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Tales Of An Exorcist


The alarm clock starts to ring "huh it's already morning" yi-shin said as he tried to turn it off.he stretched his arms and legs " when is today he said as looked at his black phone on the small brown table next to his bed "shit today is my final summon trial day " he said as he went to the closet in the corner of the room he removed a black shirt and a grey trouser "well l take a shower change clothes and make breakfast"he said as he rushed into the bathroom. After twenty minutes he came out the room with the towel round his waist he wore his clothes quickly and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast he ate the bread and drank the tea quickly he looked at the time on his phone's clock "shit l'm going to be late if l don't hurry" he said as he sprinted towards the door he looked the door and ran to the bus station he weaved through the crowds of people then at the station he found his childhood friend there "hanabi what are you doing here?"he asked as he sat on the blue bench "is it wrong to wish a friend good luck in their summoning trial" she said as she held his had "yeah the first two times it worked but now it feels like a reminder of my failure "he said as he sighed " hey l know that you will get your spirit l can feel it " she said as she held his hand tighter. "well thanks for the support but really don't think l will ever get one " he said as he stood up as his bus had arrived" never lose hope in yourself and always believe in yourself even if things turn grim" she said as she let go of his hand and left station " have a great day"he said as he entered the door of the bus. He stared at his hand which was held by hanabi " l hope that you are right this time" he said as he turned his hand to a fist he sat near the window he looked at the bustling city to the normal eye it seemed like your average city but to an exorcist it was full of kishi(evil or vengeful spirit that wants to kill humans). After forty five minutes they reached the school gate and started to alight the students stared to look for their friends "everyone has a friend but I walk alone in the darkness" he said as he unclenched his fist. Then he arrived at school there were only a few students that came to the school"good morning Yi are you excited for today " kagura asked "well it's my final try so it's less exciting and more depressing " he said as he ticked his name in the register" don't worry l'm sure you will get one with your skills which spirit wouldn't want to be yours " she said as she took the register. "at least there those people who still haven't given up on me" he said as he removed a letter from the locker "hmm l wish you were here brother " he said as he held the letter "hey Yi shin what are you doing here should n't you be at home" Gomez asked him.(he was a tall dark skinned with brown eyes he was the most handsome guy in school and was Yi shin's bully) "l'm not in the mood for your bull shit"he said as he put the letter in his pocket and started to leave.

MY Final Try part 2

"you really think just because you are good in exorcism you think you can talk to your upper class men like that" Gomez shouted as a crowd started to form"okay because l have a summoning trial to go l will leave " he said as he made away through the crowds " see everyone Yi shin is a coward "he said as he pointed at him and some students started to laugh"what's the cause of commotion today " headmaster zu hao asked "nothing sir we any excited for today's trial that's all " he said in a frightened voice"okay and if see Yi shin tell him to come to my office " he said as he walked to his office ( he was a medium height man with a muscular build with a white shirt black trousers his spirit was a dragon with golden scales and emerald eyes). By then Yi shin was in class sleeping"there you are the headmaster wants you in his office now" a girl told him" the headmaster wants to see me what for?" he asked as he arose from his desk"l don't know he just came and told us if we found anywhere in the school we tell you go to his office "she said in a hurry"well okay l have understood " he said as he left the class and went to the office. "why do you think he was called " "l don't know may he will get expelled or get kicked out of the school for not having a spirit " people said in low tones but Yi shin heard them clearly" maybe they are right " he said as he knocked on the door" you may come in"Yu hao said "take a seat don't be shy" he said as he sat oh his comfy chair then he poured him some tea " as you know today is your final chance to summon a spirit " he said as he took a sip from his cup "yes but don't expel me "he said in a tearful voice " don't worry l can never do anything such as that l only want to encourage you that's all" he said as he smiled "thank you " he said as he took his tea "you know the process and how you should act " the headmaster asked Yi shin " yes l know it " he said as his legs were shaking and he was about to finish his tea "well you may leave" zu hao said as Yi shin darted for the door. "okay students today is your summoning trial day and hope everyone understands how they should act" kagura said in front of the students behind her was a door covered with tails men " well l hope this time it's going to be a success" he said to himself "l hope everyone was given a tailsmen with a distinct colour the colour shows the room you will be going to" she said as she demonstrate as she showed her red tails men and put it on the door which also the same colour tailsmen "so same colour tailsmen open the room" she said as she waved her hand to signify that they enter the room it had doors with different colored tailsmen "where's the one that has purple ones he said as he looked around the freshman had already entered theirs he searched for five minutes until he found the door" well let's this over with " he said as he put the tailsmen on the door and found the room to be dark with the only light is coming from his phone "they really did lose in me " he said as he looked around the room "who goes there?" aloud booming voice asked


..." l ask again who goes there" the voice asked in a louder voice " okay that is going to be a problem" he said as his hands were shaking. There was a large heap of tailsmen that started to move " why can't I move my body" he asked himself as he tried to move the tailsmen in the room started to glow a vibrant purple "huh what's happening?" he said as he looked around the room to see the large heap of tailsmen to have fallen apart to reveal a purple armoured tiger pinned down to the ground. Then their eyes met " human what brings you here " the creature asked as tried to move " l-l-l was trying to get a spirit" he said as his body became stiff. Then the spirit blew a gust of wind and intensely looked at him " exorcist you have 10 seconds to give me a reason why I shouldn't kill you" it said as it pointed it's spear like tail at him "uhh uhh l want to find the soul of my brother" he said as his body continued to shake " what kind of spirit is this" he asked himself "not good enough you have 6 more seconds " it said as it smiled and the tailsmen continued to glow to reveal the spirit's eyes which were purple in colour Yi shin started to panic" 7,8,9" the spirit said as it's tail was point blank to his chest " l can your vessel " he said as the creature started to lower it's tail " are you sure" the creature asked in a mocking tone " okay let's begin the ritual" it said as a purple circle with stranger symbols on Yi shin took a deep breath " here we fuse our souls to battle and fight as one and let our lives be intertwined " they said in unison "finally l'm free " it said as the chains and tailsmen men began to burn and disappear and fireballs of purple fire glowed " finally a vessel worth of my power and strength" it said as it disappeared and a mark of two interconnected claw marks appeared on his hand "what have l done he said as looked at his hand and stepped out of the room. He was one of the last people to come out " well how was it " kagura asked she held his hand " interesting mark never seen it before" she said as she touched his hand "well at least you have a spirit" she said as she let go of his arm " well l should be going to class" he said as he ran to class "oh hey there Yi shin still running away" Gomez said as he tripped Yi shin "uhh! What do you want " he said as tried to arise then he was punched in the face " you really thought what you did in the morning l was going to forget it" he said as he pushed him " stop" he said as he held his as and started to crush it " l really don't like when people mess with my belongings" the spirit said as she possessed Yi shin's body "despair such a great emotion " she said as she broke his wrist he lay on the ground writhing in pain on lookers took Gomez to the school nurse and Yi shin returned back to normal....

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