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My Vampire Prince


I'm busy organizing my things for the upcoming entrance exam the next day, I'm already in secondary school this school year. When I first decided to live separately from my parents, I chose to rent a place that was close to the school I would attend. It has enough space for me, the room is indeed luxurious, but I am not the one responsible for my expenses, because I am given my own money for my needs, so it was not a problem for me. I'm the type of child that any parent would hate me, I'm the type of girl who always breaks faces, and always gets into fights, I'm a member of a gang, and I'm the main leader of them, apart from that I am also one of the bullies students in our school, if there are anyI was always waiting for and bugging the students who were cowards and couldn't defend themselves, so when I was in high school I was always called by our principal, they called me the Queen of brat.   I grew up stubborn and reprimanding my parents, apart from breaking faces, I was also drinking, and with my friends, we shared the same passions, like drinking and drinking, and fighting. My parents are also capable but I grew up not with them both, because they are divorced, my daddy has his own family, and my mommy doesn't, and it's just funny to me that the only thing that gives me is a headache I to him. I was sent to prison several times, because of the beatings I had, but eventually I was able to make bail and was released. I was only in prison for about three hours and was released immediately.   I grew up with a stubborn head and heart, and I always gave him trouble and shame because I was always involved in fights, I also joined the training cups of martial arts players, so I was combative and I used it every time I fought I. A lot of people are annoyed with me because I'm a girl, I always have a broken face like when you come home from school, then your face is all bruised, and I also liked cutting class in high school, it's a good thing you went to college, even me the reprimand at our school, so now it's inI'm the right age, the more my parents became a headache, apart from being a spoiled brat, it became a gang to go up to the house. In addition to that, I drink and smoke more and more, but I'm also the type who doesn't have any tattoos on my body, except for my skin on my shoulder area. Sometimes my daddy and I could talk, and he would scold me, but everything he said would only go in my ear and I would laugh annoyingly while sucking a lollipop while smiling in front of him.

"I don't know! What I'm going to do to you, you child!, you're such a burden and you always give me and your mommy a headache!" When are you really going to come to your senses, Gwen!!?." he yelled at me and grabbed his forehead while rubbing the middle part of his eyebrows.

As for me, I'm just sitting squarely and it's like I'm not hearing anything, I'm just constantly rolling my eyeballs and my mouth is secretly moving that I'm secretly imitating him and I'm making fun of him when he's not looking at me, he's talking again.

"You're not a child, so we'll always follow you for what you do gwen, you're a woman but you tend to fight and break faces!" Where did you get your deputy behavior and why are you like that, son!",

"wow!!! say it again!!? son? you called me son!!? now that it's too late, why don't you try to ask yourself!! why did I do this, why did I choose to be like this!, isn't it because of you!!", because you left me when I was a child!!, that's why I grew up like this,, so don't act like you're my father, because since you left us, I told myself that I don't have a father!"

"I saw the shock on his face that seemed to have a hint of remorse, while he bowed down, the only thing I heard from him was asking for forgiveness, but he didn't pay attention to it yet, and I simply wiped my tears and I barely got up and left the office him, at the same time I was thinking about what mommy and I went through when she left us. before I left the building I called my friends and invited them to drink at the bar.

"Hellow!! come on!.. guys bar, let's drink, join me, my treat".

I said while just standing on the side and leaning, it was past 4pm when I called them.

"Where are you from, gwen!? You're a girl, what! Are you in trouble again and you're asking to drink again!" when Angelica asks.

"I'll explain later, what will you come with me?", when I ask,,

"Nako girl! Sorry! I can't go with you, I'm here in the typhoon, I'm taking care of something important". Angelica said,

"I'm the same gwen, I can't go with you either, I'm here at my boyfie's house, so next time", Zyrille said,

"Na! I'll call you guys, then you won't be able to join me and sympathize", oh go ahead bye!!", I said to my friends who were sulking, at the same time I hung up on the other line,

'bwisshiit!!' when I hit it while my lips are frozen in so much annoyance. I was surprised when an old woman suddenly appeared in front of me, and she stared at my face, I frowned while also staring at her face and she said,

"be careful where you walk tonight, and a big deluge is coming tonight during the eclipse, the portal connecting to another world will suddenly open so be careful!",

I just raised my eyebrows at him and looked at him sullenly,

It suddenly disappeared, surprising me. "Who will understand the crazy old man of the village, hey, I already have so many problems, this crazy old man said more", 

I was not moved by what the old man said and I quickly left the building and headed to the parking lot where I parked my motorcycle, and I immediately got on my sniper motorcycle and I drove it quickly at 50 speed it was that time, and I had arrived at afamous restobar and I sat at an empty table on the second floor, and I ordered drinks, there were different types of music that were all discos, there were also many people dancing to the music, meanwhile I just stayed sitting in my seat and My feet are just finealcohol. It's been more than three hours and I can feel the effects of alcohol on my body, so I suddenly fell asleep in my seat because I drank too much alcohol.   I woke up to the voice of the man who was a waiter at the bar and I saw that there was no one and when I looked at my watch it was past 11:00 at night, so even though I was still drunk, I forced myself to get out of the bar, and even though I'm dizzy and nauseous because I'm so drunk,The waiter helped me out, and asked me if I could show off.

"hey ungas!!? what do you think of me! I can't drive a motorcycle! for your info, Im the queen brat, and I can drive even when I'm drunk, step aside!!",

I pushed the waiter in front of me and I just tortured him, I could see the worry on his face that something might happen to me.

"what the hell!!? why is the moon so big and why does it seem like there is a shadow on the side, I just didn't pay attention to it and I just continued driving, it was past 12 midnight in the early morning and I had been hanging out for more than six hours bar and I even fell asleep. While I was driving down the length of the bridge and my motorcycle was running because I felt dizzy and my vision seemed to blur as if I would fall asleep at any moment. but I fought my sleepiness and I continued to drive the motorcycle, I saw the big white moon and it had like a dark moon on the side that suddenly overlapped the moon.

When the moon was over, I suddenly lost my balance while driving

and I fell down on the road which was dark and silent. I was lying on the side of the road and injured, it was hard for me to stand up because of the scars and small wounds I had because of my sudden fall. I suddenly looked at the moon and I was surprised to see that it had become very red and suddenly it was terrifying, I also felt scared because there were no cars passing by, I was surprised that something suddenly appeared in front of me which was a big circle and my viewits strange appearance is like a tunnel to the other world, which you can see inside it is very dark and smoky and there are unusual noises coming from inside it. I frowned as I looked at it, and I forced myself to stand up, walking as I did and clinging to the round portal.

"Am I drunk! oh dead!!? what the hell am I seeing!!, how could this trip like a mirror in front of me?" I asked myself, as I stood and held my wounded arm that was bleeding.



Because of my drunkenness, without a second thought I entered the portal that suddenly appeared in front of me. When I entered I suddenly felt myself falling down into a wide and dense forest, I was even more dizzy because of the speed of events, when I fell I fell into the woods with sharp branches, and I hung there before completely fall to the ground,I winced because of the extreme pain of the wounds I sustained on my whole body. And it's still bleeding, because it's so painful that I'm crying and writhing from the pain in my arms and legs, so much so that I'm about to scream.

I was stunned for a moment and my forehead furrowed when I saw the whole area, which seemed strange and a bit dark as if the light was snatching from the darkness, and it seemed scary that the whole area was still very quiet. Suddenly, I was sober from my drunkenness, and it seemed that all the wine I drank was gone.

And even though I was brave, I felt

I'm still scared. And when I looked around, I swallowed my saliva when I realized that the whole environment was so scary that it seemed to be aged by time,

and accompanied by extreme silence, I was constantly drooling because there were many things playing in my mind at this time.

"That I may have died. And because of what I did when I was alive, my soul is here every day. This is what they call purgatory!."

And I looked at myself for a moment when I saw that I was very dirty and my clothes were torn and I had many wounds. I was just sitting in a place that seemed like a place of nothingness because the whole area was so quiet, but there were many trees that were growing big.

I don't know if I will cry or scream because of the fear I feel at this time. But in spite of the pain I felt in my leg, I thought it best to get up and walk to see if anyone lived in this place, which I had only seen in my whole life.'

While I was slowly walking I saw a light ahead like lights and it was in the lower part, I forced myself to walk fast even though I was struggling, to go and see the lights below, when I got to the place where I saw the lights, grew themy eyes when I saw a big palace in the middle of the Village, and it was surrounded by different types of houses, but why is it like a yellow red color mixed with its colors!?, and why are there mansions in the middle?.

I breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the houses, the fear that I feel at this time was relieved that I could say I was safe. And when I looked up at the sky, my eyes widened when I saw the red sun and moon. I just stayed there in my place with a view of the lower part, and I could see the whole city and I was amazed by the design of the houses that looked like ancient times, the types of houses and the whole area was also very quiet.

"Maybe someone still lives here! Because every house here has lights. I'll go there tomorrow when I'm feeling better."In my many experiences of beatings, I was so badly injured that I could hardly move my body because of the deep wounds I received from my fall, and I hung onto the sharp branches that he caused my wounds, and there was a lot of bloodmy body was dry and I smelled bad.

"Where in the world did I end up? and why is this here! langhiya! also, aahh!! I'm about to stick to my body and I want to take a bath, I'm hungry, where can I find food? I don't even know if it's morning here oh! it's evening!!". I asked myself, which seemed to be going crazy at this point, and spoke to myself.

I took a deep breath while sitting next to a big tree and leaning, because I was so tired and weak, I didn't realize that my sleepiness was slowly pulling me away, and eventually I fell asleep.

On the other hand, the vampire people are restless because of the scent of someone's blood, they feel like they are thirsty and they don't know where to find it, and suddenly the smell of blood is gone.

Only now they smell again. On the other side, a vampire girl had been watching Gwen for a while, and she was following him as if she was reluctant to attack him, despite her thirst. And when he noticed that he was sound asleep, he immediately approached him, and he also noticed that he had many wounds on his body and his clothes were torn, he frowned when he realized that this was a person who had entered their world.


"How did he get in here!?" he is an outsider, and it is certain that when someone else sees him, when his body and blood are feasted on, because those who live here like me are bloodthirsty, and the same is true of the flesh, death will surely come him here in the worldus, well and I was the first to see him but by now they will probably smell his blood, the other vampires here and sooner or later they will find a place to heal the smell of this blood. It's good that I pour the blood of the snake I caught on his body, so it temporarily covers the smell of its blood, it's only temporary but it will also lose its effectiveness, and I still have to catch a snake, so he can use an ointment in your body. And Where can I hide it!, I can't bring him to this city, because he might just get worse. I sat next to him and I held his hand that was stained with blood and I smelled it, I felt thirsty again I licked his wound and I tasted his delicious blood, but I immediately stopped myself, because it's not my job to kill especiallya child like him. I feel a little sorry for this woman because she doesn't know that she is here in the world of vampires who are hungry for the blood of someone like her, and I can see from her body that she is still a virgin.

"She's beautiful, white, smooth skin and her face looks like a fighter," I slowly pulled her hair from her shoulder and saw the white mark on her shoulder.

"Could she be the girl to be offered to the prince!?, when the second red moon comes, and his first hit oh! is intercourse".

"It's better if I hide him first, because he'll be miserable if someone else finds out, after a few minutes I noticed that he was suddenly moaning as if he had a bad dream so I quickly moved away from him, and maybe when I saw he suddenly got scared of me, and ranit's still going to the town, and maybe he will harm it even more," I immediately hid not far from him and I saw that he suddenly woke up and I could see the fear on his face and it seemed to be pale, maybe there was a lot of blood and he lost it , he was almost bathed in his own blood,I feel so sorry for her, because no matter what this woman does, she will never be able to return to where she came from, and she will stay here forever, and it won't take long for them to know and they will also know about this woman, but right now I have to hide him first, that's itto my best

On the other side, gwen suddenly got up from her bed and got up sweaty and pale gasping for breath, she was too weak at that time, she screamed out of nowhere because of a bad dream,


Chapter 03, my vampire slave


I woke up gasping for breath, I woke up from a bad dream, that seemed real,

where I saw men dressed in black long and they had cloaks covering their faces in my dream Ay

I was lying on an oblong cemented table and my hands and feet were tied. In the foreground there is a man sitting on a chair. He was holding a sharp knife and he approached me, but I couldn't see his face because his face was blurry when I looked at it. I was struggling from my bonds when I saw that he was holding a knife, and I was horrified when he looked at me with his red eyes, and there was something scary that I could not understand" I was very afraid at that time of what might happen to mine Worse things are playing in my mind, and little by little I'm getting discouraged, and my whole body is weak, every time a man stares at me as if I can see his eyes, I can't move 'oh' move.

I was just surprised when he suddenly appeared in front of me and he quickly grabbed my wrist, and he was about to apply the sharp knife to my wrist, when I suddenly screamed out loud, And suddenly I got up, from my lying down , and I was touchedin my chest and I catch my breath.

"dream!.." "dream!..". that's all! I thought it was true, it was scary as if it were a real event!. It seems to show what will happen in the future!.   I can't remember the looks of the people in my dream, And the man with the sharpened knife in his hand, he was a prince because of his clothes.

I was suddenly surprised when a female voice suddenly spoke from behind me. when I looked back, my eyes widened slightly,

when I saw his eyes they were the same as the eyes of the man in my dream.

I felt fear because of the way he was staring at me, and he walked towards me,

when I saw him walking towards where I was sitting,

even though I couldn't stand up, I forced myself to prepare for his approach, oh, if something happens, if he happens to do something to me,

I'm standing and I'm holding on to the trunk of the tree to support me and not fall.

I was just surprised that I suddenly faced him so quickly and I didn't see him how quickly he came in front of me. I looked into his eyes and I was amazed because they changed color, they were now colored Brown red, he smiled at me and he spoke to me,

"don't be afraid, I won't hurt you" he softly said to me,

"Si,, who are you"? I asked him in fear.

"I'm Salve, I live here in this place, what's your name?. he asked me.

"what place is this?" do you know?" I asked him,

he shook his head and took a deep breath before speaking again,

"how did you get here"? he asked me.

"I don't know, I just saw an eclipse that night, and a portal suddenly appeared in front of me, and because of my drunkenness I entered the round shape that I saw just appeared in front of me. And here I am !"

He stared at me with a frown, looked me in the eye,

"why"? with your gaze, it seems like you mean something bad, miss" I asked here, my two eyebrows meeting as I stared at your face, which was so white as if there was no blood, but the smoothness and the red of his lips.

"it's dangerous for someone like you to come to our world, a person who is going out!"

I was stunned by what he said and once again I was afraid for myself.

"what are you talking about? and how dangerous is it for me to be here now in your world, oh your place". I asked him in fear that his look showed fear.

he faced the void and looked at the whole town and said,

"You are now here in a world where the people who live here are all hungry for human flesh and blood"!, and when people like me find out about this, oh the higher one who leads us, they can kill you, and drink your blood oh they won't sacrifice you to our; dear prince".

"You must be joking" I told him.

My whole body almost trembled, from what I heard and I was discouraged. I was feeling terrible at that time and I was so worried for myself that I would just cry and pass out on it. I couldn't believe what he was saying and I just thought that he was just joking because I didn't want to admit it to myself and I couldn't accept that in this place I would fold and feel fear. despite my courage and stubbornness, because I grew up like that the state of life I chose oh path. He didn't say a word and he insisted on me

staring into my eyes and as if he knew the fear that was beginning to creep through my entire being.

"So what I dreamed about earlier is real?" I asked him again,

he frowned as he stared at me, and spoke,

"what did you dream about"?

he also asked me seriously.

"that I dreamed that I was lying on a cement table with my hands and feet tied, then there were people around me dressed in black, and I saw a man who looked like a prince, based on what he was wearing!, and there He was holding a knife that he was going to use on me. but I immediately woke up when he was about to start stabbing me.

" then, you are the offering for our prince! in the coming first red sun for him"!.

"me?. but why me?. and what can I offer to your beloved prince?.

"except for your blood and your honor too."

when I heard that, my mouth howled even more and my eyes rolled. for a moment I couldn't speak because of my shock, and I just swallowed saliva, and suddenly I hugged my body, and I said that.

"What kind of luck are you prince!, he's going to consume my blood. What about my femininity.

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