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Dear Vampire You Are Only MINE "Timeless Treasures"

Chapter 1: The New Beginnings

Hello Guys 🤗
I'm back with a new story ☺️
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This shop, "Timeless Treasures," was owned by a reclusive old man named Mr. Whitaker. Recently, he hired a young assistant, a boy named Ethan, whose life was about to be intertwined with beings far older and more mysterious than he could ever imagine....
Ethan's first day at "Timeless Treasures" was filled with awe and curiosity. The shop was a labyrinth of old clocks, faded paintings, and ancient books, each with its own story. As he meticulously dusted a shelf of delicate porcelain, the shop bell jingled, announcing the arrival of a customer...
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
"Ethan, could you please attend to the customer?" Mr. Whitaker called
his voice gravelly with age...
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
making his way to the front...
And then..
Ethan's POV
I was met with the sight of three strikingly beautiful individuals. There was an air of timeless elegance about them, their features flawless and eyes gleaming with an intensity that made him feel both drawn and unsettled.
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
Good morning...How can I help you?" Sir, (greeted them with a polite smile) 😊
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
(The man in the center, who seemed to be the leader, stepped forward. His voice was smooth and velvety....) *in mind*
Adrian Drakovick
Adrian Drakovick
"We’re looking for something... special.
Adrian Drakovick
Adrian Drakovick
An artifact that has been lost through the ages."
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
Ethan blinked, taken aback by the request. "We have many rare items. Could you be more specific?"
Ethan's POV
The woman beside the man smiled, her red lips contrasting sharply with her pale skin...
Selene Marov
Selene Marov
"We’re looking for the Blood Amulet. It’s an ancient relic, rumored to be in this area."
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
I had heard of many artifacts in his short time working here, but the Blood Amulet was not one of them... 🤔
Before Ethan could respond, Mr. Whitaker appeared from the back, his eyes narrowing at the trio.. 👀
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
Is there something I can assist you with?"
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
(Mr. Whitaker asked, his tone worry..)
The Third visitor, another man with piercing Blue Eyes, stepped forward..
Lucian Vorst
Lucian Vorst
"We are merely inquiring about an old legend, sir. We mean no harm."
Mr. Whitaker's expression softened slightly..
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
"Legends often lead to trouble. But, if you’re interested in artifacts, you’re welcome to look around."
As the Three guests dispersed to browse the shop, Mr. Whitaker pulled Ethan aside.
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
"Be careful around them," he whispered. "They’re not who they seem."
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
Who are they?? (frowned)😕
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
"Vampires," Mr. Whitaker said bluntly..
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
Ancient ones. They’ve been searching for that amulet for centuries."
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
Ethan’s heart skipped a beat. He had always been fascinated by the supernatural, but hearing it confirmed was something entirely different...
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
He glanced back at the trio, who now seemed even more enigmatic..👀👀
Adrian Drakovick
Adrian Drakovick
Adrian approached Ethan once more...
Adrian Drakovick
Adrian Drakovick
Hey Young boy... come here
Adrian Drakovick
Adrian Drakovick
"You seem knowledgeable about the artifacts here. Do you believe in the legends?"
Adrian Drakovick
Adrian Drakovick
(He asked..) with polite smile 😊
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
( hesitated) "I think every legend has a bit of truth in it."
Adrian Drakovick
Adrian Drakovick
(Adrian's eyes sparkled with amusement), 🤩🤩
Adrian Drakovick
Adrian Drakovick
"Wise for your age. We will return, young Ethan. And perhaps, you’ll help us uncover the truth."
With that, the trio left, their departure as silent as their arrival...
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
Ethan exhaled, not realizing he had been holding his breath..🙆
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
"Why didn’t you tell me we had vampires visiting?"( To Mr. Whitaker,)
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
(his voice a mix of excitement and fear..)😱
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
"Because you wouldn’t have believed me," (Mr. Whitaker replied. ")😕
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
And because some things are better discovered firsthand...
As the day continued, Ethan couldn’t shake the feeling that his life was about to change dramatically. He was right. The arrival of the vampires marked the beginning of a new chapter, one filled with danger, secrets, and a romance that would defy time itself...
And so, Ethan's journey into the world of the supernatural began, with each tick of the antique clocks in "Timeless Treasures" marking a step deeper into the unknown...


Welcome back 🤗
Introduction time 😄
ETHAN CARTER Age: 22 Background: Ethan is a recent college graduate with a degree in history. He has always been fascinated by the past, which led him to take a job at "Timeless Treasures," an antique shop in his hometown. He is intelligent, curious, and has a natural affinity for uncovering secrets. Personality: Ethan is earnest and kind-hearted, with a strong sense of justice. He is also brave, often acting on his instincts to help others, even if it means putting himself in danger.
ADRIAN DRAKOVICK Age: 500+ (appears to be in his early 30s) Background: Adrian is the leader of the trio of vampires. He was turned into a vampire during the Renaissance period and has since wandered the world, accumulating vast knowledge and power. He is in search of the Blood Amulet, a powerful artifact that he believes can grant him and his companions new abilities or perhaps a way to end their eternal existence. Personality: Adrian is charismatic, intelligent, and strategic. He has a commanding presence and can be both charming and intimidating. Despite his centuries of existence, he harbors a deep longing for something more, a vulnerability he rarely shows.
LUCIAN VORST Age: 500+ (appears to be in his early 30s) Background: Lucian is the third member of Adrian’s vampire trio. He was once a warrior before becoming a vampire, which makes him the most physically formidable of the group. He shares Adrian’s quest for the Blood Amulet and has his own reasons for seeking it. Personality: Lucian is stoic, loyal, and often silent, observing more than he speaks. He is deeply honorable and holds a strong code of ethics, despite his vampiric nature. He has a protective streak, especially towards Selene.
SELENE MAROV Age: 500+ (appears to be in her late 20s) Background: Selene is the female vampire in Adrian’s group. She was turned around the same time as Adrian and has been his loyal companion ever since. She has a mysterious past and a sharp mind, making her an excellent strategist and diplomat. Personality: Selene is elegant, seductive, and fiercely protective of her companions. She is pragmatic and often the voice of reason within the group. While she appears cold and calculating, she has a softer side that occasionally emerges, especially around those she cares about.
LILA THOMPSON Age: 23 Background: Lila is Ethan’s childhood friend and a fellow history enthusiast. She often helps Ethan with his research and is a frequent visitor to the antique shop. Personality: Lila is adventurous, resourceful, and fiercely loyal to Ethan. She has a keen eye for detail and a knack for solving puzzles, making her an invaluable ally in Ethan’s upcoming adventures.
MR. WHITAKER Age: 70 Background: The owner of "Timeless Treasures, " Mr. Whitaker is a retired historian with a deep knowledge of ancient artifacts and the supernatural. He hired Ethan due to the boy’s genuine interest and quick learning. Personality: Mr. Whitaker is wise, cautious, and somewhat secretive. He knows more about the supernatural world than he lets on and acts as a mentor and protector to Ethan.
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Chapter 2: Unveiling Secrets

Welcome back 🤗
Let's start
The next morning, Ethan arrived early at "Timeless Treasures."
The encounter with the vampires was still fresh in his mind, filling him with a mix of excitement and apprehension. He started his day by organizing a new shipment of artifacts, trying to focus on his tasks.
Just as he finished arranging a set of ancient books, the shop bell jingled. This time, it was Lila, his childhood friend...
Lila Thompson (Ethan
Lila Thompson (Ethan's best friend)
Hey, Ethan!" (she greeted, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.) "
Lila Thompson (Ethan
Lila Thompson (Ethan's best friend)
"You look like you’ve seen a ghost."😆
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
More like vampires, (lowering his voice)
Lila Thompson (Ethan
Lila Thompson (Ethan's best friend)
Lila Thompson (Ethan
Lila Thompson (Ethan's best friend)
"Vampires? Here? Tell me everything!"
Ethan quickly filled her in on the mysterious trio and their search for the Blood Amulet. Lila listened intently, her excitement growing.🤨🧐🧐🤨
Lila Thompson (Ethan
Lila Thompson (Ethan's best friend)
"We have to find out more about this amulet,"
Lila Thompson (Ethan
Lila Thompson (Ethan's best friend)
"It sounds dangerous, and we need to know what we’re dealing with..."
Mr. Whitaker emerged from the back room, overhearing their conversation.
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
"The Blood Amulet is indeed dangerous. It's said to amplify a vampire's powers immensely. If those vampires are searching for it, we must be cautious."
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
"Do you know where it might be?"
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
(shook his head)
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
"The amulet has been lost for centuries. But there are clues in old texts and legends. I have some books in the back that might help."
Ethan and Lila spent the rest of the day poring over the ancient texts Mr. Whitaker provided. They found references to the Blood Amulet scattered across various sources, each hinting at its last known whereabouts but nothing concrete.
As evening approaches
The shop’s bell jingled again...🎐
This time, it was Adrian, Selene, and Lucian.
Adrian Drakovick
Adrian Drakovick
"Good evening," 😊
Adrian Drakovick
Adrian Drakovick
(his eyes locking onto Ethan's.) "We meet again, young Ethan."☺️☺️
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
(He felt a shiver run down his spine.🥶) "Good evening. How can we help you?"🙂
Selene Marov
Selene Marov
(Selene stepped forward, her gaze softening) 😊😊 "We hope we didn’t scare you yesterday. We’re simply desperate to find the amulet. It’s crucial for us."
Lila, sensing the tension, intervened...
Lila Thompson (Ethan
Lila Thompson (Ethan's best friend)
"We’ve been looking into the amulet too. Maybe we can help each other."
Adrian smiled, 😊 a hint of genuine gratitude in his eyes..
Adrian Drakovick
Adrian Drakovick
"Perhaps. Any information you find would be invaluable to us."
Mr. Whitaker, who had been quietly observing, finally spoke...
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
"We don’t want trouble in our town. If you’re willing to share what you know, we can help you look for it. But remember, we must protect everyone here."
Lucian Vorst
Lucian Vorst
(Lucian nodded solemnly) "We understand. Our intentions are not to harm but to find what we seek."
The vampires left the shop, leaving Ethan, Lila, and Mr. Whitaker in deep thought. The hunt for the Blood Amulet had begun in earnest, and with it came the promise of danger and discovery...
Ethan knew one thing for sure: his life would never be the same again...
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