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Peculia And The 6th Son

Chapter 1: Marriage proposal

Peculia Joe is the second child of Mr. Henry Joe who is one of the richest man in Country A, with multiple IT companies in the world. After she graduated, she studied in an IT university for 3 years before she could work in one of her father's companies. This has now been 2 years since she started work and she is very pleased with it.

She has a boyfriend since High School which she is madly in love with, everyone in her family knows about him and she wishes to spend the rest of her life with him. Because her boyfriend is coming from a very poor background, Peculia asked her dad to do her a favour which was to grant his boyfriend the post of director of the company she will be working at, because she didn't want to be away from him, and he did.

Peculia has an elder brother called Alex who owns multiple enterprises. Alex has always been seen as a very strict and scary person that people usually referred to him as Ice cold, and she couldn't lie that he wasn't as cold as they say. She also has a younger sister called Klara who is at her last year in High school, she saw Klara as her only family member who always bring joy in her life because she was just as funny and entertaining as that. There has always been a good relationship between all of them even though her siblings didn't like Stephen her boyfriend. She has a bestfriend called Mandy who is also working in the same enterprise as her, they have been friends since High school and their parents have a good relationship with each other.

Today, Stephen invited Peculia to have dinner in their favorite restaurant. It was already 7pm as she arrived in their estate to get ready, she immediately went into her room, undressed, entered the bathroom and soaked into the bath tube. After she was done, she went in front of the mirror and dried her long brown hairs before combing them neatly behind, wore a long sky blue simple gown, boats and a jacket on top because of the cold outside at night. Peculia had the most delicate feature and curves a woman could ever have, a pale white body, fierce brown eyes which always made others fear her because of how sharp they were. She also had a straight nose and freckles which are mostly on her nose but some people didn't know about that because she usually covers them with makeup, full pink lips and a well-defined jawline. She was just way too gorgeous. When she left her room she saw her elder brother Alex who was actually coming to her room.

"Are you going somewhere?" He asked her curiously because of how she was dressed.

"Yes, I have to meet Stephen tonight" she replied and he sighed, smirked and left, she knew he didn't like her relationship with Stephen but he is the man she choosed and so all of their opinions didn't matter to her. Her personal driver led her to the place which was always so mesmerizing to her, despite being the nth time she came here. It was a 3 floor building and was near a lake, which created the perfect vibe and she was slightly surprise to see Stephen at the balcony on the 3rd floor waving at her. She loved the view from up there and she was so happy he reserved seats there this time. When she arrived where he was, she hugged him tightly before taking a seat next to him with a smile which was as bright as the sun.

"Do you like it?" was the first words he said

"I love it!" She replied almost instantly and he laughed. She loved the view but him more, he had brown messy hairs as though he just woke up which was cute she thought. Did he rush here without getting properly ready just because he wanted to see her as much as her ? Peculia's heart couldn't stay still as she drown in his beautiful hazel eyes.

"I'm happy it pleases you" he said as he looked at her contemplating the view, with the cold air brushing on her face, she closed her eyes and just enjoy everything around her the positive energy, his presence and scent.

"Peculia ..." He called her name making her open her eyes, when she did she was shocked by what she was seeing, Stephen stood from his seat with a little box in hand and kneeled in front of her, she was on the verge of crying everything was blank in her mind right now, she was internally asking herself just one question which was

"What will come next?" will he asked her to marry him ? He opened the box and she saw a magnificent diamond ring in it, this time around tears were already flowing down her cheeks. Then he looked up at her and said

"Would you marry me?" he finally did ask the awaited key words. She was so happy that it took her sometime for her mouth to make a sound and she said

"Yes !". Stephen put the ring in her finger and hugged her tightly before giving her a quick kiss on the lips, they were two other tables there which were occupied by people, they were watching the scene, and clapped after peculia said yes to cheer the new soon-to-be-marrying couple on.

"I love you" she whispered. After they were done with dinner, Stephen decided to accompany Peculia home with his car. When they entered in the car, Peculia tried to kiss Stephen on the lips but he stopped her.

"We shouldn't do this before the wedding" he softly told her, spoiling the mood

"why not?" she asked kissing his neck as she caressed his jaw. He stopped her by removing her hand which was on his jaw.

"We did it just once" she told him annoyed, putting her lips.

"It's a sin to have sex before marriage Lia". He told her so seriously which made Peculia let go.

"Okay" she said smiling. This has now been 8 years since she and Stephen were together. The only time they were intimate was during the graduation say because they were drunk, apart from that he never tried to touch her or disrespect her in any way and the fact that he didn't want them to have sex before marriage made her think that she was making a good choice by accepting to marry him. She was not going to tell her family members about her wedding because none of them liked Stephen anyways and she wonders why. After they arrived at the Joe's mansion, Peculia gave a quick kiss to Stephen on the jaw and left, she was so happy right now and her smile was reaching her eyes.

She removed her ring and put it in one of the pockets of her jacket and went straight into her room. When she arrived, she jumped on her bed and was smiling hard, twirling left and right on it like a little child when someone suddenly opened the door, it was Klara her younger sister.

"What makes you so happy?" Klara asked curious because of how happy her sister was right now.

"Am I happy?" Peculia asked back faking to be surprised

" Yes you are ! what happened ? don't hide anything from me " Klara said demanding an answer with her eyes.

"Am not hiding anything, it's just that Mandy has a new boyfriend who is super cool and i am happy for her" she lied, she didn't know why she said this but anyways she said it already.

"What a lie, I was with Mandy today and she said nothing about having a new boyfriend, you are lying !" Klara said and left the room annoyed because her sister was hiding something, leaving Peculia lying on her bed smiling like a fool


  After she woke up, she got ready and immediately went to work. In the company, she was working as a graphic designer with the graphic team and no body there knew that she was the director's girlfriend because their relationship stayed professional at work. Her friend Mandy was also a graphic designer and their offices were beside each other. Peculia arrived early that morning just some few employees were present. When she arrived, the few workers present bowed at her of course she was the daughter of the owner of the enterprise. She didn't really like that but whatever, after sometimes Mandy arrived and went to meet Peculia who was working on something through her computer.

"Hey" Mandy said for Peculia to notice her

"Good morning" Peculia greeted with a sunshine smile Last night Klara called Mandy to inform her of Peculia being awkwardly super excited so Klara asked Mandy to discover why she was like that because Mandy was the closest person beside Stephen to Peculia.

"Why are you smiling like a fool about?" she faked a laugh

"it is so awkward, what's going on? Do you have something to tell me…?" she asked curiously, with a faint smile, raising one of her eye brow's. Mandy was such a good actress that no one never knew when she was lying or not.

"Actually, yes" Peculia said almost like a whisper looking around her super happy to see if many people were around

"But not now, during our free time. It will be better" she said.

"Why not now?" Mandy said, suspecting something.

"There are people around, I don't want someone else to hear and the news to circulate"

"Okay" Mandy said stressing it. Mandy was tall, had short red hairs, green eyes, a black mole under her lips which were thin and pink, a well-defined facial feature and shape. Mandy was the only child of one of the richest man in England who also had royal blood, Arthur king who and so the only heiress, her parents forced her to get married when she turned adult age because she was a girl, so that her husband or child if it's a son can be the heir and inherit her father's wealth and properties but she refused, why would she have to marry or have a son to be the heir of her father when she was here ? She had asked her parents multiple times and they only said that she was a woman, if they had, had a son it could have been easier but they where unlucky and had a daughter instead. Mandy's father gave her two more years of liberty to find herself a husband or bear a son if not she shall be engaged by force to whoever he will decide. This is her last year and she didn't know what to do because she couldn't possibly pick a man at random on the road to get pregnant, she just decided to let what will happen, happen. This was fool, making engaging her to a random man so that he can be his heir ? this tradition shit was seriously fucked up.

The graphic team was working on a project they had to sell to another company which was one of the richest companies in the world. They were working on a game and so they were many sections like the designer team who design the aesthetic and structure of the game. The game developing team, there they turn game design into a playable game through coding and in-engine asset creation. The graphic team those who are in charge of graphism and those who create the characters and finally the programming team who writes the game code that makes the video game functions. This has now been four months since they have been working on this game. The meeting with infinity INC company was in three days, there was tension in the company they had to finish this as fast as possible. After some hours the graphic team was done perfecting some characters so they took a break of 30 minutes. Mandy and Peculia along with some other members went down to take coffee.

"Since we started this game you would leave the company late at night because you worked more, I hope that after the meeting you shall take a rest", Anthony, one of the members said to Peculia.

"Ya, it's just that I need to cross check and correct the errors done by the younger members as I'm the team leader so …" she sight, she didn't understand why she was the team leader when there were other members more competent than her like Anthony. Mandy and Peculia went to seat at a table far from the others to be able to discourse privately at the cafeteria.

"Am listening" Mandy said taking a sip of her coffee. Peculia took in two deep breaths making Mandy think that what she was about to say was huge.

"I will someone's wife" Peculia said waiting for Mandy's reaction.             

Chapter 2: Beverly's Party

" I hope it's not Stephen?... Jesus just tell it's not him" Mandy refused to believe that she will be getting married, and the worst it's with that jerk of all people. What the hell was going on?

"It's him" she said quietly, she didn't understand why none of her relatives appreciated Stephen meanwhile he is such a nice guy.

"Why don't you like him? I mean he has never acted mean with any of us" she questioned Mandy, she was her friend she had to support her and not the contrary.

"Are you blind that much not to see that he is using you? All he wants is your money that's all, he doesn't love you Lia". Mandy tried to reason out but peculia was blind in love so it was useless

"I am tired of all of you. Stop judging him when you don't even know him!" She yelled making people in the cafeteria turn around

"He is going to be my husband whether you like it or not" She said annoyed and this time in a low tune

"I am sorry" Mandy told her friend who was red because of her blood boiling out of anger. Mandy was about to say something else but was interupted by beverly, a girl from their team

"Hi girls" She greeted looking at Mandy and ignoring peculia

"Today is my 25th birthday and I expect both of you to be at my mansion because I'll be throwing a party tonight". She said and then finally looked at Peculia giving her a dirty smile before leaving

"Are we going?" Peculia asked Mandy unsure because she knew that this beverly girl did not like her a little bit. Everyone in the team will listen to her except her, she will always do how she likes

"Why not? Do you have other plans tonight?"

"No I don't"

"Then we should go. And you should ask Stephen to tag along so I can...learn how to know him...more" Mandy suggested with no expression on her face. Peculia beamed with joy happy that her friend wanted to try to know her boyfriend personally.

She seriously didn't want her friend and boyfriend to be on bad terms. Plus she will be marrying him soon.

"I will have to ask him to come as the director of the company and not my boyfriend. And I guess we won't spend that much time together..." Peculia giggled a little sad that Stephen didn't want their relationship to be made public. But she understood him, he didn't want people to think that it is because they were going out that he got the post of director even though it was the truth.

"Okay if he won't mind" Mandy said

"He won't, we barely spend time together this days, so I am sure he will be as excited as me" Peculia said with a smile

"I am sure he won't come" Mandy said finishing her drink

"He will!" She argued

"Okay, okay let's finish work and get ready to go" Mandy said


Peculia and Mandy booked a hotel to get ready for the night. Peculia wore a short long sleeve green dress, the back was nude and the front had spider laces starting from the neck to her collarbone. She wore matching green heels, soft makeup and some jewelries which all made her look way too mesmerizing. While Mandy wore a short black silky dress with red lace at the side, bold makeup and red heels. She too looked as mesmerizing as her friend.

They went out of their place with their hand bags and before entering the black Lamborghini which was waiting for them, Peculia remembered that she had to text Stephen.


'Baby, I am heading to a party with Mandy, do you want me to send you the address so you can join us?'

She wrote excitedly with a huge innocent smile on her face.


'No, I am having an important meeting tonight, some other time'

He wrote almost instantly, and her smile dropped. She didn't know that he had a meeting tonight, her secretary told her that he was free tonight.

Mandy came behind her and read the message. When she did she laughed while Peculia's expression saddened even more



"I don't want to say that I told you but I did" Mandy said entering the Lamborghini. Peculia queitly joined sitting beside her

"Please try you best not to annoy me more than I am, throughout this party"

"I'll try...or maybe not. How can I not? When I know that you will be someone's wife and we will not have time to spend together anymore" Mandy complained making Peculia smile faintly

"Do you really want that life? I mean don't it scare you to have kids, take care of them and your husband. You know even if he is like kind with you now he can change after he marry you. And I don't really trust him-

"Don't worry about me it is what I..want" Peculia said and forced a smile "And I will always have time to spare you because you are my favorite person in the world" with that Mandy hugged her tightly

"I love you" Mandy spoke

"I love you too"

"I am sure that he tells you that he loves you all the fucking time that is why you are so blind in love with him right" Mandy said nonchalantly and kinda jealous

"Did he ever tell you that he loved you?" She now asked after peculia didn't react to her comment.

Peculia realized that Stephen has never ones said that he loved her orally, he has only being writing that on the letters he will leave in her locker in highschool. Even the day he proposed to her, he didn't say that like they do in those romance films. She didn't know what to feel right now, she just made her best not to show her disappointment and shove it away

"Yes" Peculia said with a smile, it was obvious that she was lying but Mandy didn't want to investigate and make her spit the truth so she just said.

"Okay" Sad for her friend who wanted to give herself to a man who doesn't merit her.


When they arrived at beverly's mansion, they were queit surprised to see saw many cars parked here and there. This was one of the biggest parties they ever saw someone throw for a birthday.

Anyways beverly was rich rich, there was a large swimming pool, a large garden having trees and flowers and lights all around the house, from outside, the mansion looked like a castle and was really old but still beautiful. The interior was just as magnificent as the exterior, having a high ceiling, paints decorating the walls, chandeliers, luxurious fabrics here and there. Of course she was coming from a royal family which are really rare and mostly exist in country x. Here in country A they were only two royal families the Johnson's, Beverly's family and the young's Mandy's family.

There was a ball in the main room but Mandy and Peculia were sitter at the bar sipping some drinks as they were counting the number of celebrities who entered the place.

"Oh! That's Cha Eungo my favorite Korean actor, he is also an idol" Mandy said surprised by his presence here.

"That's Bella hidad, my favorite model" Peculia said also surprised to see all of them.

"That's what happens when a royalty throws a party" Mandy said completely drunk. The girls kept talking about the celebrities forgetting that they were also celebrities, which was the only reason why beverly invited them.

"Do you know where the toilets are?" Peculia asked Mandy.

"I don't know just look for them girl, I need to look for myself a man" Mandy replied too drunk to stand and search for toilets, but not for men.

So Peculia entered the elevator and decided to go to the last floor which was the 4th. When she stepped out of it she cat walked like a woman coming out straight from the modeling industry despite the fact that she was shorter than most of them. Only 5ft4

She was surprised to hear moans coming out of some rooms here. The 4th floor was build like a hotel, they were chambers lining the corridors. She decided to go back down after walking and only hearing moans. Surprise that none of them seem sound proof.

She stopped in front of one particular room where she could hear Stephen's voice or was she hallucinating because she missed him so much. She had to check whether it was really Stephen or not or she won't be at ease.

She went closer to the door and saw that it wasn't completely closed so she looked inside and was shocked to see beverly lying on Stephen's chest, they were both naked and covered by a blanket

"Fuck" Peculia cursed under her breath. Stephen was stroking beverly's hair and looked so affectionate with her, that it made Peculia sober up immediately.

"So tell me why did you propose to that bitch?" She heard beverly ask him.

"Thanks to her, her father made me the director of one of the biggest companies in country A and you know-

"I know that already!" She yelled cutting him off

"I want more, being the director of that company doesn't give me the money I want as her dad is still having the biggest shares. So maybe if I marry her I will be able to have access to her properties which I will sell and I will now be able to give you the luxurious life you merit" he told her

"And what about her?" She asked him, noticing me and looking my way with the most devilish smirk she has ever plastered

"I don't care about her, you r father said that the only way for me to marry you is to be wealthy enough to be able to take care of you, so she will just help me turn into a wealthy man" he said and laughed. Then he leaned down and kissed her

Peculia's heart dropped

Chapter 3- Beverly's party (part 2)

Peculia couldn't believe both her eyes and ears, her heart was shattering and eyes watering. She remembered all what her close ones used to say about him only using her, but she was indeed so blind not to see that they were right and he didn't loved her the way she thought. How could she be so dumb?

She left that door and walked around the corridors like a lifeless person, she was broken. The only thing in her mind at that moment was Stephen, she thought about all those years she spend with him. 8 years, she has wasted 8 years of her life, thinking that he was the one for him. She would have never suspected him cheating on her and off all people it had to be with beverly. Maybe that is why she invited her to this party, so that she could see who Stephen actually belonged to.

She entered a red lighted chamber and went to it's corridor. This was so embarrassing she thought, she was so angry that she could kill someone at that moment, now she understood everything why that beverly girl didn't like her and why Stephen never spend that much time with her, maybe he has told her orally that he loved her.


She cursed, she was sober now but needed to drink out her sorrow before she does something she would regret.

She went back to the room who had a sofa, table, a mirror on the wall near the bathroom, a kind sized bad and luckily a mini bar. She went to it and took out a bottle of vodka which she poured in a glass before drinking it in one go. She took the bottle and went to the sit on the sofa, drinking the alcohol through its bottle.

After about an hour, she looked in front of her and could see her reflection in the mirror, she was lying on that sofa, holding the bottle of vodka which she already drank more than half of it, she looked tired, tired of lamenting herself, tired of asking what was wrong with her, she broke down.

She cried her heart out, she didn't care that her makeup will probably fall and she will look like a mess. She just wanted the weight on her chest to dissipate, she wanted to erase every memory of Stephen from the first to the last, she knew that the reason why she has been sticking this much on Stephen is because he has always been so kind to her compare to all the men in her life.

In school she wasn't that popular, in fact she was a total nerd and got bullied allot despite coming from a wealthy family. Her father was never really present in her life. She didn't really have a dad figure and her brother lived with her mom in country x. So when Stephen came to her she openly let him in, he made her happy, he didn't bully her like the other kids will do, she will think that, that is how a man should treat a woman, that is the kind of man she wants for kids. Even though she didn't really know what kind of man was good because she didn't spend the time with many.

She was drifted out of her thoughts when she saw the reflection of a man sitting on the couch next to her, and she was crystal sure that he wasn't there when she came in and when she sat here. She continue looking at the mirror and saw that he had the brightest blue eyes she had ever seen and was sipping alcohol in a glass, she got startled noticing that he was also staring at her from the mirror.

She turned around thinking that is was maybe her imagination playing tricks to her, to her relief she saw no one. So it was indeed her imagination or not! This can't be she saw him, she saw someone. She stood up and almost stumbled because of her drunk state.


She exclaimed because a dark shadow passed in front of her eyes so fast that she was barely able to see. She unintentionally dropped the bottle of vodka on the floor because of the cold breeze traveling her spine. The sound of glass breaking scared her even more in this red lighted room, why was the light red anyways!

She bent down and tried to pick the glass, all the sadness that she felt a minute ago was replaced by fear, was a witch hiding in this mansion?. This was strange. One of the glass pieces pierced into her finger

"Great" she mumbled

She stood up and removed it with her trembling hand but blood was already all over her hand and palm. She remembered that she saw a bathroom, as she was heading to it, it closed itself. Alone. What is happening

"Are they fucking ghosts in this room!?" She yelled as she made her way to the room's door, she lost her balance and was about to fall when she felt a strong hand around her waist and a strong chest pressed on her back. She wanted to turn around and see who it was when she felt the hand on her waist slowly caressing her down her thighs.

"Hi, lady" She heard a deep cello-like voice whisper in her ears "Didn't they tell you that this floor was reserved to fuck" He asked her as his hands went in her dress lifting it up to her waist. Then his hand slipped in her black lacy underwear.

She let out a soft moan, what was happening to her she couldn't move her body anymore, it was as if it wasn't hers anymore. Oh my God, this was bad she was getting touched by a ghost. And were was it written that this area was to fuck huh?.

"Please... I just-

Her breathing was heavy, she won't say that she never touched herself, she did sometimes but having someone else touch you is indeed different, his hands were doing marvelous things to her body right now and her brains was barely understand what was happening. No one has ever touched her before, actually he is the first person who has ever touched her like this. But she shouldn't stay here and enjoy it this person seemed dangerous, he was probably a ghost or a kind of wizard.

"You just what?" He whispered, then removing his hand from her underwear and placing it under her chin to make her look up at him.

She gasped after looking at him because of how godly handsome he looked. Was he human? was the first question which crossed his mind. His skin was pale, grey eyes. What but they were blue? She wondered how they did to change colors, or maybe she didn't see well. He had a well defined jawline, it looked so sharp that she was sure that it could cut wood, a long straight nose, pink thin lips. He was like 6ft1 and queit muscular. He just looked ridiculously beautiful. Stephen was nothing compared to him, where the hell was he coming from? Who was he ? If he was a celebrity she would have certainly known.

"Who are you?" The words left her mouth. She realized that she could now move and pushed him with her hands but he didn't even move an inche. He took her bleeding hand in his and licked it and this action made her knees weak.

She was too stunned to speak, what the hell was he doing? Was he normal?

"Why are you here?" He suddenly asked looking straight into her eyes

"B-because my colleague invited me. You, why are you here? And who are you? I've never seen you before?"

"I've never seen you before either"  He said smiling. Oh my God, his smile made him 10 times more beautiful than he was, she was literally melting. But why was he smiling for, he gave her too much weird vibes, one minute he scares her, the next he sexually assault her and now he is smiling at her?.

Suddenly he bend down and started kissing her neck while his hand travelled down to her butt and squeezed it . She pushed him away and tried to get passed but he was quick to catch her and pinn her to the wall.

"You are going nowhere until I am done with you" he told her sniffing her neck, this ghost was a total pervert

"Sorry but I am not fuckable" She annoyed. She didn't know what that mean or if it had a meaning, she just said the first thing which she thought of.

She heard him laugh and she couldn't help but blush slightly. He was even more handsome when he laughed and his laughter sounded like the most beautiful melody she heard. Get yourself together Peculia, you can't leave a cheat for pervert

"Then let's see that, let's see if you are not... fuckable"

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