All you have to do is learn Nekromozi and help us in missions and all. 

Ryu Nekromozi?

Ayane, yes, you heard right, Nekromozi. This is an art to manipulate your shadow, and after learning this, you will wonder how much potential there is in Nekromozi. 

*1. Shadow Form:**

**Description:** Allows the user to transform their body into a shadow, becoming intangible and able to move through solid objects.

- **Limitations:** Can only be maintained for a limited time and requires intense concentration.

**2. Shadow Binding:**

**Description:** Enables the user to bind and restrain enemies using their own shadows. The shadows wrap around the target, immobilisingimmobilisingimmobilising them.

- **Limitations:** The strength of the binding depends on the user's skill level and the amount of light available (stronger in low light).

**3. Shadow Clone:**

**Description:** Creates duplicates of the user made of shadows. These clones can attack and distract enemies.

Limitations: The clones are weaker than the original and dissipate after taking a certain amount of damage.

**4. Shadow Step:**

**Description:** Allows the user to teleport short distances by stepping into one shadow and emerging from another.

- **Limitations:** The distance is limited, and the user must have a clear line of sight to the target shadow.

**5. Shadow Weaponry:**

**Description:** Enables the user to form weapons out of shadows, such as swords, daggers, or shields. These weapons are as strong as steel.

Limitations: Limitations: Limitations: TheyThey requirerequire focus to maintain the form of the weapons, and they dissipate if the user is distracted.

**6. Shadow Shield:**

**Description:** Creates a protective barrier of shadows around the user or an ally, absorbing physical and magical attacks.

Limitations: The shield's strength and duration depend on the user's skill level and concentration.

**7. Shadow Meld:**

**Description:** Allows the user to blend into shadows, becoming nearly invisible and undetectable to most enemies.

Limitations: Movement is restricted while melded, and sudden movements can break the camouflage.

**8. Shadow Beast Summoning:**

**Description:** Summons creatures made of shadows to fight alongside the user. These beasts can vary in size and power.

- **Limitations:** Summoning more powerful beasts requires more energy and concentration.

**9. Shadow Healing:**

**Description:** Uses shadows to heal wounds and restore vitality. The shadows knit together broken flesh and bones.

- **Limitations:** Healing severe injuries takes significant time and energy, and the process can be painful.

**10. Shadow Sight:**

**Description:** It grants the user the ability to see through shadows, allowing them to detect hidden or invisible enemies and objects.

- **Limitations:** The ability is limited to a certain radius and can be disrupted by intense light.

**11. Shadow Possession:**

**Description:** Allows the user to temporarily take control of another person's shadow, influencing their actions.

Limitations: The target must be within a certain range, and stronger-willed individuals can resist the control.

**12. Shadow Warp:**

**Description:** Distorts and warps shadows to create illusions, confusing and disorienting enemies.

- **Limitations:** The illusions are only visual and can be seen through by keen observers or those with enhanced senses.

### Special Techniques (Advanced Users)

**1. Umbra Overdrive:**

- **Description:** A temporary state that greatly enhances all shadow abilities, making the user faster, stronger, and more resilient.

Limitations: Extremely draining, can only be used in dire situations, and leaves the user exhausted afterward.

**2. Eternal Eclipse:**

**Description:** It envelopes a large area in complete darkness, rendering all shadows within the user’s control. Allies gain enhanced shadow abilities within this zone.

Limitations: It consumes a vast amount of energy, and the user must maintain focus to keep the darkness intact.

**3. Shadow Nexus:**

Description: A powerful technique that links all shadows in the vicinity, allowing the user to move, attack, and defend from any point within the network of shadows.

**Limitations:** Requires mastery of Nekromozi and intense concentration, as well as a significant amount of light to cast shadows to connect.

These powers and techniques give a wide range of abilities to explore, offering both offensive and defensive options and adding depth and strategy to the characters' battles and training in the series.


Ryu, these are literally amazing. 

Ayane, your training will start tomorrow. She spells Nekromozi, and a light comes out of her body. She goes inside Ryu and heals his back. She gives Ryu a soft hug. 

Ryu was thinking, Does this girl want to be my girlfriend?, and Ayane asked, Are you feeling better? Is your back painted?  and Ryu realised that his pain was no longer 

The training day

Now this is day 1 in Chronicles, and a teacher came along named Karwizawa, and she was teaching the students shadow manipulation. Ryu was new, so she went to the group shadow mist. There were 4 members in each group in the Ryu group. One of the members is Soro (a very exciting person who is always ready to fight) and Jogo (who always takes every step by thinking very much about it). The third one is Ryu (a teenage thief) and Ayane (a cute girl who already knows about Nekromozi and everyone trusts her because of her beauty).

For controlling your shadows, one thing is very important, which is focus. If your focus breaks, then there are very high chances that your own shadow will control you, so never ever break your focus. Remember, you should use your shadow for fighting and other things; none of the students will do timeless with the shadow. No one will command the shadow to do everything, and you will become lazy. Remember, your shadow is clearly your reflection; its behaviour is the same as yours. So by doing the meditation, you have to connect your mind with your shadow. When this process is complete, you will get to know that you are inside the body of a shadow. Just close your eyes when you are in the shadow, and you will see that you are again in your body. 


After that, everyone started doing meditation. And Ryu was unable to focus, so he shouted at Karawizawa that this was really stupid. How can anyone control any shadow? I will not do it. I am thinking that this is a waste of time. When Ryu was going, a fully black-coloured body came in his way. Its eyes were white in colour, and the shadow was seeing Ryu, and it was looking like a shadow of a lady. 

Ryu, hey, give me a side. I want to go and rest in Rome. 

Shadow, nope, you will not go. 


Ryu Who are you to stop me? 

Shadow You know me very well. Ryu 

Ryu I don't know anyone. 

Shadow karwizawa 

Then the shadow held Ryu, lifted it, and threw him in the meditation room, where he saw Karwizawa doing meditation while standing. After a few seconds, Karwizawa opened her eyes, and as soon as Karwizawa opened her eyes, the shadow behind Ryu disappeared. 

Karwizawa, so what do you want to say? 

Ryu It was amazing, but the problem is that I am unable to focus. Karwizawa again uses Nekromozi, and again, her shadow comes. The shadow kneels upon her legs and says, You want everything I will do for you. 

Karwizawa Take this boy to the valley of love. If you do anything wrong, I will again control you. Be careful. I can see everything you see. 

The shadow command was accepted. 

The shadow converted his back into wings, took Ryu, and flew away. The shadow said, Ryu, whenever you want to talk to me, just tell me, and I will listen. I can see everything and talk about everything with this shadow. 

They finally reached the valley of love. 

Ryu, wow, it's so amazing. 

Shadow of Karwizawa, don't forget you have come here for meditation. 

Ryu Okay, but can you tell me why it's raining here? 

Shadow, the places are completely different. We are inside the shadow realm. 

Ryu, what is it? 

Shadow of Karawiza I will tell you later. Now just focus on your training. 

Ryu If I train in this weather, then I will have a cold or fever. 

Shadow of Karwizawa No matter what, I will give you medicine. This is the best weather for your training. 

Then the shadow of Karwizawa flew away, telling Ryu that I would not take you until you learned shadow manipulation at the basic level of meditation. 

But actually, the shadow has hidden himself and is seeing Ryu by hiding himself. 

Ryu sat on a bunch of leaves and started meditating.

After a few hours, Ryu's shadow successfully appeared, and when Ryu opened his eyes from his human body, the shadow disappeared. He then realised that Karwizawa had said that when you open your eyes, your shadow body will disappear, but for now, Ryu has learned the basics of manipulation. 

Ryu again focused and did meditation, and this time, as usual, his shadow appeared. Ryu was inside the shadow and was jumping and very happy, and this time he was trying to change the shape of the shadow when suddenly a girl appeared, and she used Nekromozi and summoned a beast who was so big that her shadow kicked Ryu and his meditation breaker, and his shadow disappeared. The girl was senter by Kuroshi; she attacked Ryu, who was defending himself by hiding, and all on the other hand, Ayane was seeing everything and was thinking that she should go to help Ryu or not, but she obbeserved that this girl is not using the journal pr master lev Nekromozi; she is attacking with the basic level so Ryu can handle Ryu hid himself in the cave and started doing meditation. 

Ryu is thinking calmly in his mind. Nothing will happen. I can handle everything. I have to focus. On the other hand, the girl and the beast were destroying the valley in search of Ryu. 

You stupid people are searching for me there, and I am here. 

When the girl turned back, it was Ryu Shadow. 

The girl signed the beast and attacked Ryu, and Ryu was good at hand combat. 

Ryu I have trained Kunfu for years because I know that if I am going to be a thief, it will help me. 

And while fighting, Ryu jumped and attacked the human body of the girl and punched her when she fell near a tree again. Ryu was punching her, but she dodged, and he punched the tree.

The girl, not this time, started meditating, and in some seconds, her shadow again appeared, but instead of fighting, Ryu caught the shadow very tightly. 

The girl's shadow Are you an idiot or something? 

Ryu shadow's very good every thing is going according to plan and the tree fall on the girl human body and the shadow dissappear 

The girl was very injured so she ordered the beast to attack the boy . The beast was fighting with Ryu brutally and Ryu's shadow was just going to die at that time some how Ryu's shadow hand changed into a shared dagger and the beast was killed when Ryu come in his human body he search the girl but he did not found her and ayane come that time and praise him for his bravery and they both return to school and Ayane told that to be ready because they have to complete a mission tomorrow. 



This is day two of Ryu Miss Karwizawa presenting the task to the squad Shadow Mist, and their destination was a nearby village. People's shadows are moving on their own; this is the case, and they must examine.

The four of them—Ryo, Soro, Ayane, and Jogo—reached the village, and as they were told, all the people shadowed were not there.

Ryo, it seems that someone is controlling them.

Soro asked a villager how this all started.

One of the villagers answered that last night we were all doing a party on the occasion of Hindi Diwas, and when we all woke up in the morning, our shadows were not there. It seems like someone has taken them.

Ayane, it's very dangerous if anyone kills their shadow or does something with it. They will suffer, as the shadow is always connected to the body.

Ryo No, it's not the last day. You know what happened with me. A strange girl attacked my shadow and was going to kill me almost 

Jogo Actually, do you know the truth? The truth is that you were using Nekromozi at that time, so if your shadow dies, there will be no effect on you; another shadow will, because as soon as your shadow dies, your link will break and your body will link with another shadow that is newly created. 

Ryo, ok, now I understand. 

The team decided to stay with the villagers tonight and protect them. While they were standing outside the village main gate, Soro saw a purple-coloured portal shining in the jungle. After a few hours, a beast attacked the team. 

Ayane, it's time to show the teamwork.

Ayane and Soro used Nekromozi and transformed into shadows. They were not manipulating shadows; they directly became shadows. 

While fighting with Soro and Ayane, the beast became tired secretly. Ryu was on the head of the beast, and the beast did not notice. Jogo shouted to everyone that the main power source was the stone in his chest. Whenever this beast tired, it gave him the power. Ryu used Nekromozi, and Ryu's shadow converted his hand into a dagger. Ryu broke the stone by attacking a shine, and the beast disappeared. 

After that, everyone was tired, and they went inside a house and slept together, but Jogo was feeling something weird, like something was missing.

The next morning, when they all woke up, Ryo noticed that this village was overcrowded. 

Ryu, where are all the villagers? Are they 

Jogo I was thinking last night that something was weird. 

Soro I guess last night there were no villagers. Ah, I can't remember. 

A purple-coloured portal opens from inside Karawizawa. She said that I have already warned you not to go inside the shadow realm. 

Ayane is confused and asks if this is a village. 

Karwizawa said that your shadows are misbehaving and attacking others without any reason. This is the shadow realm. Try to remember that last night you went inside a portal. 

Jogo denied it and said we had only seen it go inside. 

Karwizawa, no, you go inside the shadow realm. 

Ryu Okay, but how can we get out through teleportation or something? 

Karwizawa corrects through teleportation. Try to control your shadows. They all do the meditation, and now that the situation is under control, Karwizawa teaches them how to teleport. They have to first believe that they are air. Think of the place they can teleport. They can't teleport very far, so they have to think of nearby places. After so many efforts, they finally went out of the shadow realm, but Ryu decided in his mind that once he will go with Jogo inside the shadow realm and explore. At that night when everyone were sleeping Ryu secretly enter inside the jogo room and try wake him up because he want to go inside the shadow realm and explore After numerous failed attempts, Ryu finally resorted to desperate measures. He pulled out all the stops, from tickling Jogo's feet to dangling a piece of cake under his nose. But alas, Jogo remained steadfast in his slumber, undisturbed by Ryu's antics.Frustrated but determined, Ryu concocted a devious plan. He enlisted the help of Ayane and Soro, who, with mischievous grins, agreed to lend a hand.As Jogo slept soundly, his room transformed into a battleground of hilarity. Ryu, Ayane, and Soro engaged in a slapstick showdown, attempting to rouse Jogo from his deep sleep.Feathers flew, pillows soared, and laughter echoed through the room as the trio unleashed their comedic chaos. But even the combined efforts of Ryu, Ayane, and Soro failed to stir Jogo from his slumber.Just as Ryu was about to admit defeat, a sudden snore erupted from Jogo's lips, shaking the room with its thunderous volume. It was like a symphony of snores, a cacophony of comedic brilliance that finally woke Jogo from his slumber.Rubbing his eyes groggily, Jogo blinked in confusion at the chaotic scene before him. As he tried to make sense of the madness, Ryu grinned triumphantly, his plan finally coming to fruition.With Jogo finally awake and on board with their shadowy adventure, the quartet embarked on their journey into the shadow realm, ready to face whatever absurdities awaited them. At night when they go inside the portal they become wet and there focus broke when they opened there eyes they were in the jogo house soro and ayane were standing and they ask Ryu and jogo that where were they and why they were using Nekromozi 

Ryu why I will tell to you that we were doing jogo is my friend and I will do whatever I want 

Soro I guess you were doing something wrong that's why you were shouting 

Ayane are you traveling or what why are you so panic ?

Ryu i am not panic you both go and sleep i am doing some urgent work 

After the argument now its 3:30 am 

Soro you guys remembered that mam has told to come today at 7:00

Ryu push soro and locked the door 

Ryu jogo start doing we have very less time one the other hand jogo was sleeping 

Ryu tried to wake up jogi and this time jogo finally woke up again they meditate and use Nekromozi be continue.......

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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