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Ship Is Sailing

Episode 1: Encounter at dawn

As the sun rose over the bustling city of Paris, the elegant figure of Aurora Zephyrine made her way through the crowded streets towards the prestigious Lyceum Academy, where she served as a dedicated teacher. The weather and surroundings was delightful, with a gentle breeze carrying the sweet scent of flowers. Aurora couldn’t help but twirl around, a smile lighting up her face as she remembered that today was her third monthsary with her boyfriend.

In her own world of happiness, Aurora twirled, danced and hummed, only to accidentally bump into a stranger, a man of stern countenance and cold demeanor. His reaction was sharp, a mixture of annoyance and disdain evident in his furrowed brow and tight lips.

“I’m terribly sorry, sir,” said Aurora with a humble tone.

“You know what? You are the fifth woman who bumped into me today. What is it that you want?”

Aurora frowned and pursed her lips upon noticing the man’s rude behavior but decided to remain humble.

“Look… sir, I’m really really sorry I didn’t mean to bump into you,” she said again.

The man just rolled his eyes and walked past her.

“So rude…”

This encounter left Aurora in a bad mood as she made her way to school. Upon seeing Aurora’s unusual expression, her friends approached her and asked why she seemed upset when she was usually so cheerful.

“Hey, what’s wrong, Aurora?” asked Emma.

“Yeah, it’s unusual to see that expression on your face. What’s going on? Is everything okay?” another friend, Juliette, said with a voice filled with worry.

She sighed and told them everything.

“If I were you, I’m gonna smack him right on his head. How dare he treat you like that” Juliette said like protective Mother.

“Enough, I don’t want to get stressed. I have a date with my boyfriend this afternoon, and I need to stay fresh,” Aurora replied.

“Boyfriend, boyfriend, boyfriend. Let’s go already,” Emma said, rolling her eyes in irritation.

“Oh, speaking of boyfriends, he already your eighth or ninth?” Juliette asked, counting on her fingers. “How long have you two been together?”

“Today marks our third month together,” Aurora replied with a giggle.

“Hmm, maybe next week,” Juliette speculated.

“Yeah, or maybe tomorrow,” Emma added, nodding in agreement with Juliette.

“What do you mean tomorrow or next week?” Aurora asked, confused.

“Aurora, your relationships never seem to last more than five months. You need to choose the right person so you won’t end up crying again,” Juliette advised.

“Well, he’s different from the others. He’s sweet, gen—”

“Gentle and caring, that’s what you always say. But you still end up with swollen eyes,” Emma interrupted.

“Whatever, I love him, and that’s final. If he breaks my heart again, then I’ll find someone else until I find Mr. Right,” Aurora declared proudly.

Emma and Juliette exchanged a glance, sighing and shaking their heads. As they continued chatting, the bell rang, signaling the start of the day’s lessons. They each headed to their respective classes, ready to face the day ahead.

Episode 2: Heartbreak at the cafe

As the clock struck noon, Aurora sank into her chair, feeling exhausted. The sound of the bell ringing brought a spark of excitement to her eyes as she realized it was time for her date with her boyfriend. With a bright smile on her face, she quickly got ready and headed to the cafe where they had planned to meet. Each step, she smiles as she remembers her boyfriend, the person she shared laughter, love and dreams. As she approached the café, the warm aroma of freshly brewed coffee can be smelled. As she enter the café the bright smile on her face faded when she saw her boyfriend sitting, talking and smiling sweetly with another girl.

"No, I just can't jump to conclusions," she muttered to herself, forcing a smile.

With a heavy chest, she walked closer to them and tap on her boyfriend's shoulder.


"Hey, you're just in time. Sit down," her boyfriend said coldly

Aurora sat down and the other girl was introduced as Lina, his new girlfriend. Shock and hurt evident in her eyes as tears welled up threatened to spill over.

"W-what kind of joke is t-this, honey? This isn't funny," she said with her voice trembling.

Her boyfriend's expression remained blank as he delivered the crushing blow. "Look...this relationship isn't working out between us. Let's break up." her boyfriend's voice, once filled with warmth and familiarity, now registered as distant and indifferent.

"B-but bhabe today is our t-third monthsary, h-how could you say something l-like that you-"

She was about to finish talking when suddenly Lina's mocking interruption cut her off.

"Why can't you understand, doesn't love you anymore. You've only been together for three months, yet you act like it's been ages. He finds you annoying and too clingy," Lina said insultingly.

With a last shred of dignity, Aurora composed herself and decided to leave. "Fine, if you don't love me anymore, I'll go. I wish you both happiness," she said before walking out, tears streaming down her face.

In Aurora's perspective:

Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably after the hurtful words I just heard. As I walked out, wiping my tears, I accidentally bumped into someone's chest. Frustrated, I sighed and looked up, only to be shocked—it was the stranger from this morning.

"What a terrible luck," I muttered out of frustration.

"Ahah so you're still the one who got the nerve to say that huh? You're the one who's bumping into me, you're the girl this morning again right? Ohh is it accidentally or are you following me" he remarked, a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

I scoffed "Following my butt, who's following Oh please, I've had enough drama today" I said, continuing to wipe away my tears.

He chuckled, "Oh, you cried? Did they dump you?"

Memories of the earlier events flooded my mind, and I couldn't hold back my tears any longer.

Episode 3: Uncharted Waters of Emotion

Aurora sobbed uncontrollably, drawing the attention of the people around her. The man was taken aback by her intense emotions and tried to console her. The weight of the day’s events crashed down on her, leaving her vulnerable and exposed in the midst of the murmuring crowd.

“Hey, hey, hey! Why are you crying? What did I do? Please stop crying, it’s so embarrassing, everyone is looking,” he said, glancing nervously around the onlookers.

But at that moment, the pain she was feeling was too raw to feel any sense of shame; his words only seemed to make her cry even harder, and now the crowd’s voices grew louder.

“What a poor girl! Hey, what are you doing!? Coax your girlfriend, what a useless boyfriend you are!” some of the passersby shouted, criticizing the man.

“She’s not my girlfriend!” he exclaimed before fleeing from the scene, leaving Aurora crying behind in the midst of the crowd.

In Kyler’s perspective:

Encountering that woman again, this time in tears, caught me off guard. I had only been teasing her; I never expected such a reaction. The situation earlier was really embarrassing, because of that troublesome woman…arghhh now I was running late to meet my friends.

At the bar:

“What took you so long, man?” Nathan asked while pouring whiskey into a glass.

“Nothing,” I sighed, trying to shake off the earlier encounter and loosening my necktie as I sat down

“Don’t bother him, Nathan. Maybe there’s a ‘REASON’ he’s late,” Harrison said with a playful smirk on his face.

“What do you mean, ‘REASON’? Look…I just bumped into some troublesome woman earlier that’s it,” I explained, feeling slightly annoyed.

“Aha, a woman! See, I knew it,” Harrison exclaimed excitedly.

“Really, Kyler? You have a girlfriend? Wow, you are now hiding it from us, huh? Why didn’t you tell us?” Sebastian added.

“I don’t have any girlfriend, and I don’t have plan to have one okay?,” I stated firmly.

“Are you still in love with your ex that’s why you don’t wanna enter into a relationship again?” Nathan asked hesitantly.

“My ex? I’ve already forgotten about her long, long ago,” I said and took a shot of whiskey.

“When are you going to find someone special then? Don’t tell me you are going to stay single forever. Who will inherit all your wealth?” Sebastian teased with a chuckle.

“Relationships, love, and women are just a waste of time and money,” I said coldly.

Sebastian interjected, “Not every woman is after money like your ex, Kyler. And when you find the right person, you will realize that love, relationship and women are not a waste of time at all.”

“Wow we have a friend that who is such an expert of love life” Harrison said with laughter.

“Tsk, whatever,” I replied, rolling my eyes irritatedly.

As I sat with my friends, thoughts of that troublesome woman lingered in my mind. I wonder what happened to her. Is she okay now? Wait… why do I even care? Hah, I don’t even know her.

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