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Rebirth: The Fake Young Miss Is The Real Young Miss

Devil from hell

In Rong City, which was located in the southern boundary, it was snowing.

The strong wind carried ice and snow, whistling through the gloomy cemetery, leaving a bone-piercing pain on Shen Xi’s face like an ice blade.

She knelt in the cemetery, clutching the suicide note that her mother had secretly left in her hands. Her back was straight and her expression was indifferent, but her eyes were full of hostility and hatred.

At this moment, in an art gallery in Rong City, there was a solo art exhibition by the daughter of the president of Kunlun Construction, an outstanding painter who had appeared out of nowhere in the past three years, Jiang Xue.

Jiang Lun, dressed in a formal suit, stood in front of the curtain, smiling as he looked at his daughter who was giving a speech on the stage.

Jiang Xue was dressed in a high-fitting gown. She stood in the middle of the stage and calmly gave a speech with a microphone in her hand.

“Dear leaders, dear guests, hello! I feel very honored to have so many people come to my art exhibition today. I would like to thank the leaders, guests, and my colleagues who have come to attend the opening ceremony of my art exhibition…”

Jiang Xue’s graceful manner and polite words won a round of applause from the guests.

Xia Chun listened to the praises of her daughter from the crowd. She was amazed and felt very proud. Her face was full of pride and her eyes were full of love. She was truly the real daughter of the Jiang family.

“I’ve always heard that the Jiang couple doted on their daughter. Seems like it is true. They must love her so much to be able to hold such a grand solo art exhibition for her.”

“If I had such an outstanding daughter, I would be happy to flaunt her around like this too. It’s a pity that I don’t. Sigh! It’s infuriating.”

“I heard that she’s the last disciple of the famous painter of Rong City, Xiang Lao!”

“That means that she must really be something.”

“Of course she is. If it was that fake from before, the Jiang couple would be so embarrassed by now.”

“What fake?”

“Don’t you know? Apparently, there was a switch up at the hospital. Their previous daughter wasn’t their real daughter. However, the Jiang couple was kind-hearted, so they kept her and raised her as their own daughter. However, she was never grateful. She kept comparing herself with Miss Jiang and was even jealous of her. When the family couldn’t take it anymore, she was sent back to her biological parents. When she heard that she was going to be returned to her biological parents and would have to live a hard life, she drove her car into her biological father and killed him. She’s currently in jail!”

“Ah? Really?”

“Why would I lie to you? Their whole family is messed up. I heard that her father was an alcoholic, her mother was a gambler, and now the daughter is a criminal. As expected, dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes give birth to phoenixes.”

“Yes, she was greedy for wealth and wanted to live a wealthy life in the Jiang family. She ran over her father who brought her home and killed him. Her own mother was also implicated and was knocked into a vegetative state. Miss Jiang was very kind-hearted. She took care of her adoptive mother for four years and used her own money to pay for her treatments. However, I heard that she couldn’t hold on a year ago and died.”

“How can there be such a heartless and vicious person!”

As they were discussing, the crowd in front suddenly split into two. The people who were discussing in private looked towards the door.

A white-haired old man and a handsome man appeared at the door.

They were the renowned painter of Rong City, Xiang Lao, and the third-generation leader of Xiang Group, Xiang Cheng.

When Jiang Lun’s family of three saw them, they immediately looked at each other in surprise. They didn’t expert Jiang Lao to come. The three of them immediately went to greet him.

Jiang Xue was Xiang Lao’s last disciple, but for some reason, after seeing her, Xiang Lao wasn’t particularly cordial. Instead, he was very distant.

That was why Jiang Xue wasn’t very confident that he would come.

But it didn’t matter. The reason she was learning painting from him was to get close to Xiang Group.

Xiang Lao coming was just icing on the cake. She wouldn’t have mind if he didn’t come.

Because she had already gotten what she wanted.

Jiang Xue took a deep breath and plastered a smile on her face. She gave Xiang Cheng the most perfect smile.

Xiang Cheng looked at Jiang Xue who was slowly walking towards him, and the smile on his face deepened.

The two of them stood together. They were a perfect match, a perfect match made in heaven. Many of the guests present were envious of them.

It seemed like the rumor that that two of them were getting married was true.

The Jiang couple were filled with joy and relief as they stood behind the two of them.

However, another person suddenly appeared behind the perfect couple.

It was an extremely skinny girl.

She had long black hair, a pale face, deep dark green eye sockets, and dark purple lips. She looked like an evil spirit that could drag people into hell at any time.

She was quiet and her eyes were as cold as icicles staring right at the Jiang family members.

“Who is this? She doesn’t seem like a guest who came for the art exhibition?”

“I don’t know. Judging from the bulging bag on her back, she must be an errand girl, right?”

Seeing that the people around them were beginning to rustle with curiosity, the Jiang couple’s expressions started to change.

Jiang Lun said angrily, “Who let you in? Get out!”

The corners of Shen Xi’s mouth curled as she smiled. She gave off creepy vibes.

“All the works here are mine. How can I not come to my own solo exhibition?”

When Shen Xi said this, everyone was in an uproar. Some people looked at each other while others looked at Jiang Xue.

Even Xiang Lao and Xiang Cheng looked at Shen Xi and Jiang Xue confusedly.

Jiang Xue didn’t expect Shen Xi to come and say such things.

But even though she was a little flustered, she still steadied her mind. She pretended to be calm and said, “Xi, after you got out of prison, you disappeared. I have been worried about you. The prison psychologist said that your current mental state is not very good. You need to rest more. Be good. Follow me to the rest room to rest. It makes me sad to see to you like this.”

Saying this, Jiang Xue was about to pull Shen Xi away. She wanted to pull her away as soon as possible.

Shen Xi took a step back and continued watched Jiang Xue put on her act.

Jiang xue portrayed herself as a kind hearted person who cared about person who snatched her identity.

She even cared to check up on Shen Xi’s mental health from the prison psychologist.

This what what everyone who was watching what was happening thought.

The crowd began to look at Shen Xi with a disgusted expression.

Jiang Xue withdrew her hand awkwardly and continued.

“Xi, I know that you’ve been blaming me for reuniting with my parents, blaming me for suddenly appearing and stealing your wealthy life. That’s why you went crazy, thinking that I was a thief, bullying me in every way, and even fantasizing that Cheng liked you back, and that I stole him from you.”

“But Xi, I’ve never blamed you for it. Just like what Dad and Mom said, you’re still their child. I’ve worked so hard to create everything in this art exhibition these past few years. Just this once, let me have my moment, please. I really can’t give in to you anymore.”

Revealing her true colours

Everyone started whispering in disbelief again.

“She’s that fake daughter, Jiang Xi?”

“How is she so shameless? After stealing Jiang Xue’s parents, she still wants to steal everything else.”

“Exactly. I’ve never seen such a shameless person. It’s actually expected considering the family she’s from.”

“She must have really gone crazy. How is she so delusional? I’ve never seen anyone like her.”

“I thought she was in prison?”

“She might have been released. I heard that she was sentenced to five years. That’s about it.”

“She’s being ridiculous. How can an ex-convict be able to create such beautiful paintings?”

“Exactly. She’s shameless.”

“She even thought that the young master of Xiang Group liked her? She is absolutely delusional.”

“Exactly. She should take a good look at herself. Does she think her looks is worthy of him?”

Shen Xi ignored the taunts, accusations, and curses from the people around her. She knew how capable the Jiang family was at distorting the truth.

“Is that so? Your hard work?” Shen Xi grinned with a bright and frightening smile.

Shen Xi used her skinny knuckles to point at an ink painting with a black background. “Do you know what the source of inspiration for this painting is?”

Jiang Xue looked at the painting and was extremely annoyed. The painting made no sense to her.

Jiang Xue stared at the painting for a long time without saying anything. Finally, she stammered, “I’m afraid of the dark, so I wanted to add some luster in the dark. Xi, stop messing around.”

“Hahaha, you’re ridiculous. Have you taken a serious look at the painting? Do you know that the source of inspiration is written at the bottom of the painting? “Prison release.” The source of inspiration for this painting is my five years of suffering despite being innocent! Also, you may not know this, but throughout these five years, I’ve hidden my initials in all of my paintings.”

When everyone heard this, they immediately took a closer look. At the bottom of the painting, there were indeed small words saying ‘Prison release’.

The only person here who had gone to prison was Shen Xi.

Moreover, when they took a closer look at each of the other paintings, they were able to find the imprints of Shen Xi’s initials.

Everyone’s expression when they looked at Jiang Xue immediately changed.

A young lady taking credit for an ex-convict’s hard work?

The people who saw Jiang Xue as intelligent and graceful just a moment ago immediately put on a mocking expression on their faces.

However, since she was still the daughter of the president of Kunlun Construction, they didn’t gossip about her out loud. They all turned their heads to the side and secretly gossiped about her.

Jiang Xue did not expect Shen Xi to hide her initials in her paintings. She turned to look at Xiang Lao with a panicked expression. Xiang Lao’s expression was stern, and even Xiang Cheng had an unpleasant expression.

“Stop talking nonsense. You’ve been in prison for the past five years. How would you be able to paint? As for this mark… I saw that mom and dad was missing you so much, so I wrote it in, hoping that you would be released early,” Jiang Xue turned around and explained.

Although her explanation about the mark was a bit far-fetched, Jiang Xue was right. How could Shen Xi paint in prison?

“Xi, for the sake of your dad and I, can you stop messing around? I will take you home first…” Xia Chun really couldn’t bear to see her own daughter being embarrassed.

“Dad and you? You’re not my parents. Stop pretending. No parent would allow outsiders to bully their own child. Five years ago, you were the one who told me to stay to accompany Jiang Xue and help her adapt to her new environment.”

“Because of this, many people pointed their fingers at me and called me shameless for coveting the wealth of the Jiang family. Did you defend me at all?”

“No, you didn’t. You let me get laughed at and scolded. You’ve done so many bad things to me. Would you like me to list them all out?”

“Why did Jiang Xue pretend to want me to stay with your family? What happened after that? Do you dare to say it in front of so many people?”

“Nonsense!” Jiang Lun immediately became angry from embarrassment. Then, he rushed toward Shen Xi and raised his hand to drag her out.

However, before he could even touch Shen Xi, she violently pushed him away. He staggered a few steps forward, and the president of Kunlun Construction almost fell to the ground.

Shen Xi looked at the person whom she used to regard as her father, who was in such a sorry state, and could not help but laugh.

After five years in prison, she was no longer the Shen Xi who was weak, had to submit to others and could be bullied.

“No matter how much nonsense I spout, an outsider like you has no right to do anything to me.”

Jiang Lun, who had barely managed to regain his stability, burst out in anger, “Outsider? Out of kindness, I raised you for eighteen years, and this is how you repay me? Even a dog knows how to wag its tail at its owner. You’re worse than a dog, you’re an ungrateful wretch.”

Shen Xi laughed hysterically. “Ungrateful wretch? You raised me out of kindness?”

She pulled Jiang Xue aside, “Which ungrateful wretch would take the blame for your daughter? Which ungrateful wretch would obediently stay in prison and take the blame for your stupid daughter for five years? And now you’re even lying about her being a painter.”

Shen Xi’s eyes were bloodshot, like a malicious ghost stained with blood. She stared fiercely at Jiang Xue and her voice suddenly became louder. “Back then, when you committed murder with your new sports car, you weren’t like this. You knelt in front of me and cried like a pitiful worm, begging me to take the blame.”

Then, with her slightly trembling hands, she pointed at the Jiang couple fiercely. “And the two of you, remember? You two knelt in front of me and cried until your tears and snot flowed out. You grabbed my white dress and begged me to take the blame in account of the eighteen years that you raised me.”

“This is what you call kindness? You’ve raised me for eighteen years, and my biological parents raised Jiang Xue for eighteen years. When have I ever owed your family anything?”

As Shen Xi revealed everything, Jiang Xue’s face instantly turned pale. However, she knew that she couldn’t admit to this, so she immediately tried to make herself the victim and started crying.

“Xi, I know that you still blame me, so you cannot move on. It’s my fault. On the day you were released from prison, I should have gone to pick you up and reminded you to take your medicine. Then, your hallucinations wouldn’t be so bad and you would not think that someone else committed your crime. You can’t change the fact that you broke the law. Even if you live in your own world, you can’t change this fact.”

Everyone started to be confused. Shen Xi had proof behind her words. She was probably telling the truth.

However, Jiang Xue was saying that Shen Xi was mentally ill and was delusional. It was really confusing.

Beating up the liar

Jiang Lun understood what Jiang Xue meant and immediately said, “Shen Xi, for the sake of our eighteen years together and Xue’s soft-heartedness, I have always been patient with you.”

“However, the truth of the matter is that you committed the crime. The car accident back then was investigated and it was proved that you were the one who caused it. You can’t slander Xue without proof. In a society ruled by law, being mentally ill is not an excuse to act recklessly.”

Jiang Xue secretly laughed in her heart. Her father was indeed as evil as her and was able to quickly understand what she meant, “Dad, don’t say that. Mentally ill? Xi just can’t accept the fact that she has nothing left after living a prosperous eighteen years of her life.”

Then, Jiang Xue frowned and looked at Shen Xi with a worried expression, “Xi, don’t blame Dad. He’s just disappointed to watch his daughter, whom he had raised for eighteen years, become like this. He was angry that you didn’t live up to his expectations, so he said what he said in a fit of rage.”

“Let’s go home, okay? From now on, we’ll be real sisters. Dad and mom will treat you well and we’ll all be a family.”

As if in response to Jiang Xue’s words, Xia Chun wiped her tears and leaned into Jiang Lun’s arms. She was like a mother who was sad to see her daughter so sick.

Jiang Lun also sighed, hugged his wife, and comforted her.

The entire hall was silent.

A sister who repaid resentment with kindness, a gentle and soft-hearted mother, a father who only wanted the best for her daughter, and an ungrateful adopted daughter.

Shen Xi sneered and looked at Jiang Xue in disgust. She was extremely done with her.

Shen Xi used all the strength in her body and gave Jiang Xue a hard slap on the face.

Jiang Xue’s exquisite makeup was immediately ruined. Her fair face was covered with five red marks that were dripping with blood.

Jiang Xue immediately screamed, “My face, my face.”

Immediately, Shen Xi went forward and pulled Jiang Xue’s hair and threw her on the ground. She slapped her hard a few more times, grabbed her hair, and slammed her head on the ground.

Her body was filled with hostility, and her eyes were red.

“I can’t believe you killed my biological father who raised you for eighteen years. In order to cover up your crime, you even caused my biological mother to fall into a coma. You even used her medical fees to threaten me to paint for you.”

“They raised you for eighteen years, eighteen years! Yet you killed them. You’re disgusting. The one who should be dead is you. Die!”

Jiang Xue was scared out of her wits. Her face was hurting from the beating. Other than crying, there was nothing else she could do.

Xiang Cheng, who had been standing by the side, saw the situation and immediately tried to pull Shen Xi away. However, Jiang Lun stepped forward and kicked Shen Xi away.

He kicked Shen Xi in her chest, resulting in her coughing out blood.

Jiang Xue was crying non-stop. Her tears were mixed with her blood, making her look especially horrifying. She burrowed herself into Xiang Cheng’s arms and cried pitifully.

“Cheng, what she said is not true. Trust me, Xi has gone crazy. She blames me for everything bad that happens to her. She even thinks that I stole you from her. The psychiatrist said that her mental illness is quite severe. Although I’m very worried about her, I can’t let myself be wronged, especially by you. I care about you very much.”

Xiang Cheng had doubts in his heart. However, when he saw Shen Xi beating his injured lover crazily, he could not help but believe that Jiang Xue was innocent. “I know. I believe you.”

Then, he looked at Shen Xi with an ice-cold gaze, “Enough! Shen Xi. Xue has been worried about you all this time. I didn’t expect you to be so vicious. Xue will not give me up just because you’re acting like this.”

“It’s true that we were engaged before. My mother also likes you very much, but that was because at the time you were the daughter of the Jiang family. The engagement is set between the Xiang family and the Jiang family, understand?”

“Also, I was the one who fell in love with Xue first. I’ve never liked you, and I’ll never like a crazy woman like you.”

Shen Xi wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and snorted coldly.

What the hell was Xiang Cheng talking about? She had never liked him either.

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