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Chapter 1 [Vivian POV]

Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
I don't know where did I really went wrong.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
But what I know us now that I won't sit quietly.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
I will get back at everyone for everything that they did to me.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
They will have to pay for ruining me and playing with ny feelings.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
They made me a plaything just for their f**king entertainment purpose.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Huh... (scoffs)
Vivian was talking to herself in her room while sitting all alone as she recalled the incidents that happened past few weeks.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
They really thought that I was a weakling with whom they will play till their satisfaction and throw it away?
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
(smirks) Well... Well... Well... they are totally wrong.
Vivian stood up from her study chair and went towards her balcony and opened the windows to feel the cold breeze.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Looks like I need to remind them that if they start a game, they should finish the game properly.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
If not.... (laughs evilly)
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Ha.... ha.... ha...
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Let's see if you all survive or not.

Chapter 2

Alexander Wang [Crush]
Alexander Wang [Crush]
Never had this feeling before.
Alexander Wang [Crush]
Alexander Wang [Crush]
I don't know but I feel an over flowing guilt running through my veins.
Alexander Wang [Crush]
Alexander Wang [Crush]
Vivian was not the first girl who had a crush on me.
Alexander Wang [Crush]
Alexander Wang [Crush]
Nor was she the first student in the school whom me and my group had bullied.
Alexander Wang [Crush]
Alexander Wang [Crush]
But never to the extent where someone would drown themselves.
Alexander Wang [Crush]
Alexander Wang [Crush]
I didn't feel for anyone, only concentrated on my academics, my family and my friends.
Alexander Wang [Crush]
Alexander Wang [Crush]
Bullying new students was a regular thing.
Alexander Wang [Crush]
Alexander Wang [Crush]
It not only happened in our school but also in others.
Alexander Wang [Crush]
Alexander Wang [Crush]
I never wished to torture someone to the extent where they would think it's better to die than to live.
Alexander Wang [Crush]
Alexander Wang [Crush]
But whom am I joking with.
Alexander Wang [Crush]
Alexander Wang [Crush]
I was not at their place.
Alexander Wang [Crush]
Alexander Wang [Crush]
It's true, you only show Empathy when you wear other's shoes.
[All these thoughts were going on continuously in his mind. It was making him restless and somewhere guilty.]
[But did he learn from his mistakes? The answer is NO.]
[He again went on to do the same things.]
[Till the day Vivian came back to school , after a whole two months.]

Chapter 3 [Vivian POV]

[At night, Vivian was standing near the window frame, enjoying the cool breeze flowing.]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
It's been a whole 2 months.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Tomorrow I'll be back to school.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
The same place which made me hate this world, myself, my existence and pushed me till I didn't give up.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
But no more… No more being some petty weak person.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
No more being the nursery student who would go back to home crying if anything goes wrong in the school, with friends, with classmates or with the teachers.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
A month back when I was in the hospital for post check-up, I told my parents bit about what happened.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Later when I came back home, my parents did not pressure me to give more details.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
However, I was aware of the tension and the anxiety level of theirs.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Or how much they wanted to help but can't just to give me the very much needed space.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
To make me comfortable in not only telling them but also to come forward on my own, my parents supported a lot.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Really, they are the best to be real. Always working hard to provide the comfort and luxury for me grow up to be a nice person.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
And I try to be the best, as they deserve.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
And I am happy that they are proud of me.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
But now, rather being the good girl, I would like to become the Villainess as they describe in the manhwas and manhuas.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
The one who tortures the so xalled innocent people.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
I would make their life hell.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Na.. na... na...
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Not kill but hell.
Vivian Morgan [FL]
Vivian Morgan [FL]
There is fun in when they beg.

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