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The Tyrant's Heart & Dilemma

In another world dilemma...

As the sun peeked through the dense foliage, casting an ethereal glow upon the unknown forest, a young man emerged from the darkness. His name was Ethan, and he had been wandering through this unforgiving wilderness for days. A sense of loneliness gnawed at his soul, as he had not encountered another living being since his fateful entrance into this enigmatic realm.

"Faithful my ass..this shit is definitely cursed".. you ask why I say that? Let the narrator continue you'll definitely feel my frustration. Tsk..

Ehem" Ethan's body, once frail and unassuming, had undergone a peculiar transformation.

Days into his solitary journey, he had stumbled upon a mysterious rock, its surface shimmering with an otherworldly energy.

As he touched it, a surge of power coursed through his veins, endowing him with superhuman strength and speed.

At first, Ethan was bewildered by his newfound abilities. He could carry massive logs with ease and leap over towering trees with effortless grace.

I feel like Supermann..or have i become a god? Wait I can't fly ..oh sorry please continue mister narrator..

However, the solitude began to weigh heavily upon him. The silence was deafening, and the lack of human interaction left an aching void within his heart.

Determined to find a refuge, Ethan searched tirelessly for a shelter that would shield him from the wild beast and provide him with a sense of safety. His keen senses guided him towards a secluded area along a babbling river. Overhung by a sheer rock face, he discovered a small, hidden cave. Its narrow entrance and protective alcove seemed like the perfect place for a stay for him.

As Ethan settled into his new home, he realized that his extraordinary strength came at a cost. Hunger gnawed at his stomach, and he had no means of hunting or gathering food.

"Haaa hell.. why the fuck i jumped and dance around so has drained all of my energy..aaaa I'm going to die..

Desperation forced him to explore his surroundings in search of sustenance.

Days turned into weeks as Ethan scoured the forest for edible plants and fruits. He discovered a nearby clearing where wild berries grew in abundance, and he painstakingly gathered enough to sustain himself. However, his diet was far from ideal, and his body began to show signs of malnutrition.

"I curse my self.. I ... I should have listened to my father and watch the "Man ws wiild" series on television, haaaa curses!! Mr. Bear grills please bestow upon thee some knowledge which insects or plants should thy eat to survive this hell of a place!!

*Names are misspelled intentionally*

As his physical condition deteriorated, Ethan's mind raced with unanswered questions. How did he come here, and how would he ever return to home? The weight of these questions pressed down upon him, threatening to extinguish the flickering flame of hope within.

In his darkest moments, Ethan would venture to the river and gaze at his reflection in the glassy water.

Damn I look handsome but what's the point, I'm all alone with these stupid beast in the forest.. I miss my family..I don't know how they are doing and how are they coping with my disappearance, i just hope my little siblings don't parents worry.... they'll be fine i guess they are my siblings afterall...ha? What is this? Tears? Oh hahaha, I'm crying?? Me?? Is it this what they call cry me a river? Haha *sniff* cough*

His eyes, once filled with determination, now held a shadow of despair. He wondered if he was destined to live out the rest of his days as a lone outcast, forever lost in this forgotten forest.

But even in the face of such adversity, a spark of defiance flickered within Ethan's heart. He refused to succumb to despair. With newfound resolve, he vowed to persevere, to conquer his solitude, and to find a way back to the world he had once known.

As the months passed and the forest transformed, Ethan's resolve never wavered. He became a master of survival, learning to navigate the treacherous terrain with ease. He discovered hidden springs and edible roots, ensuring his sustenance. And though the yearning for human connection lingered, he found solace in the beauty and tranquility of his surroundings.

"Is it a dream? There's a girl lying over there..a real person..

Twin flame in heavy rain...

In the dense, unforgiving embrace of a primordial forest, where towering trees cast an eerie silence and the relentless rain etched a tapestry of despair, there dwelled a solitary soul named Ethan. Hailing from an unknown realm, he possessed extraordinary abilities bestowed upon him by a mystical rock: the touch of superhuman strength and speed. Yet, amidst his formidable power, a profound loneliness gnawed at his heart, his existence reduced to a desolate echo within the cavernous walls of his secluded abode.

One fateful evening, as the storm raged outside, Ethan's keen senses detected a faint cry piercing through the tumultuous downpour. Curiosity overcame his despair, and with a heavy heart, he ventured into the unforgiving wilderness. Amidst the tangled undergrowth and treacherous roots, he stumbled upon a sight that sent shivers down his spine.

There, lying broken and bloodied, was a young woman. Her clothes were torn, her face pale and contorted in pain.

The girl tried to speak, but her throat felt raw and tight. The man spoke again, his voice calming, soothing.

'Don't worry,' he said. 'I'll take care of you.'

Time seemed to slow as Ethan's instincts took over. Swiftly, he scooped her into his arms and carried her to his nearby cave, the only haven he knew.

As he laid her down on a bed of soft leaves, Ethan's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her fragile beauty. Her long, raven hair cascaded around her shoulders like a silken waterfall, framing a face that seemed both ethereal and vulnerable. Her lips were slightly parted, revealing a hint of a struggle and a haunting cry for help.

Ethan noticed the gaping wounds on her body. Her clothes were drenched in blood and rain, making it impossible to treat her injuries.

Hesitantly, Ethan removed her torn and bloodied garments. A wave of heat flushed over him as he realized she was completely naked. He quickly covered her modesty with his own shirt, shielding her from the cold and rain.

As he tended to her wounds, Ethan couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty. Her long, raven hair cascaded over her shoulders, and her delicate features were etched with pain.

Suddenly, her eyelids fluttered open, revealing piercing blue eyes that gazed at him with gratitude. 'Thank you,' she whispered weakly.

As he worked, the girl's breathing grew steady, and a faint color returned to her cheeks. Slowly, her eyes fluttered open, revealing depths that seemed as vast and mysterious as the forest itself.

In that stolen glance, a spark ignited between them, a connection that transcended their worlds. Loneliness melted away, replaced by a warm glow that had long been absent from Ethan's life.

"Is it love at first sight? No.. I'm thinking like this because I've been living alone for a while I guess."

Elara POV:

The rain hammered against the cave entrance, a relentless drumbeat against the silence of the deep forest. You stir, your head pounding, a dull ache resonating through your limbs. Your eyes flutter open to a sliver of light filtering through the mouth of the cave. You're lying on something soft, a bed of moss and leaves. A musty, earthy scent fills your nostrils, strangely comforting in the midst of your disorientation.

You try to sit up, but pain explodes in your leg, a sharp reminder of your fall. You wince, clutching the throbbing wound.

'Don't move,' a voice murmurs, low and resonant, echoing in the cavernous space.

You turn your head slowly, and your breath catches in your throat. He's tall, with dark, tousled hair framing strong features, his eyes the color of the storm raging outside. He's wearing a simple tunic of brown leather, and he looks...different. Not quite human, yet with an undeniable aura of kindness.

He's holding a cup of something steaming, the faint scent of herbs filling the air. You try to speak, but your voice comes out in a choked whisper.

'Don't worry. You're safe now,' he says softly, his gaze filled with concern.

He brings the cup to your lips, gently coaxing you to drink. The warm liquid soothes your throat, its herbal taste strangely familiar.

'Who are you?' you manage to ask, your voice still weak.

'Ethan.' He smiles, a soft, fleeting smile that somehow reaches you in the depths of your exhaustion. 'I found you in the woods. You were hurt.'

You recall the fall, the dizzying plummet into the darkness, the searing pain...

'My clothes...' You realize, a wave of shame washing over you. You're wearing only his tunic, your own clothes soaked through with blood and rain, lying uselessly on a nearby rock.

Ethan's gaze shifts to the tunic, and he quickly averts his eyes. 'Your clothes were soaked and torn. I had to...,' he trails off, his cheeks flushed.

You're aware of the warmth of his tunic against your skin, the scent of his presence, and for the first time, you notice his hands, calloused and strong, yet holding the cup with a gentleness that sets your heart racing.

He clears his throat, obviously uncomfortable. 'I'll go make you some food. Rest now.'

He turns to leave, leaving you with a swirl of confusion and an inexplicable flutter in your chest. As he moves towards the entrance, you notice a faint glow emanating from his back, a luminescent shimmer that fades as quickly as it appears. He's unlike anyone you've ever met.

You lie back, gazing at the flickering light from the fire, feeling a strange sense of peace amidst the storm. You're injured, lost, and utterly bewildered, but for the first time in a long time, you feel safe.


as they sat by the entrance of their cave, watching the rain pour down, Elara turned to Ethan and began to share her story. She explained how she had been mysteriously transferred to this forest and how she was chased by wolves, leaving behind a world filled with advanced technology and medical knowledge.

Ethan listened intently, his heart going out to Elara as he imagined the shock and disorientation she must have experienced. As they continued to talk, he began to open up about his own past, sharing details of his political background and the weight of expectation that had been placed upon him.

In that moment, they realized that not only were they from different worlds, but they had come from different timelines as well. The revelation hit them like a wave, leaving them both stunned and speechless.

However, as the days passed, Ethan and Elara found comfort in each other's company. They shared their dreams and fears, and discovered a deep connection that transcended time and space. The forest, once a source of isolation, became a sanctuary for these two lost souls. They found solace in the quiet whispers of the wind, the gentle rustling of leaves, and the calming rhythm of the rain.

Their days were filled with exploration and discovery, while the nights gave way to long conversations and stolen glances. As the monsoon season began to wane.

Hard hearted confession..

The rain drummed a relentless rhythm on the cave roof, a steady, soothing counterpoint to the flickering fire. Ethan, his broad shoulders filling the space near the hearth, was expertly cleaning a deer he'd brought down earlier. His movements were swift, almost fluid, despite the size of the beast. He was a blur of motion, a stark contrast to the flickering flames.

Elara, perched on a rock, watched him mesmerized. It hadn't been long since she'd stumbled upon this cave, a haven from the torrential downpour. And it hadn't been long since she'd seen Ethan, a whirlwind of strength and speed, emerging from the woods, a deer slung over his shoulder like a toy.

'Why are you staring?' Ethan's voice startled her. He looked up, his eyes a deep, knowing blue, framed by a cascade of dark hair damp with rain.

'I... I just can't believe how strong you are,' Elara stammered, unable to tear her eyes from him. He was different, she knew it. His movements were too quick, his reactions too fast. An undeniable power pulsed around him, a silent hum that sent shivers down her spine.

'It's just... how I am,' he said, a slight smile touching his lips. He looked back at the deer, expertly separating the meat from the bone.

Elara's stomach rumbled, reminding her of the empty space in her own. 'I could probably make us something to eat,' she offered, her cheeks flushing. 'I brought some... ingredients.'

For the first time since she'd met him, Ethan looked surprised. 'You brought ingredients? Here, in this place?'

She nodded, her voice soft. 'I always bring food with me, you know. Just in case.'

She moved towards the small pack she'd brought, retrieving dried herbs, roots, and a small bag of flour. The scent of damp earth and pine needles filled the air, mingled with the rich aroma of the roasting meat.

As Elara worked, she stole glances at Ethan. He was mesmerizing to watch. Every move was effortless, every decision precise. He was a protector, a provider, a force of nature. A feeling bloomed in her chest, a warmth that spread through her entire being. She was drawn to him, inexorably, as if the forest itself had guided her to him.

He caught her looking at him and raised an eyebrow, his expression almost questioning. She blushed, but didn't look away. 'I'm just... grateful,' she murmured, her voice barely a whisper. 'Thank you for letting me stay.'

Ethan returned her gaze, his eyes searching hers. 'You're alright,' he said, a hint of surprise in his voice. 'More than alright. You're... something else.'

The words hung between them, charged with a feeling that neither of them could quite name. The fire crackled and popped, sending sparks leaping skyward, mirroring the emotions stirring within them.

Suddenly, it didn't matter how they'd ended up here. It didn't matter that their world was miles away, hidden by a veil of rain and forest. All that mattered was the warmth of the fire, the scent of roasting meat, and the quiet understanding that had blossomed between them, a fragile, beautiful thing that thrived in the heart of the storm.


A week's time has passed.

Elara, her brow furrowed in concentration, delicately picked at the fungi growing on a fallen log. She had been taught to avoid the bright, vibrant ones, but these pale, almost translucent, ones were said to hold a sweet, comforting flavor.

Her heart, however, was not at ease. A constant unease gnawed at her, a sense of being watched. She glanced over her shoulder, but saw nothing except the dense foliage, the rain obscuring any potential movement.

“Hello?” she called out, her voice a hesitant whisper.

A snort, rough and guttural, answered her. Elara spun around, her eyes widening in fear as she saw ten figures emerge from the shadows, clad in heavy, metallic armor that glinted malevolently in the dim light filtering through the canopy. They moved with chilling grace, their faces concealed by grotesque, horned helmets.

“Don’t be afraid, little bird,” one of them rasped, his voice a chilling echo within the forest. “We mean you no harm.”

But Elara knew better. There was something predatory in the way they moved, a hunger behind their words that sent shivers down her spine. They were not from her world, she knew that. Their armor, their strange, inhuman language, their very presence was a jarring dissonance in the world she had known.

“Please,” she begged, her voice trembling, “leave me alone.”

Her pleas were met with laughter, harsh and cruel. Their hands reached out, and before Elara could even scream, they were upon her, tearing at her clothes, their touch cold and brutal.

“Ethan!” she cried out, her voice ragged with terror.

Her cry, sharp and desperate, sliced through the rain-soaked air. In the distance, Ethan, the hunter, felt a jolt of pure instinct, a primal urgency that ripped through his senses. He had been following a deer, its scent leading him deep into the heart of the forest, when he heard Elara’s cry, a desperate plea that resonated with a terrifying truth – she was in danger.

He moved with a speed that seemed impossible, a blur of motion through the dense foliage. He reached the clearing where Elara was, and his heart lurched into his throat. Ten figures, men in armoured , were tearing at her, their touch brutal, their eyes gleaming with a predatory hunger.

Ethan did not hesitate. A primal rage, born of protection and love, consumed him. His body, moved with superhuman speed and strength. He was a whirlwind of motion, tearing through the armored figures, crushing bones, twisting limbs, his movements fueled by an unyielding fury.

The forest echoed with the sounds of bone snapping, metal twisting, and the guttural roars of the dying. Ethan moved with a relentless fury, a storm of destruction, his eyes burning with an unearthly intensity. The attackers, caught off guard by his speed and power, were helpless against his wrath. His strength was beyond human, his movements bordering on the supernatural.

One by one, they fell, their bodies twisted and broken. Their armor, once a symbol of their power, now lay shattered, a testament to the unyielding force that had met them. Finally, when the last of them fell, the forest was silent, the only sounds the rain and Ethan’s ragged breaths.

Elara, trembling, stood amidst the carnage. Her eyes, wide with fear, were fixed on Ethan. He was a figure of pure rage, his clothes torn, his body slick with sweat and blood, his eyes burning with a fierce, unyielding light.

“Ethan,” she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. “Are…are you okay?”

He knelt before her, his hands trembling as he gently reached out to cup her face. She flinched back, terrified of the raw power she saw in his eyes, but his touch was gentle, his gaze full of concern.

“It’s alright, Elara,” he murmured, his voice raspy with exhaustion. “I’m here now. They’re gone.”

Elara, still trembling, sank into his arms, burying her face in his chest. His arms wrapped around her, strong and comforting, a shield against the lingering fear.

“I…I thought I was going to…to…”

“I know,” he said, his voice husky with emotion. “I know. But it’s over now. I’m here. I’ll never let anything like this happen again.”

The words, choked with emotion, were a confession of love, a promise whispered in the heart of the rain-soaked forest. Elara, her fear slowly receding, raised her head, her eyes meeting his gaze.

“Ethan,” she whispered, her voice trembling with a newfound courage. “I love you.”

He smiled, the raw emotion in his eyes softening into a warmth that reached deep within her. “I love you too, Elara. More than words can say.”

They stood there, in the aftermath of the storm, their love a beacon in the darkness, a promise of hope in a world that had suddenly become so strange and terrifying. They were two souls, lost and alone, brought together by fate, their love a fragile flame in the heart of a storm. And as the rain continued to fall, washing away the blood and the fear, they knew that their journey, together, had just begun.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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