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The Beauty

part 1

"Eww look at you girl you wanna play with us huh!" The girl said while making faces

"You don't match our standards," another girl said while laughing

The girl was sitting on the floor with teary eyes while clenching her dress into fists and gulping her hurtful words. 

"What's happening here" The boy around 13 came with a football in his hands.

"Ohh Aryan nothing just this girl wants to play with us, just look at her she doesn't match our standards" The first girl spoke Aryan didn't say anything just stared at that crying girl, he went to her and kneeled to her level.

"You wanna play with us," Aryan said the girl looked up at him with her teary eyes with a red nose, she didn't say anything,  just sobbing while looking at Aryan.

"Aryan what are you saying she can't play with us" that girl again speaks, Aryan didn't give attention to her but just stared.

"Say you wanna play with us" he asked again this time she nodded slowly, Aryan smirked and stood up.

"Ok but unfortunately you can't play with us you're just an ugly bitch"

he said to the girl her eyes again got teary when he called her ugly and everyone laughed at her and started calling her ugly, she looked at everyone again that boy who was smirking her red teary eyes, she stood up harshly and ran out of the playground while everyone was laughing at her.

She ran and went to her house before cleaning her face, she entered her house and heard a scream and glass breaking sound. She closed her eyes and sighed as it was a daily drama, she closed the door and started to go to her room. When she heard her father call her name with rage.

"You come here stupid girl how dare you step out of this house didn't I tell you not to go outside," her father said and grabbed her hair tightly making her yelp in pain

"I..i..I just want..wanted to play" she said while yelping

"I told you don't go I feel embarrassed why you go huh, do you want me to lock you in the room," he said and tightened her grip on her hair.

"I.I'm sorry," she said with teary eyes when her mother came and separated them

"What the hell are you doing Arshad she's your daughter Allah Almighty makes her why are you like this," her mother said to her father, he calmed down and went to his room and slammed his door while her mother turned to her

"Eshal child looked at me my sunshine" her mother called her name she looked at her mom with tears filled in her eyes, and her mother's eyes also got teary seeing her daughter's condition.

"Ami(mom) why I'm like this why everyone doesn't like me, am I this ugly or scary that everyone is scared of me Allah Almighty also hates me that's why he made me like this" Eshal said with teary eyes, and hiccuping, seeing her this condition sob left from her mother's mouth she holds her face with her both hands.

"Shhh sunshine don't say like this hm Allah Almighty loves everyone he made us all with so much love and taking so much time, so don't say like this Allah will not like this hm and you're not ugly or scary you're so beautiful my child no one is like you,"

she said Eshal looked at her with her doe eyes she gets to relax, it's easy to divert her mind as she is a kid only 12 years old

" Now go to your room ok," her mother said, she went to her room and sat beside the window lost in her thoughts she was watching the children playing and here she was just stuck in the room she went towards the mirror and looked at herself in the mirror, stared at herself for almost 15 min and touches her face where there are pimples all over her face her pink but chapped lips suddenly she remembers that boy word her eyes again got teary while still looking herself and whispers

"I'm so ugly", he was right"

She said while touching her face full of acne spots and pimples...


Asalamualikum lovelies

"Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well by the grace of Allah. I'm thrilled to share my debut book with you, and I've worked hard to ensure your satisfaction. Please keep in mind that English is not my first language, so I apologize in advance for any grammatical errors. If you notice any mistakes beyond language barriers or have suggestions for improvement, please don't hesitate to share your feedback. I'm eager to learn and grow from my mistakes.

about story

This story revolves around the harsh realities of our society, where girls are often judged and labeled as ugly based on their appearance, particularly those wearing hijabs or having acne spots. However, in reality, these girls are incredibly beautiful creations of God, and we have no right to call anyone ugly. Unfortunately, our society often prioritizes physical beauty, fairness, and physical appearance.

This narrative is inspired by real-life experiences, where girls are frequently judged based on their weight, body shape, and skin, which is unacceptable. The story aims to highlight the struggles these girls face, but ultimately, it's a testament to their resilience and the better fate that awaits them. It's not intended to insult anyone but rather to shed light on the bitter truth of our society.

Please note that the initial chapters are brief, but the subsequent ones are more extensive, with approximately 1,000 words each. I apologize for any confusion earlier. I'm committed to making this story comfortable and enjoyable for you to read. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to your feedback!"🥹

               Allah hafiz

part 2

"Eshal, my sunshine, please open the door. You've locked yourself in since the evening, my child. You haven't even eaten anything. Come out and have something to eat," Sidra said, standing outside her room door. Sidra sighed when she didn't get a response from her.

Sidra was about to leave when she heard the sound of a door opening. She turned around and was shocked and confused.

"What's this, Eshal?" her mom asked as she approached her. Eshal was wearing a box over her head, with only his eyes visible through the holes in the box.

"Ami, now no one will be disgusted or scared of me. I won't show my face to anyone, not even my sister. Ami, everything will be fine now. No one will see my ugly face,"

Eshal said from behind the box. Her mom's eyes welled up as she heard her daughter utter these heart-wrenching words. She bent down to Eshal's level and took her little hands in hers.

"You're so beautiful just the way you are. You don't need to hide yourself, my sunshine," Sidra said as she reached out to remove the box, but Eshal backed off.

"No, Ami, it's better for everyone, so please let me be, please," Eshal said, her sadness evident in her tone. Sidra's eyes filled with tears, and she hugged her daughter gently.

"As you wish, my child, but remember, you are so beautiful," Sidra said while hugging Eshal, who hugged her back and hummed in response to her words. After that, they both went to the dining table where her sister and father were already sitting and eating their dinner.

Eshal's father noticed them and burst into laughter when he saw Eshal like that. Her sister also turned to look and saw both her father and sister laughing at Eshal.

"What's this, Eshal? Why are you wearing this box?" her sister asked, still laughing.

"So you won't be disgusted by me," Eshal replied. There was a moment of silence at the dining table, but then Eshal's sister started laughing uncontrollably.

Sidra gave her a stern look, causing her to stop laughing.

"Okay, sorry, but you do look funny though," her sister said.

"Hazel, can you stop discouraging your sister? Remember, she is older than you," her mom said sharply to her younger daughter. Eshal remained silent, sat at her seat, and ate her dinner. Her father sighed, and everyone finished their dinner in silence.

After dinner, everyone went to their respective rooms and slept......


Ik chapters are so short but only a few sorry guys after a few chapters there is 1k words  , just a few chapters are short I will try to satisfy you all I guess 🥲

well this story is not about the girl it also includes a love story too like , that university students fell in love like that 😂 ik this story is gonna be boring but can't help but want to try this 🥲🫠

part 3

9 years later..

A guy was chilling on the college roof, smoking and lost in his thoughts. After a while, he tossed the cigarette, grabbed his bag, and headed to class .

Eshal pov

I was praying my salah, and after finishing, I checked the time. I realized I still had time before heading to my new college. I left my previous college because everyone there was mocking and insulting me. Now, after two months, I am returning to college, but this time to a new one.

I grabbed my diary, sat by the window, and opened it. A refreshing, cool breeze brushed against my face. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and smiled slightly. Opening my diary, I pondered on what to write. After a while, I began to jot down my thoughts.

..."A face with sparkling eyes that lights up a room   ...

...    A smile as radiant as the sun....

...A face with drooping eyes, a frown deep enough to touch the ground. and tears streaming down like a waterfall...


...      A face that mixes up both worlds: cheeks flushed with joy on one side, tears streaming down on the other side...

...It's a unique blend of beauty and sorrow on one side...


...     In a garden of roses, faces adorned with acne marks like a rare gem, each mark whispered tales of battles fought and victories won....."...

I was smiling while writing all these lines. I glanced at the time, and it was 7:00 am. My eyes widened,

"Oh no!" I quickly got up from my seat, dashed to my wardrobe, grabbed my outfit, changed into it, and managed to style my hair in a rush. I hurriedly put on my abaya, hijab, and niqab, grabbed my bag, and rushed to leave the house when I heard my mom calling my name.

"Sunshine, where are you going? Come and eat breakfast, beta," Sidra said with concern.

"No ami, I'm getting late. I will eat in college. Bye," I said and rushed to leave the house while Ami was screaming at me.

I took a cab and went to my new college. I was nervous, so damn nervous. I was biting my nails and shaking one leg aggressively. The cab driver was controlling his laughter, but I ignored him and kept biting my nails.

After some time, I arrived at the college. I got out of the cab and stood near the college gate, taking a look at my new college. I noticed some students checking me out as I was the only one wearing an abaya and covering myself completely. I took a deep breath and went inside.

I asked a student for directions to the staff room. Upon entering, I saw numerous professors. One teacher approached me and inquired,

"What are you doing here? Do you need something?" Feeling a bit nervous, I stuttered,

"Um, I'm new here, so..." The teacher responded with an understanding "Okay" and inquired about my class. After I shared my class details, the teacher consulted with another professor and then returned with one of the professors

"So the class you mentioned for the next period is his; go with him, okay," he said. I nodded and walked towards that teacher. As I walked, I couldn't help but look around nervously, scratching my nail.

When we entered the class, everyone started chatting with each other.

"So, students, we have a new student in your class, so let's welcome her," the professor announced, looking at me, and waiting for my introduction.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Eshal Arshad. I'm 21 years old, and I hope we can all get along," I introduced myself. Some smiled at me, some sat blankly, and others whispered to each other. I felt a lump in my throat when the professor said..."

"Take your seat beside Aahan," he said. I glanced around the classroom and noticed the seat next to a boy who seemed disinterested, looking out the window. Silently, I moved and sat beside him. He sensed someone beside him and turned to look at me. I flinched at the sudden gaze, and we locked eyes for a moment. After a while, I broke eye contact and focused on my lecture, taking out my book."



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