NovelToon NovelToon

[BL]Gaming Rooms

chapter 1


Lying on the hospital bed, Yan Xiuying has difficulty in breathing doctors and nurses are busy in the room trying to save him, while some people stood on the sideline crying sadly, but Yan Xiuying see through their act, what crying sadly, those are clearly tears of joy

Yan Xiuying's heart is full of resentment, no he doesn't want to die, he doesn't want to die just like this, he wanted revenge, revenge for what they've done to him.

Xiuying was unwilling his beautiful face frowned in pain, making him look pitiful arousing the desire of people to protect, ever since a child Xiuying has never faced this kind of grievance, his dad is a successful chinese business man while his mother is a foreigner and a model. It can be said that he is a mix raced person

Judging by this fact of course Yan Xiuying's genetics is delicately beautiful mixed western and asian look, his appearance lean more to his mother's flower like fragile beauty, elegant, delicate, and beautiful unlike his father's domineering handsome look. Because of this he is always mistaken as a girl.

Because of prematured birth Yan Xiuying is sickly that's why he's well loved and pampered by his parents they always accompanied him to do charity to every orphanage that he became naive, soft tempered person. One day his parents suffered a horrible car accident causing both lives.

Yan Xiuying is left alone with this large property and wealth, his relatives started to show interest in adopting him some had ulterior motives of killing him so that the wealth will be snatched away. They acted kind and soft to Xiuying.

Xiuying who was naive and unsuspecting fell to their trap, this time the same car accident happened to himself, making him realized that his parents death aren't accident at all but a scheme and this is happening to himslef now, he is scared and angry but he's helpless he couldn't do anything but after the accident he miraculously survived.

This aroused Xiuying's will to live and take revenge on those who wronged him and his parents but then, just a few days of resting in the hospital someone gave him a dose of poison, this made the current him now.

Yan Xiuying grabbed the doctor who is doing cpr, it is said he is doing cpr but he's not he is only worsening the poison by pressing on his chest, the doctor's eyes is full of evil, Xiuying stared intently at the doctor while trying to breathe, he doesn't want to die, this word popped up in the doctor's mind with no sympathy he pressed his chest more forcefully.

Xiuying felt his surrounding starting to slowly turn dark, no, he doesn't want to die yet, he wants revenge, revenge... vengeance. He struggled and struggled suddenly a system prompt rang to his soul.

\[Ding- detected suitable soul...


binding... ding- binding the soul is done!\]

Probably because of his strong resentment or his strong will to live this system was attracted to him

Xiuying opened his eyes the white ceiling came to his sight, a frown made it's way to his beautiful face, he sat from the bed, he supported his head as he felt like his head is going to be torn apart, he let out a pained cry, and lied down back again and curled up, looking very pitiful.

The pain subsided, Yan Xiuying finally had the time to look around his surrounding, instead of the hospital he was in just now, right at the moment he's in a simple white room with only a bed, small circular table, and a 2 metres long couch.

\[Hi welcome to the white room!, I'm Sheryl your accompanying system!!\]

Suddenly a shrill voice shrouded his brain, making him feel a slight headache : "can you lower your voice down"

It was expecting the confused, fearful and shocked face of the host but unexpectedly she got this sentence instead, the system became dazed : \[ oh...\] qaq why did it got scolded!

Yan Xiuying was thinking how to deal with this mysterious system, He was not shocked nor surprised Yan Xiuying likes to read novels especially with the system, transmigration themes so he's not so unfamiliar, which lowered down his surprise.

All Yan Xiuying could think of right now is how to go back to his world, this system should be of help right, he glanced at the floating circular object which he deemed to be the system that talks in his mind meaningfully.

\[Uhh, well won't you ask any questions?\] This time the voice is very timid with a slight tremble, not very confident

Yan Xiuying blinked and instantly his eyes become that of simple and innocent : " can i go back? "

Seeing his innocent look the system became magnanimous for the first time in his career thinking that this host is just a child right he's just a child it can be it's acting parents for a while, look at his innocent eyes looks pretty, with a proud voice the system promised him : \[Yes you can go back way before the car accident of your parents, but you have to pay, wait let me check how much\]

The system paused somehow and went to check, hearing that he could go back time and save his parents Yan Xiuying eyes brightened, his gaze at the system became kind, he suddenly returned go his usual self before his parents became cheerful cheerful and simple minded, well he was simple minded in the first place, he's just cautious. No one can change his personality in a few days after all.

Well as long as i can go back it's fine, Yan Xiuying comforted himself when the system mentioned that there is a price to pay.

After a few dozen of seconds the system came back : \[so you have to pay about 100 million survival points\]

Yan Xiuying : "...." how about you take my body instead

"You are unreasonable!, where can i get that amount of survival points, anyways what is survival points" Yan Xiuying shouted in grievance that tears formed in his eyes, didn't expect this sytem to be a materialistic thing,

System (aggrieved) : !!? \[it wasn't me okay! It's the management system who put the price, i just checked it out!\] How come this host suddenly has tears in his eyes! So squeamish! I didn't even do anything! QAQ It's wronged.

What's this, who will coax whom, if both of us became aggrieved who will coax us, Yan Xiuying who was used to being coaxed by people close to him became dazed, even after his parents died those fake relatives still went to coax him when he's aggrieved even though it's fake he was still coaxed.

Yan Xiuying wiped his tears with the back of his hand and went down from the bed, it's bad this system is unreliable he can only coax himself now.

The system became quiet for a while and Yan Xiuying also didn't speak, they came into a stalemate, looking at the lonely lonely figure of the boy on the couch, the system finally admitted defeat

\[Ahem, well I'll introduce you to some things, this is the world of terror, we select people to come to this world to play the game, just like you and me, system choose their host and will be brought here in this world, by collecting enough survival points they can choose to go back to the real world or stay here. The host selection doesn't have to be only in the earth there also other planets and stars, but i chose earth\] because people there are cute.

the system hugged it's non-existent big belly and giggled it's self, but doesn't dare say it outloud in case the host became angry

\[Survival points is the currency in this world, you can earn survival points by entering those game rooms and completing tasks, the survival points you'll get will depend on your performance in the game room.\]

\[ the game rooms are divided into categories which are the novice room, normal room, dangerous room and the lastly the legendary hell room. Novice rooms are more like stand alone games you are the only player in that world for the players here in the terror world this novice room is the easiest it's like a brain teaser, it test your inquisition skills and your ways in solving problems, then here comes the normal room is still within the logic and common sense of human beings so that's why it's called "normal" this time there are more or less 5 to 10 players in this room, but i don't know what normal in your human sense are but i guess those should be normal\]

Yan Xiuying: "what kind of normal" i have a bad premonition but it wouldn't be bad to ask just in case

System (scratched its head) : \[uh like, getting trapped in a house and then suspect and kill each other? Or like encountering ghost and making a deal with it? Or- \]

Yan Xiuying: "stop! I don't know what's wrong with you systems, but all i can say is that, those are definitely not normal! Those who believe it's normal should have to go over my dead body! F\* you're all insane!!"

System : \[....\] QAQ it was blamed again woo

\[ well okay, next is the dangerous room, this room is actually just a survival room doesn't have any specific rules and regulations you just have to survive and it is because of this that it is dangerous you won't know the cruelty of humans, as for the last one i don't have much information about it, but it is said that it is very brain consuming and deadly that's probably why it's called "Hell room" it is a multiplayer room, i heard someone has tried and passed the dangerous room he was the only person who came out alive while the others are dead. But no one has gone to the hell room\]

Yan Xiuying: "then that person must have accumulated millions or billions of survival points, so that person has gotten out of this world right?" It must be, who doesn't want to go home, Yan Xiuying thought in his little head

\[Nope he's still in this world i wonder why he doesn't want to go back to his world, oh by the way if you choose to go back to your real world you can choose to come back anytime, by the way you're appearance here stays constant with the appearance when you first transported here so you might see people outside with hundreds years old but still looks young, if you go back to your world your appearance stays the same and doesn't age, but don't worry this can be fixed!, so that the people will not be deemed strange weird or monster you can take the elixir! It's only 100 thousand of survival points buy one get one free!!\]

This thing suddenly talk sales with me and more importantly the price is very unreasonable this management system is very materialistic, but Yan Xiuying doesn't really care about his appearance : " say, system is there a phone here? Anything that i can look for information with"

System (confused) : \[ah? Uhh there is you can look at your wrist everyone is given a intellectual watch press the black screen and the watch will display the screen in the air, there is only one application there which is the forum of the players, but firstly before you can open the intellectual watch you have to register first\]

the system paused for a while thinking that there seems to be something wrong, suddenly as if a light buld lighten up in its head, it looked furiously at Yan Xiuying and started floating around Yan Xiuying's Head wildly seemingly very angry

System (angry) : \[why do you need those! I'm obviously more intelligent than that Intellectual watch!!...\]

Yan Xiuying didn't mind the system and let it flew around, he look at the intellectual watch on his wrist, this thing must be more reliable than this system. He did as the system said and touch the black screen a blue interface appeared in the air asking him to register, so he pressed yes and he looked at things he need to fill up to register

Bunch of ancient chinese words appeared in front of Yan Xiuying, QAQ what's this why dont I understand! He weakly turned to look at the system : "Sheryl can you change the language setting to english instead, i don't know ancient chinese, and know little about simplified chinese to be on the safe side just change it to english"

System : \[what do you mean, your name is clearly chinese how come-\]

Yan Xiuying who slept through the chinese language class in the states became red in shame, he threw a pillow to the system which it avoided in time : "I lived in the states since i was a baby okay! My dad always goes to do business and only comes home to rest and play with me and teach me simplified chinese from time to time, doesn't have time to teach seriously because of work okay!!" Leaving the school information aside, After saying the long words with out breathing Yan Xiuying lied down the sofa and fuddled through the register fill outs. Not minding the system floating in the air dumb founded.

Silently looking at the word 'current net worth (survival points)' do i have to fill this up i can't bear to put zero in it, he made up his mind and put one in it,

System : ?!! \[You obviously don't have any survival points why did you put one\]

Yan Xiuying said with a serious face : " to save face"

System : \[....\] who needs face in this world of terror where people put away their face and ran for fear of death!

If Yan Xiuying heard what it said he would seriously say me.

The register interface change to the forum, Yan Xiuying looked through the popular topic : "huh? What's this why all of the people here chinese? Wei Qi? Does it translate to Very lucky? Say system should i add this guy as friend, maybe i can rub off some luck, oh what's..." as Yan Xiuying babbled off, the system huddled and stayed at the corner appeasing itself

System : this host is good not so stupid he is reliable QAQ why do it have such stupid host.

After a while of looking through the forum Yan Xiuying finally found some thing useful.

"The novice guide"

\[삶이란 : lol why do they post and make this thing, don't everyone have their own accompanying system\]

\[Gongzhu : hey the upstairs with the weird name, don't shake off the fact that not all system are reliable, the first time i came here, i learned more things in this forum topic than that system, it's so unreliable it even talk sales at me, because of it i lost quite a huge sum of survival points!\]

\[삶이란 : how come there's such unlucky person as you, how did you survive through the game rooms\]

\[Andersen : upstairs \+1\]

\[toy my d : \+2\]

\[Andersen: !!! Upstairs what a weird name you have!\]

\[Gongzhu : what "toy my d" I'll break it! What a pervert name\]

\[Toy my d : QAQ it wasn't me!, the system was so perverted i obviously asked what would be the suitable name to put on the registration, it put these words and directly registered\]

\[Gongzhu : you are even more unlucky than me\]

\[Kyle : stay away you two, don't contaminate everyone with unluckyness :) \]

The rest was an argument, and Yan Xiuying read through it with joy, the system facepalmed itself with its nonexistent hands and face, it is indeed useful topic but why not look at the original blog but look at the replies and comments

System said weakly with no confidence as if it has given up all hope to its career : \[Yan Xiuying look at the orginal post not that thing\]

Yan Xiuying : "oh.."

System : \[....\] oh? What oh?! How come it got binded with this host!? It want a change! it felt like Its babysitting a toddler QAQ

After reading through the novice guide, Yan Xiuying looked dazed, the system became worried for a moment

\[What, what wrong\]

Yan Xiuying: "system, i feel like , i feel like i want to pee"

System : \[.....\] damn


Author has something to say :

Sheryl at the system only forum : can anyone trade hosts with me, mine's pretty, we can trade, you know what i don't even want anything I'll just give him to you QAQ

S1 : ....

S2 : ....

Sheryl (dejected) : you know what nevermind

Chapter 2


    In a room a young man was trying hard to open a door and a small blue ball was flying over his head like a headless fly.

    "Why can't i get out"

    [You can't! you don't have enough survival energy to go outside, you'll be crush to death when you go!]

    "But i want to go outside!"

    [No! The gravity outside isn't the same with earth it's more powerful you be able to bear it!]

    "But i want to pee!!" Yan Xiuying's eyes formed tears, he never suffered this kind of grievance before, why won't it let me pee

    [.....] what a problematic host

    After a while Yan Xiuying walked out satisfied from the bathroom

    System : [you haven't even earned survival points you already have loans]

    Yan Xiuying clapped his hands and dusted off the non-existent dust off his hands : "doesnt matter aren't there game rooms? I can go to the game rooms and earn survival points! I'm diligent!!"

    System suddenly regained it's hope for this host : [that's good] fortunately, fortunately it's host isn't lazy and still looks very excited to go to the game rooms

    [Are you ready?]

    "Yep" Yan Xiuying's eyes brightened seemingly very excited, Yan Xiuying has never been afraid of anything since he was a child he was very sickly, it's his first time to have such healthy body so of course he's very excited.

    The view before Yan Xiuying flashed and suddenly turned into a airplane hallway, it was very noisy coupled with the attendant's announcement and the people's noisy bags

    Yan Xiuying looked around curiously,  suddenly someone bumped into him, and that person seems to be very grumpy

    "Damn it! Can't you see I'm walking by!" The man walked past after saying that and still mumbling some words, for sure it's something bad

    Yan Xiuying pursed his lips

    "Hey, it's okay, it's inevitable to encounter such people, don't mind him" the old lady who was sitting on her row sit shook her head and chuckled, she eyed Yan Xiuying her eyes gentle "old man this young man is beautiful, isn't he suitable to be yuan'er's wife? Hm" the old lady nudged her old husband and laughed joyfully

    Yan Xiuying's eye twitched damn people nowadays are very open minded what wife, even if I'm Gay I'll be the top!he was never good at communicating with people (because he's so straightforward) so He smiled awkwardly at the old couple and sat on his row seat

A few teenagers stood up and started to become noisy, attracting most of passengers attention, an attendant went and appeased them, it seems the don't like to be seated on the last row so the attendant could only transfer them to the first Row, after  a while the farce quietened down.

    Yan Xiuying's seat was on the Row 5 and he sat two seats away from the window and close to the hallway, he looked around trying to see where that blue ball system has gone

    [I'm in your mind!! Hello hello hehe]

    Yan Xiuying was startled when it suddenly spoke in his mind, making the attendant who was about to pass by look at himself with concern and asked if he was okay, he could only shake his head in embarrassment and said he was okay

    Yan Xiuying mumbled angrily "can you atleast give a signal before talking, you scared me!"

    [Okay okay, you can talk to me in your consciousness, you don't have to use your mouth you'll look weird to the plot characters]

    "oh okay" Yan Xiuying sized up his surrounding overall the passengers are only a few dozens and there are only three attendees, one male, two female

Aside from the pair of old couple and the one Yan Xiuying bumped into there are eight more passengers, if Yan Xiuying is counted there would be a total of 15 passengers. There are 3 teenagers they must be friends going on vacation, another pair old couple with them now plus the pair of old couple who spoke to Yan Xiuying before, there are about 4 elders in this flight, there's a middle aged man who seems to be a business man and a woman with thick furs on her neck beside that woman is 2 ladies must be her maids, she must be Singaporean, some wealthy people.

There was a mother and a child in this flight they are seating on the same row as Yan Xiuying but they're on the other side, the little girl noticed Yan Xiuying's Stare she waved her hand, Yan Xiuying smiled and waved back to her, and lastly the man who bumped onto Yan Xiuying, He's still talking on the phone heatedly he seems to have a very much incurable disease which is anger issue.

The little girl changed seat and got closer to Yan Xiuying  and said in fluent english "hi mister!"

Yan Xiuying: "hello little girl, what's your name? where's your mother?"

Lilly : " my name's Lilly, I'm six years old this year, mommy went to the bathroom, mister what's your name? you look pretty, are you really not a girl?" she giggled in the last sentence

Yan Xiuying laughed : "the name is Yan Xiuying, brother is a boy okay?"

Lilly : "okay~ but Your name is hard to pronounce, mister are you chinese?"

Yan Xiuying: "yes"

Lilly : "Mister is it....."

After a dozen questions with the little girl, finally the mother came and the child shut up, Yan Xiuying shook his head and mused.

All of the passengers are already seated and the two female attendees started to demonstrate the emergency measurements.

Yan Xiuying looked at his front and saw a magazine, he took the magazine and read it, it turns out this airplane is called Cebu Pacific, Yan Xiuying mumbled: "Philippines..."

Suddenly a foreign passenger came hurriedly, it seems he was late fortunately he caught up, he stopped in front pf Yan Xiuying's seat and started to organize his things in the top compartment, it seems he felt Yan Xiuying's gaze, he smiled politely at him and sat down, there are 13 passengers now

"Ding- Mabuhay! This is the Cebu Pacific Airline! Good evening passengers! we are pleased to announce that we will be taking off from Manila to Singapore by exactly 7 o'clock, this flight will take about 4 hours to land, and that because of this sudden flight in this stormy weather, we are very sorry to say that the previous flight was full and couldn't accommodate anymore passengers, once again we are very sorry, and if any of you feel uncomfortable just call the attendees on stand by, Good Evening and Mabuhay! Ding- "

Stormy weather?

Yan Xiuying looked outside the window, coincidentally a thunder went by the moment he looked outside, this how come people take flights in this kind of weather, after a while the plane took off.

Suddenly the intellectual watch buzzed, Yan Xiuying looked down and tapped the watch it projected some words in the air, Yan Xiuying looked around "system can anyone see this or just me"

[No one can see it, only you, it has privacy measurements]

"Ok, good"

Yan Xiuying read through the words

[Novice Room - SILENT DEATH

You are a detective intern from Singapore Police Criminal Investigation Department who went to Manila to visit relatives, now you are going back to Singapore to Continue your internship. Unfortunately the the flight 0463 is full and couldn't accommodate anymore passengers, fortunately the Cebu Pacific Airline was up.]

[It was a stormy weather and the passengers and attendees were few, just a while after the take off a sudden death occured, a doctor was on flight and announced the person dead and the doctor also discovered that the body showed signs of suffocation and there were some hand marks on the neck. it caused quite a lot of stir.]

[Room Task : find the murderer in 4 hours before the aircraft lands

Friendly reminder : if the player wouldn't be able to complete the task there would be a very bad consequences, good luck~]

Silent death...

Yan Xiuying stood up from his seat and looked around his surroundings while walking through the aisle, going to the bathroom, Yan Xiuying reached the bathroom and locked the door.

He started to organize his thoughts, in this flight there are 6 Seats in a Row divided into three there is an aisle. there are 3 teenagers on the right 1st Row, on the left 4th Row is the Foreigner, right 5th Row is Lilly and her mother, on left 5th row is Yan Xiuying, left 6th Row is the Old couple, right 8th Row is another old Couple, right 10th Row is the man who was on phone, right 13th Row is the well-endowed woman and her 2 maids, and lastly on the Right 14th Row is the business man.

There are a total of 19 Rows and aside from the mention Rows the rest are empty

Yan Xiuying eyes brightened and pondered as he looked at his reflection on the mirror : "who could be the likely to be murdered and the murderer..."

Yan Xiuying since he was a child liked this kind of mystery problem solving the most, if it weren't for his body being sickly and his parents concern for him, he really wish to become a detective, but it seems he's out of luck in his lifetime, he could only read some related novels and books, while he's mostly idle.

Now that he's given a chance to show his skills in investigation and observation makes his blood boil in excitement, those books and novels he read are really useful this time, Yan Xiuying laughed, and he washed his hands and went out of the bathroom compartment, only to bump into one of the maid of the wealthy woman.

Yan Xiuying observed the lady she seems nervous and timid, as she went into the female bathroom, the compartment lock turned red indicating it is lpcked from the inside.

Yan Xiuying paused for a while and then proceeded to walk to his seat, as he passed by the 13th Row he saw the woman getting angry and pinching the maid from time to time, he only glanced for a while, he didn't stop walking. He reached his seat

Before sitting down, subconsciously Yan Xiuying glanced at the 1st Row there were two young men and 1 woman they are the 3 teenagers, there seems to be an argument between the boys and the girl was appeasing them. Yan Xiuying finally sat down.

after a while the whole place become a little bit dark as the passengers turned off the lights above their seat to have a nap, from time to time an attendant will walk by to check the passengers.

There was only the light above Yan Xiuying's seat that was on the rest are off it seems like they were tired and had a rest. Yan Xiuying looked outside the window, his lips curved slightly,  it was the calm before the storm. He closed his window and turned off the light. He leaned on his seat and and closed his eyes.

He didn't sleep but instead with eyes closed his other sense magnified, he observed the noises at the same time pondering who would likely be muredered, the introduction  didn't say it was a male or female. But for some reason Yan Xiuying felt like the who'll get murdered would be a female, it could be the little kid, the mother, the teen at the front, the old ladies, the wealthy woman and her maids, even the female attendees are possible.

But if there's a murder there should be a motive, suddenly the aircraft shook

"Ding- Good evening passengers, it seems that our aircraft is suffering from turbulence, stay put on your seat and don't stand up, please ensure your safety, the turbulence will subside in a while thank you. Ding-"

Without opening his eyes Yan Xiuying observed the noise aside from the constant prayer of the elderly there was a thud, an object fell it was vague it must be far from his seat. Yan Xiuying opened his eyes. He looked back from his on the aisle, he saw the business man taking a what seems to be a pill bottle on the ground.

Yan Xiuying sighed and looked in front of him then glanced at the kid on the other side, she being hugged by her mother, just then a flashback came to him.

"Mommy, daddy" little Yan Xiuying was hugging his mother's arms while his mother hugged him tightly, the car was shaking by some impact, it was also a stormy weather, the car was tampered the brake won't work, on the front seat is father Yan and the chauffeur is driving the car.

Mother Yan kept whispering nice words to Little Yan Xiuying. : "baby it's okay, we'll be fine, don't be sacared mommy is here okay, don't be scared" she caressed Little Yan Xiuying's hair her hand was trembling

Little Yan Xiuying was scared he felt his mother was also scared they hugged each other, suddenly there was a loud honk of a large truck, little Yan Xiuying turned to the side and saw a huge truck driving very fast to their car, his innocent eyes were ignorant and doesn't seem to know the danger.

There was vague shout from his mom and dad : " Xiao Ying!!"

Mother Yan quickly change position with little Yan Xiuying taking all the impact and protecting little Yan Xiuying in her imbrace, Father Yan's eyes was full of despair. After a while a vague voice kept waking him up.

"Miste.. mister, mister! Are you okay?"

Yan Xiuying snapped out of his trance and looked at the person who woke him up, it was the female attendant.

He shook off his thought and nodded "yeah, yes I'm okay, thank you" he gave a slight smile and then leaned on his seat and closed his eyes to rest for a while. The attendants walked away from his seat and started to walk through the aisle to check the other passengers.

Just then a shrill scream envelope the surrounding, everyone instantly woke up and looked at the source of sound, an attendant ran to the person who shouted, only to back away in fright, the business man also stood up and backed away.

The attendant immediately started to shout : "everyone! Is there any of you who is a medical practitioner!?"

The foreigner that was sitting in front of Yan Xiuying stood  up and went to the attendant and showed his ID, the other attendees also came and started appeasing the other passengers.

"Sit down guys, sit down, this will be solved by the management team, don't worry there is a doctor here it should be fine, sit down please" the attendant's voice was calm but her hands were shaking.

But nonetheless it calmed the passengers they didn't stand up, they only looked at the back curiously as the chatted to themselves,

"Mommy what's going on?" Lilly looked at her mother

"No nothing baby, just close your eyes and rest okay? We'll  land soon" the mother said affectionately and coaxed the child to sleep.

Yan Xiuying glanced at them for a while then stood up from his seat and walked to the crime scene.


author has something to say :

Yan Xiuying: i want to pee why won't you let me pee!!

System : we don't have bathroom!! QwQ

Chapter 3

Just as Yan Xiuying arrived the Doctor has finished checking the dead body and was talking to the two attendant,

"The lady is dead, judging by the signs on her body it seems to be murder, there are signs of suffocation and there are some suspicious marks on her neck,  like she was strangled" the two attendants listened carefully at the doctor's analysis on the deceased.

They couldn't help but get scared by the fact that there is a murderer among the passengers and someone just got muredered

The doctor was calm and kept talking taking some measures with the female attendant while the male attendant went to take a broad piece of cloth, to cover the deceased.

Yan Xiuying stopped the male attendant from covering the deceased, the female attendant and the doctor looked at him, so Yan Xiuying showed his internship ID from the police station.

Seeing that ID made the attendees breathe a sigh of relief fortunately, fortunately there are some professionals here, although he is just an intern it is fortunate enough, this can ensure everyone's safety.

Yan Xiuying observed the deceased it was the nouveau riche like woman, she was sitting by the window. He opened his mouth and spoke to the attendees : "don't tell the captain what happened yet"

Although Yan Xiuying  has read some books and novels regarding solving murder cases it was just in the book after all, it's vastly different from reality just a little bit. Xiuying is inexperienced after all, it might take a lot of time.

As much as possible he doesn't want to shorten his time to investigate, if the captain knew what happened for sure he'll make a desisyon to do emergency landing which will shorten the 4 hour time to less than 2 hours.

Doctor Williams frowned : "what do you mean"

Yan Xiuying put on his gloves and turned to look at the doctor : "you don't want the murderer to slip away right"

The doctor finally, compromised, and went back to sit down on his seat but before he left Yan Xiuying spoke : "it's  an illness doctor she died of illness"

Doctor Williams glanced at Yan Xiuying and understood what he meant, doctor nodded and went back to his seat, Yan Xiuying squinted at the doctor's back and mused, well it is good to talk with intelligent people.

Yan Xiuying  adviced the attendant to tell the passengers that this lady died of illness so that it will not cause a ruckus and also to not alarm the fish.

The  attendant quickly took action and started to shout the news, there's no way they will announce the news by the mic because the captain might caught a wind of it.

Yan Xiuying finally could look at the deceased body, he had put on a mask, the two maids has been sent to the front row by the attendant and the business man was also at the front row. Only the dead body and Yan Xiuying are in the 13th row which seems far from the rest of the passengers.

The male attendant is standing taking watch so that no other passengers cpuld come close.

Just as the doctor said the deceased body does showed signs of suffocation, there is also some weird marks on the neck, Yan Xiuying thought if she was strangled she should struggle right? Why were there no noise at all.

The doctor also said the deceased died about 6 minutes ago, 6 minutes ago....

Yan Xiuying looked at the deceased nails to see if there were some damage, if the deceased was strangled she should struggle by trying hard to prevent or take the grip away from her neck by her hands, she should be scratching the murderer. So there should be some damage on the nails.

The result was it is clean, there is no damage, nails are long and clean no signs of damage, which means there are two possibilities, it was suicide or she was knocked unconscious and couldn't wake up before the strangling.

Yan Xiuying sigh and took off his gloves while thinking of the time of death, 6 minutes ago? That's, that should be the time during the turbulence.

Stunned Yan Xiuying looked around the seat then at the corner of the seat of the deceased just below the window there was a pillow.  Yan Xiuying glanced at it knowingly and stood up then took off his mask.

Yan Xiuying motioned the male attendant to cover the deceased. He has now a few suspect in mind the two maids and that business man

Just then the intellectual watch on Yan Xiuying's wrist buzzed flashing with white light, while walking he tapped the screen and it showed a multiple choice question,

[Who's the murderer?

A. Sarah

B. Chu mei

C. Christopher

Tips : this question is optional the player can choose to answer now or later, but friendly reminder the player is only given one chance to select who's the real murderer, choose wisely..]

Yan Xiuying eyed the 3 unfamiliar names, these should be the two maids  and the business man.

Of course Yan Xiuying didn't choose yet there's still more time and as the interface shows there is only one chance, he have to investigate carefully.

Yan Xiuying sat down on his seat and pondered what would be the likely motive of the murderer if the possible murderer has the identity of a maid, some dog blood plot flashed through Xiuying's brain, he quickly shook it off and turned serious.

Suddenly as if a light bulb was lightened up in his head he spoke in his mind.

"System, are you there?"

System : [huh? Oh yes I'm here, I'm here!!] It said vaguely as if there's something in it's non-existent mouth

Yan Xiuying became suspicious:  "are you eating?, do you systematical beings still eat?"

System (frustrated) : [of course we eat! How do we survive if we dont eat!]

Yan Xiuying blinked : "what do you eat then, pork chops? Milk tea? Grilled chicken?"

System (still frustrated) : [no! But there is milk tea flavor fuel, it taste good]

Yan Xiuying mused : " fuel?"

System (angry) : [don't laugh! Anyways what do you want?]

Yan Xiuying:  "well i have something to ask, what if the one who hired you treated you very badly, what would you think?"

System pondered for a while then spoke : [ of course i would curse that person to die everyday before i fall asleep!]

Yan Xiuying thought for a while and then spoke : " then what if the person did something to you that you think is unforgivable and that you wanted her to die like literally die, what would you do?"

System then answered without hesitation as if it told what is in its little chip mind : [well if something like that to me, i would go look for a backer and then retaliate]

Yan Xiuying thought so too so he smiled slightly and then spoke : "well thanks you go and eat now"

System is still confused but it went and obeyed : [okay..]

Yan Xiuying stood up and went to the female attendant who was talking to the trembling maid. Then whispered something, the female attendant said goodbye to the trembling maid temporarily and lead Yan Xiuying away.

As Yan Xiuying walked away with the help of the female attendant, someone stared at his back meaningfully...


At the attendant quarters, Yan Xiuying held a meeting but before it started Yan Xiuying first told one of the attendant to call the doctor.

After a while the doctor came and the meeting started, the  quarter was small in the first place with 5 peopel in it it became very crowded so they decided to go to outside the quarter there was wide space and it is away from the passengers and the attendant just took 3 chairs and a small table

The attendant just stood and let Yan Xiuying and the doctor sit the other seat was suggested by Yan Xiuying.

Doctor Williams glanced at Yan Xiuying : "so, what's your plan"

Yan Xiuying: " well i plan to call them one by one and ask some questions, we better call it simple survey.. from the airline Captain"

The attendees obviously don't have any choice but to do what Yan Xiuying said, the doctor also didn't object.


"Survey? How come the Captain wants to survey us?" An old man spoke and was about to angrily stand up and confront the female attendant but then he was restrained by his old wife

"Dear, calm down isn't it just survey, don't get angry just because you got woken up, aya don't be so unreasonable" with that said the old couple argued for a while

Everyone decided to just ignore the old couple, one of the teenagers in front to be more precise the girl raised her hand : " if i may ask... what is the purpose of the survey miss?"

Hearing the question made the female attendant stuck, she became dazed, but then because of the professionalism honed and integrated into her bones she didn't show the frustration and panick on her face.

Marri bit her lips and thought, isn't it just a survey? It's just some few questions, why ask so much QAQ, with no choice Marri thought hard of her excuse she mumbled some words and let out a foul words in the passing "my salary better increase this time..."

It took a while for Marri to think of an excuse, but in actuality it was only a few seconds, Marri looked at the girl who raised the question and smiled which the smile doesn't reach her eye and spoke through gritted teeth: " well a call was made just now to captain from our destination which is Singapore an emergency survey was needed because unfortunately some unexpected happened in the city they have to take some measures, any more questions.."

Marri scanned the passenger's expression and seeing that no one objects she spoke in a fairly different voice and face from before it seems like she's relieved and several more times kind : "well since there are no objection we will start quickly"

At the same time out side the Attendant quarter dr. Williams glanced knowingly at Yan Xiuying, after a while it seems Yan Xiuying couldn't take it anymore, there's no way this old man kept staring at someone, who wouldn't feel uncomfortable! Tell me! If an old man kept staring at you would you feel comfortable? Wow you have problem with your brain if your answer is yes, get out of here!

Dr. Williams shook his head, at Yan Xiuying's questioning look seems like he became dazed and stared at this young man, made him uncomfortable, dr. Williams diverted his attention and stared at a distance : " did you find any clue? Or do you suspect anyone?"

Yan Xiuying raised three fingers making an okay gesture then shrugged and spoke : " found three suspects, and some clues but it's not enough so i wanted to ask them questions, but it would seem abrupt so i will just drag everyone to participate in the survey"

Doctor Williams didn't say anything and Yan Xiuying stayed quiet, finally as if he couldn't take the silent awkwardness and the stuffiness in the air dr. Williams opened his mouth and spoke : "then why call me at the meeting?"

Yan Xiuying spoke in a matter of fact tone : "obviously to drag you in as a teammate, you know someone got murdered after all, i mean what's there to ask you, and isn't  that it'd be more believable? Like there's an old man and he's a doctor, those people there would feel more relieved and lower their guard."

He paused and thought for a while then added : "by the way old man- i mean doctor Williams shouldn't you ask something like who are the people you suspect, why's that you didn't make me do the survey, sosmething like that"

Dr. Williams looked at Yan Xiuying with a 'what do you think' face, Yan Xiuying blinked then looked away and leaned on his chair, damn what took them so long

Just then a female attendant she seems to be called Marri , lead a teenager boy in the boy sat in front of Yan Xiuying and dr. Williams, he looked at Yan Xiuying then at dr. Williams Then spoke : "what do you want to ask"

Dr. Williams shrugged : "don't look at me, he's in charge I'm just an old man, doctor"

Yan Xiuying observed the young man and it made the boy albeit nervous seeing that the was so nervous that he seem to want to angrily stand up in anxiousnesss Yan Xiuying finally spoke : "what's your name? Your age?"

Dr. Williams who was looking forward to the question of this mysteriously wise young man : "...." yes asking the name is a must before the big question, the old man eppeased himself. He didn't give up his high thinking of the young man before him, so he waits patiently.

After a little bit of silence the boy finally spoke : "Andrei Acosta, 18 years old"

Yan Xiuying yawned and nodded then smiled which didn't reach his eyes and spoke : " okay, that's all you can go"

Dr.Williams felt like a cold water was poured on his head : " .... "

Andrei : " ... " that's all? I was nervous for nothing?

"Oh one last thing don't reveal to anyone my question, okay you can go" Andrei Stared at Yan Xiuying's eyes looking for some expression like sarcasm, QAQ there's no way he looked genuine, who the hell asked the name and age and making such a farce aren't there a list of passengers!

For the rest of the passengers the same questions were repeatedly asked by Yan Xiuying, Dr.Williams  couldn't take it anymore and spoke, but then before he could speak another passenger came to be asked he looked like a business man, dr.Williams could only shut up and wait for the same question again and indeed YanXiuying spoke : "what's your name? Age?"

"Christopher Adams, 28 years old" Yan Xiuying observed his facial expression, Christopher seems very nervous he looks around very often as if afraid of eye contact.

"Do you know the deceased person?" This time the question was abrupt and straight forward, Christopher became surprised and his hands under the table trembled but he stayed calm, Yan Xiuying tilted his head and looked at this Christopher, well not bad, for a first time murderer he seems fairly calm, but then his eyes and hand betrayed him.

Christopher shrugged his shoulder and spoke : "i don't know her"

Yan Xiuying bit his lower lip and nodded slowly then spoke : " okay, that's all you can go, thanks"

Christopher nodded and then walked away quickly as if fleeing, dr. Williams looked at Christopher's back which has disappeared through the door then spoke : "is he one of the people you suspect?"


"Then why not ask more questions"

"We shouldn't startle the snake, should we?"

"Atleast ask two or three more question"

"I asked thre-"

"Name and age aren't included, what i meant is some meaningful questions"

Yan Xiuying glanced at this talkative old man and shrugged : "well what's there to ask, he gave away himself"

Dr.Williams:  "....??" What

In fact Yan Xiuying wanted to ask more about the object that fell during the turbulence that Christopher picked up, but then looking at that bottle it should be some drug like sleeping pills, Yan Xiuying can recognize that type of bottle a thousand miles away, he couldn't be any more familiar with it, he slept with that bottle of drug by his side. In that case Yan Xiuying didn't mentioned that incident.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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